
SC EdTech 2021

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina


Date: Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Time: 10:30–11:30 AM

A Statewide Initiative to Provide Digital Equity and Protect Student Data

The South Carolina Department of Education has embarked on a journey to support each district in creating a seamless, equitable, and secure digital learning experience for teachers and students. Through statewide membership in 1EdTech Consortium, every district will have access to 1EdTech TrustEd Apps data for vetting educational applications. Learn what this means and how it will help educators make informed decisions on the digital learning products we use in our schools.


  • Benjamin Brown, Ed.S., Executive Director of Technology, Darlington County School District
  • Monica Watts, Director of K-12 Engagement, 1EdTech Consortium


Date: Thursday, 21 October 2021
Time: 3:45–4:55 PM

Making the CASE: Digitizing Academic Standards for Student Success

The South Carolina Department of Education recognized early on that student success requires digital-first solutions. This starts with the academic standards that districts use to set goals and measure student progress. Learn how we became one of the leading states to publish our standards in a digital format known as CASE (Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange) and discover all of the benefits that digital standards hold for students, teachers, and schools.


  • Daniel Ralyea, Director, South Carolina Department of Education
  • Bruce Umpstead, Director, Statewide Engagement, 1EdTech Consortium


Date: Friday, 22 October 2021
Time: 10:15–11:15 AM

Standards: You Don't Have to Write Them to Use Them

You don't have to write standards to use them. Interoperability Standards provide integral functions to better serve your students. Join this session to learn more about the technical standards developed by 1EdTech Consortium, what they mean for your practical work, and how you can get other departments to work with you as you procure digital applications. This session is geared toward district leaders in instruction, technology, and finance.


  • Barbara Nesbitt, Assistant Superintendent for Technology Services, School District of Pickens County
  • Daniel Ralyea, Director, South Carolina Department of Education