
Help with LTI testing tool failing on OIDC launch

Help with LTI testing tool failing on OIDC launch

I am attempting to test my tool against my test platform.
The Request parameters I am sending back are


I end up with
No route matches [POST] "/platforms/2972/authorizations/new"
I feel like it has to do with jwks. I have tested in moodle and get An error occurred when launching the external tool:Debug error: JWT signature check failed - perhaps an invalid public key or timestamp.

I am using the library.
I am able to get it working in the test platform here but not

The goal is to get certified so i would like to get it working int he lti-ri testing tool.
If anybody has any suggestions that can help get me through this roadblock I would appreciate it.

Re: Help with LTI testing tool failing on OIDC launch

I believe that the "No route matches [POST] /platforms/2972/authorizations/new" is being caused because the reference implementation only supports authentication requests using HTTP GET, whilst the spec allows either GET or POST and the ceLTIc LTI PHP uses the latter. In my testing, when this is changed to use a GET request,. the launch is successful. I think the reference implementation needs to be updated in this respect.