2017-May-19 Minutes
2017-May-19 Minutes
Open Badges Workgroup
19 May 2017, 9am-12pm
Resources Workgroup forum (agendas, minutes, discussion / for 1EdTech members) Current published 1EdTech OB 2.0 standard GitHub repository (2.0) Project timeline 1EdTech Intellectual Property Statement |
Workgroup Chairs Tim Cook tim@lrng.org Mark Mercury mark.mercury@pearson.com 1EdTech Staff Jeff Bohrer jbohrer@imsglobal.org Markus Gylling mgylling@imsglobal.org |
Attendance: Brett Herzog (ProExam), Hal Herzog (Learning Objects), Justin Pitcher (Chalk and Wire), Sherri Braxton-Lieber (UMBC), Steve Gance (WA CC’s), Phil Long (UT-Austin), Nate Otto (Concentric Sky), Tim Cook (LRNG), Satoru Hattori (Uchida Yoko / 1EdTech Japan), Thor Anderson (1EdTech/Helio Training), Heather Harter (Penn State), Mark Mercury (Acclaim/Pearson), Matt (?); 1EdTech Staff: Jeff Bohrer, Sam Birk, Sandra DeCastro
Open Badges Workgroup
Jeff gave a brief update on the workgroup’s timeline and progress to date
1EdTech OB 1.x validator now available at https://www.imsglobal.org/activity/digital-credentialing-badges (free 1EdTech login required)
1EdTech OB 2.0 validator Phase 1 ~90% finished. Contact Nate or Markus to help with testing.
The following companies stated their products are 2 weeks or less from incorporating OB 2.0: Acclaim, Chalk and Wire, Badgr.
Acclaim and Badgr will give their users the option to download badges compliant with v2.0, however, current backpacks are not ready.
Workgroup started identifying requirements for the OB 2.0 compliance certification test
Workgroup discussed emerging topics and themes heard at conference that could be considered by workgroup in the future:
Linked data signature spec (from W3C; Nate created issue #152 in github/openbadges-specification)
Blockcerts extensions
Relationship between OB and other specs like LTI and Caliper (ex: sending a badge payload to a gradebook as a score)
Self-asserted badges
Changing criteria property into an array (Justin created a new issue)
Verifying evidence that cannot be publicly available (e.g. health data)
Educational properties of OB for education (i.e. assessment might not be an optional property)
Workgroup joined with the 1EdTech Extended Transcript workgroup for 90 minutes and:
Reviewed eT, OB, and Learning Pathways data models
Emphasized that eT and OB standards are very close to final, so there is no intent to modify them prior to going to market as final in the next 3-6 months.
Proposed to form a new task force to examine all three specs to determine whether future changes to specs are recommended in order to harmonize these related standards. Postulated:
1EdTech will take on Learning Pathways as new specification
Keep specs separate but harmonized
Design an abstract layer with an information services model