IMS Final Release

W3C Organization

Final Release
Date Issued: 10 September 2015
Latest version:

Table of Contents

1. Membership

Indicates the nature of an Agent's membership within an Organization.

Properties of class Membership
Indicates the Person (or other Agent including Organization) involved in the Membership relationship.
Agent 1
A copy of any parameters which would be included in a message initiated by the person and whose value includes data specific to them. Any custom parameters are included in an element named "custom" and have the "custom_" prefix removed from their name. Similarly any extension parameters are placed in an element named "ext" and the "ext_" prefix is removed from their name.
PropertyMap *
Indicates the organization in which the Agent is a member.
Organization 1
Indicates the Role that the Agent plays in a Membership relationship with an Organization.
Role 1..*
The current status of a membership which applies to all roles.
LISStatus 0..1

2. Organization

Direct Known Subtypes:

A collection of people organized together into a community or other social, commercial or political structure. The group has some common purpose or reason for existence which goes beyond the set of people belonging to it and can act as an Agent. Organizations are often decomposable into hierarchical structures.

Properties of class Organization
A membership entity that records the role of some Agent within this Organization.
Membership *
The container holding the LISMemberhips for this Organization.
LISMembershipContainer 0..1
The organization's assigned name.
string 0..1

3. Role

Designates the role that a Person or other Agent can take in an organization.

Known Instances:
Simple Name Description / URI

A Role that is also a Property whose domain is restricted to the Organization class and whose range is restricted to the Person class.

About this Document

Title: W3C Organization
Editor:Stephen Vickers (IMS Global)
Version: 2.0
Version Date: 10 September 2015
Release: Final Release
Status: IMS Final Release
Purpose: This document is made available for review and comment by the public community at large.

List of Contributors

The following list of individuals contributed to the authoring of this document:

Craig DunkD2LPadraig O'hiceadhaHMH
Viktor HaagD2LCharles SeveranceIMS Global
Brad HumphreyInstructureColin SmytheIMS Global
Greg McFallPearsonMatt StoeltingCengage
Mark McKellIMS GlobalJohn TibbettsVitalsource
Bracken MosbackerLumen LearningClaude VervoortCengage
Lance NeumannBlackboardStephen VickersIMS Global