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Open Badges Extensions

Extensions are community developed contributions to the Open Badges Specification. Any issuer may define and publish them to include new types of metadata in badges. Any other issuer may use the same extensions to publish similar information in a mutually recognizable way.

These extensions are not part of the core specification and are governed by licensing and copyright terms of the authoring individuals and organizations.

Open Badges Community Extensions (below)

Submit your published extensions to this page with a pull request on GitHub, following the existing format of the page.

Note: Extension authors are not required to host extensions on this page in order for them to be valid. Extension authors may publish descriptions, context and/or schema files required for a new extension on any publicly-accessible location, however that location should provide stable hosting for many years, because extended badges will lose their meaning if these resources become inaccessible.

Extension Example:

Example Extension Name

This is a definition of an example extension. If it were a real extension, it would describe the purpose of adding it to a badge object. If you follow the link #ExampleExtension, you’ll get to this paragraph. This is the IRI (Internationalized Resource Identifier) to use for implementations of this extension, included below as the compact IRI extensions:ExampleExtension. See the context and schema files that form the machine-readable core of this extension.

Property Type Value Description
@context context IRI https://openbadgespec.org/extensions/exampleExtension/context.json
type type IRI array ['extension', 'extensions:ExampleExtension']
exampleProperty string Any text the implementer likes.

Extendable Badge Objects: Assertion, BadgeClass, Issuer

Example implementation:

  "extensions:ExampleExtension": {
    "type": ["Extension", "extensions:ExampleExtension"],
    "exampleProperty": "I'm a property, short and sweet."

Community Extensions:

Author: Kerri Lemoie

The apply link provides a url that allows potential badge earners to apply for an opportunty as specified by the badge issuer.

Property Type Value Description
@context context IRI https://openbadgespec.org/extensions/applyLinkExtension/context.json
type type IRI array ['Extension', 'extensions:ApplyLink']
url string,uri Valid url beginning with http:// or https://

Extendable Badge Objects: BadgeClass

Example implementation:

  "extensions:ApplyLink": {
    "type": ["Extension", "extensions:ApplyLink"],
    "url": "http://website.com/apply"


Endorsement, previously an extension, is now part of the core specification. See original.

This property definition still resides here in the extensions namespace, which is now replaced by the claim property:

Property Type Value Description
endorsedObject object An optional embedded copy of the endorsed Badge Object with ‘id’ attribute set.

Geo Location

Authors: Doug Belshaw and Kerri Lemoie

An extension allowing for the addition of the geographic coordinates associated with a badge object. For example, geolocation could represent where a Badge Class is available, where a badge was earned or the location of an issuer. The required description property allows implementers to be more specific about the reason location is included. The extended value takes

Property Type Value Description
@context context IRI https://w3id.org/openbadges/extensions/geoCoordinatesExtension/context.json
type type IRI array ['Extension', 'schema:Place' 'extensions:GeoCoordinates']
name text The place’s name, if available
description text A description of the location
geo object The GeoCoordinates of a location (containing the following properties)


Property Type Value Description
latitude number The latitude of a location
longitude number The longitude of a location

Extendable Badge Objects: Assertion, BadgeClass, Issuer

Example implementation:

  "schema:location": {
    "@context": "https://openbadgespec.org/extensions/geoCoordinatesExtension/context.json",
    "type": ["Extension", "extensions:GeoCoordinates", "schema:Place"],
    "name": "Stadium of Light, Sunderland",
    "description": "A foodball stadium in Sunderland, England that is home to Sunderland A.F.C.",
    "geo": {
      "latitude": 54.914440,
      "longitude": -1.387721


An extension allowing for the addition of the content for people with disabilities.

Property Type Value Description
@context context IRI https://w3id.org/openbadges/extensions/accessibilityExtension/context.json
type type IRI array ['Extension', 'extensions:Accessibility']
accessibilityAPI text Indicates that the resource is compatible with the referenced accessibility API. Possible values: ['AndroidAccessibility', 'ARIA', 'ATK', 'AT-SPI', 'BlackberryAccessibility', 'iAccessible2', 'iOSAccessibility', 'JavaAccessibility', 'MacOSXAccessibility', 'MSAA', 'UIAutomation']
accessibilityControl text Identifies one or more input methods that allow access to all of the application functionality. Possible values: ['fullKeyboardControl', 'fullMouseControl', 'fullSwitchControl', 'fullTouchControl', 'fullVideoControl', 'fullVoiceControl']
accessibilityFeature text Content features of the resource, such as accessible media, supported enhancements for accessibility and alternatives. ['alternativeText', 'annotations', 'audioDescription', 'bookmarks', 'braille', 'captions', 'ChemML', 'describedMath', 'displayTransformability', 'highContrastAudio', 'highContrastDisplay', 'index', 'largePrint', 'latex', 'longDescription','MathML', 'none', 'printPageNumbers', 'readingOrder', 'signLanguage', 'structuralNavigation', 'tableOfContents', 'taggedPDF', 'tactileGraphic', 'tactileObject', 'timingControl', 'transcript', 'ttsMarkup', 'unlocked']
accessibilityHazard text A characteristic of the described resource that is physiologically dangerous to some users. Related to http://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/seizure.html ['flashing', 'noFlashingHazard', 'motionSimulation', 'noMotionSimulationHazard', 'sound', 'noSoundHazard']

Extendable Badge Objects: Assertion, BadgeClass, Issuer

Example implementation:

  "name": "Awesome Robotics Badge",
  "description": "For doing awesome things with robots that people think is pretty great.",
  "image": "http://openbadges.it/logo.png",
  "criteria": "https://example.org/robotics-badge.html",
  "tags": [
  "issuer": "https://example.org/badge/issuer.json",
  "extensions:Accessibility": {
    "type": ["Extension", "extensions:Accessibility"],
    "accessibilityAPI": "ARIA",
    "accessibilityControl": ["fullKeyboardControl","fullMouseControl","fullTouchControl"],
    "accessibilityFeature": "audioDescription",
    "accessibilityHazard": "noFlashingHazard",
    "url": "http://exampleaccessiblecontent.org/"

Creative Commons Content License

Editor: Nate Otto

The content license extension enables issuers to indicate what permissions are granted to the public to reuse BadgeClass metadata in their own badges in terms of an expressive set of open content licenses that have broad global buy-in.

Thanks to editorial contributions from Timothy F Cook, Attila Szabó Nagy, Serge Ravet, and Jim Goodell

Property Type Value Description
@context context IRI https://openbadgespec.org/extensions/licenseExtension/context.json
type type IRI array ["extension", "cc:License"]
id @id (IRI) The URL unique identifier for the license that is used. For example, ‘http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/’ (Aliases available to international versions: CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, CC-BY-NC, CC-BY-NC-SA, CC-BY-ND)
legalCode @id (IRI) The URL unique identifier for the license that is used. For example, ‘http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode’

Extendable Badge Objects: BadgeClass

Example Implementation (Abbreviated JSON-LD BadgeClass):

  "@context": "https://w3id.org/openbadges/v2",
  "type": "BadgeClass",
  "name": "Licensed Badge",
  "...": "...",
  "schema:license": {
    "@context": "https://openbadgespec.org/extensions/licenseExtension/context.json",
    "type": ["Extension", "extensions:LicenseExtension", "cc:License"],
    "id": "CC-BY",
    "name": "Creative Commons Attribution",
    "legalCode": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode"

Get Started: See examples of all international Creative Commons licenses in use on the License Extensions Example Page.

Original Creator

Author: Antti Koskinen

This extension provides a way to track the origin of a badge when one organisation creates it for another.

For example, presume we have organisations X, Y and Z. A badge is created by X and they grant Y and Z the right to issue it. IssuerClass of X is stored as the OriginalCreator in the BadgeClass and either Y or Z becomes the issuer.

Property Type Value Description
@context context IRI https://openbadgespec.org/extensions/originalCreatorExtension/context.json
type type IRI array ['Extension', 'extensions:OriginalCreator']
url string, uri Valid url pointing to the Issuer document of the issuer that originally defined this BadgeClass

Extendable Badge Objects: BadgeClass

Example implementation:

  "extensions:OriginalCreator": {
    "type": ["Extension", "extensions:OriginalCreator"],
    "url": "https://example.org/creator-organisation.json"

Issuer Accreditation

Author: IMS Global

This extension is located at https://www.imsglobal.org/ims-badge-extensions-education


Author: IMS Global

This extension is located at https://www.imsglobal.org/ims-badge-extensions-education

xAPI Integration

An exploratory prototype draft xAPI vocabulary has been defined so that Open Badges will soon be referenceable from Experience API activity streams. See xAPI Open Badges documentation for details.