2017-Jun-29 OB Workgroup Minutes
2017-Jun-29 OB Workgroup Minutes
Open Badges Workgroup
29 June 2017
Resources Workgroup forum (agendas, minutes, discussion) Current published 1EdTech OB 2.0 standard GitHub repository (2.0) Project timeline 1EdTech Intellectual Property Statement |
Workgroup Chair Tim Cook tim@lrng.org 1EdTech Staff Jeff Bohrer jbohrer@imsglobal.org Markus Gylling mgylling@imsglobal.org |
Attendance: Alex Hripak (Credly), Alex Reis (D2L), Andy Creighton (ADL), Andy Johnson (ADL), Brett Herzog (ProExam), Gustavo Torrico (Learning Objects), Justin Pitcher (Chalk and Wire), Markus Gylling (1EdTech), Nate Otto (Concentric Sky), Omid Mufeed (DigitalMe), Steve Gance (WA CTC’s), Tim Cook (LRNG), Viktor Haag (D2L)
Welcome / Introductions / Announcements
Mark Mercury is leaving Pearson and is stepping down from his role as co-chair of this group
August 16 OB Workgroup, Ann Arbor MI (OB cert testing, Blockcerts extensions, Common Vocabulary for Dig Cred task force, more?)
Other events include the OB Community Meeting on August 17 and 1EdTech Hackathon Aug 17-18
Quick updates
GitHub issue 156 regarding IssuerOrg type for v1 context approved to be updated as submitted in PR 157.
GitHub issue 154 regarding v1 context hosting at TrueCred approved to be updated as submitted in PR 158.
Nate will close existing commits and re-create against gh-pages branch.
OB 2.0 Validator update: Work slowed a bit due to identifying new issues via testing, but overall is on track.
New request received today from the 1EdTech Competencies and Academic Standards (CASE) task force to consider adding a new property in OB specification to supplement Alignment object. See OB workgroup forum for details. (No action now. Will be added to future OB workgroup agenda.)
Certification Requirements and Testing
Further progress made on identifying potential certification tests
Issues identified that need further discussion and decision:
Three service provider roles (Issuer, Displayer, Backpack) currently identified, but Displayer and Backpack are ambiguous and need further clarification.
1EdTech would provide a template of data for a badge to be used in the certification test. Would this template data be limited to the required properties or also include optional properties?
If both PNG and SVG images are acceptable baked badge formats, then we should consider a test that Displayers and Backpacks accept both formats as input.
Subgroup will attempt to meet prior to next meeting on July 13 to continue making progress on test processes, and will report back to full group on 7/13.
Upcoming events
Next meetings: all meet at 12:00 ET
July 13, 27
August 10, 16* 24; (* meeting at 1EdTech quarterly mtg)
Sept. 7, 21
Oct. 5, 19
Nov. 2, 16, 30
Dec 14; Jan 4, 18;
August Quarterly meeting, Aug. 14 - 17. Ann Arbor, MI
OB Workgroup, Wed Aug 16th 9am-12pm ET
Open Badges Community meeting, Thurs Aug 17, 9am-12pm ET
Hackathon, Aug. 17 & 18
October: Open Badges summit in London (dates not settled; Oct 30 tentative)
November Quarterly meeting, Nov. 7 - 10, 2017, Microsoft Headquarters, Seattle/Redmond, WA
February Quarterly meeting & Digital Credentials Summit, Feb. 26 - Mar. 1, 2018, ASU, Scottsdale, AZ