
1EdTech Learning Tools Interoperability Development Assistance Program

1EdTech Learning Tools Interoperability Development Assistance Program


Members have told us that they would appreciate help getting Learning Tools Interoperability into their products. As a result, 1EdTech now offers Contributing and Affiliate members development assistance implementing  Learning Tools Interoperability® (LTI®) Tool Provider functionality in their products. The goal of this service is to help get members started with LTI, improve self-sufficiency and connect them into the 1EdTech developer’s community.

1EdTech will help customize and provide guidance utilizing our Open Source LTI provider code to ease your implementation time. We offer Basic and Advanced implementation assistance for organizations utilizing PHP or Java for 1EdTech Contributing and Affiliate members.

After an initial consultation to determine your exact needs and current system design, 1EdTech may offer either basic or advanced assistance. If a greater commitment is required, 1EdTech may offer custom consulting to accommodate those scenarios.


Basic Assistance - $5,000

Advanced Assistance -$10,000

  • Initial consultation
  • Customize Tool Provider Code for your product
  • Organization adds code to their product
  • Testing
  • Assistance with conformance testing if needed
  • Initial consultation
  • Advice on changes to be made to your system to prepare for LTI integration
  • Customize Tool Provider Code for organization product
  • Organization adds code to their product
  • Testing
  • Assistance with conformance testing if needed


For more information, please contact