Score containers - real or myth?
Score containers - real or myth?
The Assignment and Grade Services specification defnes a score container ("application/vnd.1EdTech.lis.v1.scorecontainer+json") but does not seem to provide details of its implementation. The related OpenAPI specs do not seem to support it either. How is the score container entity intended to be used? Will it allow a line item to be updated with scores for multiple users in a single request?
Re: Score containers - real or myth?
Does anyone at IMS have an answer to this? Thanks.
Oh I see it in the LTI 2
Oh I see it in the LTI 2 section, missed during clean-up, this was removed due to the split between results and scores, where yes, you can only post to score end point, no get, no container indeed.
Re: Oh I see it in the LTI 2
Thanks. Note that there is also a definition of a score container in the Nomenclature section which I assume is also there in error.
Re: Score containers
Just a reminder that this error in the spec has not yet been corrected.