1EdTech Final Release

1EdTech Accessible Portable Item Protocol™ (APIP™): Use Cases


Final Specification
Version 1.0


Date Issued:             31 March 2014
Latest version:         http://www.imsglobal.org/apip/

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© 2014 1EdTech Consortium, Inc.
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The 1EdTech Logo, Accessible Portable Item Protocol (APIP), and Question and Test Interoperability (QTI) are trademarks of the 1EdTechLearning Consortium, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Documents Name:  1EdTech APIP UseCases v1.0 Final Specification - Revision: 31 March 2014


1                  Introduction

1.1            Scope and Context

The Accessible Portable Item Protocol™ (APIP™) Standard provides assessment programs and question item developers a data model for standardizing the file format of digital test items. When applied properly, the APIP standard accomplishes two important goals. First, the APIP standard allows digital test items to be ported across APIP compliant test item banks. Second, the APIP standard provides a test delivery interface with all the information and resources required to make a test item accessible for students with a variety of disabilities and special needs.

This document contains the use case descriptions for APIP. These use cases define the set of requirements that must be addressed by the technical approach for APIP.  This document should be used in conjunction with the APIP Technical Specification [APIP, 14a] and the best practice examples [APIP, 14b].

1EdTech strongly encourages its members and the community to provide feedback to continue the evolution and improvement of the APIP standard. To join the 1EdTech developer and conformance certification community focused on APIP and QTI please visit the 1EdTech QTI/APIP Alliance online here: http://www.imsglobal.org/apip/index.html

Public contributions, comments and questions can be posted here: http://www.imsglobal.org/community/forum/categories.cfm?catid=110

1.2            Structure of this Document

The structure of the rest of this document is:

2.   Use Case Overview

Presents the use case framework for APIP;

2.   The Key Use Cases

The descriptions for the set of summary use cases that are supported by the APIP.  These use case descriptions are documented using the Cockburn [Cockburn, 01] style.

1.3            Related Documents

[APIP, 14a]                 Accessible Portable Item Protocol (APIP) Technical Specification v1.0 Final Specification, G.Driscoll, T.Hoffmann, W.Ostler, M.Russell, M.McKell and C.Smythe, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., March 2014.

[APIP, 14b]                 Accessible Portable Item Protocol (APIP) Best Practices and Implementation Guide v1.0 Final Specification, G.Driscoll, T.Hoffmann, W.Ostler, M.Russell, M.McKell and C.Smythe, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., March 2014.

[Cockburn, 01]            Writing Effective Use-case, A.Cockburn, Addison-Wesley, 2001, ISBN 0-201-70225-8.

1.4            Acronyms

AfA                 Access for All

APIP               Accessible Portable Item Protocol

CC                   Common Cartridge

CP                   Content Packaging

IEEE               Institution of Electronic & Electrical Engineers

1EdTech     1EdTech Consortium

LOM               Learning Object Metadata

LMS                Learning Management System

LTI                  Learning Tools Interoperability

PNP                 Personal Needs & Preferences

QTI                 Question & Test Interoperability

UML               Unified Modeling Language

XML               Exchange Mark-up Language


2                  Use Case Overview

2.1            Overview

The key use cases addressed by this profile are shown schematically in Figure 2.1.


The set of use cases.


Figure 2.1 The set of use cases.

The set of actors are:

•         APIP Database - this is a digital repository that stores, in an appropriate format, the APIP Tests and APIP Items.  These can now be made available to other APIP-compliant systems, tools and applications;

•         Authoring Tool - this is a tool that can create and edit APIP Tests and/or APIP Items.  This tool can combine APIP Items from several sources to create an APIP Test;

•         Assessment System - this is a system that presents a test taker with an assessment.  In real-time it tailors and presents the assessment to meet the accessibility requirements and needs of the test taker.

The list of use cases and the APIP versions in which they are supported is listed in Table 2.1:

Table 2.1 List of supported uses cases for each APIP version.

Use Case

Supported in Version 1.0

Importing an APIP Item


Exporting an APIP Item


Importing an APIP Test


Exporting an APIP Test


Importing a Set of APIP Items


Exporting a Set of APIP Items


Importing a Set of APIP Tests


Exporting a Set of APIP Tests


Loading an APIP Test


Loading an APIP Item


Importing an APIP Database


Exporting an APIP Database


Importing APIP PNP Single or Bulk Records


Exporting APIP PNP Single or Bulk Records


Reading an APIP PNP




The use case descriptions in Section 3 use the Cockburn [Cockburn, 01] tabular style for documenting use cases.  A broader set of use cases have been defined for APIP so that later versions of APIP can be extended without causing incompatibilities with version 1 implementations.

3                  The Key Use Cases

3.1            To Import an APIP Item


Use Case Title:

To Import an APIP Item

Brief Description:

Upon request, the APIP Item and the associated asset files are imported in the form of the APIP interchange file from a source digital repository into either a target digital repository or an authoring tool.




APIP Database, Authoring Tool


A user of an Authoring Tool or the APIP Database administrator request the import of an APIP Item.


The APIP Item, and the associated asset files, are available for import in the form of an interchange file compliant with the APIP format.

Success Post-condition:

The APIP Item, and the associated set of asset files, are available in the new digital repository/authoring tool and available for editing, etc.

Failure Post-condition:

The APIP Item is not imported due to a problem in the interchange file. The problems may be in the availability of the asset files.

Main Success Scenario:

At receipt of the import request the system/application imports the interchange file into the target system/application (the manner of the import is outside the scope of this standard).  The APIP Item is identified and stored in a form appropriate for the local system/application.  All of the corresponding video, audio, image, etc. files are also stored appropriately.

Exception Conditions:

•         The APIP Item is invalid;

•         The APIP content packaging manifest is missing or invalid.


3.2            To Export an APIP Item


Use Case Title:

To Export an APIP Item

Brief Description:

Upon request the APIP Item, is exported from a source digital repository or an authoring tool into an independent APIP interchange file that is stored where appropriate, e.g., in a file store.




APIP Database, Authoring Tool


A user of an Authoring Tool or the APIP Database administrator request the export of the APIP Item.


The APIP Item is available for export in the form suitable to the system/application/tool that will perform the export operation.

Success Post-condition:

The APIP interchange file has been created and stored.

Failure Post-condition:

The APIP interchange file cannot be created.  This may be because one or more required asset files for the APIP Item cannot be located.

Main Success Scenario:

At receipt of the export request the system/application/tool responsible for the export identifies and collates the APIP Item and asset files. The APIP interchange file is then created and stored.

Exception Conditions:

•         The APIP manifest cannot be created;

•         APIP Item cannot be created.


3.3            To Import an APIP Test


Use Case Title:

To Import an APIP Test

Brief Description:

Upon request the APIP Test and the associated APIP Items, is imported in the form of the APIP interchange file from a source digital repository into either a target digital repository or an authoring tool.




APIP Database, Authoring Tool


A user of an Authoring Tool or the APIP Database administrator request the import of an APIP Test.


The APIP Test, and the associated APIP Items, is available for import in the form of an interchange file compliant with the APIP format.

Success Post-condition:

The APIP Test, and the associated set of APIP Items, are available in the new digital repository/authoring tool and available for editing, etc.

Failure Post-condition:

The APIP Test is not imported due to a problem in the interchange file. The problems may be in the availability of APIP Items and/or the asset files.

Main Success Scenario:

At receipt of the import request the system/application imports the interchange file into the target system/application (the manner of the import is outside the scope of this standard).  The APIP Test and the associated APIP Items are identified and stored in a form appropriate for the local system/application.  All of the corresponding video, audio, image, etc. files are also stored appropriately.

Exception Conditions:



3.4            To Export an APIP Test


Use Case Title:

To Export an APIP Test

Brief Description:

Upon request the APIP Test, and the associated APIP Items, is exported from a source digital repository or an authoring tool into an independent APIP interchange file that is stored where appropriate e.g. in a file store.




APIP Database, Authoring Tool


A user of an Authoring Tool or the APIP Database administrator request the export of an APIP Test.


The APIP Test, and the associated APIP Items, are available for export in the form suitable to the system/application/tool that will perform the export operation.

Success Post-condition:

The APIP interchange file has been created and stored.

Failure Post-condition:

The APIP interchange file cannot be created.  This may be due to size constraints or because one or more required APIP Items for the APIP Tests cannot be located.

Main Success Scenario:

At receipt of the export request the system/application/tool responsible for the export identifies and collates the APIP Test, the associated APIP Items and asset files.  The APIP interchange file is then created and stored.

Exception Conditions:



3.5            To Import a Set of APIP Items


Use Case Title:

To Import a Set of APIP Items

Brief Description:

Upon request a set of APIP Items, and the associated asset files, is imported in the form of the APIP interchange file from a source digital repository into either a target digital repository or an authoring tool.




APIP Database, Authoring Tool


A user of an Authoring Tool or the APIP Database administrator requests the import of a set of APIP Items.


The set of APIP Items, and the associated asset files, are available for import in the form of an interchange file compliant with the APIP format.

Success Post-condition:

The set of APIP Items, and the associated set of asset files, are available in the new digital repository/authoring tool and available for editing, etc.

Failure Post-condition:

The set of APIP Items are not imported due to a problem in the interchange file.  Some of the Items may be successfully imported.  The problems may be in the APIP Items and/or the asset files.

Main Success Scenario:

At receipt of the import request the system/application imports the interchange file into the target system/application (the manner of the import is outside the scope of this standard).  The set of APIP Items are identified and stored in a form appropriate for the local system/application.  All of the corresponding video, audio, image, etc. files are also stored appropriately.

Exception Conditions:

•         One of more APIP Item(s) are invalid;

•         The APIP content packaging manifest is missing or invalid.


3.6            To Export a Set of APIP Items


Use Case Title:

To Export a Set of APIP Items

Brief Description:

Upon request the set of APIP Items, is exported from a source digital repository or an authoring tool into an independent APIP interchange file that is stored where appropriate, e.g., in a file store.




APIP Database, Authoring Tool


A user of an Authoring Tool or the APIP Database administrator requests the export of a set of APIP Items.


The set of APIP Items are available for export in the form suitable to the system/application/tool that will perform the export operation.

Success Post-condition:

The APIP interchange file has been created and stored.

Failure Post-condition:

The APIP interchange file cannot be created.  This may be due to size constraints or because one or more required asset files for the APIP Items cannot be located.

Main Success Scenario:

At receipt of the export request the system/application/tool responsible for the export identifies and collates all of the appropriate APIP Items and asset files.  The APIP interchange file is then created and stored.

Exception Conditions:

•         The APIP manifest cannot be created;

•         APIP Item(s) cannot be created.



3.7            To Import a Set of APIP Tests


Use Case Title:

To Import a Set of APIP Tests

Brief Description:

Upon request a set of APIP Tests, and the associated APIP Items, is imported from a source digital repository into either a target digital repository or an authoring tool.




APIP Database, Authoring Tool


A user of an Authoring Tool or the APIP Database administrator requests the import of a set of APIP Tests.


The set of APIP Tests, and the associated APIP Items, are available for import in the form of an interchange file compliant with the APIP format.

Success Post-condition:

The set of APIP Tests, and the associated set of APIP Items, are available in the new digital repository/authoring tool and available for editing, etc.

Failure Post-condition:

The set of APIP Tests are not imported due to a problem in the interchange file.  Some of the Tests may be successfully imported.  The problems may be in the APIP Tests and/or the APIP Items.

Main Success Scenario:

At receipt of the import request the system/application imports the interchange file into the target system/application (the manner of the import is outside the scope of this standard).  The set of APIP Tests and Items are identified and stored in a form appropriate for the local system/application.  All of the corresponding video, audio, image, etc. files are also stored appropriately.

Exception Conditions:



3.8            To Export a Set of APIP Tests


Use Case Title:

To Export a Set of APIP Tests

Brief Description:

Upon request the set of APIP Tests, and the associated APIP Items, is exported from a source digital repository or an authoring tool into an independent APIP interchange file that is stored where appropriate e.g. in a file store.




APIP Database, Authoring Tool


A user of an Authoring Tool or the APIP Database administrator requests the export of a set of APIP Tests.


The set of APIP Tests, and the associated APIP Items, are available for export in the form suitable to the system/application/tool that will perform the export operation.

Success Post-condition:

The APIP interchange file has been created and stored.

Failure Post-condition:

The APIP interchange file cannot be created.  This may be due to size constraints or because one or more required APIP Items for the APIP Tests cannot be located.

Main Success Scenario:

At receipt of the export request the system/application/tool responsible for the export identifies and collates all of the appropriate APIP Tests, the associated APIP Items and asset files.  The APIP interchange file is then created and stored.

Exception Conditions:



3.9            To Load an APIP Test


Use Case Title:

To Load an APIP Test

Brief Description:

When a test taker activates an assessment, the assessment system loads in the APIP Test and configures it according to the learning and accessibility preferences of the test taker.  The assessment system selects the parts of the APIP Test that support the learning and accessibility preferences of the test taker.




Assessment System


A test taker activates an assessment sessions while working with their LMS, local assessment system, or external assessment system.


The APIP Test, and the associated APIP Items, is available for loading in the form of an interchange file compliant with the APIP format.

Success Post-condition:

The APIP Test has been loaded into the assessment system.  The start of the APIP Test is presented to the test taker and the set of related APIP Items have been identified and marked for loading into the assessment systems.

Failure Post-condition:

The APIP Test becomes marked as unavailable. The problems may be in the availability of APIP Items and/or the asset files.

Main Success Scenario:

At receipt of the APIP Test launch request by the test taker, the APIP Test is loaded from the repository.  This APIP file contains only the description of the test and the links to the set of related APIP Items, i.e., the APIP Items are not loaded into the assessment system as part of the load APIP Test call.

Exception Conditions:



NOTE: This use case is not addressed in Version 1.0.


3.10       To Load an APIP Item


Use Case Title:

To Load an APIP Item

Brief Description:

When a test taker activates an assessment, the assessment system loads the APIP Test and configures it according to the learning and accessibility preferences of the test taker.  The assessment system loads the relevant APIP Items (it is the assessment system that determines when the APIP Items are to be loaded and this may be implementation specific).




Assessment System


A test taker activates an assessment sessions while working with their LMS, local assessment system, or external assessment system. The assessment system selects the APIP Items that need to be loaded.


The APIP Test has been previously loaded into the assessment system.  The associated APIP Items are available for loading in the form of an interchange file compliant with the APIP format.

Success Post-condition:

The APIP Item(s) have been loaded into the assessment system.  Pre-rendering construction has been completed in response to the learning and accessibility preferences of the test taker.

Failure Post-condition:

The APIP Items are unavailable.  The problems may be due either to the failure to access/retrieve the associated asset files or it proves impossible to configure the Item as required by the test taker's accessibility and learning preferences.

Main Success Scenario:

Once the APIP test has been loaded the associated APIP Items are loaded according to the implementation approach of the assessment system.  For example, the assessment system may use on-demand loading of APIP Items in real-time as required by the test being presented to the test taker, or pre-caching of APIP Items may be used to ensure performance requirements, etc.  Once loaded the APIP Item is processed to prepare its rendered form to reflect the test taker's accessibility and learning preferences.

Exception Conditions:

•         The APIP Item is invalid;

•         The APIP content packaging manifest is missing or invalid.

3.11       To Import an APIP Database


Use Case Title:

To Import an APIP Database

Brief Description:

Upon request a complete APIP Database is imported from a source digital repository into the target digital repository.




APIP Database


A Database Administrator is requested to make a new APIP Database available in a local repository.


The APIP Database is available for import in the form of an interchange file compliant with the APIP format.

Success Post-condition:

The APIP Database is available in the new digital repository and available for use by APIP-complaint systems.

Failure Post-condition:

The APIP Database is not imported into the new target database system.

Main Success Scenario:

At receipt of the import request the digital repository issues an import request identifying the required APIP Database.  The APIP Database interchange file is imported into the new repository that unpacks the APIP information and stores it in the appropriate local database form in the local repository (the manner of the import is outside the scope of this standard).  The interchange must contain all of the files associated with the APIP Tests and APIP Items, i.e., any video, audio, image, etc. files.

Exception Conditions:



NOTE: This use case is not addressed in Version 1.0.

3.12       To Export an APIP Database


Use Case Title:

To Export an APIP Database

Brief Description:

Upon request a complete APIP Database is exported to the APIP interchange format.




APIP Database


A Database Administrator is requested to export an APIP Database in the APIP interchange format.


The APIP Database is available for export.

Success Post-condition:

The APIP interchange file is ready for use and/or import to some external digital repository.

Failure Post-condition:

The APIP interchange file has not been created.  This may be due to size constraints on the target storage system.

Main Success Scenario:

At receipt of the export request the digital repository processes the identified APIP Database and creates the APIP interchange file. Each APIP Database is contained in its own APIP interchange file.  If the interchange file is copied then either copy can be used to recreate one or more copies of the original APIP Database.

The interchange will contain all of the files associated with the tests, i.e., any video, audio, image, etc. files.  The relationships between these asset files and the actual test descriptions must be maintained within the new repository.

Exception Conditions:



NOTE: This use case is not addressed in Version 1.0.


3.13       To Import APIP PNP Single or Bulk Records


Use Case Title:

To Import APIP PNP Single or Bulk Records

Brief Description:

Upon request PNP file (containing a single test takers profile) or a bulk PNP records file (containing multiple test takers profiles).


Formative, Summary


Student Information System (SIS), or any system that stores student records.


A user or administrator of an SIS or records system requests the import of a single PNP file, multiple PNP files, or single file containing multiple PNP records.


The single or set of PNP files is/are available for import in the form of a/an interchange file(s) compliant with the APIP format.

Success Post-condition:

The SIS or records system records the information contained within the PNP file(s) at the level for which the system has been certified (Entry, Core, Elective, or any future level/profile). The profile information is properly assigned to the correct test taker.

Failure Post-condition:

The records system fails to receive the PNP information, or loses portions of information contained within the PNP file(s) for which the system has been certified (Entry, Core, Elective, or any future level/profile), or fails to assign the information to the correct test taker.

Main Success Scenario:

For a single PNP file, the user of a records system identifies the test taker for whom the PNP file pertains to, and chooses to import the PNP file (identifying the test taker could also be done after choosing to import the file). The PNP files data is imported, and is now associated with that test taker. If the records system is certified at the Entry Level, all Entry Level features will be recorded without losing any information. If the system is certified at the Core Level, then all Core information is recorded. Optionally, a system can retain any further Elective features. A system is required to record any features for which it has been certified, but can optionally retain any other features.

For multiple PNP files, or for a single bulk records file, the system user chooses the file(s) to import, and all the information contained within the files is accurately recorded in the system, assigning the features to the correct test takers. Any errors or duplications would be provided to the system user, and allow them to accept or reject the file. The system may optionally allow the system user to accept or reject portions of the information contained within the PNP file(s) to ignore or replace information already contained within the records system.

Exception Conditions:

•         One or more PNP file(s) are invalid

•         Information within the PNP file(s) conflicts with information already supplied within a records system.


3.14       To Export APIP PNP Single or Bulk Records


Use Case Title:

To Export APIP PNP Single or Bulk Records

Brief Description:

Upon request, a PNP file, or files, or a single file with multiple PNP records will be exported in the APIP PNP interchange format.


Formative, Summary


Student Information System (SIS), or any system that stores student records


A system user or administrator logs into a records system.  The user chooses a single, or multiple test takers for whom they wish to export PNP data. Depending on the export needs, the system exports valid instances of a single PNP file with a single record, multiple PNP files where each file has a single record, or a single PNP file with multiple records.


The records system contains assessment accessibility data for test taker(s).

Success Post-condition:

The APIP PNP file(s) is/are ready for use and/or import to some external records system.

Failure Post-condition:

The APIP PNP file(s) are not created.

For a bulk records PNP file, the file does not contain test taker identifying information for each record.

The record data is not in the valid APIP interchange format.

Main Success Scenario:

The system user logs into a records system. The user then chooses which test takers for which PNP records need to be exported. The user chooses to EXPORT APIP PNP records from within the system. PNP file(s) are exported to a location which the user has chosen. The information contained within each instance reflects the records system's certification level (Entry, Core, Elective, or any future level/profile). A system is required to export any features for which it has been certified, but can optionally export any other features.

Exception Conditions:

•         The XML instance is invalid.

•         Stored information is incorrectly exported to the PNP file(s).


3.15       To Read an APIP PNP Profile


Use Case Title:

To Read an APIP PNP Profile

Brief Description:

This is the mechanism by which an assessment system is configured to match the accessibility and learning preferences for each and every test taker.


Formative, Summative


Delivery Assessment System


A test taker logs into an Assessment System.  Therefore, the Assessment System must query the 'Preferences Server' to acquire the test taker's accessibility needs & preferences.


The assessment accessibility needs  & preferences for the test taker are available to the Assessment System via a known Preferences Server.

Success Post-condition:

The Assessment System has received the accessibility and learning preferences that were provided in an APIP PNP profile.  The Assessment System environment for the test taker has been configured to reflect those preferences.  The Assessment System will be able to tailor any presented tests in an appropriate manner. The system is required to provide any features for which it has been certified (Entry, Core, Elective, or any future level/profile), but can optionally provide any other features. However, a system should only provide features to students for which have been approved by the assessment administrators, or supplied in their PNP profile.

If a system is Core Certified (or certified for any level or profile that uses APIP accessibility information provided within the APIP content), the system delivers the accessible content in the prescribed order provided in the inclusion order applicable to the audience for whom it is intended.

Failure Post-condition:

The Assessment System fails to receive the accessibility & needs preferences information.  Consequently, the test taker must be asked to provide an alternative source for those preferences.

Main Success Scenario:

The test taker logs into the Assessment System.  During the login process, the Assessment System requires its Preferences Server to obtain the assessment accessibility and needs preferences for the test taker.  Once obtained, these preferences are used to configure the Assessment System and any subsequent assessments/tests appropriately (the latter will also require real-time rendering of the APIP Tests and Items to facilitate the accessibility preferences).  The preferences are supplied in the form of an APIP Personal Needs and Preferences (PNP) data file.

Exception Conditions:

•         The XML instance is invalid.


About this Document

Title:                                       1EdTech Accessible Portable Item Protocol (APIP) Use Cases

Editors:                                  Colin Smythe (1EdTech) and Mark McKell (1EdTech)

Co-chairs:                              Gary Driscoll (ETS), Thomas Hoffmann (Measured Progress) and Wayne Ostler (Pearson)

Version:                                  1.0

Version Date:                         31 March 2014

Status:                                    Final Specification

Summary:                              The aim of the APIP Project is to use well established e-learning interoperability standards to enable the exchange of accessible assessment content between computer-based assessment systems, tools and applications.  Users of systems, tools and applications that adopt the APIP are able to use their accessible assessment content on a wide range of systems.  This document contains the use cases addressed by the APIP standard.

Purpose:                                 This document is made available for adoption by the public community at large.

Document Location:             http://www.imsglobal.org/apip/


List of Contributors

The following individuals contributed to the development of this document:

Rob Abel, 1EdTech (USA)

Justin Marks, NWEA (USA)

Michael Aumock, Pacific Metrics (USA)

Mark McKell, 1EdTech (USA)

Marty Christensen, ACT (USA)

Sue Milne, JISC (UK)

Jason Craft, Pearson (USA)

Wayne Ostler, Pearson (USA)

Gary Driscoll, ETS (USA)

Zack Pierce, Measured Progress (USA)

Eric Hansen, ETS (USA)

Michelle Richard, Pearson (USA)

Regina Hoag, ETS (USA)

Mike Russell, Measured Progress (USA)

Thomas Hoffmann, Measured Progress (USA)

Farhat Siddiqui, ETS (USA)

Wilbert Kraan, JISC (UK)

Colin Smythe, 1EdTech (UK)

Devin Loftis, McGraw-Hill/CTB (USA)

Wyatt VanderStucken, ETS (USA)


Revision History


Version No.

Release Date


v1.0 Candidate Final

26 March 2012

The first formal release of the Candidate Final version of this document.

v1.0 Final Specification

31 March 2014

The Final Specification version of this document.







1EdTech Consortium, Inc. ("1EdTech") is publishing the information contained in this document ("Specification") for purposes of scientific, experimental, and scholarly collaboration only.

1EdTech makes no warranty or representation regarding the accuracy or completeness of the Specification.

This material is provided on an "As Is" and "As Available" basis.

The Specification is at all times subject to change and revision without notice. 

It is your sole responsibility to evaluate the usefulness, accuracy, and completeness of the Specification as it relates to you.

1EdTech would appreciate receiving your comments and suggestions.

Please contact 1EdTech through our website at http://www.imsglobal.org.

Please refer to Document Name: 1EdTech APIP Use Cases v1.0 Final Specification

Date: 31 March 2014