Organization: Pearson Education Product Name: myWorld Social Studies Grade 4 Building Our Country SC Product Version: v1.0 Source: IMS Online Validator Profile: 1.2.0 Identifier: realize-6bfe4dc4-b924-3d82-856b-dd0fa5ff2b1f Timestamp: Monday, January 28, 2019 11:31 AM EST Status: VALID! Conformant: true ----- VALID! ----- Resource Validation Results The document is valid. ----- VALID! ----- Schema Location Results Schema locations are valid. ----- VALID! ----- Schema Validation Results The document is valid. ----- VALID! ----- Schematron Validation Results The document is valid. Curriculum Standards: Identify leaders who organized protests against British rule. - Understand how the actions of Parliament led to protests against British rule. - Know that the British government wanted the colonists to accept British rule. - Identify the contributions of women to the American Revolution. - Describe the effects of the colonists' protests. - Explain how British actions caused the colonists worked together. - Analyze how British actions caused the colonists to stage boycotts. - Describe how Native Americans modified the environment to meet basic needs such as clearing land for farming or building structures, and the impact of these modifications on the environment. - Identify major leaders, their decisions, and the events that shaped the fight for women's suffrage. - Identify major leaders of the early years in the fight for abolition. - Summarize the influences of various immigrant groups in the early years of the United States. - Describe the importance of the cotton gin and westward settlement in the spread of slavery. - Students preview and review chapter content. - 4.1.CH.1 Analyze how geography influenced the location of trails and settlements in the West. - Identify important individuals and their contributions to Westward settlement. - Identify the variety of routes to the west and why people traveled them. - Develop ideas and prewrite. - 4.4.MSB.1 Summarize the impact of western settlement on the lives of Native Americans. - Identify the economic and social reasons that led settlers to risk moving to the West. - Identify George Washington's role in the French and Indian War. - Analyze how French settlements in the Ohio River valley and conflicts in Europe impacted French and British colonists and Native Americans. - Analyze the impact of Pontiac's Rebellion and its relation to the Proclamation of 1763. - Assess how the conflicts and alliances during the French and Indian War affected the expansion of the British colonies. - The causes and events that led to the Civil War. - Identify civilizations that flourished throughout the Americas, such as the Maya and Aztecs. - Describe how ancient Americans spread throughout the Americas. - Describe the relationships between British colonists and different Native American groups that led to both cooperation and conflict. - Summarize how ancient Americans migrated to and settled in North America. - Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. - How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. - The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. - Understand how the Express Riders spread information. - Explain the causes and effects of the Boston Massacre. - Define the importance Paul Revere's ride. - Summarize the activities and decisions of the Continental Congress. - Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. - Identify the events leading to the Boston Tea Party. - Compare and contrast the major achievements of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Inuit, Mound Builders, and Anasazi. - List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. - Analyze the variety of economic opportunities that developed out of the Gold Rush. - Identify the tools and methods used by miners during the Gold Rush. - Describe the events that made California a state. - Identify roles and contributions of significant people in the settlement of California. - Analyze the causes and effects of the California Gold Rush. - Describe ways in which Africans resisted slavery. - The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. - Explain the contributions of enslaved Africans to the colonies. - The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. - The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. - Describe the daily life of enslaved Africans in the colonies, as well as free Africans. - Students preview and review chapter content. - 4.3.CH.1 Summarize the development of slavery in America. - The political and military strategies of the North and the South. - How the Civil War started. - Students preview and review chapter content. - 4.8.CH.1 Analyze how the War of 1812 changed the way Americans viewed themselves. - Summarize the history and importance of Francis Scott Key's 'Star-Spangled Banner.' - Identify events and results of the War of 1812. - Identify the causes of the War of 1812. - Compare the colonization efforts of the English, French, and Dutch in North America. - Describe the colonial communities created by the French and the Dutch. - Summarize the relationship between Native Americans and the French, and between Native Americans and the Dutch. - Analyze how new transportation systems affected how and where people settled. - Identify ways in which Europeans competed for economic opportunities in North America, including claiming land, using resources, and establishing trade. - Students preview and review chapter content. - 4.7.CH.1 Describe how major technological advances and inventions changed productivity. - Identify important inventors and manufacturers from late 18th through mid-19th centuries. - Describe how advances in technology revolutionized land and water transportation. - Summarize Samuel Slater's role in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States. - Explain ways in which colonists altered the environment to meet their needs, such as building gristmills on streams. - Compare and contrast the various social classes in the colonies, including the gentry, middle class, ordinary workers, indentured servants, and enslaved peoples. - Develop ideas and prewrite. - 4.8.MSB.1 Explain and give examples of the work of apprentices, artisans, farmers, enslaved Africans, and other workers in the colonies. - Explain the impact of protectionism and mercantilism on colonial trade. - Describe triangular trade, including the goods created by colonists for export and the things they imported. - Summarize the effects of the Indian Removal Act and the 'Trail of Tears.' - Analyze the policies and events that led Native Americans to resist American settlement. - Analyze the effects of extending the right to vote to new groups of white men. - Summarize the role of Andrew Jackson and others in the settlement of the new territories of the United States and how their actions shaped the nation. - Understand that the Monroe Doctrine was issued to prevent new European colonies in the Americas. - Describe the kinds of communities the Pilgrims and Puritans created, including the influence of religion on daily life. - Summarize the events of the war with Mexico and its effect on the expansion of the United States. - Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in New England. - Identify significant people and their contributions during the period of westward expansion. - Explain the significance of the Mayflower Compact. - Summarize the religious and economic reasons that prompted Pilgrims and Puritans to settle in New England. - Summarize how and why Texas became a state. - Describe the concept of Manifest Destiny as an understanding by Americans that their nation would extend to both coasts. - Analyze the role of slavery in the American settlement of Texas. - Analyze the role of religion and government in the New England colonies. - Compare and contrast the physical geography and location of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. - Explain how the Southern Colonies of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were established and developed. - Describe Quaker and other settlements in the Middle Colonies and the industries they developed. - Identify the participation of African Americans on both sides in the American Revolution. - Understand how fighting spread to other areas of the country and the world. - Summarize why other nations formed alliances with the United States and how these allies contributed to victory in the American Revolution. - Students preview and review chapter content. - 4.2.CH.1 Describe the process that led to the ratification of the Constitution by the states. - Compare and contrast the viewpoints of Federalists and Anti-Federalists. - Explain that the Bill of Rights guarantees the individual rights of all citizens. - Understand that to get ratification the supporters of the Constitution had to agree to add a Bill of Rights. - Summarize the economic activities of Spanish settlements including encomiendas, ranches, and mines. - Understand how the new capital at Washington, D.C., symbolized the new nation. - Analyze how the new government tried to build a strong economy for the United States. - Describe the development of political parties in the new nation. - Analyze the role of George Washington in creating the Executive Branch of the Federal government. - Students preview and review chapter content. - 4.4.CH.1 Trace the development of representative government in Virginia. - Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. - Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia. - Analyze the impact of geography and climate on the Virginia colony. - Explain why and how the English started settlements in Virginia. - The difficulty of rebuilding the South. - The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. - The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. - What happened after Reconstruction. - The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. - The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. - Develop ideas and prewrite. - 4.1.MSB.1 Describe the civic responsibilities of citizens of the United States. - Analyze the role of the Supreme Court and other Federal courts in interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. - Analyze the basic principles of democracy and why they are important to citizens today. - Explain the military's role in defending the nation. - Analyze the consequences of the Columbian Exchange, both positive and negative. - Understand the importance and the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. - Develop ideas and prewrite. - 4.7.MSB.1 Define Columbian Exchange as an interchange of cultures and goods between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans following Columbus's explorations. - Explain the basic functions of United States government institutions and their significance today. - Summarize the role of leaders and expeditions in westward expansion. - Summarize how voting rights have been expanded to include more citizens. - Describe the role of geography in the expansion of American settlement beyond the original thirteen states. - Identify government agencies that work to promote the well being of Americans. - Draw conclusions about the lasting impact of the Columbian Exchange on the cultures of Europeans, Native American, and African peoples. - Summarize the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase. - Develop ideas and prewrite. - 4.6.MSB.1 Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. - Identify the location of Spanish settlements in North America including St. Augustine. - Analyze the relationships between Spanish settlers and Native Americans. - Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. - Describe the importance of the Spanish mission in the spread of Spanish settlements in North America. - Students preview and review chapter content. - 4.9.CH.1 Students preview and review chapter content. - 4.6.CH.1 Summarize the activities and decisions of the Second Continental Congress. - Understand that the Declaration of Independence was a public explanation of American ideals. - Develop ideas and prewrite. - 4.5.MSB.1 Identify the leaders who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence. - Explain the significance of Thomas Paine's Common Sense. - Describe the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition. - List the possible consequences of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. - Summarize how the lack of a national currency and large war debts led to inflation and economic troubles for the new nation. - Understand how the American government was structured under the Articles of Confederation and describe the weaknesses of this structure. - Summarize the principles and the effects of the Northwest Ordinance. - Understand how Shays's Rebellion led to increased calls for a stronger national government. - Explain why the Constitutional Convention was called and what it was intended to do. - Summarize the efforts of Spanish explorers following Columbus to search the Americas for sources of wealth and also to conquer native peoples in the name of Spain. - Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. - Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. - Summarize the efforts of the Prince of Portugal to establish sea routes around Africa to Asia in order to increase trade and gain riches for his country. - Analyze the impact on exploration of innovations such as improved maps, faster and safer ships, the astrolabe, and the magnetic compass. - Women's contributions to the war effort. - Hardships on home front. - The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. - The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. - Define culture and give specific examples from different native peoples. - The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. - The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. - Summarize the importance of the Battle of Saratoga. - Understand the importance of the Battle of Trenton. - Explain the contributions of Nathan Hale. - List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. - Describe the influence of trade on Native American economies. - Describe various features of Native American religious life, including ceremonies and music. - Identify the contributions of key Native Americans to the Revolution. - Describe how Native American groups chose leaders and made rules to govern themselves. - Retell the contributions of key women to the Revolution. - Examine daily life of adults and children in Native American families. - Describe Washington's actions at Valley Forge. - Students preview and review chapter content. - 4.5.CH.1 Summarize the reasons a convention to modify the Articles of Confederation was needed. - Summarize the struggles and compromises involved in writing the U.S. Constitution. - Identify the leaders of the Constitutional Convention and their views. - Summarize how the Constitution describes good government. - Compare and contrast the ideas of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. - Explain the powers that belong to the federal government and to the states under the Constitution. - Explain how the Constitution limits the power of government through a system of checks and balances. - Identify Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama as the first European to sail around the tip of Africa and reach India. - The reaction to the war's end. - The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. - The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. - The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. - Define the term economy and describe ways in which Native American groups used local resources to survive. - Identify Native American societies from different geographic regions of North America. - How Abraham Lincoln died. - The significance of the Gettysburg address. - The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. - Develop ideas and prewrite. - 4.3.MSB.1 List of all Files Validated: imsmanifest.xml I_00075237-c21c-3d59-abf4-25b241b243df_1_R/BasicLTI.xml I_0024e29b-aa5e-3aad-a87e-1b0937f3a0c9_1_R/BasicLTI.xml I_0047784e-fc48-3f54-8954-7a80c691069e_1_R/BasicLTI.xml I_00c125bb-7d73-30a7-816c-e4dd0d003279_1_R/BasicLTI.xml I_0180a2d8-83b4-3fb3-b8ba-363f98dc77c4_1_R/BasicLTI.xml I_01bf47b2-322c-3ce8-b230-9a5dd4a3444d_1_R/BasicLTI.xml I_01c8049c-0431-3af6-a87a-d1b5f2e1e770_1_R/BasicLTI.xml 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I_fe489a11-05e3-3997-8ec3-a8e7a73844c0_1_R/BasicLTI.xml I_fe665c64-cce7-38e7-8db9-22141864f2e4_1_R/BasicLTI.xml I_fe7101dc-1f96-376d-9702-4939b9aaf6fd_R/BasicLTI.xml I_fe7381ea-628f-3b43-8456-cfbc5e222644_1_R/BasicLTI.xml I_fea69592-9e30-3fbf-a0c2-fe1286f6463d_1_R/BasicLTI.xml I_fed7c9a5-4465-3188-bca3-1032740acca1_R/BasicLTI.xml I_ff42f4e9-c8fc-3614-a42a-a1f89cea1320_1_R/BasicLTI.xml I_ffe4820a-633a-34a1-b215-1708e552753c_R/BasicLTI.xml Title: myWorld SS G4 Building Our Country 2013 SC Realize Tools Glossary: Building Our Country Social Studies Handbook Our Land and Regions Online Student Edition Libro del estudiante en línea Assessment Resources Editable Quiz Quiz (online) Prueba modificable Prueba (en línea) Our Market Economy Online Student Edition Libro del estudiante en línea Assessment Resources Editable Quiz Quiz (online) Prueba modificable Prueba (en línea) Participating in Our Government Online Student Edition Assessment Resources Editable Quiz Quiz (online) Prueba modificable Prueba (en línea) Libro del estudiante en línea Social Studies Handbook Assessment Social Studies Handbook Editable Test Form A Social Studies Handbook Test Form A (online) Social Studies Handbook Test Form A (online)Chapter test that children can complete online. Social Studies Handbook Editable Test Form B Social Studies Handbook Test Form B (online) Social Studies Handbook Test Form B (online) Spanish Language Assessments Manual de Estudios Sociales: Examen modificable A Manual de Estudios Sociales: Examen A (en línea) Manual de Estudios Sociales: Examen modificable B Manual de Estudios Sociales: Examen B (en línea) Chapter 1: The First Americans Chapter Opener: The First Americans Connect Big Question myStory Video myStory Spark Words to Know Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Target Reading Skill Practice (Compare and Contrast) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: Los primeros pobladores de las Américas miHistoria: Video Palabras para aprender Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Práctica de la destreza clave de lectura (Comparar y contrastar) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Lesson 1: Ancient American Civilizations Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Summarize how ancient Americans migrated to and settled in North America. Describe how ancient Americans spread throughout the Americas. Identify civilizations that flourished throughout the Americas, such as the Maya and Aztecs. Compare and contrast the major achievements of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Inuit, Mound Builders, and Anasazi. Key Ideas: People Arrive in the Americas Curriculum Standards: Summarize how ancient Americans migrated to and settled in North America. Describe how ancient Americans spread throughout the Americas. Identify civilizations that flourished throughout the Americas, such as the Maya and Aztecs. Compare and contrast the major achievements of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Inuit, Mound Builders, and Anasazi. Key Ideas: Learning to Use the Land Curriculum Standards: Summarize how ancient Americans migrated to and settled in North America. Describe how ancient Americans spread throughout the Americas. Identify civilizations that flourished throughout the Americas, such as the Maya and Aztecs. Compare and contrast the major achievements of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Inuit, Mound Builders, and Anasazi. Key Ideas: North American Cultures Curriculum Standards: Summarize how ancient Americans migrated to and settled in North America. Describe how ancient Americans spread throughout the Americas. Identify civilizations that flourished throughout the Americas, such as the Maya and Aztecs. Compare and contrast the major achievements of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Inuit, Mound Builders, and Anasazi. Key Ideas: The First Americans Curriculum Standards: Summarize how ancient Americans migrated to and settled in North America. Describe how ancient Americans spread throughout the Americas. Identify civilizations that flourished throughout the Americas, such as the Maya and Aztecs. Compare and contrast the major achievements of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Inuit, Mound Builders, and Anasazi. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Summarize how ancient Americans migrated to and settled in North America. Describe how ancient Americans spread throughout the Americas. Identify civilizations that flourished throughout the Americas, such as the Maya and Aztecs. Compare and contrast the major achievements of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Inuit, Mound Builders, and Anasazi. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Summarize how ancient Americans migrated to and settled in North America. Describe how ancient Americans spread throughout the Americas. Identify civilizations that flourished throughout the Americas, such as the Maya and Aztecs. Compare and contrast the major achievements of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Inuit, Mound Builders, and Anasazi. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Summarize how ancient Americans migrated to and settled in North America. Describe how ancient Americans spread throughout the Americas. Identify civilizations that flourished throughout the Americas, such as the Maya and Aztecs. Compare and contrast the major achievements of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Inuit, Mound Builders, and Anasazi. Spanish Language Student Resources: Las civilizaciones antiguas de las Américas Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Summarize how ancient Americans migrated to and settled in North America. Describe how ancient Americans spread throughout the Americas. Identify civilizations that flourished throughout the Americas, such as the Maya and Aztecs. Compare and contrast the major achievements of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Inuit, Mound Builders, and Anasazi. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Summarize how ancient Americans migrated to and settled in North America. Describe how ancient Americans spread throughout the Americas. Identify civilizations that flourished throughout the Americas, such as the Maya and Aztecs. Compare and contrast the major achievements of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Inuit, Mound Builders, and Anasazi. Lesson 2: Adapting to Different Places Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Identify Native American societies from different geographic regions of North America. Define the term economy and describe ways in which Native American groups used local resources to survive. Describe how Native Americans modified the environment to meet basic needs such as clearing land for farming or building structures, and the impact of these modifications on the environment. Key Ideas: Native American Economies Curriculum Standards: Identify Native American societies from different geographic regions of North America. Define the term economy and describe ways in which Native American groups used local resources to survive. Describe how Native Americans modified the environment to meet basic needs such as clearing land for farming or building structures, and the impact of these modifications on the environment. Key Ideas: Changing Ways of Life Curriculum Standards: Identify Native American societies from different geographic regions of North America. Define the term economy and describe ways in which Native American groups used local resources to survive. Describe how Native Americans modified the environment to meet basic needs such as clearing land for farming or building structures, and the impact of these modifications on the environment. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Identify Native American societies from different geographic regions of North America. Define the term economy and describe ways in which Native American groups used local resources to survive. Describe how Native Americans modified the environment to meet basic needs such as clearing land for farming or building structures, and the impact of these modifications on the environment. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Identify Native American societies from different geographic regions of North America. Define the term economy and describe ways in which Native American groups used local resources to survive. Describe how Native Americans modified the environment to meet basic needs such as clearing land for farming or building structures, and the impact of these modifications on the environment. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Define the term economy and describe ways in which Native American groups used local resources to survive. Describe how Native Americans modified the environment to meet basic needs such as clearing land for farming or building structures, and the impact of these modifications on the environment. Spanish Language Student Resources: Cómo adaptarse a lugares diferentes Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Identify Native American societies from different geographic regions of North America. Define the term economy and describe ways in which Native American groups used local resources to survive. Describe how Native Americans modified the environment to meet basic needs such as clearing land for farming or building structures, and the impact of these modifications on the environment. Prueba (en línea) Lesson 3: Native American Cultures Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Define culture and give specific examples from different native peoples. Examine daily life of adults and children in Native American families. Describe how Native American groups chose leaders and made rules to govern themselves. Describe various features of Native American religious life, including ceremonies and music. Describe the influence of trade on Native American economies. Key Ideas: Daily Life for Native Americans Curriculum Standards: Define culture and give specific examples from different native peoples. Examine daily life of adults and children in Native American families. Describe how Native American groups chose leaders and made rules to govern themselves. Describe various features of Native American religious life, including ceremonies and music. Describe the influence of trade on Native American economies. Key Ideas: Native American Governments Curriculum Standards: Define culture and give specific examples from different native peoples. Examine daily life of adults and children in Native American families. Describe how Native American groups chose leaders and made rules to govern themselves. Describe various features of Native American religious life, including ceremonies and music. Describe the influence of trade on Native American economies. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Define culture and give specific examples from different native peoples. Examine daily life of adults and children in Native American families. Describe how Native American groups chose leaders and made rules to govern themselves. Describe various features of Native American religious life, including ceremonies and music. Describe the influence of trade on Native American economies. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Define culture and give specific examples from different native peoples. Examine daily life of adults and children in Native American families. Describe how Native American groups chose leaders and made rules to govern themselves. Describe various features of Native American religious life, including ceremonies and music. Describe the influence of trade on Native American economies. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Define culture and give specific examples from different native peoples. Describe how Native American groups chose leaders and made rules to govern themselves. Spanish Language Student Resources: Las culturas indígenas americanas Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Define culture and give specific examples from different native peoples. Examine daily life of adults and children in Native American families. Describe how Native American groups chose leaders and made rules to govern themselves. Describe various features of Native American religious life, including ceremonies and music. Describe the influence of trade on Native American economies. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Define culture and give specific examples from different native peoples. Describe how Native American groups chose leaders and made rules to govern themselves. Chapter Closer: The First Americans Understand Vocabulary Review Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myWorld Activity Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Book Curriculum Standards: Develop ideas and prewrite. The First Americans myStory Book Online Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: Los primeros pobladores de las Américas Repaso del vocabulario miMundo: Actividad Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myWorld Activity: Create a Museum Display Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in English Create a Museum Display Student Instructions and Rubric Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Create a Museum Display Student Recording Sheet Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 1: Plains: The Cheyennes Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 2: North Woodlands: The Iroquois Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 3: Pacific Northwest: The Makahs Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 4: Southwest: The Pueblos Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 5: Southeast: The Cherokees Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in Spanish Crear una exhibición de museo: Instrucciones y guía para calificar Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Crear una exhibición de museo: Registro de datos Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 1: Las llanuras: Los cheyenes Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 2: Zona boscosa del Norte: Los iroqueses Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 3: Noroeste del Pacífico: Los makahs Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 4: Suroeste: Los pueblo Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 5: Sureste: Los cheroquíes Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Chapter Assessments and Answer Key The First Americans Editable Test Form A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. The First Americans Test Form A (online) Curriculum Standards: Summarize how ancient Americans migrated to and settled in North America. Describe how ancient Americans spread throughout the Americas. Identify civilizations that flourished throughout the Americas, such as the Maya and Aztecs. Compare and contrast the major achievements of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Inuit, Mound Builders, and Anasazi. Identify Native American societies from different geographic regions of North America. Describe how Native Americans modified the environment to meet basic needs such as clearing land for farming or building structures, and the impact of these modifications on the environment. Define culture and give specific examples from different native peoples. Examine daily life of adults and children in Native American families. Describe how Native American groups chose leaders and made rules to govern themselves. Describe various features of Native American religious life, including ceremonies and music. The First Americans Editable Test Form B Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. The First Americans Test Form B (online) Curriculum Standards: Summarize how ancient Americans migrated to and settled in North America. Describe how ancient Americans spread throughout the Americas. Identify civilizations that flourished throughout the Americas, such as the Maya and Aztecs. Compare and contrast the major achievements of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Inuit, Mound Builders, and Anasazi. Identify Native American societies from different geographic regions of North America. Define the term economy and describe ways in which Native American groups used local resources to survive. Describe how Native Americans modified the environment to meet basic needs such as clearing land for farming or building structures, and the impact of these modifications on the environment. Define culture and give specific examples from different native peoples. Examine daily life of adults and children in Native American families. Describe how Native American groups chose leaders and made rules to govern themselves. Describe various features of Native American religious life, including ceremonies and music. Spanish Language Chapter Assessments Los primeros pobladores de las Américas: Examen modificable A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Los primeros pobladores de las Américas: Examen modificable B Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Los primeros pobladores de las Américas: Examen B (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Summarize how ancient Americans migrated to and settled in North America. Describe how ancient Americans spread throughout the Americas. Identify civilizations that flourished throughout the Americas, such as the Maya and Aztecs. Compare and contrast the major achievements of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Inuit, Mound Builders, and Anasazi. Identify Native American societies from different geographic regions of North America. Define the term economy and describe ways in which Native American groups used local resources to survive. Describe how Native Americans modified the environment to meet basic needs such as clearing land for farming or building structures, and the impact of these modifications on the environment. Define culture and give specific examples from different native peoples. Examine daily life of adults and children in Native American families. Describe how Native American groups chose leaders and made rules to govern themselves. Describe various features of Native American religious life, including ceremonies and music. Los primeros pobladores de las Américas: Examen A (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Summarize how ancient Americans migrated to and settled in North America. Describe how ancient Americans spread throughout the Americas. Identify civilizations that flourished throughout the Americas, such as the Maya and Aztecs. Compare and contrast the major achievements of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Inuit, Mound Builders, and Anasazi. Identify Native American societies from different geographic regions of North America. Describe how Native Americans modified the environment to meet basic needs such as clearing land for farming or building structures, and the impact of these modifications on the environment. Define culture and give specific examples from different native peoples. Examine daily life of adults and children in Native American families. Describe how Native American groups chose leaders and made rules to govern themselves. Describe various features of Native American religious life, including ceremonies and music. Leveled Readers Chief Joseph Defends His People Chief Joseph: Leader of the Nez Percé Chief Joseph: I Will Fight No More Forever Chapter 2: The Age of Exploration Chapter Opener: The Age of Exploration Connect Big Question Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Video Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Spark Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Words to Know Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Target Reading Skill Practice (Draw Conclusions) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: La era de la exploración miHistoria: Video Palabras para aprender Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Práctica de la destreza clave de lectura (Sacar conclusiones) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Lesson 1: Technology Shapes Exploration Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Analyze the impact on exploration of innovations such as improved maps, faster and safer ships, the astrolabe, and the magnetic compass. Summarize the efforts of the Prince of Portugal to establish sea routes around Africa to Asia in order to increase trade and gain riches for his country. Identify Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama as the first European to sail around the tip of Africa and reach India. Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Key Ideas: Searching for Riches Curriculum Standards: Analyze the impact on exploration of innovations such as improved maps, faster and safer ships, the astrolabe, and the magnetic compass. Summarize the efforts of the Prince of Portugal to establish sea routes around Africa to Asia in order to increase trade and gain riches for his country. Identify Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama as the first European to sail around the tip of Africa and reach India. Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Key Ideas: Portuguese Exploration Curriculum Standards: Analyze the impact on exploration of innovations such as improved maps, faster and safer ships, the astrolabe, and the magnetic compass. Summarize the efforts of the Prince of Portugal to establish sea routes around Africa to Asia in order to increase trade and gain riches for his country. Identify Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama as the first European to sail around the tip of Africa and reach India. Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Analyze the impact on exploration of innovations such as improved maps, faster and safer ships, the astrolabe, and the magnetic compass. Summarize the efforts of the Prince of Portugal to establish sea routes around Africa to Asia in order to increase trade and gain riches for his country. Identify Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama as the first European to sail around the tip of Africa and reach India. Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Analyze the impact on exploration of innovations such as improved maps, faster and safer ships, the astrolabe, and the magnetic compass. Summarize the efforts of the Prince of Portugal to establish sea routes around Africa to Asia in order to increase trade and gain riches for his country. Identify Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama as the first European to sail around the tip of Africa and reach India. Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Analyze the impact on exploration of innovations such as improved maps, faster and safer ships, the astrolabe, and the magnetic compass. Summarize the efforts of the Prince of Portugal to establish sea routes around Africa to Asia in order to increase trade and gain riches for his country. Spanish Language Student Resources: La tecnología contribuye a la exploración Libro del estudiante en línea Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Analyze the impact on exploration of innovations such as improved maps, faster and safer ships, the astrolabe, and the magnetic compass. Summarize the efforts of the Prince of Portugal to establish sea routes around Africa to Asia in order to increase trade and gain riches for his country. Identify Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama as the first European to sail around the tip of Africa and reach India. Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Lesson 2: Explorers for Spain Spanish Language Student Resources: Los exploradores de España Libro del estudiante en línea Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Summarize the efforts of Spanish explorers following Columbus to search the Americas for sources of wealth and also to conquer native peoples in the name of Spain. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Summarize the efforts of Spanish explorers following Columbus to search the Americas for sources of wealth and also to conquer native peoples in the name of Spain. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Key Ideas: Columbus Sets Sail Curriculum Standards: Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Summarize the efforts of Spanish explorers following Columbus to search the Americas for sources of wealth and also to conquer native peoples in the name of Spain. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Key Ideas: Conquistadors and Ferdinand Magellan Curriculum Standards: Summarize the efforts of Spanish explorers following Columbus to search the Americas for sources of wealth and also to conquer native peoples in the name of Spain. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Key Ideas: Settling in the Americas Curriculum Standards: Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Summarize the efforts of Spanish explorers following Columbus to search the Americas for sources of wealth and also to conquer native peoples in the name of Spain. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Key Ideas: Age of Exploration Curriculum Standards: Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Summarize the efforts of Spanish explorers following Columbus to search the Americas for sources of wealth and also to conquer native peoples in the name of Spain. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Summarize the efforts of Spanish explorers following Columbus to search the Americas for sources of wealth and also to conquer native peoples in the name of Spain. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Summarize the efforts of Spanish explorers following Columbus to search the Americas for sources of wealth and also to conquer native peoples in the name of Spain. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Summarize the efforts of Spanish explorers following Columbus to search the Americas for sources of wealth and also to conquer native peoples in the name of Spain. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Lesson 3: The Columbian Exchange Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Define Columbian Exchange as an interchange of cultures and goods between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans following Columbus's explorations. Analyze the consequences of the Columbian Exchange, both positive and negative. Draw conclusions about the lasting impact of the Columbian Exchange on the cultures of Europeans, Native American, and African peoples. Key Ideas: The Effects of the Columbian Exchange Curriculum Standards: Define Columbian Exchange as an interchange of cultures and goods between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans following Columbus's explorations. Analyze the consequences of the Columbian Exchange, both positive and negative. Draw conclusions about the lasting impact of the Columbian Exchange on the cultures of Europeans, Native American, and African peoples. Key Ideas: Cultures Collide Curriculum Standards: Define Columbian Exchange as an interchange of cultures and goods between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans following Columbus's explorations. Analyze the consequences of the Columbian Exchange, both positive and negative. Draw conclusions about the lasting impact of the Columbian Exchange on the cultures of Europeans, Native American, and African peoples. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Define Columbian Exchange as an interchange of cultures and goods between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans following Columbus's explorations. Analyze the consequences of the Columbian Exchange, both positive and negative. Draw conclusions about the lasting impact of the Columbian Exchange on the cultures of Europeans, Native American, and African peoples. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Define Columbian Exchange as an interchange of cultures and goods between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans following Columbus's explorations. Analyze the consequences of the Columbian Exchange, both positive and negative. Draw conclusions about the lasting impact of the Columbian Exchange on the cultures of Europeans, Native American, and African peoples. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Define Columbian Exchange as an interchange of cultures and goods between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans following Columbus's explorations. Spanish Language Student Resources: El intercambio columbino Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Define Columbian Exchange as an interchange of cultures and goods between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans following Columbus's explorations. Analyze the consequences of the Columbian Exchange, both positive and negative. Draw conclusions about the lasting impact of the Columbian Exchange on the cultures of Europeans, Native American, and African peoples. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Define Columbian Exchange as an interchange of cultures and goods between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans following Columbus's explorations. Chapter Closer: The Age of Exploration Understand Vocabulary Review myWorld Activity myStory Book The Age of Exploration myStory Book Online Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: La era de la exploración Repaso del vocabulario miMundo: Actividad Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myWorld Activity: Help Wanted: Voyagers Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in English Help Wanted: Voyagers Student Instructions and Rubric Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Help Wanted: Voyagers Student Recording Sheet Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 6: Vasco da Gama Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 8: Ferdinand Magellan Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 10: Christopher Columbus Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 7: Leif Ericsson Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 9: Bartolomeu Dias Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in Spanish Se necesitan navegantes: Instrucciones y guía para calificar Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Se necesitan navegantes: Registro de datos Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 6: Vasco da Gama Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 7: Leif Ericson Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 8: Fernando de Magallanes Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 9: Bartolomeu Dias Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 10: Cristóbal Colón Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Chapter Assessments and Answer Key The Age of Exploration Editable Test Form A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. The Age of Exploration Test Form A (online) Curriculum Standards: Analyze the impact on exploration of innovations such as improved maps, faster and safer ships, the astrolabe, and the magnetic compass. Summarize the efforts of the Prince of Portugal to establish sea routes around Africa to Asia in order to increase trade and gain riches for his country. Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Summarize the efforts of Spanish explorers following Columbus to search the Americas for sources of wealth and also to conquer native peoples in the name of Spain. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Define Columbian Exchange as an interchange of cultures and goods between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans following Columbus's explorations. Analyze the consequences of the Columbian Exchange, both positive and negative. Draw conclusions about the lasting impact of the Columbian Exchange on the cultures of Europeans, Native American, and African peoples. The Age of Exploration Editable Test Form B Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. The Age of Exploration Test Form B (online) Curriculum Standards: Analyze the impact on exploration of innovations such as improved maps, faster and safer ships, the astrolabe, and the magnetic compass. Summarize the efforts of the Prince of Portugal to establish sea routes around Africa to Asia in order to increase trade and gain riches for his country. Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Summarize the efforts of Spanish explorers following Columbus to search the Americas for sources of wealth and also to conquer native peoples in the name of Spain. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Define Columbian Exchange as an interchange of cultures and goods between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans following Columbus's explorations. Analyze the consequences of the Columbian Exchange, both positive and negative. Draw conclusions about the lasting impact of the Columbian Exchange on the cultures of Europeans, Native American, and African peoples. Spanish Language Chapter Assessments La era de la exploración: Examen modificable A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. La era de la exploración: Examen A (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Analyze the impact on exploration of innovations such as improved maps, faster and safer ships, the astrolabe, and the magnetic compass. Summarize the efforts of the Prince of Portugal to establish sea routes around Africa to Asia in order to increase trade and gain riches for his country. Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Summarize the efforts of Spanish explorers following Columbus to search the Americas for sources of wealth and also to conquer native peoples in the name of Spain. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Define Columbian Exchange as an interchange of cultures and goods between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans following Columbus's explorations. Analyze the consequences of the Columbian Exchange, both positive and negative. Draw conclusions about the lasting impact of the Columbian Exchange on the cultures of Europeans, Native American, and African peoples. La era de la exploración: Examen modificable B Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. La era de la exploración: Examen B (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Analyze the impact on exploration of innovations such as improved maps, faster and safer ships, the astrolabe, and the magnetic compass. Summarize the efforts of the Prince of Portugal to establish sea routes around Africa to Asia in order to increase trade and gain riches for his country. Explain that the King and Queen of Spain were motivated to send explorers to the Americas by a desire for profit and to spread Christianity. Describe how Columbus sailed west hoping to reach Asia and never knew he'd landed on a continent previously unknown to most Europeans. Summarize the efforts of Spanish explorers following Columbus to search the Americas for sources of wealth and also to conquer native peoples in the name of Spain. Define the term colony and describe how Spain started colonies in the Americas. Define Columbian Exchange as an interchange of cultures and goods between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans following Columbus's explorations. Analyze the consequences of the Columbian Exchange, both positive and negative. Draw conclusions about the lasting impact of the Columbian Exchange on the cultures of Europeans, Native American, and African peoples. Leveled Readers Isabella, Queen of Spain Queen Isabella and the Exploration of the Americas Isabella: Queen of Two Kingdoms Chapter 3: Settlements Take Root Chapter Opener: Settlements Take Root Connect Big Question Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Video Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Spark Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Words to Know Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Target Reading Skill Practice (Categorize) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: Se establecen los asentamientos miHistoria: Video Palabras para aprender Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Práctica de la destreza clave de lectura (Categorizar) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Lesson 1: The Spanish Colony in the Americas Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Summarize the economic activities of Spanish settlements including encomiendas, ranches, and mines. Describe the importance of the Spanish mission in the spread of Spanish settlements in North America. Analyze the relationships between Spanish settlers and Native Americans. Identify the location of Spanish settlements in North America including St. Augustine. Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Key Ideas: The Colony of New Spain Curriculum Standards: Summarize the economic activities of Spanish settlements including encomiendas, ranches, and mines. Describe the importance of the Spanish mission in the spread of Spanish settlements in North America. Analyze the relationships between Spanish settlers and Native Americans. Identify the location of Spanish settlements in North America including St. Augustine. Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Key Ideas: Cooperation and Conflict in New Spain Curriculum Standards: Summarize the economic activities of Spanish settlements including encomiendas, ranches, and mines. Describe the importance of the Spanish mission in the spread of Spanish settlements in North America. Analyze the relationships between Spanish settlers and Native Americans. Identify the location of Spanish settlements in North America including St. Augustine. Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Summarize the economic activities of Spanish settlements including encomiendas, ranches, and mines. Describe the importance of the Spanish mission in the spread of Spanish settlements in North America. Analyze the relationships between Spanish settlers and Native Americans. Identify the location of Spanish settlements in North America including St. Augustine. Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Summarize the economic activities of Spanish settlements including encomiendas, ranches, and mines. Describe the importance of the Spanish mission in the spread of Spanish settlements in North America. Analyze the relationships between Spanish settlers and Native Americans. Identify the location of Spanish settlements in North America including St. Augustine. Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the economic activities of Spanish settlements including encomiendas, ranches, and mines. Describe the importance of the Spanish mission in the spread of Spanish settlements in North America. Analyze the relationships between Spanish settlers and Native Americans. Identify the location of Spanish settlements in North America including St. Augustine. Spanish Language Student Resources: La colonia española en las Américas Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Summarize the economic activities of Spanish settlements including encomiendas, ranches, and mines. Describe the importance of the Spanish mission in the spread of Spanish settlements in North America. Analyze the relationships between Spanish settlers and Native Americans. Identify the location of Spanish settlements in North America including St. Augustine. Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the economic activities of Spanish settlements including encomiendas, ranches, and mines. Describe the importance of the Spanish mission in the spread of Spanish settlements in North America. Analyze the relationships between Spanish settlers and Native Americans. Identify the location of Spanish settlements in North America including St. Augustine. Lesson 2: The English Colonies in Virginia Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Explain why and how the English started settlements in Virginia. Analyze the impact of geography and climate on the Virginia colony. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Trace the development of representative government in Virginia. Key Ideas: The English in North America Curriculum Standards: Explain why and how the English started settlements in Virginia. Analyze the impact of geography and climate on the Virginia colony. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Trace the development of representative government in Virginia. Key Ideas: Success at Jamestown Curriculum Standards: Explain why and how the English started settlements in Virginia. Analyze the impact of geography and climate on the Virginia colony. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Trace the development of representative government in Virginia. Key Ideas: Hard Times Give Way to Progress Curriculum Standards: Explain why and how the English started settlements in Virginia. Analyze the impact of geography and climate on the Virginia colony. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Trace the development of representative government in Virginia. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Explain why and how the English started settlements in Virginia. Analyze the impact of geography and climate on the Virginia colony. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Trace the development of representative government in Virginia. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Explain why and how the English started settlements in Virginia. Analyze the impact of geography and climate on the Virginia colony. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Trace the development of representative government in Virginia. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Explain why and how the English started settlements in Virginia. Analyze the impact of geography and climate on the Virginia colony. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Trace the development of representative government in Virginia. Spanish Language Student Resources: Las colonias inglesas en Virginia Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Explain why and how the English started settlements in Virginia. Analyze the impact of geography and climate on the Virginia colony. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Trace the development of representative government in Virginia. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Explain why and how the English started settlements in Virginia. Analyze the impact of geography and climate on the Virginia colony. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Trace the development of representative government in Virginia. Lesson 3: Pilgrims and Puritans in New England Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Summarize the religious and economic reasons that prompted Pilgrims and Puritans to settle in New England. Explain the significance of the Mayflower Compact. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in New England. Describe the kinds of communities the Pilgrims and Puritans created, including the influence of religion on daily life. Key Ideas: The Pilgrims and Native Americans Work Together Curriculum Standards: Summarize the religious and economic reasons that prompted Pilgrims and Puritans to settle in New England. Explain the significance of the Mayflower Compact. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in New England. Describe the kinds of communities the Pilgrims and Puritans created, including the influence of religion on daily life. Key Ideas: Life at Plymouth Curriculum Standards: Summarize the religious and economic reasons that prompted Pilgrims and Puritans to settle in New England. Explain the significance of the Mayflower Compact. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in New England. Describe the kinds of communities the Pilgrims and Puritans created, including the influence of religion on daily life. Key Ideas: The Massachusetts Bay Colony Curriculum Standards: Summarize the religious and economic reasons that prompted Pilgrims and Puritans to settle in New England. Explain the significance of the Mayflower Compact. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in New England. Describe the kinds of communities the Pilgrims and Puritans created, including the influence of religion on daily life. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Summarize the religious and economic reasons that prompted Pilgrims and Puritans to settle in New England. Explain the significance of the Mayflower Compact. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in New England. Describe the kinds of communities the Pilgrims and Puritans created, including the influence of religion on daily life. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Summarize the religious and economic reasons that prompted Pilgrims and Puritans to settle in New England. Explain the significance of the Mayflower Compact. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in New England. Describe the kinds of communities the Pilgrims and Puritans created, including the influence of religion on daily life. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the religious and economic reasons that prompted Pilgrims and Puritans to settle in New England. Explain the significance of the Mayflower Compact. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in New England. Describe the kinds of communities the Pilgrims and Puritans created, including the influence of religion on daily life. Spanish Language Student Resources: Los peregrinos y los puritanos en Nueva Inglaterra Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Summarize the religious and economic reasons that prompted Pilgrims and Puritans to settle in New England. Explain the significance of the Mayflower Compact. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in New England. Describe the kinds of communities the Pilgrims and Puritans created, including the influence of religion on daily life. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the religious and economic reasons that prompted Pilgrims and Puritans to settle in New England. Explain the significance of the Mayflower Compact. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in New England. Describe the kinds of communities the Pilgrims and Puritans created, including the influence of religion on daily life. Lesson 4: The French and Dutch in North America Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Identify ways in which Europeans competed for economic opportunities in North America, including claiming land, using resources, and establishing trade. Summarize the relationship between Native Americans and the French, and between Native Americans and the Dutch. Describe the colonial communities created by the French and the Dutch. Compare the colonization efforts of the English, French, and Dutch in North America. Key Ideas: French Traders and Settlers Curriculum Standards: Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Identify ways in which Europeans competed for economic opportunities in North America, including claiming land, using resources, and establishing trade. Summarize the relationship between Native Americans and the French, and between Native Americans and the Dutch. Describe the colonial communities created by the French and the Dutch. Compare the colonization efforts of the English, French, and Dutch in North America. Key Ideas: Settlements Take Root Curriculum Standards: Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Identify ways in which Europeans competed for economic opportunities in North America, including claiming land, using resources, and establishing trade. Summarize the relationship between Native Americans and the French, and between Native Americans and the Dutch. Describe the colonial communities created by the French and the Dutch. Compare the colonization efforts of the English, French, and Dutch in North America. Key Ideas: The Dutch in New Netherland Curriculum Standards: Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Identify ways in which Europeans competed for economic opportunities in North America, including claiming land, using resources, and establishing trade. Summarize the relationship between Native Americans and the French, and between Native Americans and the Dutch. Describe the colonial communities created by the French and the Dutch. Compare the colonization efforts of the English, French, and Dutch in North America. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Identify ways in which Europeans competed for economic opportunities in North America, including claiming land, using resources, and establishing trade. Summarize the relationship between Native Americans and the French, and between Native Americans and the Dutch. Describe the colonial communities created by the French and the Dutch. Compare the colonization efforts of the English, French, and Dutch in North America. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Identify ways in which Europeans competed for economic opportunities in North America, including claiming land, using resources, and establishing trade. Summarize the relationship between Native Americans and the French, and between Native Americans and the Dutch. Describe the colonial communities created by the French and the Dutch. Compare the colonization efforts of the English, French, and Dutch in North America. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Identify ways in which Europeans competed for economic opportunities in North America, including claiming land, using resources, and establishing trade. Summarize the relationship between Native Americans and the French, and between Native Americans and the Dutch. Describe the colonial communities created by the French and the Dutch. Compare the colonization efforts of the English, French, and Dutch in North America. Spanish Language Student Resources: Los franceses y los neerlandeses en América del Norte Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Identify ways in which Europeans competed for economic opportunities in North America, including claiming land, using resources, and establishing trade. Summarize the relationship between Native Americans and the French, and between Native Americans and the Dutch. Describe the colonial communities created by the French and the Dutch. Compare the colonization efforts of the English, French, and Dutch in North America. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Identify ways in which Europeans competed for economic opportunities in North America, including claiming land, using resources, and establishing trade. Summarize the relationship between Native Americans and the French, and between Native Americans and the Dutch. Describe the colonial communities created by the French and the Dutch. Compare the colonization efforts of the English, French, and Dutch in North America. Chapter Closer: Settlements Take Root Understand Vocabulary Review Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myWorld Activity Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Book Curriculum Standards: Develop ideas and prewrite. Settlements Take Root myStory Book Online Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: Se establecen los asentamientos Repaso del vocabulario miMundo: Actividad Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myWorld Activity: My Life in America Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in English My Life in America Student Instructions and Rubric Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. My Life in America Student Recording Sheet Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 11: The English at Jamestown Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 12: The French in Quebec Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 13: The Dutch in New Netherland Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 15: The Pilgrims in Plymouth Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 14: The Spaniards in North America Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in Spanish Mi vida en América: Instrucciones y guía para calificar Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Mi vida en América: Registro de datos Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 11: Los ingleses en Jamestown Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 12: Los franceses en Quebec Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 13: Los neerlandeses en Nueva Holanda Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 14: Los españoles en América del Norte Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 15: Los peregrinos en Plymouth Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Chapter Assessments and Answer Key Settlements Take Root Editable Test Form A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Settlements Take Root Test Form A (online) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the economic activities of Spanish settlements including encomiendas, ranches, and mines. Describe the importance of the Spanish mission in the spread of Spanish settlements in North America. Analyze the relationships between Spanish settlers and Native Americans. Identify the location of Spanish settlements in North America including St. Augustine. Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Explain why and how the English started settlements in Virginia. Analyze the impact of geography and climate on the Virginia colony. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Trace the development of representative government in Virginia. Summarize the religious and economic reasons that prompted Pilgrims and Puritans to settle in New England. Explain the significance of the Mayflower Compact. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in New England. Describe the kinds of communities the Pilgrims and Puritans created, including the influence of religion on daily life. Identify ways in which Europeans competed for economic opportunities in North America, including claiming land, using resources, and establishing trade. Summarize the relationship between Native Americans and the French, and between Native Americans and the Dutch. Describe the colonial communities created by the French and the Dutch. Compare the colonization efforts of the English, French, and Dutch in North America. Settlements Take Root Editable Test Form B Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Settlements Take Root Test Form B (online) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the economic activities of Spanish settlements including encomiendas, ranches, and mines. Describe the importance of the Spanish mission in the spread of Spanish settlements in North America. Analyze the relationships between Spanish settlers and Native Americans. Identify the location of Spanish settlements in North America including St. Augustine. Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Explain why and how the English started settlements in Virginia. Analyze the impact of geography and climate on the Virginia colony. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Trace the development of representative government in Virginia. Summarize the religious and economic reasons that prompted Pilgrims and Puritans to settle in New England. Explain the significance of the Mayflower Compact. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in New England. Describe the kinds of communities the Pilgrims and Puritans created, including the influence of religion on daily life. Identify ways in which Europeans competed for economic opportunities in North America, including claiming land, using resources, and establishing trade. Summarize the relationship between Native Americans and the French, and between Native Americans and the Dutch. Describe the colonial communities created by the French and the Dutch. Compare the colonization efforts of the English, French, and Dutch in North America. Spanish Language Chapter Assessments Se establecen los asentamientos: Examen modificable A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Se establecen los asentamientos: Examen A (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the economic activities of Spanish settlements including encomiendas, ranches, and mines. Describe the importance of the Spanish mission in the spread of Spanish settlements in North America. Analyze the relationships between Spanish settlers and Native Americans. Identify the location of Spanish settlements in North America including St. Augustine. Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Explain why and how the English started settlements in Virginia. Analyze the impact of geography and climate on the Virginia colony. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Trace the development of representative government in Virginia. Summarize the religious and economic reasons that prompted Pilgrims and Puritans to settle in New England. Explain the significance of the Mayflower Compact. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in New England. Describe the kinds of communities the Pilgrims and Puritans created, including the influence of religion on daily life. Identify ways in which Europeans competed for economic opportunities in North America, including claiming land, using resources, and establishing trade. Summarize the relationship between Native Americans and the French, and between Native Americans and the Dutch. Describe the colonial communities created by the French and the Dutch. Compare the colonization efforts of the English, French, and Dutch in North America. Se establecen los asentamientos: Examen modificable B Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Se establecen los asentamientos: Examen B (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the economic activities of Spanish settlements including encomiendas, ranches, and mines. Describe the importance of the Spanish mission in the spread of Spanish settlements in North America. Analyze the relationships between Spanish settlers and Native Americans. Identify the location of Spanish settlements in North America including St. Augustine. Describe the geographical setting of St. Augustine and its importance. Explain why and how the English started settlements in Virginia. Analyze the impact of geography and climate on the Virginia colony. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in Virginia. Summarize the sequence of events leading to a permanent settlement in Virginia. Trace the development of representative government in Virginia. Summarize the religious and economic reasons that prompted Pilgrims and Puritans to settle in New England. Explain the significance of the Mayflower Compact. Describe the relationship between Native Americans and English settlers in New England. Describe the kinds of communities the Pilgrims and Puritans created, including the influence of religion on daily life. Identify ways in which Europeans competed for economic opportunities in North America, including claiming land, using resources, and establishing trade. Summarize the relationship between Native Americans and the French, and between Native Americans and the Dutch. Describe the colonial communities created by the French and the Dutch. Compare the colonization efforts of the English, French, and Dutch in North America. Leveled Readers Chief Powhatan Chief Powhatan, Leader of His People Powhatan, Native American Leader Chapter 4: Life in the Colonies Chapter Opener: Life in the Colonies Connect Big Question Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Spark Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Video Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Words to Know Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Target Reading Skill Practice (Main Idea and Details) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: La vida en las colonias miHistoria: Video Práctica de la destreza clave de lectura (Idea principal y detalles) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Palabras para aprender Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Lesson 1: New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the physical geography and location of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Analyze the role of religion and government in the New England colonies. Describe Quaker and other settlements in the Middle Colonies and the industries they developed. Explain how the Southern Colonies of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were established and developed. Key Ideas: The New England Colonies Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the physical geography and location of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Analyze the role of religion and government in the New England colonies. Describe Quaker and other settlements in the Middle Colonies and the industries they developed. Explain how the Southern Colonies of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were established and developed. Key Ideas: The Middle and Southern Colonies Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the physical geography and location of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Analyze the role of religion and government in the New England colonies. Describe Quaker and other settlements in the Middle Colonies and the industries they developed. Explain how the Southern Colonies of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were established and developed. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the physical geography and location of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Analyze the role of religion and government in the New England colonies. Describe Quaker and other settlements in the Middle Colonies and the industries they developed. Explain how the Southern Colonies of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were established and developed. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the physical geography and location of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Analyze the role of religion and government in the New England colonies. Describe Quaker and other settlements in the Middle Colonies and the industries they developed. Explain how the Southern Colonies of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were established and developed. Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the physical geography and location of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Analyze the role of religion and government in the New England colonies. Describe Quaker and other settlements in the Middle Colonies and the industries they developed. Online Student Edition Spanish Language Student Resources: Nueva Inglaterra, las colonias centrales y las colonias del Sur Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the physical geography and location of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Analyze the role of religion and government in the New England colonies. Describe Quaker and other settlements in the Middle Colonies and the industries they developed. Explain how the Southern Colonies of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were established and developed. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the physical geography and location of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Analyze the role of religion and government in the New England colonies. Describe Quaker and other settlements in the Middle Colonies and the industries they developed. Lesson 2: Daily Life in the Colonies Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Explain and give examples of the work of apprentices, artisans, farmers, enslaved Africans, and other workers in the colonies. Describe triangular trade, including the goods created by colonists for export and the things they imported. Explain the impact of protectionism and mercantilism on colonial trade. Compare and contrast the various social classes in the colonies, including the gentry, middle class, ordinary workers, indentured servants, and enslaved peoples. Explain ways in which colonists altered the environment to meet their needs, such as building gristmills on streams. Key Ideas: Colonies and Resources Curriculum Standards: Explain and give examples of the work of apprentices, artisans, farmers, enslaved Africans, and other workers in the colonies. Describe triangular trade, including the goods created by colonists for export and the things they imported. Explain the impact of protectionism and mercantilism on colonial trade. Compare and contrast the various social classes in the colonies, including the gentry, middle class, ordinary workers, indentured servants, and enslaved peoples. Explain ways in which colonists altered the environment to meet their needs, such as building gristmills on streams. Key Ideas: Life in Colonial Society Curriculum Standards: Explain and give examples of the work of apprentices, artisans, farmers, enslaved Africans, and other workers in the colonies. Describe triangular trade, including the goods created by colonists for export and the things they imported. Explain the impact of protectionism and mercantilism on colonial trade. Compare and contrast the various social classes in the colonies, including the gentry, middle class, ordinary workers, indentured servants, and enslaved peoples. Explain ways in which colonists altered the environment to meet their needs, such as building gristmills on streams. Key Ideas: Life in the Colonies Curriculum Standards: Explain and give examples of the work of apprentices, artisans, farmers, enslaved Africans, and other workers in the colonies. Describe triangular trade, including the goods created by colonists for export and the things they imported. Explain the impact of protectionism and mercantilism on colonial trade. Compare and contrast the various social classes in the colonies, including the gentry, middle class, ordinary workers, indentured servants, and enslaved peoples. Explain ways in which colonists altered the environment to meet their needs, such as building gristmills on streams. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Explain and give examples of the work of apprentices, artisans, farmers, enslaved Africans, and other workers in the colonies. Describe triangular trade, including the goods created by colonists for export and the things they imported. Explain the impact of protectionism and mercantilism on colonial trade. Compare and contrast the various social classes in the colonies, including the gentry, middle class, ordinary workers, indentured servants, and enslaved peoples. Explain ways in which colonists altered the environment to meet their needs, such as building gristmills on streams. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Explain and give examples of the work of apprentices, artisans, farmers, enslaved Africans, and other workers in the colonies. Describe triangular trade, including the goods created by colonists for export and the things they imported. Explain the impact of protectionism and mercantilism on colonial trade. Compare and contrast the various social classes in the colonies, including the gentry, middle class, ordinary workers, indentured servants, and enslaved peoples. Explain ways in which colonists altered the environment to meet their needs, such as building gristmills on streams. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Explain and give examples of the work of apprentices, artisans, farmers, enslaved Africans, and other workers in the colonies. Describe triangular trade, including the goods created by colonists for export and the things they imported. Explain the impact of protectionism and mercantilism on colonial trade. Compare and contrast the various social classes in the colonies, including the gentry, middle class, ordinary workers, indentured servants, and enslaved peoples. Explain ways in which colonists altered the environment to meet their needs, such as building gristmills on streams. Spanish Language Student Resources: La vida diaria en las colonias Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the physical geography and location of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Analyze the role of religion and government in the New England colonies. Describe Quaker and other settlements in the Middle Colonies and the industries they developed. Explain how the Southern Colonies of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were established and developed. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Explain and give examples of the work of apprentices, artisans, farmers, enslaved Africans, and other workers in the colonies. Describe triangular trade, including the goods created by colonists for export and the things they imported. Explain the impact of protectionism and mercantilism on colonial trade. Compare and contrast the various social classes in the colonies, including the gentry, middle class, ordinary workers, indentured servants, and enslaved peoples. Explain ways in which colonists altered the environment to meet their needs, such as building gristmills on streams. Lesson 3: Slavery in the Colonies Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Summarize the development of slavery in America. Describe the daily life of enslaved Africans in the colonies, as well as free Africans. Explain the contributions of enslaved Africans to the colonies. Describe ways in which Africans resisted slavery. Key Ideas: Fighting Back Against Slavery Curriculum Standards: Summarize the development of slavery in America. Describe the daily life of enslaved Africans in the colonies, as well as free Africans. Explain the contributions of enslaved Africans to the colonies. Describe ways in which Africans resisted slavery. Key Ideas: Slavery: From Africa to the Americas Curriculum Standards: Summarize the development of slavery in America. Describe the daily life of enslaved Africans in the colonies, as well as free Africans. Explain the contributions of enslaved Africans to the colonies. Describe ways in which Africans resisted slavery. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Summarize the development of slavery in America. Describe the daily life of enslaved Africans in the colonies, as well as free Africans. Explain the contributions of enslaved Africans to the colonies. Describe ways in which Africans resisted slavery. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Summarize the development of slavery in America. Describe the daily life of enslaved Africans in the colonies, as well as free Africans. Explain the contributions of enslaved Africans to the colonies. Describe ways in which Africans resisted slavery. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the development of slavery in America. Describe the daily life of enslaved Africans in the colonies, as well as free Africans. Explain the contributions of enslaved Africans to the colonies. Describe ways in which Africans resisted slavery. Spanish Language Student Resources: La esclavitud en las colonias Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Summarize the development of slavery in America. Describe the daily life of enslaved Africans in the colonies, as well as free Africans. Explain the contributions of enslaved Africans to the colonies. Describe ways in which Africans resisted slavery. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the development of slavery in America. Describe the daily life of enslaved Africans in the colonies, as well as free Africans. Explain the contributions of enslaved Africans to the colonies. Describe ways in which Africans resisted slavery. Lesson 4: The French and Indian War Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Describe the relationships between British colonists and different Native American groups that led to both cooperation and conflict. Analyze how French settlements in the Ohio River valley and conflicts in Europe impacted French and British colonists and Native Americans. Identify George Washington's role in the French and Indian War. Assess how the conflicts and alliances during the French and Indian War affected the expansion of the British colonies. Analyze the impact of Pontiac's Rebellion and its relation to the Proclamation of 1763. Key Ideas: War Between Britain and France Curriculum Standards: Describe the relationships between British colonists and different Native American groups that led to both cooperation and conflict. Analyze how French settlements in the Ohio River valley and conflicts in Europe impacted French and British colonists and Native Americans. Identify George Washington's role in the French and Indian War. Assess how the conflicts and alliances during the French and Indian War affected the expansion of the British colonies. Analyze the impact of Pontiac's Rebellion and its relation to the Proclamation of 1763. Key Ideas: The British Win Curriculum Standards: Describe the relationships between British colonists and different Native American groups that led to both cooperation and conflict. Analyze how French settlements in the Ohio River valley and conflicts in Europe impacted French and British colonists and Native Americans. Identify George Washington's role in the French and Indian War. Assess how the conflicts and alliances during the French and Indian War affected the expansion of the British colonies. Analyze the impact of Pontiac's Rebellion and its relation to the Proclamation of 1763. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Describe the relationships between British colonists and different Native American groups that led to both cooperation and conflict. Analyze how French settlements in the Ohio River valley and conflicts in Europe impacted French and British colonists and Native Americans. Identify George Washington's role in the French and Indian War. Assess how the conflicts and alliances during the French and Indian War affected the expansion of the British colonies. Analyze the impact of Pontiac's Rebellion and its relation to the Proclamation of 1763. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Describe the relationships between British colonists and different Native American groups that led to both cooperation and conflict. Analyze how French settlements in the Ohio River valley and conflicts in Europe impacted French and British colonists and Native Americans. Identify George Washington's role in the French and Indian War. Assess how the conflicts and alliances during the French and Indian War affected the expansion of the British colonies. Analyze the impact of Pontiac's Rebellion and its relation to the Proclamation of 1763. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Describe the relationships between British colonists and different Native American groups that led to both cooperation and conflict. Analyze how French settlements in the Ohio River valley and conflicts in Europe impacted French and British colonists and Native Americans. Identify George Washington's role in the French and Indian War. Analyze the impact of Pontiac's Rebellion and its relation to the Proclamation of 1763. Spanish Language Student Resources: La Guerra contra la Alianza Franco-Indígena Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Describe the relationships between British colonists and different Native American groups that led to both cooperation and conflict. Analyze how French settlements in the Ohio River valley and conflicts in Europe impacted French and British colonists and Native Americans. Identify George Washington's role in the French and Indian War. Assess how the conflicts and alliances during the French and Indian War affected the expansion of the British colonies. Analyze the impact of Pontiac's Rebellion and its relation to the Proclamation of 1763. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Describe the relationships between British colonists and different Native American groups that led to both cooperation and conflict. Analyze how French settlements in the Ohio River valley and conflicts in Europe impacted French and British colonists and Native Americans. Identify George Washington's role in the French and Indian War. Analyze the impact of Pontiac's Rebellion and its relation to the Proclamation of 1763. Chapter Closer: Life in the Colonies Understand Vocabulary Review Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myWorld Activity Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Book Curriculum Standards: Develop ideas and prewrite. Life in the Colonies myStory Book Online Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: La vida en las colonias Repaso del vocabulario miMundo: Actividad Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myWorld Activity: Where Should They Settle? Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in English Where Should They Settle? Student Instructions and Rubric Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Where Should They Settle? Student Recording Sheet Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 16: Where Should a Farming Family Settle? Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 17: Where Should a Middle Class Family Settle? Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 18: Where Should a Government Leader Settle? Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 19: Where Should a Schoolteacher Settle? Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 20: Where Should a Landowner Settle? Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in Spanish ¿Dónde deberían establecerse?: Instrucciones y guía para calificar Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. ¿Dónde deberían establecerse?: Registro de datos Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 16: ¿Dónde debería establecerse una familia de granjeros? Tarjeta 17: ¿Dónde debería establecerse una familia de clase media? Tarjeta 19: ¿Dónde debería establecerse un maestro de escuela? Tarjeta 20: ¿Dónde debería establecerse un hacendado? Tarjeta 18: ¿Dónde debería establecerse un líder del gobierno? Chapter Assessments and Answer Key Life in the Colonies Editable Test Form A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Life in the Colonies Editable Test Form B Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Life in the Colonies Test Form B (online) Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the physical geography and location of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Analyze the role of religion and government in the New England colonies. Describe Quaker and other settlements in the Middle Colonies and the industries they developed. Explain how the Southern Colonies of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were established and developed. Explain and give examples of the work of apprentices, artisans, farmers, enslaved Africans, and other workers in the colonies. Describe triangular trade, including the goods created by colonists for export and the things they imported. Compare and contrast the various social classes in the colonies, including the gentry, middle class, ordinary workers, indentured servants, and enslaved peoples. Explain ways in which colonists altered the environment to meet their needs, such as building gristmills on streams. Summarize the development of slavery in America. Describe the daily life of enslaved Africans in the colonies, as well as free Africans. Describe ways in which Africans resisted slavery. Describe the relationships between British colonists and different Native American groups that led to both cooperation and conflict. Analyze how French settlements in the Ohio River valley and conflicts in Europe impacted French and British colonists and Native Americans. Identify George Washington's role in the French and Indian War. Assess how the conflicts and alliances during the French and Indian War affected the expansion of the British colonies. Analyze the impact of Pontiac's Rebellion and its relation to the Proclamation of 1763. Spanish Language Chapter Assessments La vida en las colonias: Examen modificable A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. La vida en las colonias: Examen modificable B Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. La vida en las colonias: Examen B (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the physical geography and location of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Analyze the role of religion and government in the New England colonies. Describe Quaker and other settlements in the Middle Colonies and the industries they developed. Explain how the Southern Colonies of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were established and developed. Explain and give examples of the work of apprentices, artisans, farmers, enslaved Africans, and other workers in the colonies. Describe triangular trade, including the goods created by colonists for export and the things they imported. Compare and contrast the various social classes in the colonies, including the gentry, middle class, ordinary workers, indentured servants, and enslaved peoples. Explain ways in which colonists altered the environment to meet their needs, such as building gristmills on streams. Summarize the development of slavery in America. Describe the daily life of enslaved Africans in the colonies, as well as free Africans. Describe ways in which Africans resisted slavery. Describe the relationships between British colonists and different Native American groups that led to both cooperation and conflict. Analyze how French settlements in the Ohio River valley and conflicts in Europe impacted French and British colonists and Native Americans. Identify George Washington's role in the French and Indian War. Assess how the conflicts and alliances during the French and Indian War affected the expansion of the British colonies. Analyze the impact of Pontiac's Rebellion and its relation to the Proclamation of 1763. La vida en las colonias: Examen A (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the physical geography and location of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Analyze the role of religion and government in the New England colonies. Describe Quaker and other settlements in the Middle Colonies and the industries they developed. Explain how the Southern Colonies of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were established and developed. Explain and give examples of the work of apprentices, artisans, farmers, enslaved Africans, and other workers in the colonies. Describe triangular trade, including the goods created by colonists for export and the things they imported. Explain the impact of protectionism and mercantilism on colonial trade. Compare and contrast the various social classes in the colonies, including the gentry, middle class, ordinary workers, indentured servants, and enslaved peoples. Explain ways in which colonists altered the environment to meet their needs, such as building gristmills on streams. Summarize the development of slavery in America. Describe the daily life of enslaved Africans in the colonies, as well as free Africans. Explain the contributions of enslaved Africans to the colonies. Describe ways in which Africans resisted slavery. Describe the relationships between British colonists and different Native American groups that led to both cooperation and conflict. Analyze how French settlements in the Ohio River valley and conflicts in Europe impacted French and British colonists and Native Americans. Assess how the conflicts and alliances during the French and Indian War affected the expansion of the British colonies. Analyze the impact of Pontiac's Rebellion and its relation to the Proclamation of 1763. Life in the Colonies Test Form A (online) Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the physical geography and location of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Analyze the role of religion and government in the New England colonies. Describe Quaker and other settlements in the Middle Colonies and the industries they developed. Explain how the Southern Colonies of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were established and developed. Explain and give examples of the work of apprentices, artisans, farmers, enslaved Africans, and other workers in the colonies. Describe triangular trade, including the goods created by colonists for export and the things they imported. Explain the impact of protectionism and mercantilism on colonial trade. Compare and contrast the various social classes in the colonies, including the gentry, middle class, ordinary workers, indentured servants, and enslaved peoples. Explain ways in which colonists altered the environment to meet their needs, such as building gristmills on streams. Summarize the development of slavery in America. Describe the daily life of enslaved Africans in the colonies, as well as free Africans. Explain the contributions of enslaved Africans to the colonies. Describe ways in which Africans resisted slavery. Describe the relationships between British colonists and different Native American groups that led to both cooperation and conflict. Analyze how French settlements in the Ohio River valley and conflicts in Europe impacted French and British colonists and Native Americans. Assess how the conflicts and alliances during the French and Indian War affected the expansion of the British colonies. Analyze the impact of Pontiac's Rebellion and its relation to the Proclamation of 1763. Leveled Readers Anne Hutchinson: Colonial Rebel Anne Hutchinson: Struggle for Religious Freedom Anne Hutchinson and Religious Freedom in the Colonies Chapter 5: The American Revolution Chapter Opener: The American Revolution Connect Big Question Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Video Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Spark Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Words to Know Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Target Reading Skill Practice (Cause and Effect) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: La Guerra de Independencia Novela gráfica: La Guerra de Independencia Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Students preview and review chapter content. Palabras para aprender Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Práctica de la destreza clave de lectura (Causa y efecto) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Lesson 1: Tensions with Britain Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Know that the British government wanted the colonists to accept British rule. Understand how the actions of Parliament led to protests against British rule. Identify leaders who organized protests against British rule. Analyze how British actions caused the colonists to stage boycotts. Explain how British actions caused the colonists worked together. Describe the effects of the colonists' protests. Identify the contributions of women to the American Revolution. Key Ideas: Trouble Over Taxes Curriculum Standards: Know that the British government wanted the colonists to accept British rule. Understand how the actions of Parliament led to protests against British rule. Identify leaders who organized protests against British rule. Analyze how British actions caused the colonists to stage boycotts. Explain how British actions caused the colonists worked together. Describe the effects of the colonists' protests. Identify the contributions of women to the American Revolution. Key Ideas: New Taxes From Britain Curriculum Standards: Know that the British government wanted the colonists to accept British rule. Understand how the actions of Parliament led to protests against British rule. Identify leaders who organized protests against British rule. Analyze how British actions caused the colonists to stage boycotts. Explain how British actions caused the colonists worked together. Describe the effects of the colonists' protests. Identify the contributions of women to the American Revolution. Key Ideas: Cooperation Among the Colonies Curriculum Standards: Know that the British government wanted the colonists to accept British rule. Understand how the actions of Parliament led to protests against British rule. Identify leaders who organized protests against British rule. Analyze how British actions caused the colonists to stage boycotts. Explain how British actions caused the colonists worked together. Describe the effects of the colonists' protests. Identify the contributions of women to the American Revolution. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Know that the British government wanted the colonists to accept British rule. Understand how the actions of Parliament led to protests against British rule. Identify leaders who organized protests against British rule. Analyze how British actions caused the colonists to stage boycotts. Explain how British actions caused the colonists worked together. Describe the effects of the colonists' protests. Identify the contributions of women to the American Revolution. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Know that the British government wanted the colonists to accept British rule. Understand how the actions of Parliament led to protests against British rule. Identify leaders who organized protests against British rule. Analyze how British actions caused the colonists to stage boycotts. Explain how British actions caused the colonists worked together. Describe the effects of the colonists' protests. Identify the contributions of women to the American Revolution. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Understand how the actions of Parliament led to protests against British rule. Analyze how British actions caused the colonists to stage boycotts. Explain how British actions caused the colonists worked together. Spanish Language Student Resources: Tensiones con Gran Bretaña Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Know that the British government wanted the colonists to accept British rule. Understand how the actions of Parliament led to protests against British rule. Identify leaders who organized protests against British rule. Analyze how British actions caused the colonists to stage boycotts. Explain how British actions caused the colonists worked together. Describe the effects of the colonists' protests. Identify the contributions of women to the American Revolution. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Understand how the actions of Parliament led to protests against British rule. Analyze how British actions caused the colonists to stage boycotts. Explain how British actions caused the colonists worked together. Lesson 2: The Colonists Rebel Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Explain the causes and effects of the Boston Massacre. Understand how the Express Riders spread information. Identify the events leading to the Boston Tea Party. Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Summarize the activities and decisions of the Continental Congress. Define the importance Paul Revere's ride. List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Key Ideas: The Boston Massacre Curriculum Standards: Explain the causes and effects of the Boston Massacre. Understand how the Express Riders spread information. Identify the events leading to the Boston Tea Party. Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Summarize the activities and decisions of the Continental Congress. Define the importance Paul Revere's ride. List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Key Ideas: Letters by "Express" Curriculum Standards: Explain the causes and effects of the Boston Massacre. Understand how the Express Riders spread information. Identify the events leading to the Boston Tea Party. Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Summarize the activities and decisions of the Continental Congress. Define the importance Paul Revere's ride. List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Key Ideas: The Boston Tea Party and Great Britain Reacts Curriculum Standards: Explain the causes and effects of the Boston Massacre. Understand how the Express Riders spread information. Identify the events leading to the Boston Tea Party. Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Summarize the activities and decisions of the Continental Congress. Define the importance Paul Revere's ride. List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Key Ideas: Colonial Representatives Meet and Patrick Henry Speaks Out Curriculum Standards: Explain the causes and effects of the Boston Massacre. Understand how the Express Riders spread information. Identify the events leading to the Boston Tea Party. Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Summarize the activities and decisions of the Continental Congress. Define the importance Paul Revere's ride. List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Key Ideas: Paul Revere's Ride and the First Shots Curriculum Standards: Explain the causes and effects of the Boston Massacre. Understand how the Express Riders spread information. Identify the events leading to the Boston Tea Party. Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Summarize the activities and decisions of the Continental Congress. Define the importance Paul Revere's ride. List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Explain the causes and effects of the Boston Massacre. Understand how the Express Riders spread information. Identify the events leading to the Boston Tea Party. Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Summarize the activities and decisions of the Continental Congress. Define the importance Paul Revere's ride. List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Explain the causes and effects of the Boston Massacre. Understand how the Express Riders spread information. Identify the events leading to the Boston Tea Party. Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Summarize the activities and decisions of the Continental Congress. Define the importance Paul Revere's ride. List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Explain the causes and effects of the Boston Massacre. Identify the events leading to the Boston Tea Party. Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Summarize the activities and decisions of the Continental Congress. Spanish Language Student Resources: Los colonos se rebelan Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Explain the causes and effects of the Boston Massacre. Understand how the Express Riders spread information. Identify the events leading to the Boston Tea Party. Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Summarize the activities and decisions of the Continental Congress. Define the importance Paul Revere's ride. List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Explain the causes and effects of the Boston Massacre. Identify the events leading to the Boston Tea Party. Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Summarize the activities and decisions of the Continental Congress. Lesson 3: Declaring Independence Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Summarize the activities and decisions of the Second Continental Congress. Describe the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition. Explain the significance of Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Identify the leaders who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence. Understand that the Declaration of Independence was a public explanation of American ideals. List the possible consequences of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Key Ideas: The Second Congress Curriculum Standards: Summarize the activities and decisions of the Second Continental Congress. Describe the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition. Explain the significance of Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Identify the leaders who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence. Understand that the Declaration of Independence was a public explanation of American ideals. List the possible consequences of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Key Ideas: Common Sense and a Government of Our Own Curriculum Standards: Summarize the activities and decisions of the Second Continental Congress. Describe the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition. Explain the significance of Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Identify the leaders who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence. Understand that the Declaration of Independence was a public explanation of American ideals. List the possible consequences of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Key Ideas: The Declaration of Independence Curriculum Standards: Summarize the activities and decisions of the Second Continental Congress. Describe the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition. Explain the significance of Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Identify the leaders who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence. Understand that the Declaration of Independence was a public explanation of American ideals. List the possible consequences of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Summarize the activities and decisions of the Second Continental Congress. Describe the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition. Explain the significance of Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Identify the leaders who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence. Understand that the Declaration of Independence was a public explanation of American ideals. List the possible consequences of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Summarize the activities and decisions of the Second Continental Congress. Describe the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition. Explain the significance of Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Identify the leaders who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence. Understand that the Declaration of Independence was a public explanation of American ideals. List the possible consequences of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the activities and decisions of the Second Continental Congress. Describe the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition. Understand that the Declaration of Independence was a public explanation of American ideals. Spanish Language Student Resources: Se declara la independencia Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Summarize the activities and decisions of the Second Continental Congress. Describe the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition. Explain the significance of Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Identify the leaders who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence. Understand that the Declaration of Independence was a public explanation of American ideals. List the possible consequences of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the activities and decisions of the Second Continental Congress. Describe the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition. Understand that the Declaration of Independence was a public explanation of American ideals. Lesson 4: On the Battlefield and at Home Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Explain the contributions of Nathan Hale. Understand the importance of the Battle of Trenton. Summarize the importance of the Battle of Saratoga. Describe Washington's actions at Valley Forge. Retell the contributions of key women to the Revolution. Identify the contributions of key Native Americans to the Revolution. Key Ideas: Early Battles Curriculum Standards: List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Explain the contributions of Nathan Hale. Understand the importance of the Battle of Trenton. Summarize the importance of the Battle of Saratoga. Describe Washington's actions at Valley Forge. Retell the contributions of key women to the Revolution. Identify the contributions of key Native Americans to the Revolution. Key Ideas: A New Plan Curriculum Standards: List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Explain the contributions of Nathan Hale. Understand the importance of the Battle of Trenton. Summarize the importance of the Battle of Saratoga. Describe Washington's actions at Valley Forge. Retell the contributions of key women to the Revolution. Identify the contributions of key Native Americans to the Revolution. Key Ideas: Battle of Saratoga and Washington at Valley Forge Curriculum Standards: List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Explain the contributions of Nathan Hale. Understand the importance of the Battle of Trenton. Summarize the importance of the Battle of Saratoga. Describe Washington's actions at Valley Forge. Retell the contributions of key women to the Revolution. Identify the contributions of key Native Americans to the Revolution. Key Ideas: The Roles of Women and Native Americans in the Revolution Curriculum Standards: List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Explain the contributions of Nathan Hale. Understand the importance of the Battle of Trenton. Summarize the importance of the Battle of Saratoga. Describe Washington's actions at Valley Forge. Retell the contributions of key women to the Revolution. Identify the contributions of key Native Americans to the Revolution. Got it? Curriculum Standards: List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Explain the contributions of Nathan Hale. Understand the importance of the Battle of Trenton. Summarize the importance of the Battle of Saratoga. Describe Washington's actions at Valley Forge. Retell the contributions of key women to the Revolution. Identify the contributions of key Native Americans to the Revolution. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Explain the contributions of Nathan Hale. Understand the importance of the Battle of Trenton. Summarize the importance of the Battle of Saratoga. Describe Washington's actions at Valley Forge. Retell the contributions of key women to the Revolution. Identify the contributions of key Native Americans to the Revolution. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Understand the importance of the Battle of Trenton. Summarize the importance of the Battle of Saratoga. Describe Washington's actions at Valley Forge. Retell the contributions of key women to the Revolution. Spanish Language Student Resources: En el campo de batalla y en casa Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Explain the contributions of Nathan Hale. Understand the importance of the Battle of Trenton. Summarize the importance of the Battle of Saratoga. Describe Washington's actions at Valley Forge. Retell the contributions of key women to the Revolution. Identify the contributions of key Native Americans to the Revolution. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Understand the importance of the Battle of Trenton. Summarize the importance of the Battle of Saratoga. Describe Washington's actions at Valley Forge. Retell the contributions of key women to the Revolution. Lesson 5: Winning Independence Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Summarize why other nations formed alliances with the United States and how these allies contributed to victory in the American Revolution. Understand how fighting spread to other areas of the country and the world. Identify the participation of African Americans on both sides in the American Revolution. Key Ideas: Advantages and Allies Curriculum Standards: Summarize why other nations formed alliances with the United States and how these allies contributed to victory in the American Revolution. Understand how fighting spread to other areas of the country and the world. Identify the participation of African Americans on both sides in the American Revolution. Key Ideas: The Fighting Spreads Curriculum Standards: Summarize why other nations formed alliances with the United States and how these allies contributed to victory in the American Revolution. Understand how fighting spread to other areas of the country and the world. Identify the participation of African Americans on both sides in the American Revolution. Key Ideas: The Battle of Yorktown Curriculum Standards: Summarize why other nations formed alliances with the United States and how these allies contributed to victory in the American Revolution. Understand how fighting spread to other areas of the country and the world. Identify the participation of African Americans on both sides in the American Revolution. Key Ideas: Ending the War Curriculum Standards: Summarize why other nations formed alliances with the United States and how these allies contributed to victory in the American Revolution. Understand how fighting spread to other areas of the country and the world. Identify the participation of African Americans on both sides in the American Revolution. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Summarize why other nations formed alliances with the United States and how these allies contributed to victory in the American Revolution. Understand how fighting spread to other areas of the country and the world. Identify the participation of African Americans on both sides in the American Revolution. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Summarize why other nations formed alliances with the United States and how these allies contributed to victory in the American Revolution. Understand how fighting spread to other areas of the country and the world. Identify the participation of African Americans on both sides in the American Revolution. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Summarize why other nations formed alliances with the United States and how these allies contributed to victory in the American Revolution. Spanish Language Student Resources: Se logra la independencia Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Summarize why other nations formed alliances with the United States and how these allies contributed to victory in the American Revolution. Understand how fighting spread to other areas of the country and the world. Identify the participation of African Americans on both sides in the American Revolution. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Summarize why other nations formed alliances with the United States and how these allies contributed to victory in the American Revolution. Chapter Closer: The American Revolution Understand Vocabulary Review Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myWorld Activity Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Book Curriculum Standards: Develop ideas and prewrite. The American Revolution myStory Book Online Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: La Guerra de Independencia Repaso del vocabulario Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. miMundo: Actividad Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Students preview and review chapter content. Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myWorld Activity: Perspectives on the Revolution Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in English Perspectives on the Revolution Student Instructions and Rubric Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Perspectives on the Revolution Student Recording Sheet Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 21: Charles Townshend Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 22: Paul Revere Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 23: Thomas Jefferson Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 24: Deborah Sampson Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 25: James Amistead Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in Spanish Perspectivas sobre la Guerra de Independencia: Instrucciones y guía para calificar Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Perspectivas sobre la Guerra de Independencia: Registro de datos Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 21: ¡Nuevos impuestos! Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 22: ¡Vienen los británicos! Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 23: ¡Declaremos nuestra Independencia! Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 24: ¡Una mujer se hace pasar por soldado! Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 25: ¡Un espía entre los británicos! Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Chapter Assessments and Answer Key The American Revolution Editable Test Form A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. The American Revolution Test Form A (online) Curriculum Standards: Define the term economy and describe ways in which Native American groups used local resources to survive. Know that the British government wanted the colonists to accept British rule. Understand how the actions of Parliament led to protests against British rule. Analyze how British actions caused the colonists to stage boycotts. Describe the effects of the colonists' protests. Identify the events leading to the Boston Tea Party. Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Define the importance Paul Revere's ride. List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Summarize the activities and decisions of the Second Continental Congress. Explain the significance of Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Understand that the Declaration of Independence was a public explanation of American ideals. List the possible consequences of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Understand the importance of the Battle of Trenton. Summarize the importance of the Battle of Saratoga. Retell the contributions of key women to the Revolution. Summarize why other nations formed alliances with the United States and how these allies contributed to victory in the American Revolution. Understand how fighting spread to other areas of the country and the world. The American Revolution Editable Test Form B The American Revolution Test Form B (online) Curriculum Standards: Understand how the actions of Parliament led to protests against British rule. Identify leaders who organized protests against British rule. Explain the causes and effects of the Boston Massacre. Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Define the importance Paul Revere's ride. List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Summarize the activities and decisions of the Second Continental Congress. Identify the leaders who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence. Understand that the Declaration of Independence was a public explanation of American ideals. List the possible consequences of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Understand the importance of the Battle of Trenton. Summarize the importance of the Battle of Saratoga. Describe Washington's actions at Valley Forge. Identify the contributions of key Native Americans to the Revolution. Summarize why other nations formed alliances with the United States and how these allies contributed to victory in the American Revolution. Understand how fighting spread to other areas of the country and the world. Spanish Language Chapter Assessments La Guerra de Independencia: Examen modificable A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. La Guerra de Independencia: Examen A (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Define the term economy and describe ways in which Native American groups used local resources to survive. Know that the British government wanted the colonists to accept British rule. Understand how the actions of Parliament led to protests against British rule. Analyze how British actions caused the colonists to stage boycotts. Describe the effects of the colonists' protests. Identify the events leading to the Boston Tea Party. Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Define the importance Paul Revere's ride. List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Summarize the activities and decisions of the Second Continental Congress. Explain the significance of Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Understand that the Declaration of Independence was a public explanation of American ideals. List the possible consequences of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Understand the importance of the Battle of Trenton. Summarize the importance of the Battle of Saratoga. Retell the contributions of key women to the Revolution. Summarize why other nations formed alliances with the United States and how these allies contributed to victory in the American Revolution. Understand how fighting spread to other areas of the country and the world. La Guerra de Independencia: Examen modificable B Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. La Guerra de Independencia: Examen B (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Understand how the actions of Parliament led to protests against British rule. Identify leaders who organized protests against British rule. Explain the causes and effects of the Boston Massacre. Describe Britain's reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Define the importance Paul Revere's ride. List the location and results of the first battle of the Revolution. Summarize the activities and decisions of the Second Continental Congress. Identify the leaders who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence. Understand that the Declaration of Independence was a public explanation of American ideals. List the possible consequences of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Understand the importance of the Battle of Trenton. Summarize the importance of the Battle of Saratoga. Describe Washington's actions at Valley Forge. Identify the contributions of key Native Americans to the Revolution. Summarize why other nations formed alliances with the United States and how these allies contributed to victory in the American Revolution. Understand how fighting spread to other areas of the country and the world. Leveled Readers America's Ben Franklin Ben Franklin: Inventor, Leader, Patriot Benjamin Franklin: A Life of Science and Service Chapter 6: A New Nation Chapter Opener: A New Nation Connect Big Question Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Video Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Spark Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Words to Know Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Target Reading Skill Practice (Summarize) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: Una nueva nación miHistoria: Video Palabras para aprender Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Práctica de la destreza clave de lectura (Resumir) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Lesson 1: Articles of Confederation Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Understand how the American government was structured under the Articles of Confederation and describe the weaknesses of this structure. Summarize how the lack of a national currency and large war debts led to inflation and economic troubles for the new nation. Understand how Shays's Rebellion led to increased calls for a stronger national government. Summarize the principles and the effects of the Northwest Ordinance. Explain why the Constitutional Convention was called and what it was intended to do. Key Ideas: The New Government Curriculum Standards: Understand how the American government was structured under the Articles of Confederation and describe the weaknesses of this structure. Summarize how the lack of a national currency and large war debts led to inflation and economic troubles for the new nation. Understand how Shays's Rebellion led to increased calls for a stronger national government. Summarize the principles and the effects of the Northwest Ordinance. Explain why the Constitutional Convention was called and what it was intended to do. Key Ideas: A Weak National Government Curriculum Standards: Understand how the American government was structured under the Articles of Confederation and describe the weaknesses of this structure. Summarize how the lack of a national currency and large war debts led to inflation and economic troubles for the new nation. Understand how Shays's Rebellion led to increased calls for a stronger national government. Summarize the principles and the effects of the Northwest Ordinance. Explain why the Constitutional Convention was called and what it was intended to do. Key Ideas: New Lands for New States Curriculum Standards: Understand how the American government was structured under the Articles of Confederation and describe the weaknesses of this structure. Summarize how the lack of a national currency and large war debts led to inflation and economic troubles for the new nation. Understand how Shays's Rebellion led to increased calls for a stronger national government. Summarize the principles and the effects of the Northwest Ordinance. Explain why the Constitutional Convention was called and what it was intended to do. Key Ideas: A New Nation Curriculum Standards: Understand how the American government was structured under the Articles of Confederation and describe the weaknesses of this structure. Summarize how the lack of a national currency and large war debts led to inflation and economic troubles for the new nation. Understand how Shays's Rebellion led to increased calls for a stronger national government. Summarize the principles and the effects of the Northwest Ordinance. Explain why the Constitutional Convention was called and what it was intended to do. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Understand how the American government was structured under the Articles of Confederation and describe the weaknesses of this structure. Summarize how the lack of a national currency and large war debts led to inflation and economic troubles for the new nation. Understand how Shays's Rebellion led to increased calls for a stronger national government. Summarize the principles and the effects of the Northwest Ordinance. Explain why the Constitutional Convention was called and what it was intended to do. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Understand how the American government was structured under the Articles of Confederation and describe the weaknesses of this structure. Summarize how the lack of a national currency and large war debts led to inflation and economic troubles for the new nation. Understand how Shays's Rebellion led to increased calls for a stronger national government. Summarize the principles and the effects of the Northwest Ordinance. Explain why the Constitutional Convention was called and what it was intended to do. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Understand how the American government was structured under the Articles of Confederation and describe the weaknesses of this structure. Summarize how the lack of a national currency and large war debts led to inflation and economic troubles for the new nation. Summarize the principles and the effects of the Northwest Ordinance. Spanish Language Student Resources: Los Artículos de la Confederación Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Understand how the American government was structured under the Articles of Confederation and describe the weaknesses of this structure. Summarize how the lack of a national currency and large war debts led to inflation and economic troubles for the new nation. Understand how Shays's Rebellion led to increased calls for a stronger national government. Summarize the principles and the effects of the Northwest Ordinance. Explain why the Constitutional Convention was called and what it was intended to do. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Understand how the American government was structured under the Articles of Confederation and describe the weaknesses of this structure. Summarize how the lack of a national currency and large war debts led to inflation and economic troubles for the new nation. Summarize the principles and the effects of the Northwest Ordinance. Lesson 2: Creating the Constitution Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Summarize the reasons a convention to modify the Articles of Confederation was needed. Identify the leaders of the Constitutional Convention and their views. Summarize the struggles and compromises involved in writing the U.S. Constitution. Compare and contrast the ideas of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. Summarize how the Constitution describes good government. Explain how the Constitution limits the power of government through a system of checks and balances. Explain the powers that belong to the federal government and to the states under the Constitution. Key Ideas: The Constitutional Convention Curriculum Standards: Summarize the reasons a convention to modify the Articles of Confederation was needed. Identify the leaders of the Constitutional Convention and their views. Summarize the struggles and compromises involved in writing the U.S. Constitution. Compare and contrast the ideas of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. Summarize how the Constitution describes good government. Explain how the Constitution limits the power of government through a system of checks and balances. Explain the powers that belong to the federal government and to the states under the Constitution. Key Ideas: A New Plan for Government Curriculum Standards: Summarize the reasons a convention to modify the Articles of Confederation was needed. Identify the leaders of the Constitutional Convention and their views. Summarize the struggles and compromises involved in writing the U.S. Constitution. Compare and contrast the ideas of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. Summarize how the Constitution describes good government. Explain how the Constitution limits the power of government through a system of checks and balances. Explain the powers that belong to the federal government and to the states under the Constitution. Key Ideas: Powers of Government Curriculum Standards: Summarize the reasons a convention to modify the Articles of Confederation was needed. Identify the leaders of the Constitutional Convention and their views. Summarize the struggles and compromises involved in writing the U.S. Constitution. Compare and contrast the ideas of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. Summarize how the Constitution describes good government. Explain how the Constitution limits the power of government through a system of checks and balances. Explain the powers that belong to the federal government and to the states under the Constitution. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Summarize the reasons a convention to modify the Articles of Confederation was needed. Identify the leaders of the Constitutional Convention and their views. Summarize the struggles and compromises involved in writing the U.S. Constitution. Compare and contrast the ideas of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. Summarize how the Constitution describes good government. Explain how the Constitution limits the power of government through a system of checks and balances. Explain the powers that belong to the federal government and to the states under the Constitution. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Summarize the reasons a convention to modify the Articles of Confederation was needed. Identify the leaders of the Constitutional Convention and their views. Summarize the struggles and compromises involved in writing the U.S. Constitution. Compare and contrast the ideas of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. Summarize how the Constitution describes good government. Explain how the Constitution limits the power of government through a system of checks and balances. Explain the powers that belong to the federal government and to the states under the Constitution. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Identify the leaders of the Constitutional Convention and their views. Summarize the struggles and compromises involved in writing the U.S. Constitution. Summarize how the Constitution describes good government. Explain how the Constitution limits the power of government through a system of checks and balances. Spanish Language Student Resources: La creación de la Constitución Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Summarize the reasons a convention to modify the Articles of Confederation was needed. Identify the leaders of the Constitutional Convention and their views. Summarize the struggles and compromises involved in writing the U.S. Constitution. Compare and contrast the ideas of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. Summarize how the Constitution describes good government. Explain how the Constitution limits the power of government through a system of checks and balances. Explain the powers that belong to the federal government and to the states under the Constitution. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Identify the leaders of the Constitutional Convention and their views. Summarize the struggles and compromises involved in writing the U.S. Constitution. Summarize how the Constitution describes good government. Explain how the Constitution limits the power of government through a system of checks and balances. Lesson 3: The Bill of Rights Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the viewpoints of Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Describe the process that led to the ratification of the Constitution by the states. Understand that to get ratification the supporters of the Constitution had to agree to add a Bill of Rights. Explain that the Bill of Rights guarantees the individual rights of all citizens. Key Ideas: The Nation Debates Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the viewpoints of Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Describe the process that led to the ratification of the Constitution by the states. Understand that to get ratification the supporters of the Constitution had to agree to add a Bill of Rights. Explain that the Bill of Rights guarantees the individual rights of all citizens. Key Ideas: Ratifying the Constitution Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the viewpoints of Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Describe the process that led to the ratification of the Constitution by the states. Understand that to get ratification the supporters of the Constitution had to agree to add a Bill of Rights. Explain that the Bill of Rights guarantees the individual rights of all citizens. Key Ideas: Protecting Rights Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the viewpoints of Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Describe the process that led to the ratification of the Constitution by the states. Understand that to get ratification the supporters of the Constitution had to agree to add a Bill of Rights. Explain that the Bill of Rights guarantees the individual rights of all citizens. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the viewpoints of Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Describe the process that led to the ratification of the Constitution by the states. Understand that to get ratification the supporters of the Constitution had to agree to add a Bill of Rights. Explain that the Bill of Rights guarantees the individual rights of all citizens. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the viewpoints of Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Describe the process that led to the ratification of the Constitution by the states. Understand that to get ratification the supporters of the Constitution had to agree to add a Bill of Rights. Explain that the Bill of Rights guarantees the individual rights of all citizens. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the viewpoints of Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Understand that to get ratification the supporters of the Constitution had to agree to add a Bill of Rights. Explain that the Bill of Rights guarantees the individual rights of all citizens. Spanish Language Student Resources: La Declaración de Derechos Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the viewpoints of Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Describe the process that led to the ratification of the Constitution by the states. Understand that to get ratification the supporters of the Constitution had to agree to add a Bill of Rights. Explain that the Bill of Rights guarantees the individual rights of all citizens. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Compare and contrast the viewpoints of Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Understand that to get ratification the supporters of the Constitution had to agree to add a Bill of Rights. Explain that the Bill of Rights guarantees the individual rights of all citizens. Lesson 4: Key Concepts of the Constitution Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Describe the civic responsibilities of citizens of the United States. Analyze the basic principles of democracy and why they are important to citizens today. Analyze the role of the Supreme Court and other Federal courts in interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Explain the basic functions of United States government institutions and their significance today. Explain the military's role in defending the nation. Identify government agencies that work to promote the well being of Americans. Summarize how voting rights have been expanded to include more citizens. Key Ideas: A More Perfect Union/Establish Justice Curriculum Standards: Describe the civic responsibilities of citizens of the United States. Analyze the basic principles of democracy and why they are important to citizens today. Analyze the role of the Supreme Court and other Federal courts in interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Explain the basic functions of United States government institutions and their significance today. Explain the military's role in defending the nation. Identify government agencies that work to promote the well being of Americans. Summarize how voting rights have been expanded to include more citizens. Key Ideas: Promote General Welfare Curriculum Standards: Describe the civic responsibilities of citizens of the United States. Analyze the basic principles of democracy and why they are important to citizens today. Analyze the role of the Supreme Court and other Federal courts in interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Explain the basic functions of United States government institutions and their significance today. Explain the military's role in defending the nation. Identify government agencies that work to promote the well being of Americans. Summarize how voting rights have been expanded to include more citizens. Key Ideas: Amending the Constitution Curriculum Standards: Describe the civic responsibilities of citizens of the United States. Analyze the basic principles of democracy and why they are important to citizens today. Analyze the role of the Supreme Court and other Federal courts in interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Explain the basic functions of United States government institutions and their significance today. Explain the military's role in defending the nation. Identify government agencies that work to promote the well being of Americans. Summarize how voting rights have been expanded to include more citizens. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Describe the civic responsibilities of citizens of the United States. Analyze the basic principles of democracy and why they are important to citizens today. Analyze the role of the Supreme Court and other Federal courts in interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Explain the basic functions of United States government institutions and their significance today. Explain the military's role in defending the nation. Identify government agencies that work to promote the well being of Americans. Summarize how voting rights have been expanded to include more citizens. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Describe the civic responsibilities of citizens of the United States. Analyze the basic principles of democracy and why they are important to citizens today. Analyze the role of the Supreme Court and other Federal courts in interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Explain the basic functions of United States government institutions and their significance today. Explain the military's role in defending the nation. Identify government agencies that work to promote the well being of Americans. Summarize how voting rights have been expanded to include more citizens. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Describe the civic responsibilities of citizens of the United States. Analyze the basic principles of democracy and why they are important to citizens today. Analyze the role of the Supreme Court and other Federal courts in interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Explain the military's role in defending the nation. Spanish Language Student Resources: Conceptos clave de la Constitución Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Describe the civic responsibilities of citizens of the United States. Analyze the basic principles of democracy and why they are important to citizens today. Analyze the role of the Supreme Court and other Federal courts in interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Explain the basic functions of United States government institutions and their significance today. Explain the military's role in defending the nation. Identify government agencies that work to promote the well being of Americans. Summarize how voting rights have been expanded to include more citizens. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Describe the civic responsibilities of citizens of the United States. Analyze the basic principles of democracy and why they are important to citizens today. Analyze the role of the Supreme Court and other Federal courts in interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Explain the military's role in defending the nation. Chapter Closer: A New Nation Understand Vocabulary Review Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myWorld Activity Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Book Curriculum Standards: Develop ideas and prewrite. A New Nation myStory Book Online Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: Una nueva nación Repaso del vocabulario miMundo: Actividad Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myWorld Activity: In Your Own Words Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in English In Your Own Words Student Instructions and Rubric Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. In Your Own Words Student Recording Sheet Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 26: The Bill of Rights: Amendment I Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 27: The Bill of Rights: Amendment II Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 28: The Bill of Rights: Amendment IV Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 29: The Bill of Rights: Amendment V Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 30: The Bill of Rights: Amendment VI Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in Spanish En tus propias palabras: Instrucciones y guía para calificar Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. En tus propias palabras: Registro de datos Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 26: La Declaración de Derechos: Primera enmienda Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 27: La Declaración de Derechos: Segunda enmienda Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 28: La Declaración de Derechos: Cuarta enmienda Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 29: La Declaración de Derechos: Quinta enmienda Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 30: La Declaración de Derechos: Sexta enmienda Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Chapter Assessments and Answer Key A New Nation Editable Test Form A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. A New Nation Editable Test Form B Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. A New Nation Test Form B (online) Curriculum Standards: Understand how the American government was structured under the Articles of Confederation and describe the weaknesses of this structure. Summarize how the lack of a national currency and large war debts led to inflation and economic troubles for the new nation. Understand how Shays's Rebellion led to increased calls for a stronger national government. Summarize the principles and the effects of the Northwest Ordinance. Summarize the reasons a convention to modify the Articles of Confederation was needed. Summarize the struggles and compromises involved in writing the U.S. Constitution. Compare and contrast the ideas of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. Summarize how the Constitution describes good government. Explain how the Constitution limits the power of government through a system of checks and balances. Explain the powers that belong to the federal government and to the states under the Constitution. Compare and contrast the viewpoints of Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Understand that to get ratification the supporters of the Constitution had to agree to add a Bill of Rights. Explain that the Bill of Rights guarantees the individual rights of all citizens. Describe the civic responsibilities of citizens of the United States. Analyze the basic principles of democracy and why they are important to citizens today. Analyze the role of the Supreme Court and other Federal courts in interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Explain the basic functions of United States government institutions and their significance today. Explain the military's role in defending the nation. Identify government agencies that work to promote the well being of Americans. Summarize how voting rights have been expanded to include more citizens. Spanish Language Chapter Assessments Una nueva nación: Examen modificable A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Una nueva nación: Examen modificable B Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Una nueva nación: Examen B (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Understand how the American government was structured under the Articles of Confederation and describe the weaknesses of this structure. Summarize how the lack of a national currency and large war debts led to inflation and economic troubles for the new nation. Understand how Shays's Rebellion led to increased calls for a stronger national government. Summarize the principles and the effects of the Northwest Ordinance. Summarize the reasons a convention to modify the Articles of Confederation was needed. Summarize the struggles and compromises involved in writing the U.S. Constitution. Compare and contrast the ideas of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. Summarize how the Constitution describes good government. Explain how the Constitution limits the power of government through a system of checks and balances. Explain the powers that belong to the federal government and to the states under the Constitution. Compare and contrast the viewpoints of Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Understand that to get ratification the supporters of the Constitution had to agree to add a Bill of Rights. Explain that the Bill of Rights guarantees the individual rights of all citizens. Describe the civic responsibilities of citizens of the United States. Analyze the basic principles of democracy and why they are important to citizens today. Analyze the role of the Supreme Court and other Federal courts in interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Explain the basic functions of United States government institutions and their significance today. Explain the military's role in defending the nation. Identify government agencies that work to promote the well being of Americans. Summarize how voting rights have been expanded to include more citizens. Una nueva nación: Examen A (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Understand how the American government was structured under the Articles of Confederation and describe the weaknesses of this structure. Summarize how the lack of a national currency and large war debts led to inflation and economic troubles for the new nation. Understand how Shays's Rebellion led to increased calls for a stronger national government. Summarize the principles and the effects of the Northwest Ordinance. Explain why the Constitutional Convention was called and what it was intended to do. Summarize the struggles and compromises involved in writing the U.S. Constitution. Compare and contrast the ideas of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. Summarize how the Constitution describes good government. Explain how the Constitution limits the power of government through a system of checks and balances. Explain the powers that belong to the federal government and to the states under the Constitution. Compare and contrast the viewpoints of Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Describe the process that led to the ratification of the Constitution by the states. Understand that to get ratification the supporters of the Constitution had to agree to add a Bill of Rights. Explain that the Bill of Rights guarantees the individual rights of all citizens. Describe the civic responsibilities of citizens of the United States. Analyze the basic principles of democracy and why they are important to citizens today. Analyze the role of the Supreme Court and other Federal courts in interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Explain the military's role in defending the nation. Identify government agencies that work to promote the well being of Americans. Summarize how voting rights have been expanded to include more citizens. A New Nation Test Form A (online) Curriculum Standards: Understand how the American government was structured under the Articles of Confederation and describe the weaknesses of this structure. Summarize how the lack of a national currency and large war debts led to inflation and economic troubles for the new nation. Understand how Shays's Rebellion led to increased calls for a stronger national government. Summarize the principles and the effects of the Northwest Ordinance. Explain why the Constitutional Convention was called and what it was intended to do. Summarize the struggles and compromises involved in writing the U.S. Constitution. Compare and contrast the ideas of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. Summarize how the Constitution describes good government. Explain how the Constitution limits the power of government through a system of checks and balances. Explain the powers that belong to the federal government and to the states under the Constitution. Compare and contrast the viewpoints of Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Describe the process that led to the ratification of the Constitution by the states. Understand that to get ratification the supporters of the Constitution had to agree to add a Bill of Rights. Explain that the Bill of Rights guarantees the individual rights of all citizens. Describe the civic responsibilities of citizens of the United States. Analyze the basic principles of democracy and why they are important to citizens today. Analyze the role of the Supreme Court and other Federal courts in interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Explain the military's role in defending the nation. Identify government agencies that work to promote the well being of Americans. Summarize how voting rights have been expanded to include more citizens. Leveled Readers Alexander Hamilton: Government Leader Alexander Hamilton, Soldier and Statesman Alexander Hamilton and the Founding of the Federal Government Chapter 7: The Young Nation Grows Chapter Opener: The Young Nation Grows Connect Big Question Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Video Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Spark Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Words to Know Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Target Reading Skill Practice (Generalize) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: La nueva nación crece miHistoria: Video Palabras para aprender Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Práctica de la destreza clave de lectura (Generalizar) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Lesson 1: Washington Takes Office Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Analyze the role of George Washington in creating the Executive Branch of the Federal government. Describe the development of political parties in the new nation. Analyze how the new government tried to build a strong economy for the United States. Understand how the new capital at Washington, D.C., symbolized the new nation. Key Ideas: A New Capital Curriculum Standards: Analyze the role of George Washington in creating the Executive Branch of the Federal government. Describe the development of political parties in the new nation. Analyze how the new government tried to build a strong economy for the United States. Understand how the new capital at Washington, D.C., symbolized the new nation. Key Ideas: The First President Curriculum Standards: Analyze the role of George Washington in creating the Executive Branch of the Federal government. Describe the development of political parties in the new nation. Analyze how the new government tried to build a strong economy for the United States. Understand how the new capital at Washington, D.C., symbolized the new nation. Key Ideas: The First Political Parties and the American Economy Curriculum Standards: Analyze the role of George Washington in creating the Executive Branch of the Federal government. Describe the development of political parties in the new nation. Analyze how the new government tried to build a strong economy for the United States. Understand how the new capital at Washington, D.C., symbolized the new nation. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Analyze the role of George Washington in creating the Executive Branch of the Federal government. Describe the development of political parties in the new nation. Analyze how the new government tried to build a strong economy for the United States. Understand how the new capital at Washington, D.C., symbolized the new nation. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Analyze the role of George Washington in creating the Executive Branch of the Federal government. Describe the development of political parties in the new nation. Analyze how the new government tried to build a strong economy for the United States. Understand how the new capital at Washington, D.C., symbolized the new nation. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Analyze the role of George Washington in creating the Executive Branch of the Federal government. Describe the development of political parties in the new nation. Analyze how the new government tried to build a strong economy for the United States. Spanish Language Student Resources: Washington asume la presidencia Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Analyze the role of George Washington in creating the Executive Branch of the Federal government. Describe the development of political parties in the new nation. Analyze how the new government tried to build a strong economy for the United States. Understand how the new capital at Washington, D.C., symbolized the new nation. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Analyze the role of George Washington in creating the Executive Branch of the Federal government. Describe the development of political parties in the new nation. Analyze how the new government tried to build a strong economy for the United States. Lesson 2: Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Summarize the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase. Describe the role of geography in the expansion of American settlement beyond the original thirteen states. Summarize the role of leaders and expeditions in westward expansion. Understand the importance and the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Key Ideas: Exploring the West Curriculum Standards: Summarize the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase. Describe the role of geography in the expansion of American settlement beyond the original thirteen states. Summarize the role of leaders and expeditions in westward expansion. Understand the importance and the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Key Ideas: The Young Nation Grows Curriculum Standards: Summarize the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase. Describe the role of geography in the expansion of American settlement beyond the original thirteen states. Summarize the role of leaders and expeditions in westward expansion. Understand the importance and the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Key Ideas: President Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase Curriculum Standards: Summarize the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase. Describe the role of geography in the expansion of American settlement beyond the original thirteen states. Summarize the role of leaders and expeditions in westward expansion. Understand the importance and the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Key Ideas: Moving West Curriculum Standards: Summarize the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase. Describe the role of geography in the expansion of American settlement beyond the original thirteen states. Summarize the role of leaders and expeditions in westward expansion. Understand the importance and the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Summarize the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase. Describe the role of geography in the expansion of American settlement beyond the original thirteen states. Summarize the role of leaders and expeditions in westward expansion. Understand the importance and the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Summarize the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase. Describe the role of geography in the expansion of American settlement beyond the original thirteen states. Summarize the role of leaders and expeditions in westward expansion. Understand the importance and the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase. Describe the role of geography in the expansion of American settlement beyond the original thirteen states. Summarize the role of leaders and expeditions in westward expansion. Understand the importance and the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Spanish Language Student Resources: Jefferson y la Compra de Luisiana Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Summarize the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase. Describe the role of geography in the expansion of American settlement beyond the original thirteen states. Summarize the role of leaders and expeditions in westward expansion. Understand the importance and the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase. Describe the role of geography in the expansion of American settlement beyond the original thirteen states. Summarize the role of leaders and expeditions in westward expansion. Understand the importance and the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Lesson 3: The War of 1812 Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Identify the causes of the War of 1812. Identify events and results of the War of 1812. Summarize the history and importance of Francis Scott Key's 'Star-Spangled Banner.' Analyze how the War of 1812 changed the way Americans viewed themselves. Key Ideas: The War and the Return of Peace Curriculum Standards: Identify the causes of the War of 1812. Identify events and results of the War of 1812. Summarize the history and importance of Francis Scott Key's 'Star-Spangled Banner.' Analyze how the War of 1812 changed the way Americans viewed themselves. Key Ideas: Leading to War Curriculum Standards: Identify the causes of the War of 1812. Identify events and results of the War of 1812. Summarize the history and importance of Francis Scott Key's 'Star-Spangled Banner.' Analyze how the War of 1812 changed the way Americans viewed themselves. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Identify the causes of the War of 1812. Identify events and results of the War of 1812. Summarize the history and importance of Francis Scott Key's 'Star-Spangled Banner.' Analyze how the War of 1812 changed the way Americans viewed themselves. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Identify the causes of the War of 1812. Identify events and results of the War of 1812. Summarize the history and importance of Francis Scott Key's 'Star-Spangled Banner.' Analyze how the War of 1812 changed the way Americans viewed themselves. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Identify the causes of the War of 1812. Summarize the history and importance of Francis Scott Key's 'Star-Spangled Banner.' Analyze how the War of 1812 changed the way Americans viewed themselves. Spanish Language Student Resources: La Guerra de 1812 Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Identify the causes of the War of 1812. Identify events and results of the War of 1812. Summarize the history and importance of Francis Scott Key's 'Star-Spangled Banner.' Analyze how the War of 1812 changed the way Americans viewed themselves. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Identify the causes of the War of 1812. Summarize the history and importance of Francis Scott Key's 'Star-Spangled Banner.' Analyze how the War of 1812 changed the way Americans viewed themselves. Lesson 4: Native Americans and the Trail of Tears Experience Lesson Introduction Key Ideas: The Monroe Doctrine Curriculum Standards: Understand that the Monroe Doctrine was issued to prevent new European colonies in the Americas. Summarize the role of Andrew Jackson and others in the settlement of the new territories of the United States and how their actions shaped the nation. Analyze the effects of extending the right to vote to new groups of white men. Analyze the policies and events that led Native Americans to resist American settlement. Summarize the effects of the Indian Removal Act and the 'Trail of Tears.' Key Ideas: Florida and Andrew Jackson Curriculum Standards: Understand that the Monroe Doctrine was issued to prevent new European colonies in the Americas. Summarize the role of Andrew Jackson and others in the settlement of the new territories of the United States and how their actions shaped the nation. Analyze the effects of extending the right to vote to new groups of white men. Analyze the policies and events that led Native Americans to resist American settlement. Summarize the effects of the Indian Removal Act and the 'Trail of Tears.' Key Ideas: The Trail of Tears Curriculum Standards: Understand that the Monroe Doctrine was issued to prevent new European colonies in the Americas. Summarize the role of Andrew Jackson and others in the settlement of the new territories of the United States and how their actions shaped the nation. Analyze the effects of extending the right to vote to new groups of white men. Analyze the policies and events that led Native Americans to resist American settlement. Summarize the effects of the Indian Removal Act and the 'Trail of Tears.' Got it? Curriculum Standards: Understand that the Monroe Doctrine was issued to prevent new European colonies in the Americas. Summarize the role of Andrew Jackson and others in the settlement of the new territories of the United States and how their actions shaped the nation. Analyze the effects of extending the right to vote to new groups of white men. Analyze the policies and events that led Native Americans to resist American settlement. Summarize the effects of the Indian Removal Act and the 'Trail of Tears.' myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Understand that the Monroe Doctrine was issued to prevent new European colonies in the Americas. Summarize the role of Andrew Jackson and others in the settlement of the new territories of the United States and how their actions shaped the nation. Analyze the effects of extending the right to vote to new groups of white men. Analyze the policies and events that led Native Americans to resist American settlement. Summarize the effects of the Indian Removal Act and the 'Trail of Tears.' Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Understand that the Monroe Doctrine was issued to prevent new European colonies in the Americas. Summarize the effects of the Indian Removal Act and the 'Trail of Tears.' Spanish Language Student Resources: Los indígenas americanos y el Camino de Lágrimas Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Understand that the Monroe Doctrine was issued to prevent new European colonies in the Americas. Summarize the role of Andrew Jackson and others in the settlement of the new territories of the United States and how their actions shaped the nation. Analyze the effects of extending the right to vote to new groups of white men. Analyze the policies and events that led Native Americans to resist American settlement. Summarize the effects of the Indian Removal Act and the 'Trail of Tears.' Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Understand that the Monroe Doctrine was issued to prevent new European colonies in the Americas. Summarize the effects of the Indian Removal Act and the 'Trail of Tears.' Lesson 5: Women and African Americans Fight for Freedom Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Describe the importance of the cotton gin and westward settlement in the spread of slavery. Summarize the influences of various immigrant groups in the early years of the United States. Identify major leaders of the early years in the fight for abolition. Identify major leaders, their decisions, and the events that shaped the fight for women's suffrage. Key Ideas: New Groups Arrive Curriculum Standards: Describe the importance of the cotton gin and westward settlement in the spread of slavery. Summarize the influences of various immigrant groups in the early years of the United States. Identify major leaders of the early years in the fight for abolition. Identify major leaders, their decisions, and the events that shaped the fight for women's suffrage. Key Ideas: Women Work for Reform Curriculum Standards: Describe the importance of the cotton gin and westward settlement in the spread of slavery. Summarize the influences of various immigrant groups in the early years of the United States. Identify major leaders of the early years in the fight for abolition. Identify major leaders, their decisions, and the events that shaped the fight for women's suffrage. Key Ideas: Working to End Slavery Curriculum Standards: Describe the importance of the cotton gin and westward settlement in the spread of slavery. Summarize the influences of various immigrant groups in the early years of the United States. Identify major leaders of the early years in the fight for abolition. Identify major leaders, their decisions, and the events that shaped the fight for women's suffrage. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Describe the importance of the cotton gin and westward settlement in the spread of slavery. Summarize the influences of various immigrant groups in the early years of the United States. Identify major leaders of the early years in the fight for abolition. Identify major leaders, their decisions, and the events that shaped the fight for women's suffrage. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Describe the importance of the cotton gin and westward settlement in the spread of slavery. Summarize the influences of various immigrant groups in the early years of the United States. Identify major leaders of the early years in the fight for abolition. Identify major leaders, their decisions, and the events that shaped the fight for women's suffrage. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the influences of various immigrant groups in the early years of the United States. Identify major leaders of the early years in the fight for abolition. Identify major leaders, their decisions, and the events that shaped the fight for women's suffrage. Spanish Language Student Resources: Las mujeres y los afroamericanos luchan por la libertad Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Describe the importance of the cotton gin and westward settlement in the spread of slavery. Summarize the influences of various immigrant groups in the early years of the United States. Identify major leaders of the early years in the fight for abolition. Identify major leaders, their decisions, and the events that shaped the fight for women's suffrage. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Summarize the influences of various immigrant groups in the early years of the United States. Identify major leaders of the early years in the fight for abolition. Identify major leaders, their decisions, and the events that shaped the fight for women's suffrage. Chapter Closer: The Young Nation Grows Understand Vocabulary Review Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myWorld Activity Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Book Curriculum Standards: Develop ideas and prewrite. The Young Nation Grows myStory Book Online Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: La nueva nación crece Repaso del vocabulario miMundo: Actividad Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myWorld Activity: Do You Have What It Takes? Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in English Do You Have What It Takes? Student Instructions and Rubric Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Do You Have What It Takes? Student Recording Sheet Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 31: George Washington (1732-1799) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 32: John Adams (1735-1826) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 33: Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 34: James Madison (1751-1836) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 35: James Monroe (1758-1831) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in Spanish ¿Tienes lo que se necesita?: Instrucciones y guía para calificar Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. ¿Tienes lo que se necesita?: Registro de datos Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 31: George Washington (1732–1799) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 32: John Adams (1735–1826) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 33: Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 34: James Madison (1751–1836) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 35: James Monroe (1758–1831) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Chapter Assessments and Answer Key The Young Nation Grows Editable Test Form A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. The Young Nation Grows Editable Test Form B Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. The Young Nation Grows Test Form B (online) Curriculum Standards: Analyze the role of George Washington in creating the Executive Branch of the Federal government. Describe the development of political parties in the new nation. Analyze how the new government tried to build a strong economy for the United States. Understand how the new capital at Washington, D.C., symbolized the new nation. Describe the role of geography in the expansion of American settlement beyond the original thirteen states. Summarize the role of leaders and expeditions in westward expansion. Understand the importance and the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Identify the causes of the War of 1812. Identify events and results of the War of 1812. Summarize the history and importance of Francis Scott Key's 'Star-Spangled Banner.' Summarize the role of Andrew Jackson and others in the settlement of the new territories of the United States and how their actions shaped the nation. Analyze the effects of extending the right to vote to new groups of white men. Analyze the policies and events that led Native Americans to resist American settlement. Summarize the effects of the Indian Removal Act and the 'Trail of Tears.' Describe the importance of the cotton gin and westward settlement in the spread of slavery. Summarize the influences of various immigrant groups in the early years of the United States. Identify major leaders of the early years in the fight for abolition. Identify major leaders, their decisions, and the events that shaped the fight for women's suffrage. Spanish Language Chapter Assessments La nueva nación crece: Examen modificable A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. La nueva nación crece: Examen modificable B Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. La nueva nación crece: Examen B (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Analyze the role of George Washington in creating the Executive Branch of the Federal government. Describe the development of political parties in the new nation. Analyze how the new government tried to build a strong economy for the United States. Understand how the new capital at Washington, D.C., symbolized the new nation. Describe the role of geography in the expansion of American settlement beyond the original thirteen states. Summarize the role of leaders and expeditions in westward expansion. Understand the importance and the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Identify the causes of the War of 1812. Identify events and results of the War of 1812. Summarize the history and importance of Francis Scott Key's 'Star-Spangled Banner.' Summarize the role of Andrew Jackson and others in the settlement of the new territories of the United States and how their actions shaped the nation. Analyze the effects of extending the right to vote to new groups of white men. Analyze the policies and events that led Native Americans to resist American settlement. Summarize the effects of the Indian Removal Act and the 'Trail of Tears.' Describe the importance of the cotton gin and westward settlement in the spread of slavery. Summarize the influences of various immigrant groups in the early years of the United States. Identify major leaders of the early years in the fight for abolition. Identify major leaders, their decisions, and the events that shaped the fight for women's suffrage. La nueva nación crece: Examen A (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Analyze the role of George Washington in creating the Executive Branch of the Federal government. Describe the development of political parties in the new nation. Analyze how the new government tried to build a strong economy for the United States. Understand how the new capital at Washington, D.C., symbolized the new nation. Summarize the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase. Describe the role of geography in the expansion of American settlement beyond the original thirteen states. Summarize the role of leaders and expeditions in westward expansion. Understand the importance and the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Identify events and results of the War of 1812. Summarize the history and importance of Francis Scott Key's 'Star-Spangled Banner.' Analyze how the War of 1812 changed the way Americans viewed themselves. Understand that the Monroe Doctrine was issued to prevent new European colonies in the Americas. Summarize the role of Andrew Jackson and others in the settlement of the new territories of the United States and how their actions shaped the nation. Analyze the effects of extending the right to vote to new groups of white men. Summarize the effects of the Indian Removal Act and the 'Trail of Tears.' Describe the importance of the cotton gin and westward settlement in the spread of slavery. Identify major leaders of the early years in the fight for abolition. Identify major leaders, their decisions, and the events that shaped the fight for women's suffrage. The Young Nation Grows Test Form A (online) Curriculum Standards: Analyze the role of George Washington in creating the Executive Branch of the Federal government. Describe the development of political parties in the new nation. Analyze how the new government tried to build a strong economy for the United States. Understand how the new capital at Washington, D.C., symbolized the new nation. Summarize the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase. Describe the role of geography in the expansion of American settlement beyond the original thirteen states. Summarize the role of leaders and expeditions in westward expansion. Understand the importance and the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Identify events and results of the War of 1812. Summarize the history and importance of Francis Scott Key's 'Star-Spangled Banner.' Analyze how the War of 1812 changed the way Americans viewed themselves. Understand that the Monroe Doctrine was issued to prevent new European colonies in the Americas. Summarize the role of Andrew Jackson and others in the settlement of the new territories of the United States and how their actions shaped the nation. Analyze the effects of extending the right to vote to new groups of white men. Summarize the effects of the Indian Removal Act and the 'Trail of Tears.' Describe the importance of the cotton gin and westward settlement in the spread of slavery. Identify major leaders of the early years in the fight for abolition. Identify major leaders, their decisions, and the events that shaped the fight for women's suffrage. Leveled Readers Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Fight for Women's Rights Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Founder of the Women's Rights Movement More Than the Right to Vote: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton Chapter 8: Moving West Chapter Opener: Moving West Connect Big Question Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Video Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Spark Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Words to Know Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Target Reading Skill Practice (Fact and Opinion) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: Expansión hacia el Oeste miHistoria: Video Palabras para aprender Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Práctica de la destreza clave de lectura (Hechos y opiniones) Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Lesson 1: Inventions, Roads, and Railroads Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Identify important inventors and manufacturers from late 18th through mid-19th centuries. Describe how major technological advances and inventions changed productivity. Summarize Samuel Slater's role in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States. Describe how advances in technology revolutionized land and water transportation. Analyze how new transportation systems affected how and where people settled. Key Ideas: New Inventions Lead to the Industrial Revolution Curriculum Standards: Identify important inventors and manufacturers from late 18th through mid-19th centuries. Describe how major technological advances and inventions changed productivity. Summarize Samuel Slater's role in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States. Describe how advances in technology revolutionized land and water transportation. Analyze how new transportation systems affected how and where people settled. Key Ideas: Moving West Curriculum Standards: Identify important inventors and manufacturers from late 18th through mid-19th centuries. Describe how major technological advances and inventions changed productivity. Summarize Samuel Slater's role in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States. Describe how advances in technology revolutionized land and water transportation. Analyze how new transportation systems affected how and where people settled. Key Ideas: Traveling in the 1800s Curriculum Standards: Identify important inventors and manufacturers from late 18th through mid-19th centuries. Describe how major technological advances and inventions changed productivity. Summarize Samuel Slater's role in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States. Describe how advances in technology revolutionized land and water transportation. Analyze how new transportation systems affected how and where people settled. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Identify important inventors and manufacturers from late 18th through mid-19th centuries. Describe how major technological advances and inventions changed productivity. Summarize Samuel Slater's role in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States. Describe how advances in technology revolutionized land and water transportation. Analyze how new transportation systems affected how and where people settled. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Identify important inventors and manufacturers from late 18th through mid-19th centuries. Describe how major technological advances and inventions changed productivity. Summarize Samuel Slater's role in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States. Describe how advances in technology revolutionized land and water transportation. Analyze how new transportation systems affected how and where people settled. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Identify important inventors and manufacturers from late 18th through mid-19th centuries. Describe how major technological advances and inventions changed productivity. Summarize Samuel Slater's role in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States. Analyze how new transportation systems affected how and where people settled. Spanish Language Student Resources: Los inventos, las carreteras y los ferrocarriles Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Identify important inventors and manufacturers from late 18th through mid-19th centuries. Describe how major technological advances and inventions changed productivity. Summarize Samuel Slater's role in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States. Describe how advances in technology revolutionized land and water transportation. Analyze how new transportation systems affected how and where people settled. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Identify important inventors and manufacturers from late 18th through mid-19th centuries. Describe how major technological advances and inventions changed productivity. Summarize Samuel Slater's role in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States. Analyze how new transportation systems affected how and where people settled. Lesson 2: The Lone Star State Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Summarize how and why Texas became a state. Analyze the role of slavery in the American settlement of Texas. Describe the concept of Manifest Destiny as an understanding by Americans that their nation would extend to both coasts. Identify significant people and their contributions during the period of westward expansion. Summarize the events of the war with Mexico and its effect on the expansion of the United States. Key Ideas: The United States Wins the War With Mexico Curriculum Standards: Summarize how and why Texas became a state. Analyze the role of slavery in the American settlement of Texas. Describe the concept of Manifest Destiny as an understanding by Americans that their nation would extend to both coasts. Identify significant people and their contributions during the period of westward expansion. Summarize the events of the war with Mexico and its effect on the expansion of the United States. Key Ideas: Conflict in Texas Curriculum Standards: Summarize how and why Texas became a state. Analyze the role of slavery in the American settlement of Texas. Describe the concept of Manifest Destiny as an understanding by Americans that their nation would extend to both coasts. Identify significant people and their contributions during the period of westward expansion. Summarize the events of the war with Mexico and its effect on the expansion of the United States. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Summarize how and why Texas became a state. Analyze the role of slavery in the American settlement of Texas. Describe the concept of Manifest Destiny as an understanding by Americans that their nation would extend to both coasts. Identify significant people and their contributions during the period of westward expansion. Summarize the events of the war with Mexico and its effect on the expansion of the United States. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Summarize how and why Texas became a state. Analyze the role of slavery in the American settlement of Texas. Describe the concept of Manifest Destiny as an understanding by Americans that their nation would extend to both coasts. Identify significant people and their contributions during the period of westward expansion. Summarize the events of the war with Mexico and its effect on the expansion of the United States. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Summarize how and why Texas became a state. Analyze the role of slavery in the American settlement of Texas. Describe the concept of Manifest Destiny as an understanding by Americans that their nation would extend to both coasts. Summarize the events of the war with Mexico and its effect on the expansion of the United States. Spanish Language Student Resources: El Estado de la Estrella Solitaria Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Summarize how and why Texas became a state. Analyze the role of slavery in the American settlement of Texas. Describe the concept of Manifest Destiny as an understanding by Americans that their nation would extend to both coasts. Identify significant people and their contributions during the period of westward expansion. Summarize the events of the war with Mexico and its effect on the expansion of the United States. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Summarize how and why Texas became a state. Analyze the role of slavery in the American settlement of Texas. Describe the concept of Manifest Destiny as an understanding by Americans that their nation would extend to both coasts. Summarize the events of the war with Mexico and its effect on the expansion of the United States. Lesson 3: Trails to the West Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Identify the economic and social reasons that led settlers to risk moving to the West. Summarize the impact of western settlement on the lives of Native Americans. Identify important individuals and their contributions to Westward settlement. Analyze how geography influenced the location of trails and settlements in the West. Identify the variety of routes to the west and why people traveled them. Key Ideas: Pioneers Travel West to Oregon Curriculum Standards: Identify the economic and social reasons that led settlers to risk moving to the West. Summarize the impact of western settlement on the lives of Native Americans. Identify important individuals and their contributions to Westward settlement. Analyze how geography influenced the location of trails and settlements in the West. Identify the variety of routes to the west and why people traveled them. Key Ideas: Other Trails West Curriculum Standards: Identify the economic and social reasons that led settlers to risk moving to the West. Summarize the impact of western settlement on the lives of Native Americans. Identify important individuals and their contributions to Westward settlement. Analyze how geography influenced the location of trails and settlements in the West. Identify the variety of routes to the west and why people traveled them. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Identify the economic and social reasons that led settlers to risk moving to the West. Summarize the impact of western settlement on the lives of Native Americans. Identify important individuals and their contributions to Westward settlement. Analyze how geography influenced the location of trails and settlements in the West. Identify the variety of routes to the west and why people traveled them. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Identify the economic and social reasons that led settlers to risk moving to the West. Summarize the impact of western settlement on the lives of Native Americans. Identify important individuals and their contributions to Westward settlement. Analyze how geography influenced the location of trails and settlements in the West. Identify the variety of routes to the west and why people traveled them. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Identify the economic and social reasons that led settlers to risk moving to the West. Summarize the impact of western settlement on the lives of Native Americans. Analyze how geography influenced the location of trails and settlements in the West. Identify the variety of routes to the west and why people traveled them. Spanish Language Student Resources: Los caminos hacia el Oeste Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Identify the economic and social reasons that led settlers to risk moving to the West. Summarize the impact of western settlement on the lives of Native Americans. Identify important individuals and their contributions to Westward settlement. Analyze how geography influenced the location of trails and settlements in the West. Identify the variety of routes to the west and why people traveled them. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Identify the economic and social reasons that led settlers to risk moving to the West. Summarize the impact of western settlement on the lives of Native Americans. Analyze how geography influenced the location of trails and settlements in the West. Identify the variety of routes to the west and why people traveled them. Lesson 4: The California Gold Rush Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: Analyze the causes and effects of the California Gold Rush. Identify the tools and methods used by miners during the Gold Rush. Analyze the variety of economic opportunities that developed out of the Gold Rush. Identify roles and contributions of significant people in the settlement of California. Describe the events that made California a state. Key Ideas: Searching for Gold Curriculum Standards: Analyze the causes and effects of the California Gold Rush. Identify the tools and methods used by miners during the Gold Rush. Analyze the variety of economic opportunities that developed out of the Gold Rush. Identify roles and contributions of significant people in the settlement of California. Describe the events that made California a state. Key Ideas: The Profit Motive Curriculum Standards: Analyze the causes and effects of the California Gold Rush. Identify the tools and methods used by miners during the Gold Rush. Analyze the variety of economic opportunities that developed out of the Gold Rush. Identify roles and contributions of significant people in the settlement of California. Describe the events that made California a state. Key Ideas: California Becomes a State Curriculum Standards: Analyze the causes and effects of the California Gold Rush. Identify the tools and methods used by miners during the Gold Rush. Analyze the variety of economic opportunities that developed out of the Gold Rush. Identify roles and contributions of significant people in the settlement of California. Describe the events that made California a state. Got it? Curriculum Standards: Analyze the causes and effects of the California Gold Rush. Identify the tools and methods used by miners during the Gold Rush. Analyze the variety of economic opportunities that developed out of the Gold Rush. Identify roles and contributions of significant people in the settlement of California. Describe the events that made California a state. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: Analyze the causes and effects of the California Gold Rush. Identify the tools and methods used by miners during the Gold Rush. Analyze the variety of economic opportunities that developed out of the Gold Rush. Identify roles and contributions of significant people in the settlement of California. Describe the events that made California a state. Online Student Edition Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: Analyze the causes and effects of the California Gold Rush. Identify the tools and methods used by miners during the Gold Rush. Analyze the variety of economic opportunities that developed out of the Gold Rush. Identify roles and contributions of significant people in the settlement of California. Describe the events that made California a state. Spanish Language Student Resources: La fiebre del oro de California Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Analyze the causes and effects of the California Gold Rush. Identify the tools and methods used by miners during the Gold Rush. Analyze the variety of economic opportunities that developed out of the Gold Rush. Identify roles and contributions of significant people in the settlement of California. Describe the events that made California a state. Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Analyze the causes and effects of the California Gold Rush. Identify the tools and methods used by miners during the Gold Rush. Analyze the variety of economic opportunities that developed out of the Gold Rush. Identify roles and contributions of significant people in the settlement of California. Describe the events that made California a state. Chapter Closer: Moving West Understand Vocabulary Review Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myWorld Activity Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myStory Book Curriculum Standards: Develop ideas and prewrite. Moving West myStory Book Online Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Spanish Language Student Resources: Expansión hacia el Oeste Repaso del vocabulario miMundo: Actividad Libro del estudiante en línea Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. myWorld Activity: Open for Business Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in English Open for Business Student Instructions and Rubric Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Open for Business Student Recording Sheet Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 36: Tools and Equipment Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 37: Lodging and Shelter Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 38: Food and Clothing Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 39: Entertainment Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Card 40: Transportation Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in Spanish Abierto a los negocios: Instrucciones y guía para calificar Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Abierto a los negocios: Registro de datos Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 36: Herramientas y equipo Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 37: Alojamiento y vivienda Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 38: Comida y ropa Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 39: Espectáculos Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Tarjeta 40: Transporte Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Chapter Assessments and Answer Key Moving West Editable Test Form A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Moving West Editable Test Form B Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Moving West Test Form B (online) Curriculum Standards: Summarize how and why Texas became a state. Analyze the role of slavery in the American settlement of Texas. Describe the concept of Manifest Destiny as an understanding by Americans that their nation would extend to both coasts. Identify significant people and their contributions during the period of westward expansion. Summarize the events of the war with Mexico and its effect on the expansion of the United States. Identify the economic and social reasons that led settlers to risk moving to the West. Summarize the impact of western settlement on the lives of Native Americans. Identify important individuals and their contributions to Westward settlement. Analyze how geography influenced the location of trails and settlements in the West. Identify the variety of routes to the west and why people traveled them. Analyze the causes and effects of the California Gold Rush. Identify the tools and methods used by miners during the Gold Rush. Analyze the variety of economic opportunities that developed out of the Gold Rush. Identify roles and contributions of significant people in the settlement of California. Describe the events that made California a state. Identify important inventors and manufacturers from late 18th through mid-19th centuries. Describe how major technological advances and inventions changed productivity. Summarize Samuel Slater's role in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States. Describe how advances in technology revolutionized land and water transportation. Analyze how new transportation systems affected how and where people settled. Spanish Language Chapter Assessments Expansión hacia el Oeste: Examen modificable A Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Expansión hacia el Oeste: Examen modificable B Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. Expansión hacia el Oeste: Examen B (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Summarize how and why Texas became a state. Analyze the role of slavery in the American settlement of Texas. Describe the concept of Manifest Destiny as an understanding by Americans that their nation would extend to both coasts. Identify significant people and their contributions during the period of westward expansion. Summarize the events of the war with Mexico and its effect on the expansion of the United States. Identify the economic and social reasons that led settlers to risk moving to the West. Summarize the impact of western settlement on the lives of Native Americans. Identify important individuals and their contributions to Westward settlement. Analyze how geography influenced the location of trails and settlements in the West. Identify the variety of routes to the west and why people traveled them. Analyze the causes and effects of the California Gold Rush. Identify the tools and methods used by miners during the Gold Rush. Analyze the variety of economic opportunities that developed out of the Gold Rush. Identify roles and contributions of significant people in the settlement of California. Describe the events that made California a state. Identify important inventors and manufacturers from late 18th through mid-19th centuries. Describe how major technological advances and inventions changed productivity. Summarize Samuel Slater's role in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States. Describe how advances in technology revolutionized land and water transportation. Analyze how new transportation systems affected how and where people settled. Expansión hacia el Oeste: Examen A (en línea) Curriculum Standards: Summarize how and why Texas became a state. Analyze the role of slavery in the American settlement of Texas. Describe the concept of Manifest Destiny as an understanding by Americans that their nation would extend to both coasts. Summarize the events of the war with Mexico and its effect on the expansion of the United States. Identify the economic and social reasons that led settlers to risk moving to the West. Summarize the impact of western settlement on the lives of Native Americans. Identify important individuals and their contributions to Westward settlement. Analyze how geography influenced the location of trails and settlements in the West. Identify the variety of routes to the west and why people traveled them. Analyze the causes and effects of the California Gold Rush. Identify the tools and methods used by miners during the Gold Rush. Analyze the variety of economic opportunities that developed out of the Gold Rush. Identify roles and contributions of significant people in the settlement of California. Describe the events that made California a state. Identify important inventors and manufacturers from late 18th through mid-19th centuries. Describe how major technological advances and inventions changed productivity. Summarize Samuel Slater's role in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States. Describe how advances in technology revolutionized land and water transportation. Analyze how new transportation systems affected how and where people settled. Moving West Test Form A (online) Curriculum Standards: Summarize how and why Texas became a state. Analyze the role of slavery in the American settlement of Texas. Describe the concept of Manifest Destiny as an understanding by Americans that their nation would extend to both coasts. Summarize the events of the war with Mexico and its effect on the expansion of the United States. Identify the economic and social reasons that led settlers to risk moving to the West. Summarize the impact of western settlement on the lives of Native Americans. Identify important individuals and their contributions to Westward settlement. Analyze how geography influenced the location of trails and settlements in the West. Identify the variety of routes to the west and why people traveled them. Analyze the causes and effects of the California Gold Rush. Identify the tools and methods used by miners during the Gold Rush. Analyze the variety of economic opportunities that developed out of the Gold Rush. Identify roles and contributions of significant people in the settlement of California. Describe the events that made California a state. Identify important inventors and manufacturers from late 18th through mid-19th centuries. Describe how major technological advances and inventions changed productivity. Summarize Samuel Slater's role in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States. Describe how advances in technology revolutionized land and water transportation. Analyze how new transportation systems affected how and where people settled. Leveled Readers James Polk, American President President James Polk and the Expansion of the United States President James Polk and America's 'Manifest Destiny' Chapter 9: Civil War and Reconstruction Chapter Opener: Civil War and Reconstruction Connect Big Question Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. myStory Video Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. myStory Spark Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Words to Know Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Target Reading Skill Practice (Sequence) Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Spanish Language Student Resources: La Guerra Civil y la Reconstrucción miHistoria: Video Palabras para aprender Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Práctica de la destreza clave de lectura (Secuencia) Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Libro del estudiante en línea Lesson 1: Struggles Over Slavery Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. Key Ideas: The North and South Grow Apart Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. Key Ideas: Tough Compromises Lead to "Bleeding Kansas" Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. Key Ideas: Starting Down the Road to War Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. Got it? Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. Spanish Language Student Resources: La lucha contra la esclavitud Libro del estudiante en línea Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. Lesson 2: The War Begins Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. Key Ideas: The First Shots Begin the Civil War Curriculum Standards: How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. Key Ideas: Lincoln Versus Davis and the Civil War Continues Curriculum Standards: How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. Key Ideas: New Tools of War Curriculum Standards: How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. Got it? Curriculum Standards: How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. Spanish Language Student Resources: Comienza la guerra Libro del estudiante en línea Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. Lesson 3: Life During the Civil War Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. Key Ideas: The Emancipation Proclamation and A Diverse Army Curriculum Standards: The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. Key Ideas: On the Battlefeild and the Home Front Curriculum Standards: The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. Got it? Curriculum Standards: The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Spanish Language Student Resources: La vida durante la guerra Libro del estudiante en línea Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Lesson 4: The War Ends Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. Key Ideas: Union Victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg Curriculum Standards: The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. Key Ideas: Sherman in Georgia and the End of the Civil War Curriculum Standards: The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. Key Ideas: A Terrible Loss for the Nation Curriculum Standards: The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. Got it? Curriculum Standards: The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. How Abraham Lincoln died. Spanish Language Student Resources: Termina la guerra Libro del estudiante en línea Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. How Abraham Lincoln died. Lesson 5: Reconstruction Experience Lesson Introduction Curriculum Standards: The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Key Ideas: Congress and Reconstruction Curriculum Standards: The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Key Ideas: Rebuilding the South and New Amendments Curriculum Standards: The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Key Ideas: After Reconstruction Curriculum Standards: The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Key Ideas: Civil War and Reconstruction Curriculum Standards: The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Got it? Curriculum Standards: The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. myStory Idea Curriculum Standards: The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Quiz (online) Curriculum Standards: The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Spanish Language Student Resources: La Reconstrucción Libro del estudiante en línea Prueba (en línea) Curriculum Standards: The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Chapter Closer: Civil War and Reconstruction Understand Vocabulary Review Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. myWorld Activity Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. myStory Book Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Civil War and Reconstruction myStory Book Online Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Online Student Edition Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Spanish Language Student Resources: La Guerra Civil y la Reconstrucción Repaso del vocabulario Curriculum Standards: Students preview and review chapter content. miMundo: Actividad Libro del estudiante en línea myWorld Activity: Chain of Events Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in English Chain of Events Student Instructions and Rubric Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Chain of Events Student Recording Sheet Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Card 41: From Causes to Effects Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Card 42: From Causes to Effects Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Card 43: From Causes to Effects Card 43: From Causes to EffectsProjectable or printable versions of the Activity Cards. Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Card 44: From Causes to Effects Card 44: From Causes to EffectsProjectable or printable versions of the Activity Cards. Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Card 45: From Causes to Effects Card 45: From Causes to EffectsProjectable or printable versions of the Activity Cards. Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Activity Cards and Supporting Materials in Spanish Cadena de sucesos: Instrucciones y guía para calificar Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Cadena de sucesos: Registro de datos Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Tarjeta 41: La Guerra Civil: Causas y efectos Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Tarjeta 42: La Guerra Civil: Causas y efectos Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Tarjeta 43: La Guerra Civil: Causas y efectos Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Tarjeta 44: La Guerra Civil: Causas y efectos Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Tarjeta 45: La Guerra Civil: Causas y efectos Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Chapter Assessments and Answer Key Civil War and Reconstruction Editable Test Form A Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Civil War and Reconstruction Editable Test Form B Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. Civil War and Reconstruction Test Form B (online) Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. Spanish Language Chapter Assessments La Guerra Civil y la Reconstrucción: Examen modificable A Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. La Guerra Civil y la Reconstrucción: Examen modificable B Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The reaction to the war's end. The human and material costs of the war in the North and the South. The significance of the Gettysburg address. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. What happened after Reconstruction. La Guerra Civil y la Reconstrucción: Examen B (en línea) Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. Summarize the growing resistance to slavery before the war. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. How the Civil War started. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The similarities and differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The hardships soldiers faced on and off the battlefields. Hardships on home front. Women's contributions to the war effort. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. How Abraham Lincoln died. The effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination on the course of Reconstruction. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The difficulty of rebuilding the South. The impact on racial relations in the United States made by Reconstruction. La Guerra Civil y la Reconstrucción: Examen A (en línea) Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The significance of the Gettysburg address. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. What happened after Reconstruction. Civil War and Reconstruction Test Form A (online) Curriculum Standards: The economic, political, and geographic differences between the North and the South in the years before the war. How to summarize different perspectives on both slavery in the western territories, and states' rights. The causes and events that led to the Civil War. The political and military strategies of the North and the South. The importance of new technologies to the way the war was fought and to its outcome. The significant battles and turning point in the first years of the war. The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on American life. The roles of women, African Americans and Native Americans in the war. Women's contributions to the war effort. The impact of letters, newspapers, and photographs that brought the battlefield to the home front. The significant battles and turning point leading to the war's end. The similarities and differences between the leaders of the two armies. The accomplishments of Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. The significance of the Gettysburg address. The different aims and plans towards Reconstruction held by Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. What happened after Reconstruction. Leveled Readers President Ulysses S. Grant Ulysses S. Grant: Defender of the Union Ullysses S. Grant: General and President Graphic Organizers and Maps Graphic Organizers K-W-L Chart Web Main Idea and Details Venn Diagram Compare and Contrast Cause and Effect Problem and Solution A Problem and Solution B Steps in a Process A Steps in a Process B T-Chart Three-Column Chart Outline Form Four-Column Chart Maps The World: Political The World: Physical The United States of America Our Fifty States: Political Our Fifty States: Physical North America: Political North America: Physical South America: Political South America: Physical Africa: Political Africa: Physical Europe: Political Europe: Physical Asia and the Pacific Islands: Political Asia and the Pacific Islands: Physical Australia & New Zealand: Political/Physical Antarctica Outline Maps 1 The World-Global Views 1 The World-Global Views 2 The World-Continents 2 The World-Continents 3 The World-Latitude and Longitude Grid 3 The World-Latitude and Longitude Grid 4 The World-Countries 4 The World-Countries 5 Western Hemisphere 5 Western Hemisphere 6 Eastern Hemisphere 6 Eastern Hemisphere 7 North America 7 North America 8 South America 8 South America 9 Europe 9 Europe 10 Africa 10 Africa 11 Asia 11 Asia 12 Australia and New Zealand 12 Australia and New Zealand 13 Antarctica 13 Antarctica 14 Canada 14 Canada 15 Mexico 16 Central America 17 The West Indies 18 The Mediterranean Sea Region 19 West and Southwest Asia 20 The United States 21 The United States-Regions 22 The United States-Northeast Region 23 The United States-Southeast Region 24 The United States-Midwest Region 25 The United States-Southwest Region 26 The United States-West Region 27 Alabama 28 Alaska 29 Arizona 30 Arkansas 31 California 32 Colorado 33 Connecticut 34 Delaware 35 Florida 36 Georgia 37 Hawaii 38 Idaho 39 Illinois 40 Indiana 41 Iowa 42 Kansas 43 Kentucky 44 Louisiana 45 Maine 46 Maryland and D.C. 47 Massachusetts 48 Michigan 49 Minnesota 50 Mississippi 51 Missouri 52 Montana 53 Nebraska 54 Nevada 55 New Hampshire 56 New Jersey 57 New Mexico 58 New York 59 North Carolina 60 North Dakota 61 Ohio 61 Ohio 62 Oklahoma 63 Oregon 64 Pennsylvania 65 Rhode Island 66 South Carolina 67 South Dakota 68 Tennessee 69 Texas 70 Utah 71 Vermont 72 Virginia 73 Washington 74 West Virginia 75 Wisconsin 76 Wyoming Leveled Readers President Ulysses S. Grant Ulysses S. Grant: Defender of the Union Calamity Jane: Star of the Old West Calamity Jane: Life of Adventure Expert Rider and a Quick Shot: The Story of Calamity Jane Thomas Edison, American Inventor The Wizard of Menlo Park: Thomas Edison's Story Thomas Edison: Practical Genius Ida Wells-Barnett: Civil Rights Leader Ida Wells-Barnett: Writing for Civil Rights Ida Wells-Barnett: Civil Rights Journalist Louis Armstrong: A Life in Music Louis Armstrong, Jazz Man How Louis Armstrong Brought Jazz to the World Harry S Truman: American President Harry S Truman: Plain-Speaking President President Harry S Truman: 'The Buck Stops Here' President John F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy: American President President John F. Kennedy and the New Frontier The Singing Life of Bob Dylan Blowing in the Wind: The Bob Dylan Story Condeleeza Rice: United States Diplomat Madame Secretary, Condeleeza Rice Condeleeza Rice: Foreign Policy Expert Chief Joseph Defends His People Chief Joseph: Leader of the Nez Percé Chief Joseph: I Will Fight No More Forever Isabella, Queen of Spain Isabella: Queen of Two Kingdoms Queen Isabella and the Exploration of the Americas Chief Powhatan Powhatan, Native American Leader Chief Powhatan, Leader of His People Anne Hutchinson: Colonial Rebel Anne Hutchinson: Struggle for Religious Freedom Anne Hutchinson and Religious Freedom in the Colonies America's Ben Franklin Ben Franklin: Inventor, Leader, Patriot Benjamin Franklin: A Life of Science and Service Alexander Hamilton: Government Leader Alexander Hamilton, Soldier and Statesman Alexander Hamilton and the Founding of the Federal Government Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Fight for Women's Rights Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Founder of the Women's Rights Movement More Than the Right to Vote: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton James Polk, American President President James Polk and the Expansion of the United States President James Polk and America's 'Manifest Destiny' Ullysses S. Grant: General and President Bob Dylan: Singer for His Times 21st Century Learning Analyze Cause and Effect Quick Reference: Analyze Cause and Effect Video: Analyze Cause and Effect Analyze Images Quick Reference: Analyze Images Video: Analyze Images Classify and Categorize Quick Reference: Classify and Categorize Video: Classify and Categorize Compare and Contrast Quick Reference: Compare and Contrast Video: Compare and Contrast Compare Viewpoints Quick Reference: Compare Viewpoints Video: Compare Viewpoints Conduct Research Quick Reference: Conduct Research Video: Conduct Research Create Charts Quick Reference: Create Charts Video: Create Charts Deliver an Effective Presentation Quick Reference: Deliver an Effective Presentation Video: Deliver an Effective Presentation Distinguish Fact and Opinion Quick Reference: Distinguish Fact and Opinion Video: Distinguish Fact and Opinion Draw Conclusions Quick Reference: Draw Conclusions Video: Draw Conclusions Evaluate Media Content Quick Reference: Evaluate Media Content Video: Evaluate Media Content Generalize Quick Reference: Generalize Video: Generalize Generate New Ideas Quick Reference: Generate New Ideas Video: Generate New Ideas Identify Bias Quick Reference: Identify Bias Video: Identify Bias Identify Main Idea and Details Quick Reference: Identify Main Ideas and Details Video: Identify Main Idea and Details Interpret Cultural Data on Maps Quick Reference: Interpret Cultural Data on Maps Video: Interpret Cultural Data on Maps Interpret Economic Data on Maps Quick Reference: Interpret Economic Data on Maps Video: Interpret Economic Data on Maps Interpret Graphs Quick Reference: Interpret Graphs Video: Interpret Graphs Interpret Physical Maps Quick Reference: Interpret Physical Maps Video: Interpret Physical Maps Interpret Timelines Quick Reference: Interpret Timelines Video: Interpret Timelines Make Decisions Quick Reference: Make Decisions Video: Make Decisions Predict Consequences Quick Reference: Predict Consequences Video: Predict Consequences Resolve Conflict Quick Reference: Resolve Conflict Video: Resolve Conflict Sequence Quick Reference: Sequence Video: Sequence Solve Problems Quick Reference: Solve Problems Video: Solve Problems Summarize Quick Reference: Summarize Video: Summarize Use Latitude and Longitude Quick Reference: Use Latitude and Longitude Video: Use Latitude and Longitude Use Primary and Secondary Sources Quick Reference: Use Primary and Secondary Sources Video: Use Primary and Secondary Sources Use the Internet Safely Quick Reference: Use the Internet Safely Video: Use the Internet Safely Work in Cooperative Teams Quick Reference: Work in Cooperative Teams Video: Work in Cooperative Teams Teacher Resources Container myStory Book Teacher Instructions Intended Role: Instructor myWorld Social Studies Teacher Guide Front Matter Intended Role: Instructor myWorld Social Studies Teacher Guide Front Matter Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Answer Keys Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Skill Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Destreza: Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Skill Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Destreza: Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: 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Instructor Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Instrucciones paso a paso Intended Role: Instructor Step-by-Step Instructions Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Skill Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Destreza: Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Instrucciones paso a paso Intended Role: Instructor Step-by-Step Instructions Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Destreza: Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Skill Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Lesson Guide Intended Role: Instructor Apoyo de enseñanza en español Intended Role: Instructor Answer Key Intended Role: Instructor Respuestas Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor Teacher Resources Intended Role: Instructor eText Container Spanish Annotated Worktext Gr. 4 eText Online Student Edition Gr. 4 eText Annotated Worktext Gr. 4 eText Spanish Online Student Edition Gr. 4 eText