Date Issued: | 18th January, 2021 |
Latest version: | |
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Document Name: IMS Access for All (AfA) Personal Needs and Preferences (PNP) XSD Binding v3.0
Revision: 18th January, 2021
This document is a part of the IMS Access for All Personal Needs and Preferences (AfA PNP) v3.0 specification. This document details how the AfA PNP Information Model is realised as an XML binding: using an XSD description. The AfA PNP binding is contained in one XSD file for the exchange of a single record and for the exchange of a set of PNP records. The IMS AfA Best Practice and Implementation Guide [AfA, 21b] provides non-normative guidance on how to use the Binding and Information Model. For a conceptual overview of the AfA Specification, please see the overview description [AfA, 21a]. For a discussion of potential applications, see the Best Practice and Implementation Guide.
The AfA PNP specification is intended to meet the needs of learners with disabilities and of anyone in a disabling context. The purpose of the AfA PNP Specification is to provide a machine-readable method of stating user needs and preferences with respect to digitally based education or learning. The AfA PNP specification can be used independently, for example to deliver the required or desired user interface to the user, or in combination with the AfADRD [AfADRD, 21] to deliver digital resources that meet a user's needs and preferences.
1. Introduction
1.2 Conventions
1.3 Structure of this Document
1.4 Compatibility with AFA PNP 2.0 and APIP
1.5 Nomenclature
2.1 Root Attribute UML/XSD Mapping
2.2 Root Class UML/XSD Mapping
2.2.1 AccessForAllPNP Root Class Mapping
2.2.2 AccessForAllPNPRecords Root Class Mapping
2.3.1 AccessForAllPNPRecord Class Mapping
2.3.2 AccessModeRequired Class Mapping
2.3.3 AdaptationDetailRequired Class Mapping
2.3.4 AdaptationMediaRequired Class Mapping
2.3.5 AdaptationTypeRequired Class Mapping
2.3.6 AdditionalTestingTime Class Mapping
2.3.7 Braille Class Mapping
2.3.8 Environment Class Mapping
2.3.9 FeatureSet Class Mapping
2.3.10 FontFace Class Mapping
2.3.11 InvertDisplayPolarity Class Mapping
2.3.12 LanguageMode Class Mapping
2.3.13 LineReader Class Mapping
2.3.14 LongDescription Class Mapping
2.3.15 Magnification Class Mapping
2.3.16 ReplacesAccessMode Class Mapping
2.3.17 Spoken Class Mapping
2.3.18 TextAppearance Class Mapping
2.4 Derived Class UML/XSD Mapping
2.4.1 Calculator Class Mapping
2.4.2 ExtensionString Class Mapping
2.4.3 Hex Class Mapping
2.4.4 PersonSourcedId Class Mapping
2.4.5 Volume Class Mapping
2.4.6 ZoomAmount Class Mapping
2.5 Enumerated Class UML/XSD Mapping
2.6 Enumerated List Class UML/XSD Mapping
2.7 List Class UML/XSD Mapping
4.1.1 "access-for-all-pnp" Root Element Description
4.1.2 "access-for-all-pnp-records" Root Element Description
4.2 Global Element Descriptions
4.3 Attribute Group Descriptions
4.4 Root Complex Type Descriptions
4.4.1 AccessForAllPNPDType Root Complex Type Description
* "access-mode-required" Local Element Description
* "adaptation-type-required" Local Element Description
* "at-interoperable" Local Element Description
* "educational-complexity-of-adaptation" Local Element Description
* "hazard-avoidance" Local Element Description
* "input-requirements" Local Element Description
* "language-of-adaptation" Local Element Description
* "language-of-interface" Local Element Description
* "adaptation-detail-required" Local Element Description
* "adaptation-media-required" Local Element Description
* "educational-level-of-adaptation" Local Element Description
* "linguistic-guidance" Local Element Description
* "keyword-emphasis" Local Element Description
* "keyword-translation" Local Element Description
* "simplified-language-portions" Local Element Description
* "simplified-graphics" Local Element Description
* "item-translation" Local Element Description
* "sign-language" Local Element Description
* "encouragement" Local Element Description
* "additional-testing-time" Local Element Description
* "line-reader" Local Element Description
* "invert-display-polarity" Local Element Description
* "magnification" Local Element Description
* "spoken" Local Element Description
* "tactile" Local Element Description
* "braille" Local Element Description
* "answer-masking" Local Element Description
* "keyboard-directions" Local Element Description
* "additional-directions" Local Element Description
* "long-description" Local Element Description
* "captions" Local Element Description
* "environment" Local Element Description
* "transcript" Local Element Description
* "alternative-text" Local Element Description
* "audio-description" Local Element Description
* "high-contrast" Local Element Description
* "layout-single-column" Local Element Description
* "text-appearance" Local Element Description
* "calculator-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "dictionary-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "glossary-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "thesaurus-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "homophone-checker-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "note-taking-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "visual-organizer-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "outliner-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "peer-interaction-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "spell-checker-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "activate-at-initialization-set" Local Element Description
* "activate-as-option-set" Local Element Description
* "prohibit-set" Local Element Description
4.4.2 AccessForAllPNPRecordsDType Root Complex Type Description
* "access-for-all-pnp-record" Local Element Description
4.5 Core Complex Type Descriptions
4.5.1 AccessForAllPNPRecordDType Core Complex Type Description
* "person-sourced-id" Local Element Description
* "appointment-id" Local Element Description
4.5.2 AccessModeRequiredDType Core Complex Type Description
* "existing-access-mode" Local Element Description
* "adaptation-request" Local Element Description
4.5.3 AdaptationDetailRequiredDType Core Complex Type Description
* "existing-access-mode" Local Element Description
* "adaptation-request" Local Element Description
4.5.4 AdaptationMediaRequiredDType Core Complex Type Description
* "existing-access-mode" Local Element Description
* "adaptation-request" Local Element Description
4.5.5 AdaptationTypeRequiredDType Core Complex Type Description
* "existing-access-mode" Local Element Description
* "adaptation-request" Local Element Description
4.5.6 AdditionalTestingTimeDType Core Complex Type Description
* "time-multiplier" Local Element Description
* "fixed-minutes" Local Element Description
* "unlimited" Local Element Description
4.5.7 BrailleDType Core Complex Type Description
* "language" Local Attribute Description
* "delivery-mode" Local Element Description
* "grade" Local Element Description
* "braille-type" Local Element Description
* "math-type" Local Element Description
4.5.8 EnvironmentDType Core Complex Type Description
* "description" Local Element Description
* "medical" Local Element Description
* "software" Local Element Description
* "hardware" Local Element Description
* "breaks" Local Element Description
4.5.9 FeatureSetDType Core Complex Type Description
* "linguistic-guidance" Local Element Description
* "keyword-emphasis" Local Element Description
* "keyword-translation" Local Element Description
* "simplified-language-portions" Local Element Description
* "simplified-graphics" Local Element Description
* "item-translation" Local Element Description
* "sign-language" Local Element Description
* "encouragement" Local Element Description
* "additional-testing-time" Local Element Description
* "line-reader" Local Element Description
* "invert-display-polarity" Local Element Description
* "magnification" Local Element Description
* "spoken" Local Element Description
* "tactile" Local Element Description
* "braille" Local Element Description
* "answer-masking" Local Element Description
* "keyboard-directions" Local Element Description
* "additional-directions" Local Element Description
* "long-description" Local Element Description
* "captions" Local Element Description
* "transcript" Local Element Description
* "alternative-text" Local Element Description
* "audio-description" Local Element Description
* "high-contrast" Local Element Description
* "input-requirements" Local Element Description
* "language-of-interface" Local Element Description
* "layout-single-column" Local Element Description
* "text-appearance" Local Element Description
* "calculator-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "dictionary-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "glossary-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "thesaurus-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "homophone-checker-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "note-taking-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "visual-organizer-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "outliner-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "peer-interaction-on-screen" Local Element Description
* "spell-checker-on-screen" Local Element Description
4.5.10 FontFaceDType Core Complex Type Description
* "font-name" Local Element Description
* "generic-font-face" Local Element Description
4.5.11 InvertDisplayPolarityDType Core Complex Type Description
* "foreground" Local Attribute Description
* "background" Local Attribute Description
4.5.12 LanguageModeDType Core Complex Type Description
* "language" Local Attribute Description
4.5.13 LineReaderDType Core Complex Type Description
* "highlight-color" Local Attribute Description
4.5.14 LongDescriptionDType Core Complex Type Description
* "hide-visually" Local Attribute Description
4.5.15 MagnificationDType Core Complex Type Description
* "all-content" Local Element Description
* "text" Local Element Description
* "non-text" Local Element Description
4.5.16 ReplacesAccessModeDType Core Complex Type Description
* "replace-access-mode-auditory" Local Element Description
* "replace-access-mode-color" Local Element Description
* "replace-access-mode-item-size" Local Element Description
* "replace-access-mode-olfactory" Local Element Description
* "replace-access-mode-orientation" Local Element Description
* "replace-access-mode-position" Local Element Description
* "replace-access-mode-tactile" Local Element Description
* "replace-access-mode-text-on-image" Local Element Description
* "replace-access-mode-textual" Local Element Description
* "replace-access-mode-visual" Local Element Description
4.5.17 SpokenDType Core Complex Type Description
* "reading-type" Local Element Description
* "restriction-type" Local Element Description
* "speech-rate" Local Element Description
* "pitch" Local Element Description
* "volume" Local Element Description
* "link-indication" Local Element Description
* "typing-echo" Local Element Description
4.5.18 TextAppearanceDType Core Complex Type Description
* "background-color" Local Element Description
* "font-color" Local Element Description
* "font-size" Local Element Description
* "font-face" Local Element Description
* "line-spacing" Local Element Description
* "line-height" Local Element Description
* "letter-spacing" Local Element Description
* "uniform-font-sizing" Local Element Description
* "word-spacing" Local Element Description
* "word-wrapping" Local Element Description
4.6 Derived Complex Type Descriptions
4.6.1 CalculatorDType Derived Complex Type Description
* "calculator-type" Local Attribute Description
4.6.2 PersonSourcedIdDType Derived Complex Type Description
* "source-system" Local Attribute Description
4.6.3 ZoomAmountDType Derived Complex Type Description
* "zoom-amount" Local Attribute Description
4.7.1 ExtensionStringDType Simple Type Description
5.1 Rules Imposing the Unordered Class Definition
6. Extending and Profiling the XSD
Appendix A XSD Binding Terms
A1 XSD Binding Description Terms
A1.1 UML/XSD Attribute Mapping Table Definition
A1.2 UML/XSD Class Mapping Table Definition
A1.3 UML/XSD Enumerated and Enumerated List Class Mapping Table Definition
A1.4 UML/XSD List and Union Mapping Tables Definition
A1.5 UML/XSD Primitive Types Mapping Table Definition
A1.6 XSD Description for an Element
A1.7 XSD Description for a Complex Type
A1.8 XSD Description for a Simple Type
A1.9 XSD Description for an Attribute Group
Appendix B XSD Listing
Figure 4.1.1 XSD Description for the "access-for-all-pnp" Root Element
Figure 4.1.2 XSD Description for the "access-for-all-pnp-records" Root Element
Figure 4.4.1 XSD Description for the "AccessForAllPNPDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "access-mode-required" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "adaptation-type-required" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "at-interoperable" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "educational-complexity-of-adaptation" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "hazard-avoidance" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "input-requirements" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "language-of-adaptation" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "language-of-interface" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "adaptation-detail-required" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "adaptation-media-required" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "educational-level-of-adaptation" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "linguistic-guidance" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "keyword-emphasis" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "keyword-translation" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "simplified-language-portions" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "simplified-graphics" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "item-translation" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "sign-language" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "encouragement" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "additional-testing-time" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "line-reader" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "invert-display-polarity" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "magnification" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "spoken" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "tactile" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "braille" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "answer-masking" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "keyboard-directions" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "additional-directions" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "long-description" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "captions" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "environment" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "transcript" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "alternative-text" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "audio-description" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "high-contrast" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "layout-single-column" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "text-appearance" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "calculator-on-screen" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "dictionary-on-screen" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "glossary-on-screen" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "thesaurus-on-screen" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "homophone-checker-on-screen" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "note-taking-on-screen" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "visual-organizer-on-screen" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "outliner-on-screen" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "peer-interaction-on-screen" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "spell-checker-on-screen" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "activate-at-initialization-set" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "activate-as-option-set" Local Element Description
Figure XSD Description for the "prohibit-set" Local Element Description
Figure 4.4.2 XSD Description for the "AccessForAllPNPRecordsDType" Root ComplexType
Figure XSD Description for the "access-for-all-pnp-record" Local Element Description
Figure 4.5.1 XSD Description for the "AccessForAllPNPRecordDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "person-sourced-id" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "appointment-id" Local Element
Figure 4.5.2 XSD Description for the "AccessModeRequiredDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "existing-access-mode" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "adaptation-request" Local Element
Figure 4.5.3 XSD Description for the "AdaptationDetailRequiredDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "existing-access-mode" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "adaptation-request" Local Element
Figure 4.5.4 XSD Description for the "AdaptationMediaRequiredDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "existing-access-mode" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "adaptation-request" Local Element
Figure 4.5.5 XSD Description for the "AdaptationTypeRequiredDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "existing-access-mode" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "adaptation-request" Local Element
Figure 4.5.6 XSD Description for the "AdditionalTestingTimeDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "time-multiplier" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "fixed-minutes" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "unlimited" Local Element
Figure 4.5.7 XSD Description for the "BrailleDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "language" Local Attribute
Figure XSD Description for the "delivery-mode" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "grade" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "braille-type" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "math-type" Local Element
Figure 4.5.8 XSD Description for the "EnvironmentDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "description" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "medical" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "software" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "hardware" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "breaks" Local Element
Figure 4.5.9 XSD Description for the "FeatureSetDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "linguistic-guidance" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "keyword-emphasis" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "keyword-translation" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "simplified-language-portions" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "simplified-graphics" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "item-translation" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "sign-language" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "encouragement" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "additional-testing-time" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "line-reader" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "invert-display-polarity" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "magnification" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "spoken" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "tactile" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "braille" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "answer-masking" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "keyboard-directions" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "additional-directions" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "long-description" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "captions" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "transcript" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "alternative-text" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "audio-description" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "high-contrast" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "input-requirements" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "language-of-interface" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "layout-single-column" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "text-appearance" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "calculator-on-screen" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "dictionary-on-screen" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "glossary-on-screen" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "thesaurus-on-screen" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "homophone-checker-on-screen" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "note-taking-on-screen" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "visual-organizer-on-screen" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "outliner-on-screen" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "peer-interaction-on-screen" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "spell-checker-on-screen" Local Element
Figure 4.5.10 XSD Description for the "FontFaceDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "font-name" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "generic-font-face" Local Element
Figure 4.5.11 XSD Description for the "InvertDisplayPolarityDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "foreground" Local Attribute
Figure XSD Description for the "background" Local Attribute
Figure 4.5.12 XSD Description for the "LanguageModeDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "language" Local Attribute
Figure 4.5.13 XSD Description for the "LineReaderDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "highlight-color" Local Attribute
Figure 4.5.14 XSD Description for the "LongDescriptionDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "hide-visually" Local Attribute
Figure 4.5.15 XSD Description for the "MagnificationDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "all-content" Local Element
Figure "text" Local Element Description
Figure "non-text" Local Element Description
Figure 4.5.16 XSD Description for the "ReplacesAccessModeDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-auditory" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-color" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-item-size" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-olfactory" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-orientation" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-position" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-tactile" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-text-on-image" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-textual" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-visual" Local Element
Figure 4.5.17 XSD Description for the "SpokenDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "reading-type" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "restriction-type" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "speech-rate" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "pitch" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "volume" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "link-indication" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "typing-echo" Local Element
Figure 4.5.18 XSD Description for the "TextAppearanceDType" Core Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "background-color" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "font-color" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "font-size" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "font-face" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "line-spacing" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "line-height" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "letter-spacing" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "uniform-font-sizing" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "word-spacing" Local Element
Figure XSD Description for the "word-wrapping" Local Element
Figure 4.6.1 XSD Description for the "CalculatorDType" Derived Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "calculator-type" Local Attribute
Figure 4.6.2 XSD Description for the "PersonSourcedIdDType" Derived Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "source-system" Local Attribute
Figure 4.6.3 XSD Description for the "ZoomAmountDType" Derived Complex Type
Figure XSD Description for the "zoom-amount" Local Attribute
Figure 4.7.1 XSD Description for the "ExtensionStringDType" Simple Type
Figure 4.7.2 XSD Description for the "HexDType" Simple Type
Figure 4.7.3 XSD Description for the "VolumeDType" Simple Type
Table 2.1 - UML/XSD Mapping for the Root Attributes
Table 2.2.1 - UML/XSD Mapping for the AccessForAllPNP Root Class
Table 2.2.2 - UML/XSD Mapping for the AccessForAllPNPRecords Root Class
Table 2.3.1 - UML/XSD Mapping for the AccessForAllPNPRecord Core Class
Table 2.3.2 - UML/XSD Mapping for the AccessModeRequired Core Class
Table 2.3.3 - UML/XSD Mapping for the AdaptationDetailRequired Core Class
Table 2.3.4 - UML/XSD Mapping for the AdaptationMediaRequired Core Class
Table 2.3.5 - UML/XSD Mapping for the AdaptationTypeRequired Core Class
Table 2.3.6 - UML/XSD Mapping for the AdditionalTestingTime Core Class
Table 2.3.7 - UML/XSD Mapping for the Braille Core Class
Table 2.3.8 - UML/XSD Mapping for the Environment Core Class
Table 2.3.9 - UML/XSD Mapping for the FeatureSet Core Class
Table 2.3.10 - UML/XSD Mapping for the FontFace Core Class
Table 2.3.11 - UML/XSD Mapping for the InvertDisplayPolarity Core Class
Table 2.3.12 - UML/XSD Mapping for the LanguageMode Core Class
Table 2.3.13 - UML/XSD Mapping for the LineReader Core Class
Table 2.3.14 - UML/XSD Mapping for the LongDescription Core Class
Table 2.3.15 - UML/XSD Mapping for the Magnification Core Class
Table 2.3.16 - UML/XSD Mapping for the ReplacesAccessMode Core Class
Table 2.3.17 - UML/XSD Mapping for the Spoken Core Class
Table 2.3.18 - UML/XSD Mapping for the TextAppearance Core Class
Table 2.4.1 - UML/XSD Mapping for the Calculator Derived Class
Table 2.4.2 - UML/XSD Mapping for the ExtensionString Derived Class
Table 2.4.3 - UML/XSD Mapping for the Hex Derived Class
Table 2.4.4 - UML/XSD Mapping for the PersonSourcedId Derived Class
Table 2.4.5 - UML/XSD Mapping for the Volume Derived Class
Table 2.4.6 - UML/XSD Mapping for the ZoomAmount Derived Class
Table 2.5 - UML/XSD Mapping for the Enumerated Class Definitions
Table 2.8 UML/XSD Mapping for the Union Class Definitions
Table 2.9 UML/XSD Mapping for the Primitive Type Definitions
Table 4.1.1 XSD Description for the "access-for-all-pnp" Root Element
Table 4.1.2 XSD Description for the "access-for-all-pnp-records" Root Element
Table 4.4.1 XSD Description for the "AccessForAllPNPDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "access-mode-required" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "adaptation-type-required" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "at-interoperable" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "educational-complexity-of-adaptation" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "hazard-avoidance" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "input-requirements" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "language-of-adaptation" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "language-of-interface" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "adaptation-detail-required" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "adaptation-media-required" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "educational-level-of-adaptation" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "linguistic-guidance" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "keyword-emphasis" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "keyword-translation" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "simplified-language-portions" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "simplified-graphics" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "item-translation" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "sign-language" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "encouragement" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "additional-testing-time" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "line-reader" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "invert-display-polarity" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "magnification" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "spoken" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "tactile" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "braille" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "answer-masking" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "keyboard-directions" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "additional-directions" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "long-description" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "captions" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "environment" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "transcript" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "alternative-text" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "audio-description" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "high-contrast" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "layout-single-column" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "text-appearance" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "calculator-on-screen" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "dictionary-on-screen" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "glossary-on-screen" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "thesaurus-on-screen" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "homophone-checker-on-screen" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "note-taking-on-screen" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "visual-organizer-on-screen" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "outliner-on-screen" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "peer-interaction-on-screen" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "spell-checker-on-screen" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "activate-at-initialization-set" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "activate-as-option-set" Local Element Description
Table XSD Description for the "prohibit-set" Local Element Description
Table 4.4.2 XSD Description for the "AccessForAllPNPRecordsDType" Root ComplexType
Table XSD Description for the "access-for-all-pnp-record" Local Element Description
Table 4.5.1 XSD Description for the "AccessForAllPNPRecordDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "person-sourced-id" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "appointment-id" Local Element
Table 4.5.2 XSD Description for the "AccessModeRequiredDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "existing-access-mode" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "adaptation-request" Local Element
Table 4.5.3 XSD Description for the "AdaptationDetailRequiredDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "existing-access-mode" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "adaptation-request" Local Element
Table 4.5.4 XSD Description for the "AdaptationMediaRequiredDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "existing-access-mode" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "adaptation-request" Local Element
Table 4.5.5 XSD Description for the "AdaptationTypeRequiredDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "existing-access-mode" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "adaptation-request" Local Element
Table 4.5.6 XSD Description for the "AdditionalTestingTimeDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "time-multiplier" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "fixed-minutes" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "unlimited" Local Element
Table 4.5.7 XSD Description for the "BrailleDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "language" Local Attribute
Table XSD Description for the "delivery-mode" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "grade" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "braille-type" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "math-type" Local Element
Table 4.5.8 XSD Description for the "EnvironmentDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "description" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "medical" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "software" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "hardware" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "breaks" Local Element
Table 4.5.9 XSD Description for the "FeatureSetDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "linguistic-guidance" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "keyword-emphasis" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "keyword-translation" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "simplified-language-portions" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "simplified-graphics" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "item-translation" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "sign-language" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "encouragement" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "additional-testing-time" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "line-reader" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "invert-display-polarity" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "magnification" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "spoken" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "tactile" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "braille" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "answer-masking" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "keyboard-directions" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "additional-directions" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "long-description" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "captions" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "transcript" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "alternative-text" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "audio-description" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "high-contrast" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "input-requirements" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "language-of-interface" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "layout-single-column" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "text-appearance" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "calculator-on-screen" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "dictionary-on-screen" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "glossary-on-screen" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "thesaurus-on-screen" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "homophone-checker-on-screen" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "note-taking-on-screen" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "visual-organizer-on-screen" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "outliner-on-screen" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "peer-interaction-on-screen" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "spell-checker-on-screen" Local Element
Table 4.5.10 XSD Description for the "FontFaceDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "font-name" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "generic-font-face" Local Element
Table 4.5.11 XSD Description for the "InvertDisplayPolarityDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "foreground" Local Attribute
Table XSD Description for the "background" Local Attribute
Table 4.5.12 XSD Description for the "LanguageModeDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "language" Local Attribute
Table 4.5.13 XSD Description for the "LineReaderDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "highlight-color" Local Attribute
Table 4.5.14 XSD Description for the "LongDescriptionDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "hide-visually" Local Attribute
Table 4.5.15 XSD Description for the "MagnificationDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "all-content" Local Element
Table "text" Local Element Description
Table "non-text" Local Element Description
Table 4.5.16 XSD Description for the "ReplacesAccessModeDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-auditory" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-color" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-item-size" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-olfactory" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-orientation" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-position" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-tactile" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-text-on-image" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-textual" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "replace-access-mode-visual" Local Element
Table 4.5.17 XSD Description for the "SpokenDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "reading-type" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "restriction-type" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "speech-rate" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "pitch" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "volume" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "link-indication" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "typing-echo" Local Element
Table 4.5.18 XSD Description for the "TextAppearanceDType" Core Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "background-color" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "font-color" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "font-size" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "font-face" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "line-spacing" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "line-height" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "letter-spacing" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "uniform-font-sizing" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "word-spacing" Local Element
Table XSD Description for the "word-wrapping" Local Element
Table 4.6.1 XSD Description for the "CalculatorDType" Derived Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "calculator-type" Local Attribute
Table 4.6.2 XSD Description for the "PersonSourcedIdDType" Derived Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "source-system" Local Attribute
Table 4.6.3 XSD Description for the "ZoomAmountDType" Derived Complex Type
Table XSD Description for the "zoom-amount" Local Attribute
Table 4.7.1 XSD Description for the "ExtensionStringDType" Simple Type
Table 4.7.2 XSD Description for the "HexDType" Simple Type
Table 4.7.3 XSD Description for the "VolumeDType" Simple Type
Table A1.1 The key to the descriptions of UML to XSD attribute mapping tables
Table A1.2 The key to the descriptions of UML to XSD class mapping tables
Table A1.3 The key to the descriptions of UML to XSD enumerated and enumerated list class mapping tables
Table A1.4 The key to the descriptions of UML to XSD list class mapping table
Table A1.5 The key to the descriptions of UML to XSD primitive mapping table
Table A1.6 The key to the descriptions of XSD element tables
Table A1.7 The key to the descriptions of XSD complex type tables
Table A1.8 The key to the descriptions of XSD simple type tables
Table A1.9 The key to the descriptions of XSD attribute group tables
Table A1.10 The key to the descriptions of XSD attribute tables
Table A1.11 The key to the descriptions of VDEX vocabulary binding tables
The IMS Global AfA PNP v3.0 XSD Binding v1.0 is used in conjunction with the following documents:
This XSD binding takes the Access for All Personal Needs and Preferences Information Model [AfAPNP, 21] and produces an encoding of that description in XSD. The XSD is created using the IMS Global Binding Auto-generation Tool-kit (I-BAT) [I-BAT, 06].
All sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams (with the exception of the UML diagrams), examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC 2119]. This means that from the perspective of conformance:
The Conformance and Certification Guide for this specification may introduce greater normative constraints than those defined here for specific service or implementation categories.
The SHOULD/SHOULD NOT/RECOMMENDED statements MUST NOT be used in any document, or section of a document, that is responsible for defining the information model and/or the associated bindings and/or conformance and certification.
The structure of the rest of this document is:
2. UML to XML/XSD Mapping | The mapping between the UML representation of the AfA PNP Information Model and the XML components of the corresponding XSD; |
3. Filenames and Namespaces | The complete set of namespaces and file names that are used to construct the AfA PNP XSD; |
4. Description of the XSD | A detailed description of the AfA PNP XSD (the relationships between the original specification model, in UML, and the XSD are described in Section 2); |
5. The Schematron Rules | A summary of the Schematron rules rules that are used to impose more of the Information Model constraints on the XSD (these are features that either cannot be imposed in an XSD or which would require an overly complex XSD); |
6. Extending and Profiling the XSD | An explanation of how to use the extension points in the XSD to extend the functionality of the XSD; |
References | The set of cited documents, normative and informative, that are used to support the technical details in this document; |
Appendix A XSD Binding Terms | An overview of the concepts and the terms used by IMS to create the XSD-based bindings representations and the accompanying documentation. The XSD binding is auto-generated from the UML representation to ensure full consistency between the information model and binding; |
Appendix B XSD Listing | The listing of the AfA PNP XSD that should be used to validate instances of the data exchange. A link to the schema location is also provided. |
The information models for AfA PNP v2.0 and v3.0 have many similarities but there are many differences. There is no backwards compatibility between versions 2 and 3.
This release of the specification (3.0) is designed to provide a very simple but extensible model and encourage early adoption and implementation. It was initially modelled using a semantic web approach then described using UML to support a particular class of implementations. The range of properties or attributes modelled and their representation is much simpler than in Access For All 2.0 in order to better support those properties identified as important by early adopters of previous versions. As such backwards compatibility with Access For All 2.0 has not been provided for as the team considered it important to establish a simpler way to represent the properties. A number of the properties in Access for All 3.0 have semantic equivalents in AfA2 that could be mapped to their AfA3 versions.
This version 2.0 of the AfA PNP v3.0 Public Candidate Final document has been created to integrate the extensions to the AFA PNP v2.0 (which are manifest as an XSD that extends the base AfA PNP 2.0 XSD) required by the Accessible Portable Item Protocol (APIP) 1.0 specification such that a single AfA PNP specification is available.
APIP | Accessible Portable Item Protocol |
AfA DRD | Access For All Digital Resource Description |
AfA PNP | Access for All Personal Needs and Preferences |
DT | Derived Type |
I-BAT | IMS Binding Autogeneration Toolkit |
PT | Primitive Type |
UML | Unified Modelling Language |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
VDEX | Vocabulary Definition and Exchange |
W3C | Word Wide Web Consortium |
XML | Exchange Markup Language |
XSD | XML Schema Definition |
This Section is NOT NORMATIVE.
The UML/XSD Mapping for the UML Root Attributes to the XSD Root Elements is given in Table 2.1. The syntax and semantics for this representation is described in Appendix A1.1.
Attribute Name | UML Class | XSD Name | XSD Type | XSD Data Type |
access-for-all-pnp | AccessForAllPNP | access-for-all-pnp | Element | AccessForAllPNPDType |
access-for-all-pnp-records | AccessForAllPNPRecords | access-for-all-pnp-records | Element | AccessForAllPNPRecordsDType |
The syntax and semantics for the Root Class UML/XSD mapping representations is described in Appendix A1.2.
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "AccessForAllPNP" Root Class is given in Table 2.2.1.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
AccessForAllPNP | Root | Container [ Unordered ] | - N/A - | AccessForAllPNPDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | AccessModeRequired | [0.. *] | access-mode-required | Element (Local) |
Attribute | AdaptationTypeRequired | [0.. *] | adaptation-type-required | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Boolean | [0..1] | at-interoperable | Element (Local) |
Attribute | [ Union (EducationalComplexityValue) ] | [0..1] | educational-complexity-of-adaptation | Element (Local) |
Attribute | [ Union (HazardValue) ] | [0.. *] | hazard-avoidance | Element (Local) |
Attribute | [ Union (ControlFlexibilityValue) ] | [0..1] | input-requirements | Element (Local) |
Attribute | LanguageMode | [0.. *] | language-of-adaptation | Element (Local) |
Attribute | LanguageMode | [0.. *] | language-of-interface | Element (Local) |
Attribute | AdaptationDetailRequired | [0.. *] | adaptation-detail-required | Element (Local) |
Attribute | AdaptationMediaRequired | [0.. *] | adaptation-media-required | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: NormalizedString | [0.. *] | educational-level-of-adaptation | Element (Local) |
Attribute | ReplacesAccessMode | [0..1] | linguistic-guidance | Element (Local) |
Attribute | ReplacesAccessMode | [0..1] | keyword-emphasis | Element (Local) |
Attribute | LanguageMode | [0..1] | keyword-translation | Element (Local) |
Attribute | ReplacesAccessMode | [0..1] | simplified-language-portions | Element (Local) |
Attribute | ReplacesAccessMode | [0..1] | simplified-graphics | Element (Local) |
Attribute | LanguageMode | [0..1] | item-translation | Element (Local) |
Attribute | LanguageMode | [0..1] | sign-language | Element (Local) |
Attribute | ReplacesAccessMode | [0..1] | encouragement | Element (Local) |
Attribute | AdditionalTestingTime | [0..1] | additional-testing-time | Element (Local) |
Attribute | LineReader | [0..1] | line-reader | Element (Local) |
Attribute | InvertDisplayPolarity | [0..1] | invert-display-polarity | Element (Local) |
Attribute | Magnification | [0..1] | magnification | Element (Local) |
Attribute | Spoken | [0..1] | spoken | Element (Local) |
Attribute | ReplacesAccessMode | [0..1] | tactile | Element (Local) |
Attribute | Braille | [0..1] | braille | Element (Local) |
Attribute | ReplacesAccessMode | [0..1] | answer-masking | Element (Local) |
Attribute | ReplacesAccessMode | [0..1] | keyboard-directions | Element (Local) |
Attribute | ReplacesAccessMode | [0..1] | additional-directions | Element (Local) |
Attribute | LongDescription | [0..1] | long-description | Element (Local) |
Attribute | ReplacesAccessMode | [0..1] | captions | Element (Local) |
Attribute | Environment | [0..1] | environment | Element (Local) |
Attribute | ReplacesAccessMode | [0..1] | transcript | Element (Local) |
Attribute | ReplacesAccessMode | [0..1] | alternative-text | Element (Local) |
Attribute | ReplacesAccessMode | [0..1] | audio-description | Element (Local) |
Attribute | ReplacesAccessMode | [0..1] | high-contrast | Element (Local) |
Attribute | ReplacesAccessMode | [0..1] | layout-single-column | Element (Local) |
Attribute | TextAppearance | [0..1] | text-appearance | Element (Local) |
Attribute | DT: Calculator (PT: Empty) | [0..1] | calculator-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | dictionary-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | glossary-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | thesaurus-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | homophone-checker-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | note-taking-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | visual-organizer-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | outliner-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | peer-interaction-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | spell-checker-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | FeatureSet | [0..1] | activate-at-initialization-set | Element (Local) |
Attribute | FeatureSet | [0..1] | activate-as-option-set | Element (Local) |
Attribute | FeatureSet | [0..1] | prohibit-set | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Namespace | [0.. *] | extensions | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "AccessForAllPNPRecords" Root Class is given in Table 2.2.2.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
AccessForAllPNPRecords | Root | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | AccessForAllPNPRecordsDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | AccessForAllPNPRecord | [1.. *] | access-for-all-pnp-record | Element (Local) |
The syntax and semantics for the Data Class UML/XSD mapping representations is described in Appendix A1.2.
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "AccessForAllPNPRecord" Class is given in Table 2.3.1.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
AccessForAllPNPRecord | Core | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | AccessForAllPNPRecordDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | DT: PersonSourcedId (PT: NormalizedString) | [1] | person-sourced-id | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: NormalizedString | [0.. *] | appointment-id | Element (Local) |
Attribute | AccessForAllPNP | [1] | access-for-all-pnp | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "AccessModeRequired" Class is given in Table 2.3.2.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
AccessModeRequired | Core | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | AccessModeRequiredDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Union (AccessModeValue) ] | [1] | existing-access-mode | Element (Local) |
Attribute | [ Union (AccessModeValue) ] | [1] | adaptation-request | Element (Local) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "AdaptationDetailRequired" Class is given in Table 2.3.3.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
AdaptationDetailRequired | Core | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | AdaptationDetailRequiredDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Union (AccessModeValue) ] | [1] | existing-access-mode | Element (Local) |
Attribute | [ Union (AdaptationDetailValue) ] | [1] | adaptation-request | Element (Local) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "AdaptationMediaRequired" Class is given in Table 2.3.4.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
AdaptationMediaRequired | Core | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | AdaptationMediaRequiredDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Union (AccessModeValue) ] | [1] | existing-access-mode | Element (Local) |
Attribute | [ Union (AdaptationMediaTypeValue) ] | [1] | adaptation-request | Element (Local) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "AdaptationTypeRequired" Class is given in Table 2.3.5.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
AdaptationTypeRequired | Core | Container [ Sequence ] | - N/A - | AdaptationTypeRequiredDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Union (AccessModeValue) ] | [1] | existing-access-mode | Element (Local) |
Attribute | [ Union (AdaptationTypeValue) ] | [1] | adaptation-request | Element (Local) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "AdditionalTestingTime" Class is given in Table 2.3.6.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
AdditionalTestingTime | Core | Container [ Selection ] | - N/A - | AdditionalTestingTimeDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | PT: Float | [1] | time-multiplier | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Integer | [1] | fixed-minutes | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [1] | unlimited | Element (Local) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Braille" Class is given in Table 2.3.7.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Braille | Core | Container [ Unordered ] | - N/A - | BrailleDType | ComplexType |
Characteristic | PT: Language | [0..1] | xml:lang | Attribute (Local) |
Attribute | [ Enumeration (DeliveryModeEnum) ] | [0..1] | delivery-mode | Element (Local) |
Attribute | [ Enumeration (GradeEnum) ] | [0..1] | grade | Element (Local) |
Attribute | [ Union (BrailleType) ] | [0..1] | braille-type | Element (Local) |
Attribute | [ Union (MathType) ] | [0..1] | math-type | Element (Local) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Environment" Class is given in Table 2.3.8.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Environment | Core | Container [ Unordered ] | - N/A - | EnvironmentDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | PT: NormalizedString | [0..1] | description | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: NormalizedString | [0..1] | medical | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: NormalizedString | [0..1] | software | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: NormalizedString | [0..1] | hardware | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Boolean | [0..1] | breaks | Element (Local) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "FeatureSet" Class is given in Table 2.3.9.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
FeatureSet | Core | Container [ Unordered ] | - N/A - | FeatureSetDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | linguistic-guidance | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | keyword-emphasis | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | keyword-translation | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | simplified-language-portions | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | simplified-graphics | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | item-translation | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | sign-language | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | encouragement | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | additional-testing-time | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | line-reader | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | invert-display-polarity | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | magnification | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | spoken | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | tactile | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | braille | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | answer-masking | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | keyboard-directions | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | additional-directions | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | long-description | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | captions | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | transcript | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | alternative-text | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | audio-description | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | high-contrast | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | input-requirements | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | language-of-interface | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | layout-single-column | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | text-appearance | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | calculator-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | dictionary-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | glossary-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | thesaurus-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | homophone-checker-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | note-taking-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | visual-organizer-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | outliner-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | peer-interaction-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | spell-checker-on-screen | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Namespace | [0.. *] | extensions | Element (Global) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "FontFace" Class is given in Table 2.3.10.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
FontFace | Core | Container [ Unordered ] | - N/A - | FontFaceDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | PT: NormalizedString | [0.. *] | font-name | Element (Local) |
Attribute | [ Enumeration (FontFaceEnum) ] | [1] | generic-font-face | Element (Local) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "InvertDisplayPolarity" Class is given in Table 2.3.11.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
InvertDisplayPolarity | Core | Container [ Unordered ] | - N/A - | InvertDisplayPolarityDType | ComplexType |
Characteristic | DT: Hex (PT: String) | [0..1] | foreground | Attribute (Local) |
Characteristic | DT: Hex (PT: String) | [0..1] | background | Attribute (Local) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "LanguageMode" Class is given in Table 2.3.12.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
LanguageMode | Core | Container [ Unordered ] | - N/A - | LanguageModeDType | ComplexType |
Characteristic | PT: Language | [1] | xml:lang | Attribute (Local) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "LineReader" Class is given in Table 2.3.13.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
LineReader | Core | Container [ Unordered ] | - N/A - | LineReaderDType | ComplexType |
Characteristic | DT: Hex (PT: String) | [0..1] | highlight-color | Attribute (Local) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "LongDescription" Class is given in Table 2.3.14.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
LongDescription | Core | Container [ Unordered ] | - N/A - | LongDescriptionDType | ComplexType |
Characteristic | PT: Boolean | [0..1] | hide-visually | Attribute (Local) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Magnification" Class is given in Table 2.3.15.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Magnification | Core | Container [ Selection ] | - N/A - | MagnificationDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | DT: ZoomAmount (PT: Empty) | [0..1] | all-content | Element (Local) |
Attribute | DT: ZoomAmount (PT: Empty) | AND [0..1] [0..1] |
text | Element (Local) |
Attribute | DT: ZoomAmount (PT: Empty) | AND [0..1] [0..1] |
non-text | Element (Local) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "ReplacesAccessMode" Class is given in Table 2.3.16.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
ReplacesAccessMode | Core | Container [ Unordered ] | - N/A - | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | replace-access-mode-auditory | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | replace-access-mode-color | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | replace-access-mode-item-size | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | replace-access-mode-olfactory | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | replace-access-mode-orientation | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | replace-access-mode-position | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | replace-access-mode-tactile | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | replace-access-mode-text-on-image | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | replace-access-mode-textual | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | replace-access-mode-visual | Element (Local) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Spoken" Class is given in Table 2.3.17.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Spoken | Core | Container [ Unordered ] | - N/A - | SpokenDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | [ Enumeration (ReadingTypeEnum) ] | [1] | reading-type | Element (Local) |
Attribute | [ Union (RestrictionType) ] | [0.. *] | restriction-type | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Integer | [0..1] | speech-rate | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Float | [0..1] | pitch | Element (Local) |
Attribute | DT: Volume (PT: Float) | [0..1] | volume | Element (Local) |
Attribute | [ Enumeration (LinkIndicationEnum) ] | [1] | link-indication | Element (Local) |
Attribute | [ Enumeration (TypingEchoEnum) ] | [1] | typing-echo | Element (Local) |
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "TextAppearance" Class is given in Table 2.3.18.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
TextAppearance | Core | Container [ Unordered ] | - N/A - | TextAppearanceDType | ComplexType |
Attribute | DT: Hex (PT: String) | [0..1] | background-color | Element (Local) |
Attribute | DT: Hex (PT: String) | [0..1] | font-color | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Float | [0..1] | font-size | Element (Local) |
Attribute | FontFace | [0..1] | font-face | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Float | [0..1] | line-spacing | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Float | [0..1] | line-height | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Float | [0..1] | letter-spacing | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | uniform-font-sizing | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Float | [0..1] | word-spacing | Element (Local) |
Attribute | PT: Empty | [0..1] | word-wrapping | Element (Local) |
The syntax and semantics for the Derived Class UML/XSD mapping representations is described in Appendix A1.2.
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Calculator" Derived Class is given in Table 2.4.1.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Calculator | Derived | PT: Empty | - N/A - | CalculatorDType | ComplexType |
Characteristic | [ Union (CalculatorType) ] | [0..1] | calculator-type | Attribute (Local) |
The syntax and semantics for the Derived Class UML/XSD mapping representations is described in Appendix A1.2.
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "ExtensionString" Derived Class is given in Table 2.4.2.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
ExtensionString | Derived | PT: String | - N/A - | ExtensionStringDType | SimpleType |
Attribute | PT: String | [1] | [ No XML instance visibility ] | Restriction (Pattern) on the Primitive Type. |
The syntax and semantics for the Derived Class UML/XSD mapping representations is described in Appendix A1.2.
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Hex" Derived Class is given in Table 2.4.3.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Hex | Derived | PT: String | - N/A - | HexDType | SimpleType |
Attribute | PT: String | [1] | [ No XML instance visibility ] | Restriction (Pattern) on the Primitive Type. |
The syntax and semantics for the Derived Class UML/XSD mapping representations is described in Appendix A1.2.
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "PersonSourcedId" Derived Class is given in Table 2.4.4.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
PersonSourcedId | Derived | PT: NormalizedString | - N/A - | PersonSourcedIdDType | ComplexType |
Characteristic | PT: NormalizedString | [1] | source-system | Attribute (Local) |
The syntax and semantics for the Derived Class UML/XSD mapping representations is described in Appendix A1.2.
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "Volume" Derived Class is given in Table 2.4.5.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
Volume | Derived | PT: Float | - N/A - | VolumeDType | SimpleType |
Attribute | PT: String | [1] | [ No XML instance visibility ] | Element (Local) |
The syntax and semantics for the Derived Class UML/XSD mapping representations is described in Appendix A1.2.
The UML/XSD Mapping for the "ZoomAmount" Derived Class is given in Table 2.4.6.
Information Model Details | XSD Binding Details | ||||
Name | UML Artefact | Data Type | Multiplicity | Name | Type |
ZoomAmount | Derived | PT: Empty | - N/A - | ZoomAmountDType | ComplexType |
Characteristic | PT: Float | [0..1] | zoom-amount | Attribute (Local) |
The definition of the set of enumerated data-types used in this specification is given in Table 2.5. The syntax and semantics for the Enumerated Class UML/XSD mapping representations is described in Appendix A1.3.
There are no enumerated list class definitions.
There are no list class definitions.
The definition of the set of union data-types used in this specification is given in Table 2.8. The syntax and semantics for the Union Class UML/XSD mapping representations is described in Appendix A1.4.
Union Class Name | Description |
AccessModeValue | This is a value from one of the set of data-types: AccessModeEnum, ExtensionString |
AdaptationDetailValue | This is a value from one of the set of data-types: ExtensionString, AdaptationDetailEnum |
AdaptationMediaTypeValue | This is a value from one of the set of data-types: AdaptationMediaTypeEnum, ExtensionString |
AdaptationTypeValue | This is a value from one of the set of data-types: ExtensionString, AdaptationTypeEnum |
BrailleType | This is a value from one of the set of data-types: ExtensionString, BrailleTypeEnum |
CalculatorType | This is a value from one of the set of data-types: CalculatorTypeEnum, ExtensionString |
ControlFlexibilityValue | This is a value from one of the set of data-types: ControlFexibilityEnum, ExtensionString |
EducationalComplexityValue | This is a value from one of the set of data-types: EducationalComplexityEnum, ExtensionString |
HazardValue | This is a value from one of the set of data-types: HazardVocabulary, ExtensionString |
MathType | This is a value from one of the set of data-types: MathTypeEnum, ExtensionString |
RestrictionType | This is a value from one of the set of data-types: RestrictionTypeEnum, ExtensionString |
The definition of the set of primitive data-types used in this specification is given in Table 2.9. The syntax and semantics for the Primitive Type UML/XSD mapping representations is described in Appendix A1.5.
This Section is NORMATIVE.
Target Namespace: | |
Schema Location: | |
There are no imported classes.
Feature: | XSD Language |
Namespace: | |
Schema Location: | XML Processor Resolved. |
Prefix: | xs |
Feature: | XML Features |
Namespace: | |
Schema Location: | |
Prefix: | xml |
Feature: | Schematron Rules |
Namespace: | |
Schema Location: | Schematron Processor Resolved. |
Prefix: | sch |
The syntax and semantics for the Root Element XSD representations is described in Appendix A1.6.
The XSD description for the "access-for-all-pnp" Root Element is given in Table 4.1.1.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | AccessForAllPNPDType | ||||||
Properties |
Used by |
Model | access-mode-required{0..*} | adaptation-type-required{0..*} | at-interoperable{0..1} | educational-complexity-of-adaptation{0..1} | hazard-avoidance{0..*} | input-requirements{0..1} | language-of-adaptation{0..*} | language-of-interface{0..*} | adaptation-detail-required{0..*} | adaptation-media-required{0..*} | educational-level-of-adaptation{0..*} | linguistic-guidance{0..1} | keyword-emphasis{0..1} | keyword-translation{0..1} | simplified-language-portions{0..1} | simplified-graphics{0..1} | item-translation{0..1} | sign-language{0..1} | encouragement{0..1} | additional-testing-time{0..1} | line-reader{0..1} | invert-display-polarity{0..1} | magnification{0..1} | spoken{0..1} | tactile{0..1} | braille{0..1} | answer-masking{0..1} | keyboard-directions{0..1} | additional-directions{0..1} | long-description{0..1} | captions{0..1} | environment{0..1} | transcript{0..1} | alternative-text{0..1} | audio-description{0..1} | high-contrast{0..1} | layout-single-column{0..1} | text-appearance{0..1} | calculator-on-screen{0..1} | dictionary-on-screen{0..1} | glossary-on-screen{0..1} | thesaurus-on-screen{0..1} | homophone-checker-on-screen{0..1} | note-taking-on-screen{0..1} | visual-organizer-on-screen{0..1} | outliner-on-screen{0..1} | peer-interaction-on-screen{0..1} | spell-checker-on-screen{0..1} | activate-at-initialization-set{0..1} | activate-as-option-set{0..1} | prohibit-set{0..1} | { Namespace Extension } | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="access-for-all-pnp" type="AccessForAllPNPDType" /> |
The XSD description for the "access-for-all-pnp-records" Root Element is given in Table 4.1.2.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | AccessForAllPNPRecordsDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | access-for-all-pnp-record{1..*} | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="access-for-all-pnp-records" type="AccessForAllPNPRecordsDType" /> |
There are no global elements.
There are no attribute groups.
The syntax and semantics for the Root ComplexType XSD representations is described in Appendix A1.7.
The XSD description for the "AccessForAllPNPDType" Root ComplexType is given in Table 4.4.1.
Namespace | | ||||
Annotations | A collection of information that states how a user prefers digital learning resources to be supplied. This is the root container and so identifies all of the available PNP properties. | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Properties |
Used by |
Model | access-mode-required{0..*} | adaptation-type-required{0..*} | at-interoperable{0..1} | educational-complexity-of-adaptation{0..1} | hazard-avoidance{0..*} | input-requirements{0..1} | language-of-adaptation{0..*} | language-of-interface{0..*} | adaptation-detail-required{0..*} | adaptation-media-required{0..*} | educational-level-of-adaptation{0..*} | linguistic-guidance{0..1} | keyword-emphasis{0..1} | keyword-translation{0..1} | simplified-language-portions{0..1} | simplified-graphics{0..1} | item-translation{0..1} | sign-language{0..1} | encouragement{0..1} | additional-testing-time{0..1} | line-reader{0..1} | invert-display-polarity{0..1} | magnification{0..1} | spoken{0..1} | tactile{0..1} | braille{0..1} | answer-masking{0..1} | keyboard-directions{0..1} | additional-directions{0..1} | long-description{0..1} | captions{0..1} | environment{0..1} | transcript{0..1} | alternative-text{0..1} | audio-description{0..1} | high-contrast{0..1} | layout-single-column{0..1} | text-appearance{0..1} | calculator-on-screen{0..1} | dictionary-on-screen{0..1} | glossary-on-screen{0..1} | thesaurus-on-screen{0..1} | homophone-checker-on-screen{0..1} | note-taking-on-screen{0..1} | visual-organizer-on-screen{0..1} | outliner-on-screen{0..1} | peer-interaction-on-screen{0..1} | spell-checker-on-screen{0..1} | activate-at-initialization-set{0..1} | activate-as-option-set{0..1} | prohibit-set{0..1} | { Namespace Extension } | ||||
Attributes | None. | ||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:complexType name="AccessForAllPNPDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:choice minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"> <xs:element name="access-mode-required" type="AccessModeRequiredDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xs:element name="adaptation-type-required" type="AdaptationTypeRequiredDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xs:element name="at-interoperable" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="educational-complexity-of-adaptation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="enriched" /> <xs:enumeration value="simplified" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="hazard-avoidance" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="flashing" /> <xs:enumeration value="sound" /> <xs:enumeration value="olfactory-hazard" /> <xs:enumeration value="motion-simulation" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="input-requirements" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="full-keyboard-control" /> <xs:enumeration value="full-mouse-control" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="language-of-adaptation" type="LanguageModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xs:element name="language-of-interface" type="LanguageModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xs:element name="adaptation-detail-required" type="AdaptationDetailRequiredDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xs:element name="adaptation-media-required" type="AdaptationMediaRequiredDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xs:element name="educational-level-of-adaptation" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xs:element name="linguistic-guidance" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="keyword-emphasis" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="keyword-translation" type="LanguageModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="simplified-language-portions" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="simplified-graphics" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="item-translation" type="LanguageModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="sign-language" type="LanguageModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="encouragement" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="additional-testing-time" type="AdditionalTestingTimeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="line-reader" type="LineReaderDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="invert-display-polarity" type="InvertDisplayPolarityDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="magnification" type="MagnificationDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="spoken" type="SpokenDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="tactile" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="braille" type="BrailleDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="answer-masking" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="keyboard-directions" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="additional-directions" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="long-description" type="LongDescriptionDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="captions" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="environment" type="EnvironmentDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="transcript" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="alternative-text" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="audio-description" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="high-contrast" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="layout-single-column" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="text-appearance" type="TextAppearanceDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="calculator-on-screen" type="CalculatorDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="dictionary-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="glossary-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="thesaurus-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="homophone-checker-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="note-taking-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="visual-organizer-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="outliner-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="peer-interaction-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="spell-checker-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="activate-at-initialization-set" type="FeatureSetDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="activate-as-option-set" type="FeatureSetDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="prohibit-set" type="FeatureSetDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:group ref="grpStrict.any" /> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "access-mode-required" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | AccessModeRequiredDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | existing-access-mode{1..1}, adaptation-request{1..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="access-mode-required" type="AccessModeRequiredDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> |
The XSD description for the "adaptation-type-required" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | AdaptationTypeRequiredDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | existing-access-mode{1..1}, adaptation-request{1..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="adaptation-type-required" type="AdaptationTypeRequiredDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> |
The XSD description for the "at-interoperable" Local Element is given in the Table below.
The XSD description for the "educational-complexity-of-adaptation" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | Union (Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ExtensionStringDType) | ||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="educational-complexity-of-adaptation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="enriched" /> <xs:enumeration value="simplified" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "hazard-avoidance" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||
Type | Union (Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ExtensionStringDType) | ||||||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="hazard-avoidance" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="flashing" /> <xs:enumeration value="sound" /> <xs:enumeration value="olfactory-hazard" /> <xs:enumeration value="motion-simulation" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "input-requirements" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | Union (Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ExtensionStringDType) | ||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="input-requirements" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="full-keyboard-control" /> <xs:enumeration value="full-mouse-control" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "language-of-adaptation" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type | LanguageModeDType | ||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---LanguageModeDType |
Properties |
Model | None | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:element name="language-of-adaptation" type="LanguageModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> |
The XSD description for the "language-of-interface" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type | LanguageModeDType | ||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---LanguageModeDType |
Properties |
Model | None | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:element name="language-of-interface" type="LanguageModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> |
The XSD description for the "adaptation-detail-required" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | AdaptationDetailRequiredDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | existing-access-mode{1..1}, adaptation-request{1..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="adaptation-detail-required" type="AdaptationDetailRequiredDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> |
The XSD description for the "adaptation-media-required" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | AdaptationMediaRequiredDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | existing-access-mode{1..1}, adaptation-request{1..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="adaptation-media-required" type="AdaptationMediaRequiredDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> |
The XSD description for the "educational-level-of-adaptation" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:normalizedString | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="educational-level-of-adaptation" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> |
The XSD description for the "linguistic-guidance" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="linguistic-guidance" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "keyword-emphasis" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="keyword-emphasis" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "keyword-translation" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type | LanguageModeDType | ||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---LanguageModeDType |
Properties |
Model | None | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:element name="keyword-translation" type="LanguageModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "simplified-language-portions" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="simplified-language-portions" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "simplified-graphics" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="simplified-graphics" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "item-translation" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type | LanguageModeDType | ||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---LanguageModeDType |
Properties |
Model | None | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:element name="item-translation" type="LanguageModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "sign-language" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type | LanguageModeDType | ||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---LanguageModeDType |
Properties |
Model | None | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:element name="sign-language" type="LanguageModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "encouragement" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="encouragement" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "additional-testing-time" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | AdditionalTestingTimeDType | ||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---AdditionalTestingTimeDType |
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | time-multiplier{1..1} | fixed-minutes{1..1} | unlimited{1..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="additional-testing-time" type="AdditionalTestingTimeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "line-reader" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type | LineReaderDType | ||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---LineReaderDType |
Properties |
Model | None | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:element name="line-reader" type="LineReaderDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "invert-display-polarity" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||||||||
Type | InvertDisplayPolarityDType | ||||||||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---InvertDisplayPolarityDType |
Properties |
Model | None | ||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:element name="invert-display-polarity" type="InvertDisplayPolarityDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "magnification" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | MagnificationDType | ||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---MagnificationDType |
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | all-content{0..1} | ( text{0..1}, non-text{0..1} ){0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="magnification" type="MagnificationDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "spoken" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | SpokenDType | ||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---SpokenDType |
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | reading-type{1..1} | restriction-type{0..*} | speech-rate{0..1} | pitch{0..1} | volume{0..1} | link-indication{1..1} | typing-echo{1..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="spoken" type="SpokenDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "tactile" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="tactile" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "braille" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type | BrailleDType | ||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---BrailleDType |
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | delivery-mode{0..1} | grade{0..1} | braille-type{0..1} | math-type{0..1} | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="braille" type="BrailleDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "answer-masking" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="answer-masking" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "keyboard-directions" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="keyboard-directions" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "additional-directions" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="additional-directions" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "long-description" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type | LongDescriptionDType | ||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---LongDescriptionDType |
Properties |
Model | None | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:element name="long-description" type="LongDescriptionDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "captions" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="captions" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "environment" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | EnvironmentDType | ||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---EnvironmentDType |
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | description{0..1} | medical{0..1} | software{0..1} | hardware{0..1} | breaks{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="environment" type="EnvironmentDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "transcript" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="transcript" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "alternative-text" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="alternative-text" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "audio-description" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="audio-description" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "high-contrast" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="high-contrast" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "layout-single-column" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | ReplacesAccessModeDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="layout-single-column" type="ReplacesAccessModeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "text-appearance" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | TextAppearanceDType | ||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---TextAppearanceDType |
Properties |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | background-color{0..1} | font-color{0..1} | font-size{0..1} | font-face{0..1} | line-spacing{0..1} | line-height{0..1} | letter-spacing{0..1} | uniform-font-sizing{0..1} | word-spacing{0..1} | word-wrapping{0..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="text-appearance" type="TextAppearanceDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "calculator-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type | CalculatorDType | ||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType ^---CalculatorDType |
Properties |
Model | Empty | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:element name="calculator-on-screen" type="CalculatorDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "dictionary-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="dictionary-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "glossary-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="glossary-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "thesaurus-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="thesaurus-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "homophone-checker-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="homophone-checker-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "note-taking-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="note-taking-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "visual-organizer-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="visual-organizer-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "outliner-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="outliner-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "peer-interaction-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="peer-interaction-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "spell-checker-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="spell-checker-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "activate-at-initialization-set" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | FeatureSetDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | linguistic-guidance{0..1} | keyword-emphasis{0..1} | keyword-translation{0..1} | simplified-language-portions{0..1} | simplified-graphics{0..1} | item-translation{0..1} | sign-language{0..1} | encouragement{0..1} | additional-testing-time{0..1} | line-reader{0..1} | invert-display-polarity{0..1} | magnification{0..1} | spoken{0..1} | tactile{0..1} | braille{0..1} | answer-masking{0..1} | keyboard-directions{0..1} | additional-directions{0..1} | long-description{0..1} | captions{0..1} | transcript{0..1} | alternative-text{0..1} | audio-description{0..1} | high-contrast{0..1} | input-requirements{0..1} | language-of-interface{0..1} | layout-single-column{0..1} | text-appearance{0..1} | calculator-on-screen{0..1} | dictionary-on-screen{0..1} | glossary-on-screen{0..1} | thesaurus-on-screen{0..1} | homophone-checker-on-screen{0..1} | note-taking-on-screen{0..1} | visual-organizer-on-screen{0..1} | outliner-on-screen{0..1} | peer-interaction-on-screen{0..1} | spell-checker-on-screen{0..1} | { Namespace Extension } | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="activate-at-initialization-set" type="FeatureSetDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "activate-as-option-set" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | FeatureSetDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | linguistic-guidance{0..1} | keyword-emphasis{0..1} | keyword-translation{0..1} | simplified-language-portions{0..1} | simplified-graphics{0..1} | item-translation{0..1} | sign-language{0..1} | encouragement{0..1} | additional-testing-time{0..1} | line-reader{0..1} | invert-display-polarity{0..1} | magnification{0..1} | spoken{0..1} | tactile{0..1} | braille{0..1} | answer-masking{0..1} | keyboard-directions{0..1} | additional-directions{0..1} | long-description{0..1} | captions{0..1} | transcript{0..1} | alternative-text{0..1} | audio-description{0..1} | high-contrast{0..1} | input-requirements{0..1} | language-of-interface{0..1} | layout-single-column{0..1} | text-appearance{0..1} | calculator-on-screen{0..1} | dictionary-on-screen{0..1} | glossary-on-screen{0..1} | thesaurus-on-screen{0..1} | homophone-checker-on-screen{0..1} | note-taking-on-screen{0..1} | visual-organizer-on-screen{0..1} | outliner-on-screen{0..1} | peer-interaction-on-screen{0..1} | spell-checker-on-screen{0..1} | { Namespace Extension } | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="activate-as-option-set" type="FeatureSetDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "prohibit-set" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | FeatureSetDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | linguistic-guidance{0..1} | keyword-emphasis{0..1} | keyword-translation{0..1} | simplified-language-portions{0..1} | simplified-graphics{0..1} | item-translation{0..1} | sign-language{0..1} | encouragement{0..1} | additional-testing-time{0..1} | line-reader{0..1} | invert-display-polarity{0..1} | magnification{0..1} | spoken{0..1} | tactile{0..1} | braille{0..1} | answer-masking{0..1} | keyboard-directions{0..1} | additional-directions{0..1} | long-description{0..1} | captions{0..1} | transcript{0..1} | alternative-text{0..1} | audio-description{0..1} | high-contrast{0..1} | input-requirements{0..1} | language-of-interface{0..1} | layout-single-column{0..1} | text-appearance{0..1} | calculator-on-screen{0..1} | dictionary-on-screen{0..1} | glossary-on-screen{0..1} | thesaurus-on-screen{0..1} | homophone-checker-on-screen{0..1} | note-taking-on-screen{0..1} | visual-organizer-on-screen{0..1} | outliner-on-screen{0..1} | peer-interaction-on-screen{0..1} | spell-checker-on-screen{0..1} | { Namespace Extension } | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="prohibit-set" type="FeatureSetDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "AccessForAllPNPRecordsDType" Root ComplexType is given in Table 4.4.2.
Namespace | | ||||
Annotations | This is the root container for the set AfA PNP Records. There must be at least one record and the order of the records is not significant. | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Properties |
Used by |
Model | access-for-all-pnp-record{1..*} | ||||
Attributes | None. | ||||
Source |
<xs:complexType name="AccessForAllPNPRecordsDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="access-for-all-pnp-record" type="AccessForAllPNPRecordDType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "access-for-all-pnp-record" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | AccessForAllPNPRecordDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | person-sourced-id{1..1}, appointment-id{0..*}, access-for-all-pnp{1..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="access-for-all-pnp-record" type="AccessForAllPNPRecordDType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> |
The syntax and semantics for the Core ComplexType XSD representations is described in Appendix A1.7.
The XSD description for the "AccessForAllPNPRecordDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.1.
Namespace | | ||||
Annotations | This is the container for each of the AfA PNP Records. | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Properties |
Used by |
Model | person-sourced-id{1..1}, appointment-id{0..*}, access-for-all-pnp{1..1} | ||||
Attributes | None. | ||||
Source |
<xs:complexType name="AccessForAllPNPRecordDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="person-sourced-id" type="PersonSourcedIdDType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="appointment-id" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xs:element ref="access-for-all-pnp" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "person-sourced-id" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type | PersonSourcedIdDType | ||||||||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:element name="person-sourced-id" type="PersonSourcedIdDType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "appointment-id" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:normalizedString | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="appointment-id" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> |
The XSD description for the "AccessModeRequiredDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.2.
Namespace | | ||||
Annotations | The container for the domain space and range space information for this class. Access mode that a user seeks either in an adaptation or an original resource as a replacement for a different access mode. | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Properties |
Used by |
Model | existing-access-mode{1..1}, adaptation-request{1..1} | ||||
Attributes | None. | ||||
Source |
<xs:complexType name="AccessModeRequiredDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="existing-access-mode" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="auditory" /> <xs:enumeration value="color" /> <xs:enumeration value="item-size" /> <xs:enumeration value="olfactory" /> <xs:enumeration value="orientation" /> <xs:enumeration value="position" /> <xs:enumeration value="tactile" /> <xs:enumeration value="text-on-image" /> <xs:enumeration value="textual" /> <xs:enumeration value="visual" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="adaptation-request" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="auditory" /> <xs:enumeration value="color" /> <xs:enumeration value="item-size" /> <xs:enumeration value="olfactory" /> <xs:enumeration value="orientation" /> <xs:enumeration value="position" /> <xs:enumeration value="tactile" /> <xs:enumeration value="text-on-image" /> <xs:enumeration value="textual" /> <xs:enumeration value="visual" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "existing-access-mode" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Type | Union (Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ExtensionStringDType) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="existing-access-mode" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="auditory" /> <xs:enumeration value="color" /> <xs:enumeration value="item-size" /> <xs:enumeration value="olfactory" /> <xs:enumeration value="orientation" /> <xs:enumeration value="position" /> <xs:enumeration value="tactile" /> <xs:enumeration value="text-on-image" /> <xs:enumeration value="textual" /> <xs:enumeration value="visual" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "adaptation-request" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Type | Union (Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ExtensionStringDType) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="adaptation-request" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="auditory" /> <xs:enumeration value="color" /> <xs:enumeration value="item-size" /> <xs:enumeration value="olfactory" /> <xs:enumeration value="orientation" /> <xs:enumeration value="position" /> <xs:enumeration value="tactile" /> <xs:enumeration value="text-on-image" /> <xs:enumeration value="textual" /> <xs:enumeration value="visual" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "AdaptationDetailRequiredDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.3.
Namespace | | ||||
Annotations | The container for the domain space and range space information for this class. This attribute uses different vocabularies for its current mode and adaotation value. | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Properties |
Used by |
Model | existing-access-mode{1..1}, adaptation-request{1..1} | ||||
Attributes | None. | ||||
Source |
<xs:complexType name="AdaptationDetailRequiredDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="existing-access-mode" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="auditory" /> <xs:enumeration value="color" /> <xs:enumeration value="item-size" /> <xs:enumeration value="olfactory" /> <xs:enumeration value="orientation" /> <xs:enumeration value="position" /> <xs:enumeration value="tactile" /> <xs:enumeration value="text-on-image" /> <xs:enumeration value="textual" /> <xs:enumeration value="visual" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="adaptation-request" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="enhanced" /> <xs:enumeration value="verbatim" /> <xs:enumeration value="real-time" /> <xs:enumeration value="symbolic" /> <xs:enumeration value="recorded" /> <xs:enumeration value="synthesized" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "existing-access-mode" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Type | Union (Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ExtensionStringDType) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="existing-access-mode" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="auditory" /> <xs:enumeration value="color" /> <xs:enumeration value="item-size" /> <xs:enumeration value="olfactory" /> <xs:enumeration value="orientation" /> <xs:enumeration value="position" /> <xs:enumeration value="tactile" /> <xs:enumeration value="text-on-image" /> <xs:enumeration value="textual" /> <xs:enumeration value="visual" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "adaptation-request" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||||
Type | Union (ExtensionStringDType | Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"]) | ||||||||||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="adaptation-request" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="enhanced" /> <xs:enumeration value="verbatim" /> <xs:enumeration value="real-time" /> <xs:enumeration value="symbolic" /> <xs:enumeration value="recorded" /> <xs:enumeration value="synthesized" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "AdaptationMediaRequiredDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.4.
Namespace | | ||||
Annotations | The container for the requirement for a particular type of media. | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Properties |
Used by |
Model | existing-access-mode{1..1}, adaptation-request{1..1} | ||||
Attributes | None. | ||||
Source |
<xs:complexType name="AdaptationMediaRequiredDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="existing-access-mode" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="auditory" /> <xs:enumeration value="color" /> <xs:enumeration value="item-size" /> <xs:enumeration value="olfactory" /> <xs:enumeration value="orientation" /> <xs:enumeration value="position" /> <xs:enumeration value="tactile" /> <xs:enumeration value="text-on-image" /> <xs:enumeration value="textual" /> <xs:enumeration value="visual" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="adaptation-request" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="Daisy" /> <xs:enumeration value="braille" /> <xs:enumeration value="NIMAS" /> <xs:enumeration value="MathML" /> <xs:enumeration value="ChemML" /> <xs:enumeration value="LaTeX" /> <xs:enumeration value="OEBPS" /> <xs:enumeration value="PDF" /> <xs:enumeration value="LIT" /> <xs:enumeration value="Nemeth" /> <xs:enumeration value="EPUB3" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "existing-access-mode" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Type | Union (Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ExtensionStringDType) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="existing-access-mode" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="auditory" /> <xs:enumeration value="color" /> <xs:enumeration value="item-size" /> <xs:enumeration value="olfactory" /> <xs:enumeration value="orientation" /> <xs:enumeration value="position" /> <xs:enumeration value="tactile" /> <xs:enumeration value="text-on-image" /> <xs:enumeration value="textual" /> <xs:enumeration value="visual" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "adaptation-request" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type | Union (Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ExtensionStringDType) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="adaptation-request" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="Daisy" /> <xs:enumeration value="braille" /> <xs:enumeration value="NIMAS" /> <xs:enumeration value="MathML" /> <xs:enumeration value="ChemML" /> <xs:enumeration value="LaTeX" /> <xs:enumeration value="OEBPS" /> <xs:enumeration value="PDF" /> <xs:enumeration value="LIT" /> <xs:enumeration value="Nemeth" /> <xs:enumeration value="EPUB3" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "AdaptationTypeRequiredDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.5.
Namespace | | ||||
Annotations | Nature or genre of the adaptation required as a replacement for a specific access mode. | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Properties |
Used by |
Model | existing-access-mode{1..1}, adaptation-request{1..1} | ||||
Attributes | None. | ||||
Source |
<xs:complexType name="AdaptationTypeRequiredDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="existing-access-mode" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="auditory" /> <xs:enumeration value="color" /> <xs:enumeration value="item-size" /> <xs:enumeration value="olfactory" /> <xs:enumeration value="orientation" /> <xs:enumeration value="position" /> <xs:enumeration value="tactile" /> <xs:enumeration value="text-on-image" /> <xs:enumeration value="textual" /> <xs:enumeration value="visual" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="adaptation-request" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="alternative-text" /> <xs:enumeration value="audio-description" /> <xs:enumeration value="captions" /> <xs:enumeration value="e-book" /> <xs:enumeration value="haptic" /> <xs:enumeration value="high-contrast" /> <xs:enumeration value="long-description" /> <xs:enumeration value="sign-language" /> <xs:enumeration value="transcript" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "existing-access-mode" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Type | Union (Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ExtensionStringDType) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="existing-access-mode" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="auditory" /> <xs:enumeration value="color" /> <xs:enumeration value="item-size" /> <xs:enumeration value="olfactory" /> <xs:enumeration value="orientation" /> <xs:enumeration value="position" /> <xs:enumeration value="tactile" /> <xs:enumeration value="text-on-image" /> <xs:enumeration value="textual" /> <xs:enumeration value="visual" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "adaptation-request" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||||||||||
Type | Union (ExtensionStringDType | Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"]) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="adaptation-request" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="alternative-text" /> <xs:enumeration value="audio-description" /> <xs:enumeration value="captions" /> <xs:enumeration value="e-book" /> <xs:enumeration value="haptic" /> <xs:enumeration value="high-contrast" /> <xs:enumeration value="long-description" /> <xs:enumeration value="sign-language" /> <xs:enumeration value="transcript" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "AdditionalTestingTimeDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.6.
Namespace | | ||||
Annotations | The container for the set of additional testing time preferences. Only one of the available options can be selected. | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---AdditionalTestingTimeDType |
Properties |
Used by |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | time-multiplier{1..1} | fixed-minutes{1..1} | unlimited{1..1} | ||||
Attributes | None. | ||||
Source |
<xs:complexType name="AdditionalTestingTimeDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ReplacesAccessModeDType"> <xs:choice> <xs:element name="time-multiplier" type="xs:float" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="fixed-minutes" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="unlimited" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:choice> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "time-multiplier" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:float | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="time-multiplier" type="xs:float" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "fixed-minutes" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:integer | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="fixed-minutes" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "unlimited" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="unlimited" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "BrailleDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.7.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Annotations | The container for the set of preferences for Braille devices. | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---BrailleDType |
Properties |
Used by |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | delivery-mode{0..1} | grade{0..1} | braille-type{0..1} | math-type{0..1} | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:complexType name="BrailleDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ReplacesAccessModeDType"> <xs:choice minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"> <xs:element name="delivery-mode" default="refreshable" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation source="documentation"> The DeliveryMode vocabulary defines the set of permitted values for the mode of delivery for the Braille device. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="refreshable" /> <xs:enumeration value="embossed" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="grade" default="2" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation source="documentation"> The Grade vocabulary defines the set of permitted values for the form of encoding for the Braille device. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="1" /> <xs:enumeration value="2" /> <xs:enumeration value="3" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="braille-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="ebae" /> <xs:enumeration value="ueb" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="math-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="nemeth" /> <xs:enumeration value="ueb" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> </xs:choice> <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" use="optional" /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "language" Local Attribute is given in the Table below.
Namespace | No namespace. | ||
Type | xml:lang | ||
Properties |
Source |
<xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" use="optional" /> |
The XSD description for the "delivery-mode" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="delivery-mode" default="refreshable" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="refreshable" /> <xs:enumeration value="embossed" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "grade" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="grade" default="2" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="1" /> <xs:enumeration value="2" /> <xs:enumeration value="3" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "braille-type" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | Union (ExtensionStringDType | Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"]) | ||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="braille-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="ebae" /> <xs:enumeration value="ueb" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "math-type" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | Union (Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ExtensionStringDType) | ||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="math-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="nemeth" /> <xs:enumeration value="ueb" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "EnvironmentDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.8.
Namespace | | ||||
Annotations | The container for the set of preferences for the environment within which the learning exerience is to take place. | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---EnvironmentDType |
Properties |
Used by |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | description{0..1} | medical{0..1} | software{0..1} | hardware{0..1} | breaks{0..1} | ||||
Attributes | None. | ||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:complexType name="EnvironmentDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ReplacesAccessModeDType"> <xs:choice minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"> <xs:element name="description" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="medical" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="software" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="hardware" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="breaks" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:choice> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "description" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:normalizedString | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="description" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "medical" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:normalizedString | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="medical" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "software" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:normalizedString | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="software" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "hardware" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:normalizedString | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="hardware" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "breaks" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:boolean | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="breaks" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "FeatureSetDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.9.
Namespace | | ||||
Annotations | This is the container for the set of features whose preferences can be controlled. When a feature is listed in an instance then the preference is to be set as determined by the intention of the contaning parent class. | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Properties |
Used by |
Model | linguistic-guidance{0..1} | keyword-emphasis{0..1} | keyword-translation{0..1} | simplified-language-portions{0..1} | simplified-graphics{0..1} | item-translation{0..1} | sign-language{0..1} | encouragement{0..1} | additional-testing-time{0..1} | line-reader{0..1} | invert-display-polarity{0..1} | magnification{0..1} | spoken{0..1} | tactile{0..1} | braille{0..1} | answer-masking{0..1} | keyboard-directions{0..1} | additional-directions{0..1} | long-description{0..1} | captions{0..1} | transcript{0..1} | alternative-text{0..1} | audio-description{0..1} | high-contrast{0..1} | input-requirements{0..1} | language-of-interface{0..1} | layout-single-column{0..1} | text-appearance{0..1} | calculator-on-screen{0..1} | dictionary-on-screen{0..1} | glossary-on-screen{0..1} | thesaurus-on-screen{0..1} | homophone-checker-on-screen{0..1} | note-taking-on-screen{0..1} | visual-organizer-on-screen{0..1} | outliner-on-screen{0..1} | peer-interaction-on-screen{0..1} | spell-checker-on-screen{0..1} | { Namespace Extension } | ||||
Attributes | None. | ||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:complexType name="FeatureSetDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:choice minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"> <xs:element name="linguistic-guidance" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="keyword-emphasis" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="keyword-translation" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="simplified-language-portions" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="simplified-graphics" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="item-translation" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="sign-language" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="encouragement" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="additional-testing-time" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="line-reader" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="invert-display-polarity" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="magnification" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="spoken" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="tactile" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="braille" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="answer-masking" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="keyboard-directions" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="additional-directions" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="long-description" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="captions" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="transcript" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="alternative-text" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="audio-description" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="high-contrast" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="input-requirements" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="language-of-interface" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="layout-single-column" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="text-appearance" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="calculator-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="dictionary-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="glossary-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="thesaurus-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="homophone-checker-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="note-taking-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="visual-organizer-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="outliner-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="peer-interaction-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="spell-checker-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:group ref="grpStrict.any" /> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "linguistic-guidance" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="linguistic-guidance" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "keyword-emphasis" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="keyword-emphasis" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "keyword-translation" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="keyword-translation" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "simplified-language-portions" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="simplified-language-portions" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "simplified-graphics" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="simplified-graphics" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "item-translation" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="item-translation" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "sign-language" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="sign-language" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "encouragement" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="encouragement" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "additional-testing-time" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="additional-testing-time" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "line-reader" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="line-reader" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "invert-display-polarity" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="invert-display-polarity" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "magnification" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="magnification" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "spoken" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="spoken" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "tactile" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="tactile" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "braille" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="braille" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "answer-masking" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="answer-masking" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "keyboard-directions" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="keyboard-directions" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "additional-directions" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="additional-directions" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "long-description" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="long-description" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "captions" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="captions" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "transcript" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="transcript" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "alternative-text" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="alternative-text" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "audio-description" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="audio-description" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "high-contrast" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="high-contrast" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "input-requirements" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="input-requirements" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "language-of-interface" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="language-of-interface" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "layout-single-column" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="layout-single-column" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "text-appearance" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="text-appearance" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "calculator-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="calculator-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "dictionary-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="dictionary-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "glossary-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="glossary-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "thesaurus-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="thesaurus-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "homophone-checker-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="homophone-checker-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "note-taking-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="note-taking-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "visual-organizer-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="visual-organizer-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "outliner-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="outliner-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "peer-interaction-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="peer-interaction-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "spell-checker-on-screen" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="spell-checker-on-screen" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "FontFaceDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.10.
Namespace | | ||||
Annotations | The container for information about the font face to be used. | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Properties |
Used by |
Model | font-name{0..*} | generic-font-face{1..1} | ||||
Attributes | None. | ||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:complexType name="FontFaceDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:choice minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"> <xs:element name="font-name" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xs:element name="generic-font-face" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation source="documentation"> The FontFace vocabulary defines the set of permitted values for the nature of the font us- ed to render textual information. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="serif" /> <xs:enumeration value="sans serif" /> <xs:enumeration value="monospaced" /> <xs:enumeration value="cursive" /> <xs:enumeration value="fantasy" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "font-name" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:normalizedString | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="font-name" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> |
The XSD description for the "generic-font-face" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||
Type | Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ||||||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="generic-font-face" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="serif" /> <xs:enumeration value="sans serif" /> <xs:enumeration value="monospaced" /> <xs:enumeration value="cursive" /> <xs:enumeration value="fantasy" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "InvertDisplayPolarityDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.11.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||||||||
Annotations | The container for the set of preferences related to the background and foreground color settings for displays. | ||||||||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---InvertDisplayPolarityDType |
Properties |
Used by |
Model | None | ||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:complexType name="InvertDisplayPolarityDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ReplacesAccessModeDType"> <xs:attribute name="foreground" use="optional" type="HexDType" /> <xs:attribute name="background" use="optional" type="HexDType" /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "foreground" Local Attribute is given in the Table below.
Namespace | No namespace. | ||
Type | HexDType | ||
Properties |
Facets |
Source |
<xs:attribute name="foreground" use="optional" type="HexDType" /> |
The XSD description for the "background" Local Attribute is given in the Table below.
Namespace | No namespace. | ||
Type | HexDType | ||
Properties |
Facets |
Source |
<xs:attribute name="background" use="optional" type="HexDType" /> |
The XSD description for the "LanguageModeDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.12.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Annotations | The container for the set of preferences related to the language mode. | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---LanguageModeDType |
Properties |
Used by |
Model | None | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:complexType name="LanguageModeDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ReplacesAccessModeDType"> <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" use="required" /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "language" Local Attribute is given in the Table below.
Namespace | No namespace. | ||
Type | xml:lang | ||
Properties |
Source |
<xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" use="required" /> |
The XSD description for the "LineReaderDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.13.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Annotations | The container for the preference settings for line readers. | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---LineReaderDType |
Properties |
Used by |
Model | None | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:complexType name="LineReaderDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ReplacesAccessModeDType"> <xs:attribute name="highlight-color" use="optional" type="HexDType" /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "highlight-color" Local Attribute is given in the Table below.
Namespace | No namespace. | ||
Type | HexDType | ||
Properties |
Facets |
Source |
<xs:attribute name="highlight-color" use="optional" type="HexDType" /> |
The XSD description for the "LongDescriptionDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.14.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Annotations | The container for the preferences for the provision of long descriptions. | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---LongDescriptionDType |
Properties |
Used by |
Model | None | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:complexType name="LongDescriptionDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ReplacesAccessModeDType"> <xs:attribute name="hide-visually" use="optional" default="true" type="xs:boolean" /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "hide-visually" Local Attribute is given in the Table below.
Namespace | No namespace. | ||||
Type | xs:boolean | ||||
Properties |
Source |
<xs:attribute name="hide-visually" use="optional" default="true" type="xs:boolean" /> |
The XSD description for the "MagnificationDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.15.
Namespace | | ||||
Annotations | The container for the details about the magnification preferences. | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---MagnificationDType |
Properties |
Used by |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | all-content{0..1} | ( text{0..1}, non-text{0..1} ){0..1} | ||||
Attributes | None. | ||||
Source |
<xs:complexType name="MagnificationDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ReplacesAccessModeDType"> <xs:choice> <xs:element name="all-content" type="ZoomAmountDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:element name="text" type="ZoomAmountDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="non-text" type="ZoomAmountDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:choice> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "all-content" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type | ZoomAmountDType | ||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType ^---ZoomAmountDType |
Properties |
Model | Empty | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:element name="all-content" type="ZoomAmountDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "text" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type | ZoomAmountDType | ||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType ^---ZoomAmountDType |
Properties |
Model | Empty | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:element name="text" type="ZoomAmountDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "non-text" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type | ZoomAmountDType | ||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType ^---ZoomAmountDType |
Properties |
Model | Empty | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:element name="non-text" type="ZoomAmountDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "ReplacesAccessModeDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.16.
Namespace | | ||||
Annotations | This is the container for the identification for the set of access modes whose operational state are to be replaced by the contained set of children. The presence of a child attribute means that the parent preference is to be applied to that attribute. | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Properties |
Used by |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | ||||
Attributes | None. | ||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:complexType name="ReplacesAccessModeDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:choice minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"> <xs:element name="replace-access-mode-auditory" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="replace-access-mode-color" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="replace-access-mode-item-size" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="replace-access-mode-olfactory" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="replace-access-mode-orientation" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="replace-access-mode-position" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="replace-access-mode-tactile" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="replace-access-mode-text-on-image" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="replace-access-mode-textual" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="replace-access-mode-visual" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "replace-access-mode-auditory" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="replace-access-mode-auditory" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "replace-access-mode-color" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="replace-access-mode-color" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "replace-access-mode-item-size" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="replace-access-mode-item-size" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "replace-access-mode-olfactory" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="replace-access-mode-olfactory" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "replace-access-mode-orientation" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="replace-access-mode-orientation" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "replace-access-mode-position" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="replace-access-mode-position" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "replace-access-mode-tactile" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="replace-access-mode-tactile" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "replace-access-mode-text-on-image" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="replace-access-mode-text-on-image" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "replace-access-mode-textual" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="replace-access-mode-textual" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "replace-access-mode-visual" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="replace-access-mode-visual" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "SpokenDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.17.
Namespace | | ||||
Annotations | The container for the preferences that are used to define the ways in which information is 'spoken'. | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---SpokenDType |
Properties |
Used by |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | reading-type{1..1} | restriction-type{0..*} | speech-rate{0..1} | pitch{0..1} | volume{0..1} | link-indication{1..1} | typing-echo{1..1} | ||||
Attributes | None. | ||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:complexType name="SpokenDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ReplacesAccessModeDType"> <xs:choice minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"> <xs:element name="reading-type" default="screen-reader" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation source="documentation"> The ReadingType vocabulary defines the set of permitted values for the type of reading al- oud. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="screen-reader" /> <xs:enumeration value="computer-read-aloud" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="restriction-type" default="unrestricted" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="unrestricted" /> <xs:enumeration value="word-by-word" /> <xs:enumeration value="directions-only" /> <xs:enumeration value="skip-math-equations" /> <xs:enumeration value="skip-chemistry-equations" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="speech-rate" type="xs:integer" default="180" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="pitch" type="xs:float" default="0.5" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="volume" type="VolumeDType" default="0.5" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="link-indication" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation source="documentation"> The LinkIndication vocabulary defines the set of permitted values for the indicating pres- ence of a linking object e.g. URL. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="speak-link" /> <xs:enumeration value="different-voice" /> <xs:enumeration value="sound-effect" /> <xs:enumeration value="none" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="typing-echo" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation source="documentation"> The TypingEcho vocabulary defines the set of permitted values for the resolution of the t- yping activity. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="characters" /> <xs:enumeration value="words" /> <xs:enumeration value="characters-and-words" /> <xs:enumeration value="none" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> </xs:choice> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "reading-type" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="reading-type" default="screen-reader" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="screen-reader" /> <xs:enumeration value="computer-read-aloud" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "restriction-type" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type | Union (Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ExtensionStringDType) | ||||||||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="restriction-type" default="unrestricted" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="unrestricted" /> <xs:enumeration value="word-by-word" /> <xs:enumeration value="directions-only" /> <xs:enumeration value="skip-math-equations" /> <xs:enumeration value="skip-chemistry-equations" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "speech-rate" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:integer | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="speech-rate" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "pitch" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:float | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="pitch" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "volume" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | VolumeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="volume" type="VolumeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "link-indication" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ||||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="link-indication" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="speak-link" /> <xs:enumeration value="different-voice" /> <xs:enumeration value="sound-effect" /> <xs:enumeration value="none" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "typing-echo" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ||||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="typing-echo" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="characters" /> <xs:enumeration value="words" /> <xs:enumeration value="characters-and-words" /> <xs:enumeration value="none" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:element> |
The XSD description for the "TextAppearanceDType" Core ComplexType is given in Table 4.5.18.
Namespace | | ||||
Annotations | The container for the set of preferences for the appearance of text on a display. | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Type Hierarchy | ReplacesAccessModeDType ^---TextAppearanceDType |
Properties |
Used by |
Model | replace-access-mode-auditory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-color{0..1} | replace-access-mode-item-size{0..1} | replace-access-mode-olfactory{0..1} | replace-access-mode-orientation{0..1} | replace-access-mode-position{0..1} | replace-access-mode-tactile{0..1} | replace-access-mode-text-on-image{0..1} | replace-access-mode-textual{0..1} | replace-access-mode-visual{0..1} | background-color{0..1} | font-color{0..1} | font-size{0..1} | font-face{0..1} | line-spacing{0..1} | line-height{0..1} | letter-spacing{0..1} | uniform-font-sizing{0..1} | word-spacing{0..1} | word-wrapping{0..1} | ||||
Attributes | None. | ||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:complexType name="TextAppearanceDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ReplacesAccessModeDType"> <xs:choice minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"> <xs:element name="background-color" type="HexDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="font-color" type="HexDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="font-size" type="xs:float" default="12.0" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="font-face" type="FontFaceDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="line-spacing" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="line-height" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="letter-spacing" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="uniform-font-sizing" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="word-spacing" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="word-wrapping" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:choice> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "background-color" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | HexDType | ||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="background-color" type="HexDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "font-color" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | HexDType | ||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="font-color" type="HexDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "font-size" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:float | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="font-size" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "font-face" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||
Type | FontFaceDType | ||||||||
Properties |
Model | font-name{0..*} | generic-font-face{1..1} | ||||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||||
Schematron Rules |
Source |
<xs:element name="font-face" type="FontFaceDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "line-spacing" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:float | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="line-spacing" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "line-height" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:float | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="line-height" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "letter-spacing" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:float | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="letter-spacing" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "uniform-font-sizing" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="uniform-font-sizing" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "word-spacing" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | xs:float | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="word-spacing" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The XSD description for the "word-wrapping" Local Element is given in the Table below.
Namespace | | ||||||
Diagram | |||||||
Type | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType | ||||||
Properties |
Model | N/A | ||||||
Attributes | None. | ||||||
Source |
<xs:element name="word-wrapping" type="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
The syntax and semantics for the Derived ComplexType XSD representations is described in Appendix A1.7.
The XSD description for the "CalculatorDType" Derived Complex Type is given in Table 4.6.1.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Annotations | The data-type for the type of calculator tool. | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType ^---CalculatorDType |
Properties |
Used by |
Model | Empty | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:complexType name="CalculatorDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:extension base="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType"> <xs:attribute name="calculator-type" use="optional"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="basic" /> <xs:enumeration value="standard" /> <xs:enumeration value="scientific" /> <xs:enumeration value="graphing" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleType> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "calculator-type" Local Attribute is given in the Table below.
Namespace | No namespace. | ||||||||||
Type | Union (Enumeration [Restriction of "xs:string"] | ExtensionStringDType) | ||||||||||
Properties |
Facets |
Source |
<xs:attribute name="calculator-type" use="optional"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="basic" /> <xs:enumeration value="standard" /> <xs:enumeration value="scientific" /> <xs:enumeration value="graphing" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="ExtensionStringDType" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> |
The XSD description for the "PersonSourcedIdDType" Derived Complex Type is given in Table 4.6.2.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Annotations | The data-type for the sourcedId of a Person. This is used to identify the owner of a PNP Record. | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Properties |
Used by |
Model | N/A | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:complexType name="PersonSourcedIdDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:extension base="xs:normalizedString"> <xs:attribute name="source-system" use="required" type="xs:normalizedString" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleType> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "source-system" Local Attribute is given in the Table below.
Namespace | No namespace. | ||
Type | xs:normalizedString | ||
Properties |
Source |
<xs:attribute name="source-system" use="required" type="xs:normalizedString" /> |
The XSD description for the "ZoomAmountDType" Derived Complex Type is given in Table 4.6.3.
Namespace | | ||||||||||||
Annotations | A data-type for amount of zoom i.e. magnification. | ||||||||||||
Diagram | |||||||||||||
Type Hierarchy | EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType ^---ZoomAmountDType |
Properties |
Used by |
Model | Empty | ||||||||||||
Attributes |
Source |
<xs:complexType name="ZoomAmountDType" abstract="false" mixed="false"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:extension base="EmptyPrimitiveTypeDType"> <xs:attribute name="zoom-amount" use="optional" type="xs:float" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleType> </xs:complexType> |
The XSD description for the "zoom-amount" Local Attribute is given in the Table below.
Namespace | No namespace. | ||
Type | xs:float | ||
Properties |
Source |
<xs:attribute name="zoom-amount" use="optional" type="xs:float" /> |
The syntax and semantics for the SimpleType XSD representations is described in Appendix A1.8.
The XSD description for the "ExtensionStringDType" SimpleType is given in Table 4.7.1.
Namespace | | ||
Diagram | |||
Type | xs:string | ||
Facets |
Used by |
Source |
<xs:simpleType name="ExtensionStringDType"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="(ext:)[a-z|A-Z|.|_]+" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
The XSD description for the "HexDType" SimpleType is given in Table 4.7.2.
Namespace | | ||||
Diagram | |||||
Type | xs:string | ||||
Facets |
Used by |
Source |
<xs:simpleType name="HexDType"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="(#)([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
The XSD description for the "VolumeDType" SimpleType is given in Table 4.7.3.
Namespace | | ||
Diagram | |||
Type | xs:float | ||
Facets |
Used by |
Source |
<xs:simpleType name="VolumeDType"> <xs:restriction base="xs:float"> <xs:maxInclusive value="1.0" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
This Section is NORMATIVE.
This is the set of schematron rules used to enforce the constraints of the "Unordered" stereotypes classes.
Class Element | Multiplicity Constraint |
at-interoperable | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
educational-complexity-of-adaptation | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
input-requirements | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
linguistic-guidance | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
keyword-emphasis | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
keyword-translation | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
simplified-language-portions | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
simplified-graphics | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
item-translation | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
sign-language | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
encouragement | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
additional-testing-time | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
line-reader | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
invert-display-polarity | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
magnification | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
spoken | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
tactile | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
braille | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
answer-masking | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
keyboard-directions | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
additional-directions | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
long-description | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
captions | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
environment | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
transcript | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
alternative-text | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
audio-description | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
high-contrast | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
layout-single-column | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
text-appearance | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
calculator-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
dictionary-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
glossary-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
thesaurus-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
homophone-checker-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
note-taking-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
visual-organizer-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
outliner-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
peer-interaction-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
spell-checker-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
activate-at-initialization-set | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
activate-as-option-set | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
prohibit-set | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
Class Element | Multiplicity Constraint |
delivery-mode | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
grade | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
braille-type | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
math-type | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
Class Element | Multiplicity Constraint |
description | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
medical | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
software | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
hardware | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
breaks | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
Class Element | Multiplicity Constraint |
linguistic-guidance | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
keyword-emphasis | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
keyword-translation | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
simplified-language-portions | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
simplified-graphics | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
item-translation | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
sign-language | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
encouragement | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
additional-testing-time | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
line-reader | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
invert-display-polarity | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
magnification | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
spoken | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
tactile | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
braille | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
answer-masking | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
keyboard-directions | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
additional-directions | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
long-description | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
captions | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
transcript | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
alternative-text | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
audio-description | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
high-contrast | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
input-requirements | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
language-of-interface | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
layout-single-column | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
text-appearance | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
calculator-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
dictionary-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
glossary-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
thesaurus-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
homophone-checker-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
note-taking-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
visual-organizer-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
outliner-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
peer-interaction-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
spell-checker-on-screen | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
Class Element | Multiplicity Constraint |
generic-font-face | Multiplicity must be: [1..1] |
There are no elements that must have their upper multiplicity limited to "1".
There are no elements that must have their upper multiplicity limited to "1".
There are no elements that must have their upper multiplicity limited to "1".
There are no elements that must have their upper multiplicity limited to "1".
Class Element | Multiplicity Constraint |
replace-access-mode-auditory | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
replace-access-mode-color | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
replace-access-mode-item-size | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
replace-access-mode-olfactory | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
replace-access-mode-orientation | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
replace-access-mode-position | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
replace-access-mode-tactile | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
replace-access-mode-text-on-image | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
replace-access-mode-textual | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
replace-access-mode-visual | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
Class Element | Multiplicity Constraint |
reading-type | Multiplicity must be: [1..1] |
speech-rate | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
pitch | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
volume | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
link-indication | Multiplicity must be: [1..1] |
typing-echo | Multiplicity must be: [1..1] |
Class Element | Multiplicity Constraint |
background-color | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
font-color | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
font-size | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
font-face | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
line-spacing | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
line-height | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
letter-spacing | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
uniform-font-sizing | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
word-spacing | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
word-wrapping | Multiplicity must be: [0..1] |
Constrained namespacing is not used and so there are no corresponding Schematron rules.
The are no explicit Schematron rules defined in this XSD binding.
This specification permits extensions at a very limited number of places within the data model. Extensions are permitted at:
Extensions at any other point in the data model may will cause unpredictable behavior and are conformance violations.
Extension of the 'AccessForAllPNP' class is used to enable the top-level structure to be extended as required. This element can be extended by: i) creating new XML children elements (these must not be in AfA PNP namespace and inclusion of a validation XSD reference is required); and ii) creating new XML attributes (these must not be in the AfA PNP namespace and inclusion of a validation XSD reference is required).
Several of the enumerated vocabularies can be extended, namely:
The vocabularies are extended through the union of the set of enumerated values and an extension string. The only constraint on the new values in a vocabulary are that they must start with the substring 'ext:'.
This specification may be profiled. A profile must be a formal subset of the base specification. This ensures that, with the exception of namespace/schema location changes, any instance which is compliant to the profile MUST also be compliant to the base specification. This means that a profile must only increase the constraints on the properties of the data model. For example, an element with a multiplicity of [0..1] can have this changed to [1..1] but NOT [0..*]. Proprietary extensions are ONLY permitted as defined by the base specification.
It is strongly recommended that a profile of this specification is undertaken either by, or with the close support, of IMS Global. However, no matter who is responsible for creating the profile artefacts (documents, XSDs, etc.), it is strongly recommended that the IMS specification tools are used. This will ensure that the artefacts are consistent with the base specifications and that useful support documentation is automatically produced e.g. creation of a document that summarises the differences between the base specification and the profile. Organizations wishing to produce a profile of this specification should contact Lisa Mattson (IMS Global Chief Operations Officer) at:
[AfA, 21a] | IMS Global Access For All Specification Overview v1.0, M.Rothberg, T.Hoffman and C.Smythe, IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc., January 2021, |
[AfA, 21b] | IMS Global Access For All v3.0 Best Practices Guide v1.0, M.Rothberg, T.Hoffman and C.Smythe, IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc., January 2021, |
[AfADRD, 21] | IMS Global Access For All Digital Resource v3.0 Description Information Model v1.0 Public Candidate Final v2.0, M.Rothberg, T.Hoffman and C.Smythe, IMS Global Consortium Inc., January 2021, |
[AfAPNP, 21] | IMS Global Access for All (AfA) Personal Needs and Preferences (PNP) Information Model v3.0 Public Candidate Final v2.0, M.Rothberg, T.Hoffman and C.Smythe, IMS Global Consortium Inc., January 2021, |
[I-BAT, 06] | IMS Binding Auto-generation Toolkit (I-BAT), C.Smythe, IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc., July 2006. |
[ISO 29138] | ISO/IEC 29138-1:2018 - Information technology - User interface accessibility - Part 1: User accessibility needs, ISO, International Standards Organization (ISO), November 2018, |
[ISO 8601] | ISO8601:2004 Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times, ISO, International Standards Organization (ISO), 2000. |
[RFC 2119] | Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, S. Bradner, IETF (RFC 2119), March 1997, |
[RFC 3066] | Tags for the Identification of Languages, H.Alvestrand, IETF (RFC 3066), January 2001, |
[VDEX, 04] | IMS Vocabulary Definition Exchange (VDEX) 1.0, A.Cooper, IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc., February 2004, |
This section is NOT NORMATIVE.
Table A1.1 provides the key to the descriptions of UML to XSD attribute mapping tables.
Feature | Definition and Usage |
Attribute Name | The name of the attribute (these are the attributes listed in the class identified by the « Roots » stereotype). |
UML Class | The name of the class, the type of the attribute, in the UML diagrams (each class will have an associated stereotype label to denote its modelling interpretation). If the information model description is contained within the same document, this value is hot-linked to that description. |
XSD Name | The equivalent name of the UML att |