Date Issued: | 18th March, 2021 |
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Document Name: IMS Question and Test Interoperability (QTI): HTML5 Information Model and XSD Binding v2.2.4
Revision: 18th March, 2021
This document is a part of the IMS Global Question and Test Interoperability (QTI) v2.2 specification. It introduces HTML5, from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), additions to the IMS QTIv2.2 Assessment, Section and Item (ASI) specification. Only a subset of the HTML5 additions to HTML4.2 are valid within QTI. Namely:
The HTML5 additions are bound in a separate XML namespace to that of the QTI ASI binding.
1. Introduction
2.1 Information Model Overview
2.2 Root Attribute Descriptions
2.2.1 "article" Root Attribute Description
2.2.2 "aside" Root Attribute Description
2.2.3 "audio" Root Attribute Description
2.2.4 "bdi" Root Attribute Description
2.2.5 "figcaption" Root Attribute Description
2.2.6 "figure" Root Attribute Description
2.2.7 "footer" Root Attribute Description
2.2.8 "header" Root Attribute Description
2.2.9 "label" Root Attribute Description
2.2.10 "nav" Root Attribute Description
2.2.11 "rb" Root Attribute Description
2.2.12 "rp" Root Attribute Description
2.2.13 "rt" Root Attribute Description
2.2.14 "rtc" Root Attribute Description
2.2.15 "ruby" Root Attribute Description
2.2.16 "section" Root Attribute Description
2.2.17 "source" Root Attribute Description
2.2.18 "track" Root Attribute Description
2.2.19 "video" Root Attribute Description
2.3.1 "Article" Root Class Description "flowGroup" Attribute Description
2.3.2 "Aside" Root Class Description "flowGroup" Attribute Description
2.3.3 "Audio" Root Class Description "src" Characteristic Description "crossorigin" Characteristic Description "preload" Characteristic Description "autoplay" Characteristic Description "mediagroup" Characteristic Description "loop" Characteristic Description "muted" Characteristic Description "controls" Characteristic Description "source" Attribute Description "track" Attribute Description
2.3.4 "BDI" Root Class Description "flowContentModel" Attribute Description
2.3.5 "FigCaption" Root Class Description "flowGroup" Attribute Description
2.3.6 "Figure" Root Class Description "figcaption" Attribute Description "flowContentModel" Attribute Description
2.3.7 "Footer" Root Class Description "flowGroup" Attribute Description
2.3.8 "Header" Root Class Description "flowGroup" Attribute Description
2.3.9 "Label" Root Class Description "flowGroup" Attribute Description
2.3.10 "Nav" Root Class Description "flowGroup" Attribute Description
2.3.11 "RB" Root Class Description "phrasingContentModel" Attribute Description
2.3.12 "RP" Root Class Description "phrasingContentModel" Attribute Description
2.3.13 "RT" Root Class Description "phrasingContentModel" Attribute Description
2.3.14 "RTC" Root Class Description "phrasingContentModel" Attribute Description "rt" Attribute Description
2.3.15 "Ruby" Root Class Description "rubySelection" Attribute Description
2.3.16 "Section" Root Class Description "flowGroup" Attribute Description
2.3.17 "Source" Root Class Description "src" Characteristic Description "type" Characteristic Description
2.3.18 "Track" Root Class Description "kind" Characteristic Description "src" Characteristic Description "srclang" Characteristic Description "default" Characteristic Description
2.3.19 "Video" Root Class Description "src" Characteristic Description "crossorigin" Characteristic Description "preload" Characteristic Description "autoplay" Characteristic Description "mediagroup" Characteristic Description "loop" Characteristic Description "muted" Characteristic Description "controls" Characteristic Description "poster" Characteristic Description "width" Characteristic Description "height" Characteristic Description "source" Attribute Description "track" Attribute Description
2.4.1 "BaseHTML5" Class Description "id" Characteristic Description "language" Characteristic Description "title" Characteristic Description "label" Characteristic Description "class" Characteristic Description "dir" Characteristic Description "role" Characteristic Description "aria-controls" Characteristic Description "aria-describedby" Characteristic Description "aria-flowto" Characteristic Description "aria-label" Characteristic Description "aria-labelledby" Characteristic Description "aria-level" Characteristic Description "aria-live" Characteristic Description "aria-orientation" Characteristic Description "aria-owns" Characteristic Description "aria-hidden" Characteristic Description "dataExtension" Characteristic Description
2.5 Abstract Class Descriptions
2.5.1 "FlowContentModelHTML5" Class Description "img" Attribute Description "br" Attribute Description "object" Attribute Description "em" Attribute Description "a" Attribute Description "code" Attribute Description "span" Attribute Description "sub" Attribute Description "acronym" Attribute Description "big" Attribute Description "tt" Attribute Description "kbd" Attribute Description "q" Attribute Description "i" Attribute Description "dfn" Attribute Description "abbr" Attribute Description "strong" Attribute Description "sup" Attribute Description "var" Attribute Description "small" Attribute Description "samp" Attribute Description "b" Attribute Description "cite" Attribute Description "bdo" Attribute Description "bdi" Attribute Description "figure" Attribute Description "audio" Attribute Description "video" Attribute Description "label" Attribute Description "article" Attribute Description "aside" Attribute Description "footer" Attribute Description "header" Attribute Description "nav" Attribute Description "section" Attribute Description "pre" Attribute Description "h1" Attribute Description "h2" Attribute Description "h3" Attribute Description "h4" Attribute Description "h5" Attribute Description "h6" Attribute Description "p" Attribute Description "address" Attribute Description "dl" Attribute Description "ol" Attribute Description "ul" Attribute Description "hr" Attribute Description "ssmlGroup" Attribute Description "ruby" Attribute Description
2.5.2 "FlowGroupHTML5" Class Description "math" Attribute Description "math" Attribute Description "include" Attribute Description "flowContentModel" Attribute Description
2.5.3 "PhraseRBSelection" Class Description "phrasingContentModel" Attribute Description "rb" Attribute Description
2.5.4 "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" Class Description "a" Attribute Description "abbr" Attribute Description "b" Attribute Description "bdo" Attribute Description "br" Attribute Description "cite" Attribute Description "code" Attribute Description "dfn" Attribute Description "em" Attribute Description "i" Attribute Description "img" Attribute Description "kbd" Attribute Description "object" Attribute Description "q" Attribute Description "samp" Attribute Description "small" Attribute Description "span" Attribute Description "strong" Attribute Description "sub" Attribute Description "sup" Attribute Description "var" Attribute Description "audio" Attribute Description "bdi" Attribute Description "label" Attribute Description "ruby" Attribute Description "video" Attribute Description
2.5.5 "RPRTSelection" Class Description "rp" Attribute Description "rtrtcSelection" Attribute Description
2.5.6 "RTRTCSelection" Class Description "rt" Attribute Description "rtc" Attribute Description
2.5.7 "RubySelection" Class Description "phraseSelection" Attribute Description "rprtSelection" Attribute Description
2.5.8 "SSMLGroup" Class Description "p" Attribute Description "s" Attribute Description "say-as" Attribute Description "phoneme" Attribute Description "sub" Attribute Description "voice" Attribute Description "emphasis" Attribute Description "break" Attribute Description "prosody" Attribute Description "mark" Attribute Description "audio" Attribute Description "speak" Attribute Description
2.6.1 "AriaLevelInteger" Class Description "minInclusive" Attribute Description
2.6.2 "BaseHTML5Empty" Class Description "id" Characteristic Description "language" Characteristic Description "title" Characteristic Description "label" Characteristic Description "class" Characteristic Description "dir" Characteristic Description "role" Characteristic Description "aria-controls" Characteristic Description "aria-describedby" Characteristic Description "aria-flowto" Characteristic Description "aria-label" Characteristic Description "aria-labelledby" Characteristic Description "aria-level" Characteristic Description "aria-live" Characteristic Description "aria-orientation" Characteristic Description "aria-owns" Characteristic Description "aria-hidden" Characteristic Description "dataExtension" Characteristic Description
2.6.3 "DataHTML5Extension" Class Description "pattern" Attribute Description
2.6.4 "MimeType" Class Description "pattern" Attribute Description
2.6.5 "URL" Class Description
2.6.6 "UniqueIdentifier" Class Description
2.7.1 "ARIALiveValue" Vocabulary Description
2.7.2 "ARIAOrientationValue" Vocabulary Description
2.7.3 "ARIARoleValue" Vocabulary Description
2.7.4 "CORSSettings" Vocabulary Description
2.7.5 "DirValue" Vocabulary Description
2.7.6 "KindValue" Vocabulary Description
2.7.7 "PreLoadValue" Vocabulary Description
2.8.1 "StringList" Class Description
2.9 Imported Class Descriptions
2.9.1 "Include" Class Description
2.9.2 "MathML2" Class Description
2.9.3 "MathML3" Class Description
3. XSD Binding
3.2.1 Root Attribute UML/XSD Mapping
3.2.2 Root Class UML/XSD Mapping Article Root Class Mapping Aside Root Class Mapping Audio Root Class Mapping BDI Root Class Mapping FigCaption Root Class Mapping Figure Root Class Mapping Footer Root Class Mapping Header Root Class Mapping Label Root Class Mapping Nav Root Class Mapping RB Root Class Mapping RP Root Class Mapping RT Root Class Mapping RTC Root Class Mapping Ruby Root Class Mapping Section Root Class Mapping Source Root Class Mapping Track Root Class Mapping Video Root Class Mapping
3.2.3 Class UML/XSD Mapping BaseHTML5 Class Mapping
3.2.4 Derived Class UML/XSD Mapping AriaLevelInteger Class Mapping BaseHTML5Empty Class Mapping DataHTML5Extension Class Mapping MimeType Class Mapping URL Class Mapping UniqueIdentifier Class Mapping
3.2.5 Enumerated Class UML/XSD Mapping
3.2.6 Enumerated List Class UML/XSD Mapping
3.2.7 List Class UML/XSD Mapping
3.2.8 Union Class UML/XSD Mapping
3.2.9 Primitive Type UML/XSD Mapping
3.3.1 Target Namespace Details
3.3.2 Imported Namespace Details
3.3.3 Implicit Namespace Details
3.4.1 Root Element Descriptions "article" Root Element Description "aside" Root Element Description "audio" Root Element Description "bdi" Root Element Description "figcaption" Root Element Description "figure" Root Element Description "footer" Root Element Description "header" Root Element Description "label" Root Element Description "nav" Root Element Description "rb" Root Element Description "rp" Root Element Description "rt" Root Element Description "rtc" Root Element Description "ruby" Root Element Description "section" Root Element Description "source" Root Element Description "track" Root Element Description "video" Root Element Description
3.4.2 Global Element Descriptions
3.42.1 "qti:a" Global Element Description
3.42.2 "qti:abbr" Global Element Description
3.42.3 "qti:acronym" Global Element Description
3.42.4 "qti:address" Global Element Description
3.42.5 "ssml11:audio" Global Element Description
3.42.6 "qti:b" Global Element Description
3.42.7 "qti:bdo" Global Element Description
3.42.8 "qti:big" Global Element Description
3.42.9 "qti:br" Global Element Description
3.42.10 "ssml11:break" Global Element Description
3.42.11 "qti:cite" Global Element Description
3.42.12 "qti:code" Global Element Description
3.42.13 "qti:dfn" Global Element Description
3.42.14 "qti:dl" Global Element Description
3.42.15 "qti:em" Global Element Description
3.42.16 "ssml11:emphasis" Global Element Description
3.42.17 "qti:h1" Global Element Description
3.42.18 "qti:h2" Global Element Description
3.42.19 "qti:h3" Global Element Description
3.42.20 "qti:h4" Global Element Description
3.42.21 "qti:h5" Global Element Description
3.42.22 "qti:h6" Global Element Description
3.42.23 "qti:hr" Global Element Description
3.42.24 "qti:i" Global Element Description
3.42.25 "qti:img" Global Element Description
3.42.26 "xi:include" Global Element Description
3.42.27 "qti:kbd" Global Element Description
3.42.28 "ssml11:mark" Global Element Description
3.42.29 "m2:math" Global Element Description
3.42.30 "m3:math" Global Element Description
3.42.31 "qti:object" Global Element Description
3.42.32 "qti:ol" Global Element Description
3.42.33 "qti:p" Global Element Description
3.42.34 "ssml11:p" Global Element Description
3.42.35 "ssml11:phoneme" Global Element Description
3.42.36 "qti:pre" Global Element Description
3.42.37 "ssml11:prosody" Global Element Description
3.42.38 "qti:q" Global Element Description
3.42.39 "ssml11:s" Global Element Description
3.42.40 "qti:samp" Global Element Description
3.42.41 "ssml11:say-as" Global Element Description
3.42.42 "qti:small" Global Element Description
3.42.43 "qti:span" Global Element Description
3.42.44 "ssml11:speak" Global Element Description
3.42.45 "qti:strong" Global Element Description
3.42.46 "qti:sub" Global Element Description
3.42.47 "ssml11:sub" Global Element Description
3.42.48 "qti:sup" Global Element Description
3.42.49 "qti:tt" Global Element Description
3.42.50 "qti:ul" Global Element Description
3.42.51 "qti:var" Global Element Description
3.42.52 "ssml11:voice" Global Element Description
3.4.3 Attribute Group Descriptions "aria-controls.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-controls.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-describedby.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-describedby.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-flowto.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-flowto.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-hidden.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-hidden.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-label.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-label.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-labelledby.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-labelledby.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-level.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-level.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-live.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-live.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-orientation.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-orientation.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-owns.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "aria-owns.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "autoplay.Audio.Attr" Attribute Description "autoplay.Video.Attr" Attribute Description "class.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "class.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "controls.Audio.Attr" Attribute Description "controls.Video.Attr" Attribute Description "crossorigin.Audio.Attr" Attribute Description "crossorigin.Video.Attr" Attribute Description "dataExtension.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "dataExtension.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "default.Track.Attr" Attribute Description "dir.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "dir.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "height.Video.Attr" Attribute Description "id.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "id.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "kind.Track.Attr" Attribute Description "label.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "label.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "language.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "language.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "loop.Audio.Attr" Attribute Description "loop.Video.Attr" Attribute Description "mediagroup.Audio.Attr" Attribute Description "mediagroup.Video.Attr" Attribute Description "muted.Audio.Attr" Attribute Description "muted.Video.Attr" Attribute Description "poster.Video.Attr" Attribute Description "preload.Audio.Attr" Attribute Description "preload.Video.Attr" Attribute Description "role.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "role.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "src.Audio.Attr" Attribute Description "src.Source.Attr" Attribute Description "src.Track.Attr" Attribute Description "src.Video.Attr" Attribute Description "srclang.Track.Attr" Attribute Description "title.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Description "title.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Description "type.Source.Attr" Attribute Description "width.Video.Attr" Attribute Description
3.4.4 Root Complex Type Descriptions ArticleDType Root Complex Type Description AsideDType Root Complex Type Description AudioDType Root Complex Type Description BDIDType Root Complex Type Description FigCaptionDType Root Complex Type Description FigureDType Root Complex Type Description FooterDType Root Complex Type Description HeaderDType Root Complex Type Description LabelDType Root Complex Type Description NavDType Root Complex Type Description RBDType Root Complex Type Description RPDType Root Complex Type Description RTDType Root Complex Type Description RTCDType Root Complex Type Description RubyDType Root Complex Type Description SectionDType Root Complex Type Description SourceDType Root Complex Type Description TrackDType Root Complex Type Description VideoDType Root Complex Type Description
3.4.5 Core Complex Type Descriptions BaseHTML5DType Core Complex Type Description
3.4.6 Derived Complex Type Descriptions BaseHTML5EmptyDType Derived Complex Type Description
3.4.7 Simple Type Descriptions AriaLevelIntegerDType Simple Type Description MimeTypeDType Simple Type Description StringListDType Simple Type Description URLDType Simple Type Description UniqueIdentifierDType Simple Type Description
3.51 Rules Imposing the Unordered Class Definition
3.51.1 Figure Unordered Class Rules
3.51.2 Ruby [Unordered] Class Rules
3.52 The Constrained Namespace Extension Rule Definitions
3.53 The Explicit Rule Definitions
4. Extending and Profiling the Data Model
Appendix A Modelling Concepts and Terms
A1.1 Data Model Diagrams
A1.2 Class Descriptions
A1.3 Attribute and Characteristic Descriptions
A1.4 Enumerated Vocabulary Descriptions
A1.5 External Vocabulary Descriptions
Appendix B XSD Binding Terms
B1 XSD Binding Description Terms
B1.1 UML/XSD Attribute Mapping Table Definition
B1.2 UML/XSD Class Mapping Table Definition
B1.3 UML/XSD Enumerated and Enumerated List Class Mapping Table Definition
B1.4 UML/XSD List and Union Mapping Tables Definition
B1.5 UML/XSD Primitive Types Mapping Table Definition
B1.6 XSD Description for an Element
B1.7 XSD Description for a Complex Type
B1.8 XSD Description for a Simple Type
B1.9 XSD Description for an Attribute Group
Appendix C XSD Listings
Figure 2.3.1 Article class definitions
Figure 2.3.2 Aside class definitions
Figure 2.3.3 Audio class definitions
Figure 2.3.4 BDI class definitions
Figure 2.3.5 FigCaption class definitions
Figure 2.3.6 Figure class definitions
Figure 2.3.7 Footer class definitions
Figure 2.3.8 Header class definitions
Figure 2.3.9 Label class definitions
Figure 2.3.10 Nav class definitions
Figure 2.3.11 RB class definitions
Figure 2.3.12 RP class definitions
Figure 2.3.13 RT class definitions
Figure 2.3.14 RTC class definitions
Figure 2.3.15 Ruby class definitions
Figure 2.3.16 Section class definitions
Figure 2.3.17 Source class definitions
Figure 2.3.18 Track class definitions
Figure 2.3.19 Video class definitions
Figure 2.4.1 BaseHTML5 class definitions
Figure 2.5.1 FlowContentModelHTML5 class definitions
Figure 2.5.2 FlowGroupHTML5 class definitions
Figure 2.5.3 PhraseRBSelection class definitions
Figure 2.5.4 PhrasingContentModelHTML5 class definitions
Figure 2.5.5 RPRTSelection class definitions
Figure 2.5.6 RTRTCSelection class definitions
Figure 2.5.7 RubySelection class definitions
Figure 2.5.8 SSMLGroup class definitions
Figure 2.6.1 AriaLevelInteger class definitions
Figure 2.6.2 BaseHTML5Empty class definitions
Figure 2.6.3 DataHTML5Extension class definitions
Figure 2.6.4 MimeType class definitions
Figure 2.6.5 URL class definitions
Figure 2.6.6 UniqueIdentifier class definitions
Figure 2.7.1 ARIALiveValue class definitions
Figure 2.7.2 ARIAOrientationValue class definitions
Figure 2.7.3 ARIARoleValue class definitions
Figure 2.7.4 CORSSettings class definitions
Figure 2.7.5 DirValue class definitions
Figure 2.7.6 KindValue class definitions
Figure 2.7.7 PreLoadValue class definitions
Figure 2.8.1 StringList class definitions
Figure XSD Description for the "article" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "aside" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "audio" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "bdi" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "figcaption" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "figure" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "footer" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "header" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "label" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "nav" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "rb" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "rp" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "rt" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "rtc" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "ruby" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "section" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "source" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "track" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "video" Root Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:a" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:abbr" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:acronym" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:address" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "ssml11:audio" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:b" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:bdo" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:big" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:br" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "ssml11:break" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:cite" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:code" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:dfn" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:dl" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:em" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "ssml11:emphasis" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:h1" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:h2" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:h3" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:h4" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:h5" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:h6" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:hr" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:i" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:img" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "xi:include" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:kbd" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "ssml11:mark" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "m2:math" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "m3:math" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:object" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:ol" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:p" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "ssml11:p" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "ssml11:phoneme" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:pre" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "ssml11:prosody" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:q" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "ssml11:s" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:samp" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "ssml11:say-as" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:small" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:span" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "ssml11:speak" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:strong" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:sub" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "ssml11:sub" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:sup" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:tt" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:ul" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "qti:var" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "ssml11:voice" Global Element
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-controls.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-controls.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-describedby.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-describedby.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-flowto.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-flowto.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-hidden.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-hidden.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-label.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-label.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-labelledby.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-labelledby.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-level.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-level.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-live.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-live.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-orientation.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-orientation.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-owns.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "aria-owns.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "autoplay.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "autoplay.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "class.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "class.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "controls.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "controls.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "crossorigin.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "crossorigin.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "dataExtension.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "dataExtension.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "default.Track.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "dir.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "dir.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "height.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "id.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "id.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "kind.Track.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "label.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "label.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "language.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "language.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "loop.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "loop.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "mediagroup.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "mediagroup.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "muted.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "muted.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "poster.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "preload.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "preload.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "role.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "role.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "src.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "src.Source.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "src.Track.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "src.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "srclang.Track.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "title.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "title.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "type.Source.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "width.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Figure XSD Description for the "ArticleDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "AsideDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "AudioDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "BDIDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "FigCaptionDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "FigureDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "FooterDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "HeaderDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "LabelDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "NavDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "RBDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "RPDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "RTDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "RTCDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "RubyDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "SectionDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "SourceDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "TrackDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "VideoDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "BaseHTML5DType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "BaseHTML5EmptyDType" Derived Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "AriaLevelIntegerDType" Simple Type
Figure XSD Description for the "MimeTypeDType" Simple Type
Figure XSD Description for the "StringListDType" Simple Type
Figure XSD Description for the "URLDType" Simple Type
Figure XSD Description for the "UniqueIdentifierDType" Simple Type
Table 2.2.1 "article" root attribute description
Table 2.2.2 "aside" root attribute description
Table 2.2.3 "audio" root attribute description
Table 2.2.4 "bdi" root attribute description
Table 2.2.5 "figcaption" root attribute description
Table 2.2.6 "figure" root attribute description
Table 2.2.7 "footer" root attribute description
Table 2.2.8 "header" root attribute description
Table 2.2.9 "label" root attribute description
Table 2.2.10 "nav" root attribute description
Table 2.2.11 "rb" root attribute description
Table 2.2.12 "rp" root attribute description
Table 2.2.13 "rt" root attribute description
Table 2.2.14 "rtc" root attribute description
Table 2.2.15 "ruby" root attribute description
Table 2.2.16 "section" root attribute description
Table 2.2.17 "source" root attribute description
Table 2.2.18 "track" root attribute description
Table 2.2.19 "video" root attribute description
Table 2.3.1 Article class definitions
Table Description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "Article" class
Table 2.3.2 Aside class definitions
Table Description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "Aside" class
Table 2.3.3 Audio class definitions
Table Description of the "src" characteristic for the "Audio" class
Table Description of the "crossorigin" characteristic for the "Audio" class
Table Description of the "preload" characteristic for the "Audio" class
Table Description of the "autoplay" characteristic for the "Audio" class
Table Description of the "mediagroup" characteristic for the "Audio" class
Table Description of the "loop" characteristic for the "Audio" class
Table Description of the "muted" characteristic for the "Audio" class
Table Description of the "controls" characteristic for the "Audio" class
Table Description of the "source" attribute for the "Audio" class
Table Description of the "track" attribute for the "Audio" class
Table 2.3.4 BDI class definitions
Table Description of the "flowContentModel" attribute for the "BDI" class
Table 2.3.5 FigCaption class definitions
Table Description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "FigCaption" class
Table 2.3.6 Figure class definitions
Table Description of the "figcaption" attribute for the "Figure" class
Table Description of the "flowContentModel" attribute for the "Figure" class
Table 2.3.7 Footer class definitions
Table Description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "Footer" class
Table 2.3.8 Header class definitions
Table Description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "Header" class
Table 2.3.9 Label class definitions
Table Description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "Label" class
Table 2.3.10 Nav class definitions
Table Description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "Nav" class
Table 2.3.11 RB class definitions
Table Description of the "phrasingContentModel" attribute for the "RB" class
Table 2.3.12 RP class definitions
Table Description of the "phrasingContentModel" attribute for the "RP" class
Table 2.3.13 RT class definitions
Table Description of the "phrasingContentModel" attribute for the "RT" class
Table 2.3.14 RTC class definitions
Table Description of the "phrasingContentModel" attribute for the "RTC" class
Table Description of the "rt" attribute for the "RTC" class
Table 2.3.15 Ruby class definitions
Table Description of the "rubySelection" attribute for the "Ruby" class
Table 2.3.16 Section class definitions
Table Description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "Section" class
Table 2.3.17 Source class definitions
Table Description of the "src" characteristic for the "Source" class
Table Description of the "type" characteristic for the "Source" class
Table 2.3.18 Track class definitions
Table Description of the "kind" characteristic for the "Track" class
Table Description of the "src" characteristic for the "Track" class
Table Description of the "srclang" characteristic for the "Track" class
Table Description of the "default" characteristic for the "Track" class
Table 2.3.19 Video class definitions
Table Description of the "src" characteristic for the "Video" class
Table Description of the "crossorigin" characteristic for the "Video" class
Table Description of the "preload" characteristic for the "Video" class
Table Description of the "autoplay" characteristic for the "Video" class
Table Description of the "mediagroup" characteristic for the "Video" class
Table Description of the "loop" characteristic for the "Video" class
Table Description of the "muted" characteristic for the "Video" class
Table Description of the "controls" characteristic for the "Video" class
Table Description of the "poster" characteristic for the "Video" class
Table Description of the "width" characteristic for the "Video" class
Table Description of the "height" characteristic for the "Video" class
Table Description of the "source" attribute for the "Video" class
Table Description of the "track" attribute for the "Video" class
Table 2.4.1 BaseHTML5 class definitions
Table Description of the "id" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "language" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "title" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "label" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "class" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "dir" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "role" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "aria-controls" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "aria-describedby" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "aria-flowto" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "aria-label" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "aria-labelledby" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "aria-level" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "aria-live" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "aria-orientation" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "aria-owns" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "aria-hidden" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table Description of the "dataExtension" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class
Table 2.5.1 FlowContentModelHTML5 class definitions
Table Description of the "img" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "br" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "object" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "em" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "a" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "code" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "span" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "sub" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "acronym" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "big" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "tt" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "kbd" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "q" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "i" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "dfn" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "abbr" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "strong" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "sup" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "var" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "small" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "samp" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "b" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "cite" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "bdo" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "bdi" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "figure" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "audio" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "video" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "label" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "article" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "aside" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "footer" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "header" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "nav" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "section" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "pre" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "h1" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "h2" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "h3" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "h4" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "h5" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "h6" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "p" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "address" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "dl" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "ol" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "ul" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "hr" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "ssmlGroup" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "ruby" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class
Table 2.5.2 FlowGroupHTML5 class definitions
Table Description of the "math" attribute for the "FlowGroupHTML5" class
Table Description of the "math" attribute for the "FlowGroupHTML5" class
Table Description of the "include" attribute for the "FlowGroupHTML5" class
Table Description of the "flowContentModel" attribute for the "FlowGroupHTML5" class
Table 2.5.3 PhraseRBSelection class definitions
Table Description of the "phrasingContentModel" attribute for the "PhraseRBSelection" class
Table Description of the "rb" attribute for the "PhraseRBSelection" class
Table 2.5.4 PhrasingContentModelHTML5 class definitions
Table Description of the "a" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "abbr" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "b" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "bdo" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "br" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "cite" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "code" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "dfn" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "em" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "i" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "img" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "kbd" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "object" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "q" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "samp" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "small" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "span" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "strong" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "sub" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "sup" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "var" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "audio" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "bdi" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "label" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "ruby" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table Description of the "video" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class
Table 2.5.5 RPRTSelection class definitions
Table Description of the "rp" attribute for the "RPRTSelection" class
Table Description of the "rtrtcSelection" attribute for the "RPRTSelection" class
Table 2.5.6 RTRTCSelection class definitions
Table Description of the "rt" attribute for the "RTRTCSelection" class
Table Description of the "rtc" attribute for the "RTRTCSelection" class
Table 2.5.7 RubySelection class definitions
Table Description of the "phraseSelection" attribute for the "RubySelection" class
Table Description of the "rprtSelection" attribute for the "RubySelection" class
Table 2.5.8 SSMLGroup class definitions
Table Description of the "p" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class
Table Description of the "s" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class
Table Description of the "say-as" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class
Table Description of the "phoneme" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class
Table Description of the "sub" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class
Table Description of the "voice" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class
Table Description of the "emphasis" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class
Table Description of the "break" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class
Table Description of the "prosody" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class
Table Description of the "mark" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class
Table Description of the "audio" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class
Table Description of the "speak" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class
Table 2.6.1 AriaLevelInteger class definitions
Table Description of the "minInclusive" attribute for the "AriaLevelInteger" class
Table 2.6.2 BaseHTML5Empty class definitions
Table Description of the "id" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "language" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "title" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "label" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "class" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "dir" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "role" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "aria-controls" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "aria-describedby" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "aria-flowto" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "aria-label" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "aria-labelledby" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "aria-level" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "aria-live" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "aria-orientation" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "aria-owns" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "aria-hidden" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table Description of the "dataExtension" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class
Table 2.6.3 DataHTML5Extension class definitions
Table Description of the "pattern" attribute for the "DataHTML5Extension" class
Table 2.6.4 MimeType class definitions
Table Description of the "pattern" attribute for the "MimeType" class
Table 2.6.5 URL class definitions
Table 2.6.6 UniqueIdentifier class definitions
Table 2.7.1 ARIALiveValue class definitions
Table 2.7.2 ARIAOrientationValue class definitions
Table 2.7.3 ARIARoleValue class definitions
Table 2.7.4 CORSSettings class definitions
Table 2.7.5 DirValue class definitions
Table 2.7.6 KindValue class definitions
Table 2.7.7 PreLoadValue class definitions
Table 2.8.1 StringList class description
Table 2.9.1 Include class description
Table 2.9.2 MathML2 class description
Table 2.9.3 MathML3 class description
Table 2.9.4 QTIv2p2 class description
Table 2.9.5 SSMLv1p1 class description
Table 3.2.1 UML/XSD Mapping for the Root Attributes
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the Article Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the Aside Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the Audio Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the BDI Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the FigCaption Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the Figure Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the Footer Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the Header Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the Label Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the Nav Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the RB Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the RP Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the RT Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the RTC Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the Ruby Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the Section Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the Source Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the Track Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the Video Root Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the BaseHTML5 Core Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the AriaLevelInteger Derived Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the BaseHTML5Empty Derived Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the DataHTML5Extension Derived Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the MimeType Derived Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the URL Derived Class
Table UML/XSD Mapping for the UniqueIdentifier Derived Class
Table 3.2.5 UML/XSD Mapping for the Enumerated Class Definitions
Table 3.2.7 UML/XSD Mapping for the List Class Definitions
Table 3.2.9 UML/XSD Mapping for the Primitive Type Definitions
Table XSD Description for the "article" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "aside" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "audio" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "bdi" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "figcaption" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "figure" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "footer" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "header" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "label" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "nav" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "rb" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "rp" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "rt" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "rtc" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "ruby" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "section" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "source" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "track" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "video" Root Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:a" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:abbr" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:acronym" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:address" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "ssml11:audio" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:b" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:bdo" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:big" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:br" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "ssml11:break" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:cite" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:code" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:dfn" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:dl" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:em" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "ssml11:emphasis" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:h1" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:h2" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:h3" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:h4" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:h5" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:h6" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:hr" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:i" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:img" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "xi:include" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:kbd" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "ssml11:mark" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "m2:math" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "m3:math" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:object" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:ol" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:p" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "ssml11:p" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "ssml11:phoneme" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:pre" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "ssml11:prosody" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:q" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "ssml11:s" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:samp" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "ssml11:say-as" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:small" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:span" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "ssml11:speak" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:strong" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:sub" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "ssml11:sub" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:sup" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:tt" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:ul" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "qti:var" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "ssml11:voice" Global Element
Table XSD Description for the "aria-controls.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-controls.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-describedby.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-describedby.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-flowto.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-flowto.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-hidden.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-hidden.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-label.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-label.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-labelledby.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-labelledby.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-level.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-level.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-live.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-live.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-orientation.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-orientation.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-owns.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "aria-owns.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "autoplay.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "autoplay.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "class.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "class.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "controls.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "controls.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "crossorigin.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "crossorigin.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "dataExtension.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "dataExtension.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "default.Track.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "dir.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "dir.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "height.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "id.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "id.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "kind.Track.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "label.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "label.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "language.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "language.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "loop.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "loop.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "mediagroup.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "mediagroup.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "muted.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "muted.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "poster.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "preload.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "preload.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "role.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "role.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "src.Audio.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "src.Source.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "src.Track.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "src.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "srclang.Track.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "title.BaseHTML5.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "title.BaseHTML5Empty.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "type.Source.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "width.Video.Attr" Attribute Group
Table XSD Description for the "ArticleDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "AsideDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "AudioDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "BDIDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "FigCaptionDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "FigureDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "FooterDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "HeaderDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "LabelDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "NavDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "RBDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "RPDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "RTDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "RTCDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "RubyDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "SectionDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "SourceDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "TrackDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "VideoDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "BaseHTML5DType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "BaseHTML5EmptyDType" Derived Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "AriaLevelIntegerDType" Simple Type
Table XSD Description for the "MimeTypeDType" Simple Type
Table XSD Description for the "StringListDType" Simple Type
Table XSD Description for the "URLDType" Simple Type
Table XSD Description for the "UniqueIdentifierDType" Simple Type
Table A1.1 The key to the descriptions of data model diagrams
Table A1.2 The key to the descriptions of the data class tables
Table A1.3 The key to the descriptions of the data attribute/characteristic tables
Table A1.4 The key to the descriptions of the enumerated vocabulary tables
Table A1.5 The key to the descriptions of the external vocabulary tables
Table A1.6 The key to the descriptions of the import class tables
Table A1.7 The key to the descriptions of the link data tables
Table A1.8 The key to the descriptions of the common data model persistent identifier tables
Table B1.1 The key to the descriptions of UML to XSD attribute mapping tables
Table B1.2 The key to the descriptions of UML to XSD class mapping tables
Table B1.3 The key to the descriptions of UML to XSD enumerated and enumerated list class mapping tables
Table B1.4 The key to the descriptions of UML to XSD list class mapping table
Table B1.5 The key to the descriptions of UML to XSD primitive mapping table
Table B1.6 The key to the descriptions of XSD element tables
Table B1.7 The key to the descriptions of XSD complex type tables
Table B1.8 The key to the descriptions of XSD simple type tables
Table B1.9 The key to the descriptions of XSD attribute group tables
Table B1.10 The key to the descriptions of XSD attribute tables
Table B1.11 The key to the descriptions of VDEX vocabulary binding tables
The IMS QTI HTML5 v2.2 is used in conjunction with the following documents:
This QTI HTML5 v2.2 specification is an extension to the core IMS QTI ASI specification and enables support for a number of HTML5 tags. The QTI Information Model is bound to an XML Schema Definition (XSD). This document and the accompanying XSD is generated using the IMS Binding Auto-generation Tool-kit (I-BAT) [I-BAT, 06].
All sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams (with the exception of the UML diagrams), examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC 2119]. This means that from the perspective of conformance:
The Conformance and Certification Guide for this specification may introduce greater normative constraints than those defined here for specific service or implementation categories.
The SHOULD/SHOULD NOT/RECOMMENDED statements MUST NOT be used in any document, or section of a document, that is responsible for defining the information model and/or the associated bindings and/or conformance and certification.
The structure of the rest of this document is:
2. Information Model | The Information Model description for the QTI HTML5 components. This description uses a profile of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to represent the structure of the data model (see Appendix A1 for further details of the format of the information model description); |
3. XSD Binding | This is the description of the binding of the data model to XML and the corresponding XSD that is used to partially validate QTI Assessment, Section and Item instances. This description includes an explanation of the relationship between the UML representation and the XSD that is produced through transformation of that representation (see Appendix B1 for further details on the format of the description of the XSD); |
4. Extending and Profiling the Data Model | Identification of the ways in which the data model can be extended (both in terms of the extending features and proprietary extensions to the model) and how this base specification, and its model-based description, can be profiled to produce derivative specifications; |
References | The details for the set of references cited within this document; |
Appendix A Modelling Concepts and Terms | An overview of the model driven approach, the concepts and the terms used by IMS to create the data model representations (based upon a profile of UML), the corresponding set of bindings and the accompanying documentation (including this information model); |
Appendix B XSD Binding Terms | An overview of the concepts and the terms used by IMS to create theXSD-based bindings representations and the accompanying documentation. The XSD binding is auto-generated from the UML representation to ensure full consistency between the information model and binding; |
Appendix C XSD Listings | The listing of the QTI HTML5 XSD that should be used to validate instances of the data exchange. |
ARIA | Accessible Rich Internet Applications |
ASI | Assessment, Section and Item |
DT | Derived Type |
HTML | HyperText Markup Language |
I-BAT | IMS Binding Autogeneration Toolkit |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
PT | Primitive Type |
QTI | Question and Test Interoperability |
RFC | Request For Comment |
SSML | Speech Synthesis Markup Language |
UML | Unified Modeling Language |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
VDEX | Vocabulary Definition Exchange |
W3C | World Wide Web Consortium |
XHTML | XML HyperText Markup Language |
XML | Exchange Markup Language |
XOR | Exclusive OR |
XSD | XML Schema Definition |
The Information Model is described using a UML representation approach. The description consists of:
This Section is NORMATIVE.
All of the Root attributes (the root name for the instances that can be exchanged) used within this Information Model are described in this Section. The syntax and semantics for this representation is described in Appendix A1.3. The root attributes are:
The definition of the "article" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.1.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | article |
Data Type | Article |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'article' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag allows independent, self-contained content to be identified; |
The definition of the "aside" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.2.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | aside |
Data Type | Aside |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'aside' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag allows pieces of information that are related to the main flow to be identified; |
The definition of the "audio" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.3.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | audio |
Data Type | Audio |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'audio' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag identifies audio content; |
The definition of the "bdi" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.4.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | bdi |
Data Type | BDI |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'bdi' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it; |
The definition of the "figcaption" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.5.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | figcaption |
Data Type | FigCaption |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'figcaption' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag defines a caption for a 'figure' tag (the figcaption must be the first or last child within the 'figure' tag); |
The definition of the "figure" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.6.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | figure |
Data Type | Figure |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'figure' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag specifies self-contained content, like illustrations, diagrams, photos, code listings, etc. |
The definition of the "footer" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.7.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | footer |
Data Type | Footer |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'footer' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag identifies content as a page footer; |
The definition of the "header" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.8.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | header |
Data Type | Header |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'header' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag identifies content as a page header; |
The definition of the "label" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.9.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | label |
Data Type | Label |
Description | This makes the HTML4 'label' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag identifies content as a label for input. Note that this has been placed with the HTML5 content due to another QTI tag called 'label' already existing in the QTI ASI; |
The definition of the "nav" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.10.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | nav |
Data Type | Nav |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'nav' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag identifies navigation content; |
The definition of the "rb" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.11.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | rb |
Data Type | RB |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'rb' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag, a child of 'ruby', is used to contain the characters that require pronunciation help or are displayed as a learning aid; |
The definition of the "rp" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.12.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | rp |
Data Type | RP |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'rp' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag identifies the content to be displayed if Ruby annotation is not supported; |
The definition of the "rt" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.13.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | rt |
Data Type | RT |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'rt' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag defines an explanation or pronunction of characters in a Ruby annotation; |
The definition of the "rtc" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.14.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | rtc |
Data Type | RTC |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'rtc' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag is a container for a collection of 'rt' tags; |
The definition of the "ruby" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.15.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | ruby |
Data Type | Ruby |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'ruby' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag identifies ruby annotation for the content; |
The definition of the "section" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.16.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | section |
Data Type | Section |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'section' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag identifies the content as a section in a document e.g. chapter, etc. |
The definition of the "source" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.17.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | source |
Data Type | Source |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'source' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag is used to specify multiple media resources for media tags; |
The definition of the "track" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.18.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | track |
Data Type | Track |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'track' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag identifies text tracks for media tags ('audio' and 'video'); |
The definition of the "video" root attribute is shown in Table 2.2.19.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | video |
Data Type | Video |
Description | This makes the HTML5 'video' tag functionality available to the classes within the QTIv2.2 specification. This is a new feature added in QTIv2.2. This tag identifies video content. |
All of the Root data classes (the first class objects that can be exchanged using the data model) used within this Information Model are described in this Section. The syntax and semantics for this representation is described in Appendix A1.2.
The data model for the "Article" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.1 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.1.
Figure 2.3.1 - Article class definitions.
The description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "Article" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | flowGroup |
Data Type | FlowGroupHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract child. It is used to denote the permitted flow content i.e. the permitted set of HTML and other children. |
The data model for the "Aside" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.2 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.2.
Figure 2.3.2 - Aside class definitions.
The description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "Aside" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | flowGroup |
Data Type | FlowGroupHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract child. It is used to denote the permitted flow content i.e. the permitted set of HTML and other children. |
The data model for the "Audio" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.3 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.3.
Figure 2.3.3 - Audio class definitions.
The description of the "src" characteristic for the "Audio" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | src |
Data Type | URL |
Value Space | Container [ DerivedType ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'src' content characteristic on media tags gives the address of the media resource (video, audio) to show. The attribute, if present, must contain a valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces. |
The description of the "crossorigin" characteristic for the "Audio" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | crossorigin |
Data Type | CORSSettings |
Value Space | Enumerated value set of: { anonymous | use-credentials } |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The crossorigin content characteristic on media tags is a CORS settings attribute. |
The description of the "preload" characteristic for the "Audio" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | preload |
Data Type | PreLoadValue |
Value Space | Enumerated value set of: { none | auto | metadata } Default = "metadata". |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The preload characteristic is an enumerated value. The characteristic can be changed even once the media resource is being buffered or played; the descriptions in the table below are to be interpreted with that in mind. |
The description of the "autoplay" characteristic for the "Audio" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | autoplay |
Data Type | Boolean (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'autoplay' characteristic is a boolean. When present, the user agent (as described in the algorithm described herein) will automatically begin playback of the media resource as soon as it can do so without stopping. |
The description of the "mediagroup" characteristic for the "Audio" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | mediagroup |
Data Type | NormalizedString (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'mediagroup' content characteristic on media elements can be used to link multiple media tags together by implicitly creating a MediaController. The value is text; media tags with the same value are automatically linked by the user agent. |
The description of the "loop" characteristic for the "Audio" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | loop |
Data Type | Boolean (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'loop' characteristic is a boolean that, if specified, indicates that the media tag is to seek back to the start of the media resource upon reaching the end. |
The description of the "muted" characteristic for the "Audio" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | muted |
Data Type | Boolean (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'muted' characteristic on media tags is a boolean that controls the default state of the audio output of the media resource, potentially overriding user preferences. When a media tag is created, if it has a muted characteristic specified, the user agent must mute the media tag's audio output, overriding any user preference. |
The description of the "controls" characteristic for the "Audio" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | controls |
Data Type | Boolean (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'controls' characteristic is a boolean. If present, it indicates that the author has not provided a scripted controller and would like the user agent to provide its own set of controls. |
The description of the "source" attribute for the "Audio" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | source |
Data Type | Source |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | The 'source' tag allows authors to specify multiple alternative media resources for audio tags. |
The description of the "track" attribute for the "Audio" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | track |
Data Type | Track |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | The track tag allows authors to specify explicit external timed text tracks for the audio tags. |
The data model for the "BDI" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.4 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.4.
Figure 2.3.4 - BDI class definitions.
The description of the "flowContentModel" attribute for the "BDI" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | flowContentModel |
Data Type | FlowContentModelHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract child. It is used to denote the permitted flow content i.e. the permitted set of HTML children. |
The data model for the "FigCaption" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.5 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.5.
Figure 2.3.5 - FigCaption class definitions.
The description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "FigCaption" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | flowGroup |
Data Type | FlowGroupHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract child. It is used to denote the permitted flow content i.e. the permitted set of HTML and other children. |
The data model for the "Figure" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.6 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.6.
Figure 2.3.6 - Figure class definitions.
The description of the "figcaption" attribute for the "Figure" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | figcaption |
Data Type | FigCaption |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The optional 'figcaption' that can be either the first or last child. This provides the caption for the figure. |
The description of the "flowContentModel" attribute for the "Figure" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | flowContentModel |
Data Type | FlowContentModelHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract child. It is used to denote the permitted flow content i.e. the permitted set of HTML children. |
The data model for the "Footer" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.7 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.7.
Figure 2.3.7 - Footer class definitions.
The description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "Footer" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | flowGroup |
Data Type | FlowGroupHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract child. It is used to denote the permitted flow content i.e. the permitted set of HTML and other children. |
The data model for the "Header" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.8 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.8.
Figure 2.3.8 - Header class definitions.
The description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "Header" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | flowGroup |
Data Type | FlowGroupHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract child. It is used to denote the permitted flow content i.e. the permitted set of HTML and other children. |
The data model for the "Label" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.9 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.9.
Figure 2.3.9 - Label class definitions.
The description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "Label" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | flowGroup |
Data Type | FlowGroupHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract child. It is used to denote the permitted flow content i.e. the permitted set of HTML and other children. |
The data model for the "Nav" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.10 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.10.
Figure 2.3.10 - Nav class definitions.
The description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "Nav" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | flowGroup |
Data Type | FlowGroupHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract child. It is used to denote the permitted flow content i.e. the permitted set of HTML and other children. |
The data model for the "RB" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.11 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.11.
Figure 2.3.11 - RB class definitions.
The description of the "phrasingContentModel" attribute for the "RB" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | phrasingContentModel |
Data Type | PhrasingContentModelHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract attribute that defines the permitted content for the 'rb' tag. This content is collectively termed 'Phrasing'. Phrasing content is the text of the document, as well as tags that mark up that text at the intra-paragraph level. Runs of phrasing content form paragraphs. |
The data model for the "RP" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.12 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.12.
Figure 2.3.12 - RP class definitions.
The description of the "phrasingContentModel" attribute for the "RP" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | phrasingContentModel |
Data Type | PhrasingContentModelHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract attribute that defines the permitted content for the 'rp' tag. This content is collectively termed 'Phrasing'. Phrasing content is the text of the document, as well as elements that mark up that text at the intra-paragraph level. Runs of phrasing content form paragraphs. |
The data model for the "RT" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.13 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.13.
Figure 2.3.13 - RT class definitions.
The description of the "phrasingContentModel" attribute for the "RT" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | phrasingContentModel |
Data Type | PhrasingContentModelHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract attribute that defines the permitted content for the 'rt' tag. This content is collectively termed 'Phrasing'. Phrasing content is the text of the document, as well as tags that mark up that text at the intra-paragraph level. Runs of phrasing content form paragraphs. |
The data model for the "RTC" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.14 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.14.
Figure 2.3.14 - RTC class definitions.
The description of the "phrasingContentModel" attribute for the "RTC" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | phrasingContentModel |
Data Type | PhrasingContentModelHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract attribute that defines the permitted content for the 'rtc' tag. This content is collectively termed 'Phrasing'. Phrasing content is the text of the document, as well as tags that mark up that text at the intra-paragraph level. Runs of phrasing content form paragraphs. |
The description of the "rt" attribute for the "RTC" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | rt |
Data Type | RT |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is the 'rt' Ruby tag within the 'rtc' Ruby tag. This tag can be intermingled with the associated 'Phrasing' content. |
The data model for the "Ruby" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.15 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.15.
Figure 2.3.15 - Ruby class definitions.
The description of the "rubySelection" attribute for the "Ruby" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | rubySelection |
Data Type | RubySelection |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract attribute that enables the Ruby annotation to be composed of any combination of HTML5 Phrasing content and combinations of 'rp', 'rt' and 'rtc' tags. |
The data model for the "Section" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.16 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.16.
Figure 2.3.16 - Section class definitions.
The description of the "flowGroup" attribute for the "Section" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | flowGroup |
Data Type | FlowGroupHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract child. It is used to denote the permitted flow content i.e. the permitted set of HTML and other children. |
The data model for the "Source" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.17 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.17.
Figure 2.3.17 - Source class definitions.
The description of the "src" characteristic for the "Source" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | src |
Data Type | URL |
Value Space | Container [ DerivedType ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | The 'src' characteristic gives the address of the media resource. The value must be a valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces. This characteristic must be present. |
The description of the "type" characteristic for the "Source" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | type |
Data Type | MimeType |
Value Space | Container [ DerivedType ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'type' characteristic gives the type of the media resource, to help the user agent determine if it can play this media resource before fetching it. If specified, its value must be a valid MIME type. |
The data model for the "Track" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.18 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.18.
Figure 2.3.18 - Track class definitions.
The description of the "kind" characteristic for the "Track" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | kind |
Data Type | KindValue |
Value Space | Enumerated value set of: { subtitles | captions | descriptions | chapters | metadata } Default = "subtitles". |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'kind' characteristic is an enumerated attribute. The following table lists the keywords defined for this attribute. The keyword given in the first cell of each row maps to the state given in the second cell. |
The description of the "src" characteristic for the "Track" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | src |
Data Type | URL |
Value Space | Container [ DerivedType ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | The 'src' characteristic gives the address of the text track data. The value must be a valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces. This attribute must be present. |
The description of the "srclang" characteristic for the "Track" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | srclang |
Data Type | NormalizedString (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'srclang' characteristic gives the language of the text track data. The value must be a valid BCP 47 language tag. This attribute must be present if the tag's kind attribute is in the subtitles state. |
The description of the "default" characteristic for the "Track" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | default |
Data Type | Boolean (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'default' is a boolean, which, if specified, indicates that the track is to be enabled if the user's preferences do not indicate that another track would be more appropriate. |
The data model for the "Video" root class is shown in Figure 2.3.19 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.3.19.
Figure 2.3.19 - Video class definitions.
The description of the "src" characteristic for the "Video" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | src |
Data Type | URL |
Value Space | Container [ DerivedType ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'src' content characteristic on media tags gives the address of the media resource (video, audio) to show. The attribute, if present, must contain a valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces. |
The description of the "crossorigin" characteristic for the "Video" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | crossorigin |
Data Type | CORSSettings |
Value Space | Enumerated value set of: { anonymous | use-credentials } |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The crossorigin content characteristic on media tags is a CORS settings attribute. |
The description of the "preload" characteristic for the "Video" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | preload |
Data Type | PreLoadValue |
Value Space | Enumerated value set of: { none | auto | metadata } Default = "metadata". |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The preload characteristic is an enumerated value. The attribute can be changed even once the media resource is being buffered or played; the descriptions in the table below are to be interpreted with that in mind. |
The description of the "autoplay" characteristic for the "Video" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | autoplay |
Data Type | Boolean (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'autoplay' characteristic is a boolean. When present, the user agent (as described in the algorithm described herein) will automatically begin playback of the media resource as soon as it can do so without stopping. |
The description of the "mediagroup" characteristic for the "Video" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | mediagroup |
Data Type | NormalizedString (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'mediagroup' content characteristic on media tags can be used to link multiple media elements together by implicitly creating a MediaController. The value is text; media elements with the same value are automatically linked by the user agent. |
The description of the "loop" characteristic for the "Video" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | loop |
Data Type | Boolean (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'loop' characteristic is a boolean that, if specified, indicates that the media tag is to seek back to the start of the media resource upon reaching the end. |
The description of the "muted" characteristic for the "Video" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | muted |
Data Type | Boolean (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'muted' characteristic on media tags is a boolean that controls the default state of the audio output of the media resource, potentially overriding user preferences. When a media tag is created, if it has a muted attribute specified, the user agent must mute the media element's audio output, overriding any user preference. |
The description of the "controls" characteristic for the "Video" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | controls |
Data Type | Boolean (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'controls' characteristic is a boolean. If present, it indicates that the author has not provided a scripted controller and would like the user agent to provide its own set of controls |
The description of the "poster" characteristic for the "Video" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | poster |
Data Type | URL |
Value Space | Container [ DerivedType ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'poster' characteristic gives the address of an image file that the user agent can show while no video data is available. The characteristic, if present, must contain a valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces. |
The description of the "width" characteristic for the "Video" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | width |
Data Type | NonNegativeInteger (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'width' characteristic defines the width of the video content in CSS pixels. |
The description of the "height" characteristic for the "Video" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | height |
Data Type | NonNegativeInteger (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'height' characteristic defines the width of the video content in CSS pixels. |
The description of the "source" attribute for the "Video" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | source |
Data Type | Source |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | The 'source' tag allows authors to specify multiple alternative media resources for video elements. |
The description of the "track" attribute for the "Video" root class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | track |
Data Type | Track |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | The track tag allows authors to specify explicit external timed text tracks for the video tags. |
This Section is NORMATIVE.
All of the data classes used within this Information Model are described in this Section. The syntax and semantics for this representation is described in Appendix A1.2.
The data model for the "BaseHTML5" class is shown in Figure 2.4.1 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.4.1.
Figure 2.4.1 - BaseHTML5 class definitions.
The description of the "id" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | id |
Data Type | UniqueIdentifier |
Value Space | Container [ DerivedType ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The unique identifier assigned to the HTML tag. This must be unique otherwise features such as the APIP accessibilty text cannot be supplied as an alternative. |
The description of the "language" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | language |
Data Type | Language (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This chracteristic specifies the primary language for the tag's contents and for any of the tag's attributes that contain text. Its value must be a valid BCP 47 language tag, or the empty string. Setting the characteristic to the empty string indicates that the primary language is unknown. |
The description of the "title" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | title |
Data Type | NormalizedString (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The title characteristic represents advisory information for the tag, such as would be appropriate for a tooltip. On a link, this could be the title or a description of the target resource; on an image, it could be the image credit or a description of the image; on a paragraph, it could be a footnote or commentary on the text; on a citation, it could be further information about the source; on interactive content, it could be a label for, or instructions for, use of the element; and so forth. The value is text. |
The description of the "label" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | label |
Data Type | NormalizedString (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The label characteristic represents information for the tag that can be used to identify it or its functionality, such as would be appropriate for a tooltip. The value is text. |
The description of the "class" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | class |
Data Type | StringList |
Value Space | The list consist of values of data-type(s): String (Primitive-type) |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | Every HTML tag may have a class attribute specified. If specified, it must have a value that is a set of space-separated tokens representing the various classes to which the tag belongs. |
The description of the "dir" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | dir |
Data Type | DirValue |
Value Space | Enumerated value set of: { ltr | rtl | auto } Default = "auto". |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | Specifies the tag's text directionality. |
The description of the "role" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | role |
Data Type | ARIARoleValue |
Value Space | Enumerated value set of: { article | columnheader | definition | directory | document | group | heading | img | list | listitem | math | note | presentation | region | row | rowgroup | rowheader | separator | toolbar | button | checkbox | gridcell | link | log | option | radio | slider | spinbutton | status | tab | tabpanel | textbox | timer | listbox | radiogroup | tablist | complementary | contentinfo } |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is the ARIA role. Roles are defined and described by their characteristics. Characteristics define the structural function of a role, such as what a role is, concepts behind it, and what instances the role can or must contain. |
The description of the "aria-controls" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-controls |
Data Type | IDREFS (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. This identifies the tag (or tags) whose contents or presence are controlled by the current tag. |
The description of the "aria-describedby" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-describedby |
Data Type | IDREFS (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. Identifies the element (or elements) that describes the object. |
The description of the "aria-flowto" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-flowto |
Data Type | IDREFS (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. Identifies the next tag (or tags) in an alternate reading order of content which, at the user's discretion, allows assistive technology to override the general default of reading in document source order. |
The description of the "aria-label" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-label |
Data Type | NormalizedString (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. Defines a string value that labels the current tag. See related aria-labelledby. The purpose of aria-label is the same as that of aria-labelledby. It provides the user with a recognizable name of the object. |
The description of the "aria-labelledby" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-labelledby |
Data Type | IDREFS (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. Identifies the tag (or tags) that labels the current element. See related aria-label and aria-describedby. The purpose of aria-labelledby is the same as that of aria-label. It provides the user with a recognizable name of the object. The most common accessibility API mapping for a label is the accessible name property. If the label text is visible on screen, authors SHOULD use aria-labelledby and SHOULD NOT use aria-label. Use aria-label only if the interface is such that it is not possible to have a visible label on the screen. As required by the text alternative computation, user agents give precedence to aria-labelledby over aria-label when computing the accessible name property. The aria-labelledby attribute is similar to aria-describedby in that both reference other elements to calculate a text alternative, but a label should be concise, where a description is intended to provide more verbose information. |
The description of the "aria-level" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-level |
Data Type | AriaLevelInteger |
Value Space | Container [ DerivedType ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. Defines the hierarchical level of an tag within a structure. This can be applied inside trees to tree items, to headings inside a document, to nested grids, nested tablists and to other structural items that may appear inside a container or participate in an ownership hierarchy. The value for aria-level is an integer greater than or equal to 1. |
The description of the "aria-live" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-live |
Data Type | ARIALiveValue |
Value Space | Enumerated value set of: { off | polite | assertive } Default = "off". |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. Indicates that a tag will be updated, and describes the types of updates the user agents, assistive technologies, and user can expect from the live region. The values of this attribute are expressed in degrees of importance. When regions are specified as polite, assistive technologies will notify users of updates but generally do not interrupt the current task, and updates take low priority. When regions are specified as assertive, assistive technologies will immediately notify the user, and could potentially clear the speech queue of previous updates. |
The description of the "aria-orientation" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-orientation |
Data Type | ARIAOrientationValue |
Value Space | Enumerated value set of: { vertical | horizontal } Default = "horizontal". |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. Indicates whether the tag and orientation is horizontal or vertical. |
The description of the "aria-owns" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-owns |
Data Type | IDREFS (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. See related aria-controls. The value of the aria-owns attribute is a space-separated list of IDREFS that reference one or more elements in the document by ID. |
The description of the "aria-hidden" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-hidden |
Data Type | Boolean (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. Default = "false". |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. It indicates whether the element is exposed to an accessibility API. |
The description of the "dataExtension" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | dataExtension |
Data Type | DataHTML5Extension |
Value Space | Container [ DerivedType ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is the HTML5 extension characteristic. A custom data characteristic is a characteristic in no namespace whose name starts with the string 'data-', has at least one character after the hyphen, is XML-compatible, and contains no uppercase ASCII letters. |
This Section is NORMATIVE.
All of the abstract data classes used within this Information Model are described in this Section. The syntax and semantics for this representation is described in Appendix A1.2.
The data model for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is shown in Figure 2.5.1 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.5.1
Figure 2.5.1 - FlowContentModelHTML5 class definitions.
Descriptor | Definition |
Class Name | FlowContentModelHTML5 |
Class Type | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Parents | The set of parent classes are: |
Derived Classes | There are no derived classes. |
Super Classes | This class is not derived from another class. |
Characteristics | There are no characteristics. |
Children | The set of children attributes are: |
Description | This is the abstract class that is used to provide the set of HTML tag options defined as flow content. The formal definition of flow content is given in [QTI, 21]. |
The description of the "img" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | img |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'img' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "br" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | br |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'br' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "object" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | object |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'object' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "em" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | em |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'em' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "a" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | a |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'a' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "code" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | code |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'code' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "span" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | span |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'span' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "sub" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | sub |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'sub' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "acronym" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | acronym |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'acronym' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "big" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | big |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'big' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "tt" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | tt |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'tt' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "kbd" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | kbd |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'kbd' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "q" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | q |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'q' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "i" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | i |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'i' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "dfn" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | dfn |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'dfn' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "abbr" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | abbr |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'abbr' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "strong" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | strong |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'strong' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "sup" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | sup |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'sup' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "var" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | var |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'var' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "small" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | small |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'small' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "samp" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | samp |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'samp' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "b" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | b |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'b' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "cite" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | cite |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'cite' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "bdo" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | bdo |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'bdo' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "bdi" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | bdi |
Data Type | BDI |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'bdi' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI HTML5. |
The description of the "figure" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | figure |
Data Type | Figure |
Value Space | Container [ Unordered ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'figure' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI HTML5. |
The description of the "audio" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | audio |
Data Type | Audio |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'audio' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI HTML5. |
The description of the "video" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | video |
Data Type | Video |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'video' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI HTML5. |
The description of the "label" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | label |
Data Type | Label |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'label' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI HTML but placed in the HTML5 due to a clash with another tag already in QTI ASI. |
The description of the "article" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | article |
Data Type | Article |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'article' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI HTML5. |
The description of the "aside" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | aside |
Data Type | Aside |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'aside' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI HTML5. |
The description of the "footer" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | footer |
Data Type | Footer |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'footer' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI HTML5. |
The description of the "header" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | header |
Data Type | Header |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'header' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI HTML5. |
The description of the "nav" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | nav |
Data Type | Nav |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'nav' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI HTML5. |
The description of the "section" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | section |
Data Type | Section |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'section' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI HTML5. |
The description of the "pre" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | pre |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'pre' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "h1" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | h1 |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'h1' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "h2" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | h2 |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'h2' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "h3" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | h3 |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'h3' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "h4" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | h4 |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'h4' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "h5" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | h5 |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'h5' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "h6" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | h6 |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'h6' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "p" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | p |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'p' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "address" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | address |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'address' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "dl" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | dl |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'dl' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "ol" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | ol |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'ol' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "ul" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | ul |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'ul' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "hr" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | hr |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'hr' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "ssmlGroup" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | ssmlGroup |
Data Type | SSMLGroup |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract attribute that is used to offer the set of SSML tags for annotating the content. |
The description of the "ruby" attribute for the "FlowContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | ruby |
Data Type | Ruby |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'ruby' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI HTML5. |
The data model for the "FlowGroupHTML5" class is shown in Figure 2.5.2 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.5.2
Figure 2.5.2 - FlowGroupHTML5 class definitions.
The description of the "math" attribute for the "FlowGroupHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | math |
Data Type | MathML2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the option for the MathML 2 content. |
The description of the "math" attribute for the "FlowGroupHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | math |
Data Type | MathML3 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the option for the MathML 3 content. |
The description of the "include" attribute for the "FlowGroupHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | include |
Data Type | Include |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the option for the inclusion of content fragments. In the case of XML-based bindings this makes use of the XInclude standard. |
The description of the "flowContentModel" attribute for the "FlowGroupHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | flowContentModel |
Data Type | FlowContentModelHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract child. It is used to denote the permitted flow content i.e. the permitted set of HTML children. |
The data model for the "PhraseRBSelection" class is shown in Figure 2.5.3 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.5.3
Figure 2.5.3 - PhraseRBSelection class definitions.
The description of the "phrasingContentModel" attribute for the "PhraseRBSelection" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | phrasingContentModel |
Data Type | PhrasingContentModelHTML5 |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is an abstract attribute that allows the contents to be composed of the HTML phrasing content. |
The description of the "rb" attribute for the "PhraseRBSelection" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | rb |
Data Type | RB |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | The 'rp' Ruby annotation tag option. |
The data model for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is shown in Figure 2.5.4 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.5.4
Figure 2.5.4 - PhrasingContentModelHTML5 class definitions.
Descriptor | Definition |
Class Name | PhrasingContentModelHTML5 |
Class Type | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Parents | The set of parent classes are: |
Derived Classes | There are no derived classes. |
Super Classes | This class is not derived from another class. |
Characteristics | There are no characteristics. |
Children | The set of children attributes are: |
Description | This is the abstract class that is used to provide the set of HTML tag options defined as phrasing content. The formal definition of Phrasing content is given in [HTML5, 14]. |
The description of the "a" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | a |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'a' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "abbr" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | abbr |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'abbr' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "b" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | b |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'b' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "bdo" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | bdo |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'bdo' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "br" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | br |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'br' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "cite" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | cite |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'cite' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "code" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | code |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'code' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "dfn" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | dfn |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'dfn' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "em" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | em |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'em' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "i" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | i |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'i' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "img" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | img |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'img' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "kbd" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | kbd |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'kbd' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "object" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | object |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'object' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "q" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | q |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'q' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "samp" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | samp |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'samp' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "small" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | small |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'small' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "span" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | span |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'span' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "strong" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | strong |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'strong' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "sub" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | sub |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'sub' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "sup" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | sup |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'sup' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "var" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | var |
Data Type | QTIv2p2 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'var' tag for the HTML. This is taken from the QTI ASI. |
The description of the "audio" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | audio |
Data Type | Audio |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'audio' tag for the HTML5. This is taken from the QTI HTML5. |
The description of the "bdi" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | bdi |
Data Type | BDI |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'bdi' tag for the HTML5. This is taken from the QTI HTML5. |
The description of the "label" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | label |
Data Type | Label |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'label' tag for the HTML5. This is taken from the QTI HTML but placed in the HTML5 due to a clash with another tag already in QTI ASI. |
The description of the "ruby" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | ruby |
Data Type | Ruby |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'ruby' tag for the HTML5. This is taken from the QTI HTML5. |
The description of the "video" attribute for the "PhrasingContentModelHTML5" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | video |
Data Type | Video |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the 'video' tag for the HTML5. This is taken from the QTI HTML5. |
The data model for the "RPRTSelection" class is shown in Figure 2.5.5 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.5.5
Figure 2.5.5 - RPRTSelection class definitions.
The description of the "rp" attribute for the "RPRTSelection" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | rp |
Data Type | RP |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The 'rp' Ruby annotation tag option. |
The description of the "rtrtcSelection" attribute for the "RPRTSelection" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | rtrtcSelection |
Data Type | RTRTCSelection |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is an abstract attribute that rovides choices between the 'rt' and 'rtc' Ruby annotation tag option. |
The data model for the "RTRTCSelection" class is shown in Figure 2.5.6 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.5.6
Figure 2.5.6 - RTRTCSelection class definitions.
The description of the "rt" attribute for the "RTRTCSelection" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | rt |
Data Type | RT |
Value Space | Container [ Sequence ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | The 'rt' Ruby annotation tag option. |
The description of the "rtc" attribute for the "RTRTCSelection" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | rtc |
Data Type | RTC |
Value Space | Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | The 'rtc' Ruby annotation tag option. |
The data model for the "RubySelection" class is shown in Figure 2.5.7 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.5.7
Figure 2.5.7 - RubySelection class definitions.
The description of the "phraseSelection" attribute for the "RubySelection" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | phraseSelection |
Data Type | PhraseRBSelection |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Selection ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is an abstract attribute that allows the contents to be composed of the HTML phrasing content and 'rb' tags. |
The description of the "rprtSelection" attribute for the "RubySelection" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | rprtSelection |
Data Type | RPRTSelection |
Value Space | Abstract Container [ Unordered ] |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is an abstract attribute that enables the content to be based upon various combinations of the 'rp', 'rt' and rtc' tags. |
The data model for the "SSMLGroup" class is shown in Figure 2.5.8 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.5.8
Figure 2.5.8 - SSMLGroup class definitions.
The description of the "p" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | p |
Data Type | SSMLv1p1 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is one of the SSML annotation attributes. A 'p' tag represents a paragraph. |
The description of the "s" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | s |
Data Type | SSMLv1p1 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is one of the SSML annotation attributes. A 's' tag represents a sentence. |
The description of the "say-as" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | say-as |
Data Type | SSMLv1p1 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is one of the SSML annotation attributes. The 'say-as' tag allows the author to indicate information on the type of text construct contained within the tag and to help specify the level of detail for rendering the contained text. Defining a comprehensive set of text format types is difficult because of the variety of languages that have to be considered and because of the innate flexibility of written languages. SSML only specifies the 'say-as' tag, its characteristics, and their purpose. It does not enumerate the possible values for the characteristics. The Working Group expects to produce a separate document that will define standard values and associated normative behavior for these values. |
The description of the "phoneme" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | phoneme |
Data Type | SSMLv1p1 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is one of the SSML annotation attributes. The phoneme tag provides a phonemic/phonetic pronunciation for the contained text. The phoneme tag may be empty. However, it is recommended that the tag contain human-readable text that can be used for non-spoken rendering of the document. For example, the content may be displayed visually for users with hearing impairments. |
The description of the "sub" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | sub |
Data Type | SSMLv1p1 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is one of the SSML annotation attributes. The 'sub' tag is employed to indicate that the text in the alias attribute value replaces the contained text for pronunciation. This allows a document to contain both a spoken and written form. |
The description of the "voice" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | voice |
Data Type | SSMLv1p1 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is one of the SSML annotation attributes. The 'voice' tag is a production element that requests a change in speaking voice. |
The description of the "emphasis" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | emphasis |
Data Type | SSMLv1p1 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is one of the SSML annotation attributes. The emphasis tag requests that the contained text be spoken with emphasis (also referred to as prominence or stress). The synthesis processor determines how to render emphasis since the nature of emphasis differs between languages, dialects or even voices. |
The description of the "break" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | break |
Data Type | SSMLv1p1 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is one of the SSML annotation attributes. The 'break' tag is an empty tag that controls the pausing or other prosodic boundaries between words. The use of the break tag between any pair of words is optional. If the tag is not present between words, the synthesis processor is expected to automatically determine a break based on the linguistic context. In practice, the break tag is most often used to override the typical automatic behavior of a synthesis processor. |
The description of the "prosody" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | prosody |
Data Type | SSMLv1p1 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is one of the SSML annotation attributes. The 'prosody' tag permits control of the pitch, speaking rate and volume of the speech output. |
The description of the "mark" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | mark |
Data Type | SSMLv1p1 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is one of the SSML annotation attributes. A 'mark' tag is an empty tag that places a marker into the text/tag sequence. |
The description of the "audio" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | audio |
Data Type | SSMLv1p1 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is one of the SSML annotation attributes. The 'audio' tag supports the insertion of recorded audio files and the insertion of other audio formats in conjunction with synthesized speech output. The audio tag may be empty. If the audio tag is not empty then the contents should be the marked-up text to be spoken if the audio document is not available. The alternate content may include text, speech markup, desc tags, or other audio tags. |
The description of the "speak" attribute for the "SSMLGroup" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | speak |
Data Type | SSMLv1p1 |
Value Space | Imported |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is one of the SSML annotation attributes. The 'speak' tag is the root for the markup annotation. |
This Section is NORMATIVE.
All of the derived data classes used within this Information Model are described in this Section. The syntax and semantics for this representation is described in Appendix A1.2.
The data model for the "AriaLevelInteger" class is shown in Figure 2.6.1 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.6.1.
Figure 2.6.1 - AriaLevelInteger class definitions.
The description of the "minInclusive" attribute for the "AriaLevelInteger" class is given in Table 2.6.1.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | minInclusive |
Data Type | Integer (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. Default = "1". |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | Constrains the value to be at least '1'. |
The data model for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is shown in Figure 2.6.2 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.6.2.
Figure 2.6.2 - BaseHTML5Empty class definitions.
The description of the "id" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | id |
Data Type | UniqueIdentifier |
Value Space | Container [ DerivedType ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The unique identifier assigned to the HTML tag. This must be unique otherwise features such as the APIP accessibilty text cannot be supplied as an alternative. |
The description of the "language" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | language |
Data Type | Language (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This attribute specifies the primary language for the tag's contents and for any of the tag's characeristics that contain text. Its value must be a valid BCP 47 language tag, or the empty string. Setting the attribute to the empty string indicates that the primary language is unknown. |
The description of the "title" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | title |
Data Type | NormalizedString (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The title attribute represents advisory information for the tag, such as would be appropriate for a tooltip. On a link, this could be the title or a description of the target resource; on an image, it could be the image credit or a description of the image; on a paragraph, it could be a footnote or commentary on the text; on a citation, it could be further information about the source; on interactive content, it could be a label for, or instructions for, use of the tag; and so forth. The value is text. |
The description of the "label" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | label |
Data Type | NormalizedString (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | The label characteristic represents information for the tag that can be used to identify it or its functionality, such as would be appropriate for a tooltip. The value is text. |
The description of the "class" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | class |
Data Type | StringList |
Value Space | The list consist of values of data-type(s): String (Primitive-type) |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | Every HTML tag may have a class characteristic specified. If specified, it must have a value that is a set of space-separated tokens representing the various classes to which the tag belongs. |
The description of the "dir" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | dir |
Data Type | DirValue |
Value Space | Enumerated value set of: { ltr | rtl | auto } Default = "auto". |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | Specifies the tag's text directionality. |
The description of the "role" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | role |
Data Type | ARIARoleValue |
Value Space | Enumerated value set of: { article | columnheader | definition | directory | document | group | heading | img | list | listitem | math | note | presentation | region | row | rowgroup | rowheader | separator | toolbar | button | checkbox | gridcell | link | log | option | radio | slider | spinbutton | status | tab | tabpanel | textbox | timer | listbox | radiogroup | tablist | complementary | contentinfo } |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is the ARIA role. Roles are defined and described by their characteristics. Characteristics define the structural function of a role, such as what a role is, concepts behind it, and what instances the role can or must contain. |
The description of the "aria-controls" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-controls |
Data Type | IDREFS (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. This identifies the tag (or tags) whose contents or presence are controlled by the current tag. |
The description of the "aria-describedby" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-describedby |
Data Type | IDREFS (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. Identifies the tag (or tags) that describes the object. |
The description of the "aria-flowto" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-flowto |
Data Type | IDREFS (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. Identifies the next tag (or tags) in an alternate reading order of content which, at the user's discretion, allows assistive technology to override the general default of reading in document source order. |
The description of the "aria-label" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-label |
Data Type | NormalizedString (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. Defines a string value that labels the current tag. See related aria-labelledby. The purpose of aria-label is the same as that of aria-labelledby. It provides the user with a recognizable name of the object. |
The description of the "aria-labelledby" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-labelledby |
Data Type | IDREFS (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. Identifies the tag (or tags) that labels the current element. See related aria-label and aria-describedby. The purpose of aria-labelledby is the same as that of aria-label. It provides the user with a recognizable name of the object. The most common accessibility API mapping for a label is the accessible name property. If the label text is visible on screen, authors SHOULD use aria-labelledby and SHOULD NOT use aria-label. Use aria-label only if the interface is such that it is not possible to have a visible label on the screen. As required by the text alternative computation, user agents give precedence to aria-labelledby over aria-label when computing the accessible name property. The aria-labelledby attribute is similar to aria-describedby in that both reference other elements to calculate a text alternative, but a label should be concise, where a description is intended to provide more verbose information. |
The description of the "aria-level" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-level |
Data Type | AriaLevelInteger |
Value Space | Container [ DerivedType ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. Defines the hierarchical level of an tag within a structure. This can be applied inside trees to tree items, to headings inside a document, to nested grids, nested tablists and to other structural items that may appear inside a container or participate in an ownership hierarchy. The value for aria-level is an integer greater than or equal to 1. |
The description of the "aria-live" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-live |
Data Type | ARIALiveValue |
Value Space | Enumerated value set of: { off | polite | assertive } Default = "off". |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. Indicates that a tag will be updated, and describes the types of updates the user agents, assistive technologies, and user can expect from the live region. The values of this characteristic are expressed in degrees of importance. When regions are specified as polite, assistive technologies will notify users of updates but generally do not interrupt the current task, and updates take low priority. When regions are specified as assertive, assistive technologies will immediately notify the user, and could potentially clear the speech queue of previous updates. |
The description of the "aria-orientation" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-orientation |
Data Type | ARIAOrientationValue |
Value Space | Enumerated value set of: { vertical | horizontal } Default = "horizontal". |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. Indicates whether the tag and orientation is horizontal or vertical. |
The description of the "aria-owns" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-owns |
Data Type | IDREFS (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. See related aria-controls. The value of the aria-owns characteristic is a space-separated list of IDREFS that reference one or more tags in the document by ID. |
The description of the "aria-hidden" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | aria-hidden |
Data Type | Boolean (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. Default = "false". |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0..1] |
Description | This is a part of the ARIA annotation. It indicates whether the element is exposed to an accessibility API. |
The description of the "dataExtension" characteristic for the "BaseHTML5Empty" class is given in Table
Descriptor | Definition |
Characteristic Name | dataExtension |
Data Type | DataHTML5Extension |
Value Space | Container [ DerivedType ] |
Scope | Global ("+") |
Multiplicity | [0.. unbounded] |
Description | This is the HTML5 extension characteristic. A custom data characteristic is an characteristic in no namespace whose name starts with the string 'data-', has at least one character after the hyphen, is XML-compatible, and contains no uppercase ASCII letters. |
The data model for the "DataHTML5Extension" class is shown in Figure 2.6.3 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.6.3.
Figure 2.6.3 - DataHTML5Extension class definitions.
The description of the "pattern" attribute for the "DataHTML5Extension" class is given in Table 2.6.3.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | pattern |
Data Type | String (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. Default = "(data-)[a-z|A-Z|0-9|-|.|_]+". |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | This is the pattern that defines the regular expression for the name of the attrubute. It is a the string starting with 'data-', has at least one character after the hyphen, is XML-compatible, and contains no uppercase ASCII letters. |
The data model for the "MimeType" class is shown in Figure 2.6.4 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.6.4.
Figure 2.6.4 - MimeType class definitions.
Descriptor | Definition |
Class Name | MimeType |
Class Type | Container [ DerivedType ] |
Parents | The set of parent classes are: |
Derived Classes | There are no derived classes. |
Super Classes | The set of classes from which this class is derived: |
Characteristics | There are no characteristics. |
Children | The set of children attributes are: |
Description | The set of mime types (type and subtype), as defined by [RFC 2045]. |
The description of the "pattern" attribute for the "MimeType" class is given in Table 2.6.4.
Descriptor | Definition |
Attribute Name | pattern |
Data Type | String (Primitive-type) |
Value Space | See Appendix A1.3. Default = "[\p{IsBasicLatin}-[()<>@,;:\\"/\[\]?=]]+/[\p{IsBasicLatin}-[()<>@,;:\\"/\[\]?=]]+". |
Scope | Local ("-") |
Multiplicity | [1] |
Description | Defines the regular expression for a mimeType value. |
The data model for the "URL" class is shown in Figure 2.6.5 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.6.5.
Figure 2.6.5 - URL class definitions.
Descriptor | Definition |
Class Name | URL |
Class Type | Container [ DerivedType ] |
Parents | The set of parent classes are: |
Derived Classes | There are no derived classes. |
Super Classes | The set of classes from which this class is derived: |
Characteristics | There are no characteristics. |
Children | There are no children. |
Description | This is a Uniform Resource Locator as defined in [RFC 1738]. |
The data model for the "UniqueIdentifier" class is shown in Figure 2.6.6 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.6.6.
Figure 2.6.6 - UniqueIdentifier class definitions.
Descriptor | Definition |
Class Name | UniqueIdentifier |
Class Type | Container [ DerivedType ] |
Parents | The set of parent classes are: |
Derived Classes | There are no derived classes. |
Super Classes | The set of classes from which this class is derived: |
Characteristics | There are no characteristics. |
Children | There are no children. |
Description | This is a unique identifier i.e. it must be unique within the structure being exchanged. An identifier is simply a logical reference to another object in the item, such as an itemVariable or choice. An identifier is a string of characters that must start with a Letter or an underscore ('_') and contain only Letters, underscores, hyphens ('-'), period ('.', a.k.a. full-stop), Digits, CombiningChars and Extenders. Identifiers containing the period character are reserved for use in prefixing, as described in the definition of variable. The character classes Letter, Digit, CombiningChar and Extender are defined in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition) [XML, 00]. Note particularly that identifiers may not contain the colon (':') character. Identifiers should have no more than 32 characters for compatibility with version 1. They are always compared case-sensitively. |
This Section is NORMATIVE.
All of the enumerated vocabularies used within this Information Model are described in this Section. The syntax and semantics for this representation is described in Appendix A1.4.
The vocabulary for the 'aria-live' property. This denotes the nature of the types of updates. The data model for the "ARIALiveValue" enumerated class is shown in Figure 2.7.1 and the accompanying vocabulary definition in Table 2.7.1.
Figure 2.7.1 - ARIALiveValue class definitions.
The vocabulary for the 'aria-orientation' property i.e. for the orientation of the associated element. The data model for the "ARIAOrientationValue" enumerated class is shown in Figure 2.7.2 and the accompanying vocabulary definition in Table 2.7.2.
Figure 2.7.2 - ARIAOrientationValue class definitions.
Term | Definition |
horizontal | The tag is oriented horizontally. |
vertical | The tag is oriented vertically. |
The set of permitted values for the 'aria-roles' property (this is a subset of the full ARIA vocabulary i.e. the terms relevant to QTI). The data model for the "ARIARoleValue" enumerated class is shown in Figure 2.7.3 and the accompanying vocabulary definition in Table 2.7.3.
Figure 2.7.3 - ARIARoleValue class definitions.
The permitted vocabulary for CORS settings for the 'crossorigin' attribute for the media elements in HTML5. The data model for the "CORSSettings" enumerated class is shown in Figure 2.7.4 and the accompanying vocabulary definition in Table 2.7.4.
Figure 2.7.4 - CORSSettings class definitions.
The permitted vocabulary for the direction of the content presented as part of the HTML5 'bdi' tag. The data model for the "DirValue" enumerated class is shown in Figure 2.7.5 and the accompanying vocabulary definition in Table 2.7.5.
Figure 2.7.5 - DirValue class definitions.
The permitted vocabulary for the 'kind' charateristic used with the HTML5 tags such as 'track'. The data model for the "KindValue" enumerated class is shown in Figure 2.7.6 and the accompanying vocabulary definition in Table 2.7.6.
Figure 2.7.6 - KindValue class definitions.
The vocabulary for the 'preload' attribute used on the media-based HTML5 tags e.g. 'audio', etc. The data model for the "PreLoadValue" enumerated class is shown in Figure 2.7.7 and the accompanying vocabulary definition in Table 2.7.7.
Figure 2.7.7 - PreLoadValue class definitions.
The set of list classes used within this Information Model are described in this Section. The syntax and semantics for this representation is described in Appendix A1.2.
The data model for the "StringList" class is shown in Figure 2.8.1 and the accompanying definition in Table 2.8.1.
Figure 2.8.1 - StringList class definitions.
This Section is NORMATIVE.
The set of imported classes (the classes that are referenced in this Information Model but defined in another separate Information Model) used within this Information Model are described in this Section. The syntax and semantics for this representation is described in Appendix A1.6.
The details for the "Include" class are shown in Table 2.9.1.
The details for the "MathML2" class are shown in Table 2.9.2.
The details for the "MathML3" class are shown in Table 2.9.3.
The details for the "QTIv2p2" class are shown in Table 2.9.4.
Descriptor | Definition |
Import Class Name | QTIv2p2 |
Parent Classes | The set of parent classes, and the associated children, that use this imported class are:
Description | This refers to the core QTI Assessment, Section and Item (ASI) standard. This enables the appropriate subset of the QTI to be used in this HTML5 context. It is a subset of the HTML features within the QTI ASI that are used within this HTML5 conetxt. |
The details for the "SSMLv1p1" class are shown in Table 2.9.5.
The XSD binding is described using a set of tables derived from the UML representation and a set of XML code snippets. The binding description consists of:
An explanation of the structure and terms used XSD binding tables is given in Appendix B.
This Section is NOT NORMATIVE.
The UML/XSD Mapping for the UML Root Attributes to the XSD Root Elements is given in Table 3.2.1. The syntax and semantics for this representation is described in Appendix B1.1.
Attribute Name | UML Class | XSD Name | XSD Type | XSD Data Type |
article | Article | article | Element | ArticleDType |
aside | Aside | aside | Element | AsideDType |
audio | Audio | audio | Element | AudioDType |
bdi | BDI | bdi | Element | BDIDType |
figcaption | FigCaption | figcaption | Element | FigCaptionDType |
figure | Figure | figure | Element | FigureDType |
footer | Footer | footer | Element | FooterDType |
header | Header | header | Element | HeaderDType |
label | Label | label | Element | LabelDType |
nav | Nav | nav | Element | NavDType |
rb | RB | rb | Element | RBDType |
rp | RP | rp | Element | RPDType |
rt | RT | rt | Element | RTDType |
rtc | RTC | rtc | Element | RTCDType |
ruby | Ruby | ruby | Element | RubyDType |
section | Section | section | Element | SectionDType |
source | Source | source | Element | SourceDType |
track | Track | track | Element | TrackDType |
video | Video | video | Element | VideoDType |
The syntax and semantics for the Root Class UML/XSD mapping representations is described in Appendix B1.2.
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Article" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Article | Root | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | ArticleDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m2:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML3) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m3:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (Include) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
xi:include | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:img | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:br | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:object | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:em | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:a | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:code | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:span | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:acronym | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:big | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:tt | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:kbd | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:q | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:i | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dfn | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:abbr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:strong | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sup | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:var | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:small | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:samp | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:b | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:cite | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:bdo | Element (Global) |
Attribute | BDI | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
bdi | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Figure | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
figure | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Audio | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Video | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
video | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Label | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
label | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Article | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
article | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Aside | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
aside | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Footer | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
footer | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Header | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
header | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Nav | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
nav | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Section | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
section | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:pre | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h1 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h2 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h3 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h4 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h5 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h6 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:address | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dl | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ol | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ul | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:hr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:s | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:say-as | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:phoneme | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:voice | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:emphasis | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:break | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:prosody | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:mark | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:speak | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Ruby | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ruby | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Aside" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Aside | Root | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | AsideDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m2:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML3) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m3:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (Include) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
xi:include | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:img | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:br | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:object | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:em | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:a | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:code | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:span | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:acronym | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:big | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:tt | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:kbd | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:q | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:i | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dfn | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:abbr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:strong | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sup | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:var | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:small | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:samp | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:b | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:cite | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:bdo | Element (Global) |
Attribute | BDI | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
bdi | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Figure | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
figure | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Audio | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Video | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
video | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Label | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
label | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Article | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
article | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Aside | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
aside | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Footer | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
footer | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Header | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
header | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Nav | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
nav | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Section | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
section | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:pre | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h1 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h2 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h3 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h4 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h5 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h6 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:address | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dl | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ol | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ul | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:hr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:s | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:say-as | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:phoneme | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:voice | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:emphasis | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:break | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:prosody | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:mark | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:speak | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Ruby | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ruby | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Audio" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Audio | Root | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | AudioDType | ComplexType |
Characteristic | DT: URL (PT: NormalizedString) | [0..1] | src | Attribute (Global) |
Characteristic | [ Enumeration (CORSSettings) ] | [0..1] | crossorigin | Attribute (Global) |
Characteristic | [ Enumeration (PreLoadValue) ] | [0..1] | preload | Attribute (Global) |
Characteristic | PT: Boolean | [0..1] | autoplay | Attribute (Global) |
Characteristic | PT: NormalizedString | [0..1] | mediagroup | Attribute (Global) |
Characteristic | PT: Boolean | [0..1] | loop | Attribute (Global) |
Characteristic | PT: Boolean | [0..1] | muted | Attribute (Global) |
Characteristic | PT: Boolean | [0..1] | controls | Attribute (Global) |
Attribute | Source | [0.. *] | source | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Track | [0.. *] | track | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "BDI" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
BDI | Root | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | BDIDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:img | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:br | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:object | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:em | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:a | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:code | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:span | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:acronym | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:big | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:tt | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:kbd | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:q | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:i | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dfn | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:abbr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:strong | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sup | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:var | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:small | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:samp | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:b | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:cite | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:bdo | Element (Global) |
Attribute | BDI | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
bdi | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Figure | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
figure | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Audio | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Video | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
video | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Label | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
label | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Article | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
article | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Aside | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
aside | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Footer | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
footer | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Header | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
header | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Nav | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
nav | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Section | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
section | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:pre | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h1 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h2 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h3 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h4 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h5 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h6 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:address | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dl | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ol | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ul | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:hr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:s | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:say-as | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:phoneme | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:voice | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:emphasis | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:break | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:prosody | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:mark | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:speak | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Ruby | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ruby | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "FigCaption" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
FigCaption | Root | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | FigCaptionDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m2:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML3) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m3:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (Include) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
xi:include | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:img | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:br | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:object | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:em | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:a | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:code | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:span | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:acronym | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:big | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:tt | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:kbd | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:q | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:i | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dfn | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:abbr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:strong | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sup | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:var | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:small | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:samp | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:b | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:cite | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:bdo | Element (Global) |
Attribute | BDI | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
bdi | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Figure | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
figure | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Audio | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Video | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
video | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Label | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
label | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Article | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
article | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Aside | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
aside | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Footer | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
footer | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Header | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
header | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Nav | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
nav | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Section | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
section | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:pre | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h1 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h2 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h3 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h4 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h5 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h6 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:address | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dl | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ol | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ul | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:hr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:s | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:say-as | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:phoneme | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:voice | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:emphasis | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:break | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:prosody | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:mark | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:speak | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Ruby | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ruby | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Figure" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Figure | Root | Container [ Unordered ] | - N/A - | FigureDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | FigCaption | [0..1] | figcaption | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:img | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:br | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:object | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:em | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:a | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:code | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:span | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:acronym | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:big | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:tt | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:kbd | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:q | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:i | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dfn | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:abbr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:strong | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sup | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:var | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:small | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:samp | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:b | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:cite | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:bdo | Element (Global) |
Attribute | BDI | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
bdi | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Figure | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
figure | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Audio | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Video | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
video | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Label | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
label | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Article | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
article | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Aside | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
aside | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Footer | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
footer | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Header | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
header | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Nav | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
nav | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Section | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
section | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:pre | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h1 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h2 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h3 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h4 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h5 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h6 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:address | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dl | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ol | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ul | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:hr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:s | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:say-as | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:phoneme | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:voice | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:emphasis | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:break | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:prosody | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:mark | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:speak | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Ruby | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ruby | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Footer" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Footer | Root | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | FooterDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m2:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML3) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m3:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (Include) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
xi:include | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:img | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:br | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:object | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:em | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:a | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:code | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:span | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:acronym | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:big | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:tt | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:kbd | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:q | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:i | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dfn | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:abbr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:strong | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sup | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:var | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:small | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:samp | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:b | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:cite | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:bdo | Element (Global) |
Attribute | BDI | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
bdi | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Figure | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
figure | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Audio | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Video | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
video | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Label | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
label | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Article | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
article | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Aside | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
aside | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Footer | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
footer | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Header | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
header | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Nav | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
nav | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Section | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
section | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:pre | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h1 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h2 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h3 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h4 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h5 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h6 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:address | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dl | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ol | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ul | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:hr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:s | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:say-as | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:phoneme | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:voice | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:emphasis | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:break | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:prosody | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:mark | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:speak | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Ruby | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ruby | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Header" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Header | Root | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | HeaderDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m2:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML3) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m3:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (Include) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
xi:include | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:img | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:br | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:object | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:em | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:a | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:code | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:span | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:acronym | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:big | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:tt | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:kbd | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:q | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:i | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dfn | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:abbr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:strong | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sup | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:var | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:small | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:samp | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:b | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:cite | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:bdo | Element (Global) |
Attribute | BDI | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
bdi | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Figure | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
figure | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Audio | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Video | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
video | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Label | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
label | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Article | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
article | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Aside | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
aside | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Footer | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
footer | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Header | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
header | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Nav | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
nav | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Section | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
section | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:pre | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h1 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h2 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h3 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h4 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h5 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h6 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:address | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dl | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ol | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ul | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:hr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:s | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:say-as | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:phoneme | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:voice | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:emphasis | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:break | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:prosody | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:mark | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:speak | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Ruby | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ruby | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Label" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Label | Root | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | LabelDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m2:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML3) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m3:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (Include) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
xi:include | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:img | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:br | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:object | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:em | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:a | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:code | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:span | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:acronym | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:big | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:tt | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:kbd | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:q | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:i | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dfn | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:abbr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:strong | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sup | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:var | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:small | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:samp | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:b | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:cite | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:bdo | Element (Global) |
Attribute | BDI | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
bdi | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Figure | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
figure | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Audio | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Video | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
video | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Label | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
label | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Article | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
article | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Aside | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
aside | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Footer | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
footer | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Header | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
header | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Nav | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
nav | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Section | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
section | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:pre | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h1 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h2 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h3 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h4 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h5 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h6 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:address | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dl | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ol | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ul | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:hr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:s | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:say-as | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:phoneme | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:voice | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:emphasis | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:break | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:prosody | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:mark | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:speak | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Ruby | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ruby | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Nav" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Nav | Root | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | NavDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m2:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML3) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m3:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (Include) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
xi:include | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:img | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:br | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:object | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:em | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:a | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:code | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:span | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:acronym | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:big | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:tt | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:kbd | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:q | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:i | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dfn | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:abbr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:strong | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sup | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:var | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:small | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:samp | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:b | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:cite | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:bdo | Element (Global) |
Attribute | BDI | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
bdi | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Figure | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
figure | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Audio | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Video | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
video | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Label | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
label | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Article | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
article | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Aside | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
aside | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Footer | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
footer | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Header | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
header | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Nav | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
nav | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Section | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
section | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:pre | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h1 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h2 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h3 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h4 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h5 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:h6 | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:address | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dl | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ol | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:ul | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:hr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:p | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:s | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:say-as | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:phoneme | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:voice | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:emphasis | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:break | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:prosody | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:mark | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (SSMLv1p1) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ssml11:speak | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Ruby | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ruby | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "RB" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
RB | Root | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | RBDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:a | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:abbr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:b | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:bdo | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:br | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:cite | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:code | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dfn | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:em | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:i | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:img | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:kbd | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:object | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:q | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:samp | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:small | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:span | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:strong | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sup | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:var | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Audio | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | BDI | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
bdi | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Label | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
label | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Ruby | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ruby | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Video | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
video | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "RP" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
RP | Root | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | RPDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:a | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:abbr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:b | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:bdo | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:br | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:cite | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:code | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dfn | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:em | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:i | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:img | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:kbd | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:object | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:q | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:samp | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:small | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:span | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:strong | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sup | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:var | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Audio | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | BDI | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
bdi | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Label | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
label | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Ruby | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ruby | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Video | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
video | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "RT" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
RT | Root | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | RTDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:a | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:abbr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:b | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:bdo | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:br | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:cite | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:code | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dfn | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:em | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:i | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:img | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:kbd | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:object | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:q | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:samp | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:small | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:span | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:strong | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sup | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:var | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Audio | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | BDI | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
bdi | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Label | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
label | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Ruby | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ruby | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Video | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
video | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "RTC" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
RTC | Root | Container [ Selection ] | - N/A - | RTCDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:a | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:abbr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:b | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:bdo | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:br | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:cite | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:code | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dfn | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:em | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:i | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:img | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:kbd | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:object | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:q | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:samp | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:small | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:span | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:strong | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sup | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:var | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Audio | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | BDI | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
bdi | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Label | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
label | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Ruby | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ruby | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Video | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
video | Element (Global) |
Attribute | RT | [0.. *] | rt | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Ruby" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Ruby | Root | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | RubyDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:a | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:abbr | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:b | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:bdo | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:br | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:cite | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:code | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:dfn | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:em | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:i | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:img | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:kbd | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:object | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:q | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:samp | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:small | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:span | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:strong | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sup | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:var | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Audio | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
audio | Element (Global) |
Attribute | BDI | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
bdi | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Label | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
label | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Ruby | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
ruby | Element (Global) |
Attribute | Video | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
video | Element (Global) |
Attribute | RB | XOR [1] [0.. *] |
rb | Element (Global) |
Attribute | RP | XOR [1] [0..1] |
rp | Element (Global) |
Attribute | RT | XOR [1] [1] |
rt | Element (Global) |
Attribute | RTC | XOR [1] [1] |
rtc | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Section" Root Class is given in Table
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Section | Root | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | SectionDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m2:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (MathML3) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
m3:math | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (Include) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
xi:include | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:img | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:br | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:object | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:em | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:a | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:code | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:span | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:sub | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:acronym | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:big | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:tt | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:kbd | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:q | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] | XOR [0.. *] [1] |
qti:i | Element (Global) |
Attribute | [ Imported (QTIv2p2) ] |