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1EdTech Simple Sequencing XML Binding

Version 1.0 Final Specification

Copyright © 2003 1EdTech Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The 1EdTech Logo is a trademark of 1EdTech Consortium, Inc.
Document Name: 1EdTech Simple Sequencing XML Binding
Revision: 03 March 2003


Table of Contents

1. Introduction
     1.1 Simple Sequencing Specification Overview
     1.2 Scope and Context
     1.3 Structure of this Document
     1.4 Nomenclature
     1.5 References

2. XML Basics
     2.1 Elements
           2.1.1 Element Contents
           2.1.2 Element Attributes
           2.1.3 Element Names
     2.2 Document Type Definitions
     2.3 XML Schemas
     2.4 Valid Character Sets

3. Narrative Description of the XML Binding
     3.1 <sequencingCollection> Element
     3.2 <sequencing> Element
     3.3 <controlMode> Element
     3.4 <sequencingRules> Element
           3.4.1 <preConditionRule> Element
           3.4.2 <exitConditionRule> Element
           3.4.3 <postConditionRule> Element
           3.4.4 <ruleConditions> Element (for all rule types)
           3.4.5 <ruleCondition> Element (for all rule types)
     3.5 <limitConditions> Element
     3.6 <auxiliaryResources> Element
           3.6.1 <auxiliaryResource> Element
     3.7 <rollupRules> Element
           3.7.1 <rollupRule> Element
           3.7.2 <rollupConditions> Element
           3.7.3 <rollupCondition> Element
           3.7.4 <rollupAction> Element
     3.8 <objectives> Element
           3.8.1 <primaryObjective> Element
           3.8.2 <objective> Element
           3.8.3 <minNormalizedMeasure> Element
           3.8.4 <mapInfo> Element
     3.9 <randomizationControls> Element
     3.10 <deliveryControls> Element
     3.11 #wildCard

4. Sequencing Definition Element Mapping
     4.1 Mapping Sequencing Definition Elements to XSD Entities of

5. Physical Realization of the XML Binding

6. Normative Points
     6.1 XML Schema File Naming Convention
     6.2 Namespace URI (Namespace Identifier)
           6.2.1 Location of Current 1EdTech Sequencing Binding Instance
           6.2.2 Location of Versioned 1EdTech Sequencing Binding Instances
     6.3 Namespace Name
     6.4 Versioning a Binding Instance
     6.5 Localization
           6.5.1 Localizing Binding Structure Names and Values
           6.5.2 Localizing this Document
     6.6 Extensibility

About this Document
     List of Contributors

Revision History


1. Introduction

1.1 Simple Sequencing Specification Overview

This document describes the XML Binding for the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing Information Model. It specifies an XML Schema binding conformant with the W3C's XML Schema Recommendation of 02 May 2001.

An XML binding using the Document Type Definition (DTD) format is specifically excluded from this binding specification. Other XML binding types such as Resource Description Format (RDF) may be added in the future.

The prose copy of the Sequencing Definition Model and Tracking Information Model contained within the Simple Sequencing Information and Behavior Model document are the normative and definitive specification of 1EdTech Simple Sequencing. All binding structures specified herein are not normative or definitive, with the exception of names for XSD structures. The XSD structure names as applied to the Sequencing Definition Model elements may not be redefined, nor may any XSD structures.

1.2 Scope and Context

This document is the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing XML Binding v1.0 Final Specification document and is derived from the corresponding Information and Behavior Model [SS, 03a]. As such it will be used as the basis for the development of the following document:

  • 1EdTech Simple Sequencing Best Practice and Implementation Guide v1.0 [SS, 03c].

1.3 Structure of this Document

The structure of this document is:

2. XML Basics A brief description of the key basics of XML. XML is the implementation language for the realization of the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing Information and Behavioral Model;
3. Narrative Description of the XML Binding A detailed description of the realization of the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing Information and Behavioral Model in XML;
4. Sequencing Definition Element Mapping The mapping of the XML binding elements and attributes to the information model data objects;
5. Physical Realization of the XML Binding The mapping of the XML binding elements and attributes to the different XML schema definition files (XSDs);
6. Normative Points Important normative statements that must be maintained by implementations of this XML binding.

1.4 Nomenclature

CP Content Packaging
DTD Document Type Definition
RDF Resource Description Format
SS Simple Sequencing
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
XML Extensible Mark-up Language
XSD XML Schema

1.5 References

[SS, 03a] 1EdTech Simple Sequencing Information and Behavior Model v1.0 Final Specification, March 2003.
[SS, 03c] 1EdTech Simple Sequencing Best Practice and Implementation Guide v1.0 Final Specification, March 2003.

2. XML Basics

The conceptual model for expressing sequencing definitions is a hierarchy. Hierarchical models are convenient for representing data consisting of many elements and sub-elements. XML is perfectly suited for representing hierarchical models. An XML document is a hierarchy comprised of elements that have contents and attributes.

2.1 Elements

An element is a component of a document that has been identified in a way a computer can understand. Each element has a tag name. When a tag name is shown as "<TAGNAME>", with less-than and greater-than symbols before and after the tag name, it serves as the start-tag to mark the beginning of an element. When that same tag name has a forward slash "/" added, it serves as an end-tag such as "</TAGNAME>". An element may have contents between its start and end-tags, and may have one or more attributes. When an XML element has a start and end-tag (also called an opening and closing tag) with a common name, it is considered to be "well-formed" XML. The contents of an element are placed between the start and end-tags as shown below:


2.1.1 Element Contents

An element may contain other elements, Parsed Character Data (PCDATA), Character Data (CDATA), or a mixture of PCDATA and elements. The allowable contents of an element are its content model. XML parsers treat PCDATA with their special or reserved meaning unless they are specifically marked (or "escaped"). In contrast, CDATA can use special or reserved characters without having to escape them, as CDATA is not read by XML parsers.

2.1.2 Element Attributes

An attribute provides additional information about an element. Attributes are a way of attaching characteristics or properties to the elements of a document. An element may have more than one attribute. Attributes are contained within the start tag of an element. Attributes are represented by an attribute name followed by an equal sign and the attribute value in quotation marks:

   <begin restrict="1"> 1999-07-23 </begin>

In this example, the timeframe element contains another element: the begin element. The begin element has one attribute "restrict", with the value "1". The value for the element BEGIN is "1999-07-23". These two elements then make up a timeframe begin date.

2.1.3 Element Names

Each element has a unique name, referred to as the tag name. XML is case-sensitive in its processing of tag names. The 1EdTech Simple Sequencing XML Binding Specification adheres to the following tag name rules:

  • All tag names will conform to the rules for element naming as given within the XML 1.0 Specification;
  • Names beginning in XML in any case or mix of cases are not permitted;
  • The 1EdTech binding will use camel case with initial lowercase tag and element names (such as "firstElementName");
  • Element names may not include words reserved by the XML specification. These include:
  • Tag names defined by this 1EdTech Binding may not be redefined.

2.2 Document Type Definitions

The tag name, content model, and attributes of elements were historically defined in a Document Type Definition (DTD) statement. A DTD is a kind of schema. It may exist as an external file or a block of text internal to an XML document. However, the DTD schema was developed before object-oriented programming concepts became prevalent within software development communities and before the use of entities drawn from multiple namespaces became a requirement. Those communities began working on other schema representations to provide more object-like structures and procedures and to support the flexible use of multiple namespaces than could be realized within the constraints of the DTD schema for describing and structuring the contents of XML documents. One such schema language has become today's preferred representation language: XML Schema produced by the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C).

2.3 XML Schemas

A schema is a formal specification of element names that indicates which elements are allowed in an XML instance, and in which combinations. New schema languages, such as those defined in the XML-Schemas Working Group, provide the same baseline functionality as a DTD. However, because these schema languages are extensible, developers can augment them with additional information, such as data types, inheritance, and presentation rules. This makes schema languages far more powerful than DTDs. For more information about XML schemas, visit http://www.w3.org/TR/smlschema-0/.

This specification defines a W3C XML Schema (imsss_bindv1p0.xsd) as a non-normative reference. Some XML editors may make use of these schemas to help guide the developer in creating the proper elements at the proper locations in an XML file. Other developers will make use of the schemas to validate their XML instances and/or to define extensions to the 1EdTech Meta-Data Binding. Details of the construction of schemas are outside the scope of this document.

2.4 Valid Character Sets

An 1EdTech Sequencing definition instance must use UTF-8 encoding of the character sets as defined in ISO 10646. See the XML Version 1.0 for more details on the specification of well-formed XML.

3. Narrative Description of the XML Binding

This section of the specification uses a series of graph segments, accompanied by simple narrative, to describe the XML format of the XML Schema definition (XSD) binding for the Sequencing Definition Model. XSD documents that implement this abstract format are referenced as non-normative parts of this specification.

These data elements and their relationships from the information model are expressed in XML Schema by means structuring entities called elements, attributes, and groups. These structuring entities are further typified as complex types or simple types. The XML Schema structuring entities comprise a binding of an information model when expressed in a special instance of an XML document - an XSD.

The Sequencing Definition Model also defines values or vocabulary terms required by certain data model elements. These controlled lists of terms or values can be expressed in XML Schema as restrictions placed on the values that may be declared for a given structuring element.

It is often necessary for bindings to create structuring entities with names that are not present in an information or data model that is being expressed in XML Schema. These special structuring entities enable the grouping and use of elements as defined in a data model.

The graphs below show individual elements encapsulated within larger structures, like complex types. Structures without child elements are not represented separately. The reader is referred to a binding document instance (.xsd) for the full lexical representation of all structures and values.

Key to graphical elements:

  • Rectangle with square corners = element
  • Rectangle with rounded corners, enclosed in red outline area = attribute
  • Bold name in upper half of rectangle: element/attribute name
  • Regular weight name in lower half of rectangle: type name
  • Circled Multiplicity indicator to left of element, attribute, or group:
      • ? = 0..1
      • * = 0..n
      • + = 1..n
      • D = 0..1, with default value if absent (attributes only)
      • (no indicator) = 1

Red Branching lines = XML Schema grouping model connector

  • Square bracket = "Sequence"
  • Angle bracket = "Choice"

3.1 <sequencingCollection> Element

Description: This is a container for individual sequencing instructions. If used, references to the contained sequencing instructions are embedded in the 1EdTech content package at the appropriate points. The actual sequencing details are then all collected and placed under the <sequencingCollection> element that is itself located at an agreed place within the content package.

<sequencingCollection> element


Figure 3.1 - <sequencingCollection> element.

Multiplicity: Appears as a child of the <manifest> element within an 1EdTech content package. Occurs zero or one times within any given manifest.

Attributes: None.


  • sequencing


The following minimal 1EdTech CP manifest (stripped of namespace definitions for clarity) shows how an <organization> can reference sequencing information that is stored at the top level of the manifest.

<manifest identifier = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1">
   <organizations default = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1.Org.1">
      <organization identifier = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1.Org.1">
         <item identifier = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1.Item.1"/>
         <imsss:sequencing IDRef = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1.Seq.1"/>
      <imsss:sequencing ID = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1.Seq.1">
         <!-- Sequencing info goes here -->

The following minimal 1EdTech CP manifest (stripped of namespace definitions for clarity) shows how locally defined information overrides referenced information when using both in the same <sequencing> element.

<manifest identifier = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1">
   <organizations default = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1.Org.1">
      <organization identifier = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1.Org.1">
         <item identifier = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1.Item.1"/>
         <imsss:sequencing IDRef = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1.Seq.1">
            <imsss:limitConditions attemptLimit="1"/>
            <!-- This element has a limit of 1 attempt, and the begin time limit is 
                undefined, because the inline element overrides the referenced element. 
                However, this element has choice and choiceExit both false, because of the 
                referenced element. -->
      <imsss:sequencing ID = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1.Seq.1">
         <imsss:controlMode choice="false" choiceExit="false"/>
         <imsss:limitConditions attemptLimit="2" beginTimeLimit="2002-10-16T12:00:00"/>

3.2 <sequencing> Element

Description: Sequencing information is associated with items in a hierarchical structure by associating a single <sequencing> element with the hierarchical item. In the context of 1EdTech CP, this is done by including the <sequencing> element within either an <item> element or an <organization> element.

Sequencing information can be reused across multiple items. This is done by using the "IDRef" attribute of the <sequencing> element, and assigning the ID of the <sequencing> element to use to the "IDRef" attribute. The <sequencing> elements that are referred to using this mechanism may be stored in a <sequencingCollection> element placed at the top level of the manifest.

Note the following restrictions on the use of "IDRef" attributes. <sequencing> elements that are children of the <sequencingCollection> element may not have an "IDRef" attribute. Further, the "IDRef" attribute, when used, must reference a <sequencing> element that is a child of the <sequencingCollection> element in the same manifest.

Note that the in-line definition of sequencing information (using the various elements contained within the <sequencing> element) and the referencing of sequencing information (using the "IDRef" attribute) are not mutually exclusive for any particular element in the hierarchical structure. If a <sequencing> element uses both the "IDRef" attribute and in-line definition, any top-level element defined in-line overrides any similar element defined in the referenced element. Note that this override is for the entire top-level element, and not for individual parts of the top-level element.

<sequencing> element


Figure 3.2 - <sequencing> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs once or more within the <sequencingCollection> element, if the <sequencingCollection> element is present. Occurs zero or once for each <item> or <organization> within an 1EdTech content package.


  • ID (optional). The unique identifier assigned to this sequencing set.
    Data type= ID (XML) string.
  • IDRef (optional). Reference to the unique identifier assigned to this sequencing set. This is used to link this reference to the declared sequencing set that must be defined somewhere in the same XML document.
    Data type= IDREF (XML) string.


  • controlMode
  • sequencingRules
  • limitConditions
  • auxiliaryResources
  • rollupRules
  • objectives
  • randomizationControls
  • deliveryControls
  • #wildcard


<manifest identifier = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1">
   <organizations default = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1.Org.1">
      <organization identifier = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1.Org.1">
         <item identifier = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1.Item.1"/>
         <imsss:sequencing IDRef = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1.Seq.1">
            <imsss:limitConditions attemptLimit="1"/>
            <!-- This element has a limit of 1 attempt, and the begin time limit is 
                undefined, because the inline element overrides the referenced element. 
                However, this element has choice and choiceExit both false, because of the 
                referenced element. -->
      <imsss:sequencing ID = "IMSSS.TestManifest.1.Seq.1">
         <imsss:controlMode choice="false" choiceExit="false"/>
         <imsss:limitConditions attemptLimit="2" beginTimeLimit="2002-10-16T12:00:00"/>

3.3 <controlMode> Element

Description: This is the container for the sequencing control mode information including descriptions of the types of sequencing behaviors specified for an activity. Simple Sequencing processes may reference the sequencing control modes for any activity in the activity tree and the default values are used if the data is not defined for a given activity.

<controlMode> element


Figure 3.3 - <controlMode> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or once in the <sequencing> element.


  • choice (optional. Default = 'true'). Corresponds to SM.1:1 Sequencing Control Choice.
    Data type= Boolean.
  • choiceExit (optional. Default = 'true'). Corresponds to SM.1:2 Sequencing Control Choice Exit.
    Data type= Boolean
  • flow (optional. Default = 'false'). Corresponds to SM.1:3 Sequencing Control Flow.
    Data type= Boolean
  • forwardOnly (optional. Default = 'false'). Corresponds to SM.1:4 Sequencing Control Forward Only.
    Data type= Boolean
  • useCurrentAttemptObjectiveInfo (optional. Default = 'true'). Corresponds to SM.1:5 Use Current Attempt Objective Information.
    Data type= Boolean
  • useCurrentAttemptProgressInfo (optional. Default = 'true'). Corresponds to SM.1:6 Use Current Attempt Progress Information.
    Data type= Boolean

Elements: None.

3.4 <sequencingRules> Element

Description: The container for a sequencing rule description. Each rule describes the sequencing behavior for an activity. Each activity may have an unlimited number of sequencing rules and within any grouping the rules are evaluated in the order in which they are listed.

<sequencingRules> element


Figure 3.4 - <sequencingRules> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or once in the <sequencing> element.

Attributes: None.


  • preConditionRule
  • exitConditionRule
  • postConditionRule

3.4.1 <preConditionRule> Element

Description: The container for the description of actions that control sequencing decisions and delivery of a specific activity. Rules that include such actions are used to determine if the activity will be delivered.

<preConditionRule> element


Figure 3.5 - <preConditionRule> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or more times in the <sequencingRules> element.

Attributes: None.


  • ruleConditions
  • ruleAction


The following example shows a precondition rule that causes the associated item to be disabled if it is either completed or satisfied:

         <ruleConditions conditionCombination = "any">
            <ruleCondition condition = "completed"/>
            <ruleCondition condition = "satisfied"/>
         <ruleAction action = "disabled"/>
</sequencing> <ruleAction> Element (within a <preConditionRule> element)

Description: The desired sequencing behavior if the precondition rule evaluates to 'True'.

<ruleAction> element


Figure 3.6 - <ruleAction> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs once and only once within a <preConditionRule> element.


  • action (required. An enumerated vocabulary of: 'skip', 'disabled', 'hiddenFromChoice', 'stopForwardTraversal'). Corresponds to SM.2:3 Rule Action.
    Data type= Token.

Elements: None.

3.4.2 <exitConditionRule> Element

Description: The container for the description of actions that terminate an activity. Rules that include such actions are applied when a descendent of an activity exits.

<exitConditionRule> element


Figure 3.7 - <exitConditionRule> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or more times in the <sequencingRules> element.

Attributes: None.


  • ruleConditions
  • ruleAction <ruleAction> Element (within a <exitConditionRule> element)

Description: The desired sequencing behavior if the exit rule evaluates to 'True'.

<ruleAction> element


Figure 3.8 - <ruleAction> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs once and only once within a <exitConditionRule> element.


  • action (required. An enumerated vocabulary of: 'exit'). Corresponds to SM.2:3 Rule Action.
    Data type= Token.

Elements: None.

3.4.3 <postConditionRule> Element

Description: The container for the description of actions that control sequencing flow by issuing sequencing requests. Rules that include such actions are applied when an activity exits.

<postConditionRule> element


Figure 3.9 - <postConditionRule> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or more times in the <sequencingRules> element.

Attributes: None.


  • ruleConditions
  • ruleAction <ruleAction> Element (within a <postConditionRule> element)

Description: The desired sequencing behavior if the postcondition rule evaluates to 'True'.

<ruleAction> element


Figure 3.10 - <ruleAction> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs once and only once within a <postConditionRule> element.


  • action (required. An enumerated vocabulary of: 'exitParent', 'exitAll', 'retry', 'retryAll', 'continue', 'previous'). Corresponds to SM.2:3 Rule Action.
    Data type= Token.

Elements: None.

3.4.4 <ruleConditions> Element (for all rule types)

Description: The container for the set of conditions that are to be applied either the pre/post/exit condition rules.

<ruleConditions> element


Figure 3.11 - <ruleConditions> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or one times within the <preConditionRule>, <exitConditionRule>, and <postConditionRule> elements.


  • conditionCombination (optional. Non-enumerated vocabulary of: 'all', 'any'. Default = 'any'). Corresponds to SM.2:1 Condition Combination.
    Data type= Token.


  • ruleCondition

3.4.5 <ruleCondition> Element (for all rule types)

Description: Identification of a condition to be applied as part of the sequencing pre/post/exit rule.

<ruleCondition> element


Figure 3.12 - <ruleCondition> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs once or more times within the <ruleConditions> element.


  • referencedObjective (optional). Corresponds to SM.2:2.2 Rule Condition Referenced Objective.
    Data type= anyURI.
  • measureThreshold (optional). Corresponds to SM.2:2.3 Rule Condition Measure Threshold.
    Data type= Real number in the rage -1.0000 to 1.0000 with a precision of at least four decimal places and a default value of 0.000.
  • operator (optional. An enumerated vocabulary of: 'not', 'noOp'. Default = 'noOp'). Corresponds to SM.2:2.4 Rule Condition Operator.
    Data type= Token.
  • condition (required. An enumerated vocabulary of: 'satisfied', 'objectiveStatusKnown', 'objectiveMeasureKnown', 'objectiveMeasureGreaterThan', 'objectiveMeasureLessThan', 'completed', 'activityProgressKnown', 'attempted', 'attemptLimitExceeded', 'timeLimtExceeded', 'outsideAvailableTimeRange', 'always'). Corresponds to SM.2:2.1 Rule Condition.
    Data type= Token.

Elements: None.

3.5 <limitConditions> Element

Description: Defines the constraints on the access to an activity based on the time of day, time spent on the activity and number of attempts.

<limitConditions> element


Figure 3.13 - <limitConditions> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or once in the <sequencing> element.


  • attemptLimit (optional). The presence or absence of this attribute corresponds to SM.3:1 Limit Condition Attempt Control. If present, the value of this attribute corresponds to SM.3:2 Limit Condition Attempt Limit.
    Data type= nonNegativeInteger.
  • attemptAbsoluteDurationLimit (optional). The presence or absence of this attribute corresponds to SM.3:3 Limit Condition Attempt Absolute Duration Control. If present, the value of this attribute corresponds to SM.3:4 Limit Condition Attempt Absolute Duration Limit.
    Data type= duration (accuracy = 0.1s).
  • attemptExperiencedDurationLimit (optional). The presence or absence of this attribute corresponds to SM.3:5 Limit Condition Attempt Experienced Duration Control. If present, the value of this attribute corresponds to SM.3:6 Limit Condition Attempt Experienced Duration Limit.
    Data type= duration (accuracy = 0.1s).
  • activityAbsoluteDurationLimit (optional). The presence or absence of this attribute corresponds to SM.3:7 Limit Condition Activity Absolute Duration Control. If present, the value of this attribute corresponds to SM.3:8 Limit Condition Activity Absolute Duration Limit.
    Data type= duration (accuracy = 0.1s).
  • activityExperiencedDurationLimit (optional). The presence or absence of this attribute corresponds to SM.3:9 Limit Condition Activity Experienced Duration Control. If present, the value of this attribute corresponds to SM.3:10 Limit Condition Activity Experienced Duration Limit.
    Data type= duration (accuracy = 0.1s).
  • beginTimeLimit (optional). The presence or absence of this attribute corresponds to SM.3:11 Limit Condition Begin Time Limit Control. If present, the value of this attribute corresponds to SM.3:12 Limit Condition Begin Time Limit.
    Data type= dateTime (accuracy = 0.1s).
  • endTimeLimit (optional). The presence or absence of this attribute corresponds to SM.3:13 Limit Condition End Time Limit Control. If present, the value of this attribute corresponds to SM.3:14 Limit Condition End Time Limit.
    Data type= dateTime (accuracy = 0.1s).

Elements: None.

3.6 <auxiliaryResources> Element

Description: The container for the set of references to the set of auxiliary resources. When an activity is delivered to the learner the auxiliary resources are also made available. The order in which the auxiliary resources are described is not significant.

<auxiliaryResources> element


Figure 3.14 - <auxiliaryResources> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or once in the <sequencing> element.

Attributes: None.


  • auxiliaryResource

3.6.1 <auxiliaryResource> Element

Description: The container for the information describing a single auxiliary resource.

<auxiliaryResource> element


Figure 3.15 - <auxiliaryResource> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or more times in the <auxiliaryResources> element.


  • auxiliaryResourceID (Required). Corresponds to SM.4:1 Resource ID.
    Data type= anyURI.
  • purpose (Required). Corresponds to SM.4:2 Purpose.
    Data type= String.

Elements: None.

3.7 <rollupRules> Element

Description: The container for the set of rollup rules that are to be applied to an activity. Each activity may have an unlimited number of rollup rules and the order in which they are defined is not significant.

<rollupRules> element


Figure 3.16 - <rollupRules> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or once in the <sequencing> element.


  • rollupObjectiveSatisfied (optional. Default = 'true'). Corresponds to SM.8:1 Rollup Objective Satisfied.
    Data type= Boolean.
  • rollupProgressCompletion (optional. Default = 'true'). Corresponds to SM.8:3 Rollup Progress Completion.
    Data type= Boolean.
  • objectiveMeasureWeight (optional. Default = '1.0000'). Corresponds to SM.8:2 Rollup Objective Measure Weight.
    Data type= Real number range 0.0000 to 1.0000 (precision to at least 4 significant decimal places).


  • rollupRule

3.7.1 <rollupRule> Element

Description: The container for each rollup rule that is to be applied to an activity. The general format for a rule can be expressed informally as 'If child-activity set, condition set Then action'. Multiple conditions are permitted.

<rollupRule> element


Figure 3.17 - <rollupRule> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or more times in the <rollupRules> element.


  • childActivitySet (optional. Non-enumerated vocabulary of: 'all', 'any', 'none', 'atLeastCount', 'atLeastPercent'. Default = 'all'). Corresponds to SM.5:1 Rollup Child Activity Set.
    Data type= String.
  • minimumCount (optional. Default = '0'). Corresponds to SM.5:1.1 Rollup Minimum Count.
    Data type= nonNegativeInteger.
  • minimumPercent (optional. Default = '0.0000'). Corresponds to SM.5:1.2 Rollup Minimum Percent.
    Data type= Real number range 0.0000 to 1.0000 (precision to at least 4 significant decimal places).


  • rollupConditions
  • rollupAction


The following rollup rule, if attached to an item, states that the item is satisfied if at least three of its children are either satisfied or completed.

      <rollupRule childActivitySet = "atLeastCount" minimumCount = "3">
         <rollupConditions conditionCombination = "any">
            <rollupCondition condition = "satisfied"/>
            <rollupCondition condition = "completed"/>
         <rollupAction action = "satisfied"/>

3.7.2 <rollupConditions> Element

Description: The container for the set of conditions that are applied within a single rollup rule.

<rollupConditions> element


Figure 3.18 - <rollupConditions> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs once in the <rollupRule> element.


  • conditionCombination (optional. Non-enumerated vocabulary of: 'all', 'any'. Default = 'any'). Corresponds to SM.5:2 Condition Combination.
    Data type=Token.


  • rollupCondition

3.7.3 <rollupCondition> Element

Description: Identification of a condition to be applied in the rollup rule.

<rollupCondition> element


Figure 3.19 - <rollupCondition> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs once or more in the <rollupConditions> element.


  • operator (optional. Non-enumerated vocabulary of: 'not', 'noOp'. Default = 'noOp'). Corresponds to SM.5:3.2 Rollup Condition Operator.
    Data type=Token.
  • condition (required. Non-enumerated vocabulary of: 'satisfied', 'objectiveStatusKnown', 'objectiveMeasureKnown', 'completed', 'activityProgressKnown', 'attempted', 'attemptLimitExceeded', 'timeLimtExceeded', 'outsideAvailableTimeRange'). Corresponds to SM.5:3.1 Rollup Condition.
    Data type=Token.

Elements: None.

3.7.4 <rollupAction> Element

Description: The action that is to be undertaken if the rollup rule is declared as 'True'.

<rollupAction> element


Figure 3.20 - <rollupAction> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs once in the <rollupRule> element.


  • action (required. Non-enumerated vocabulary of: 'satisfied', 'notSatisfied', 'completed', 'incomplete'). Corresponds to SM.5:4 Rollup Action.
    Data type=Token.

Elements: None.

3.8 <objectives> Element

Description: The container for the set of objectives that are to be associated with an activity. Each activity must have at least one primary objective and may have an unlimited number of objectives.

<cke:objectives> element


Figure 3.21 - <objectives> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or once in the <sequencing> element.

Attributes: None.


  • primaryObjective
  • objective

3.8.1 <primaryObjective> Element

Description: Identifies the objective that contributes to the rollup associated with the activity.

<primaryObjective> element


Figure 3.22 - <primaryObjective> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs once in the <objectives> element.


  • satisfiedByMeasure (optional. Default = 'false'). Corresponds to SM.6:2 Objective Satisfied by Measure.
    Data type= Boolean.
  • objectiveID (optional). Corresponds to SM.6:1 Objective ID. If Objective Maps are defined for this objective, this also corresponds to SM.7:1 Activity Objective ID.
    Data type= anyURI.


  • minNormalizedMeasure
  • mapInfo

3.8.2 <objective> Element

Description: Identifies objectives that do not contribute to rollup associated with the activity.

<cke:objective> element


Figure 3.23 - <objective> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or once in the <objectives> element.


  • satisfiedByMeasure (optional. Default = 'false'). Corresponds to SM.6:2 Objective Satisfied by Measure.
    Data type= Boolean.
  • objectiveID (required). Corresponds to SM.6:1 Objective ID. If Objective Maps are defined for this objective, this also corresponds to SM.7:1 Activity Objective ID.
    Data type= anyURI.


  • minNormalizedMeasure
  • mapInfo

3.8.3 <minNormalizedMeasure> Element

Description: Defines the minimum satisfaction measure for the objective normalized between -1 and 1. If the objective value of 'Objective Normalized Measure' exceeds this value, the objective value of 'Objective Data Status' is set to 'true' and the objective value of 'Objective Satisfied Status' is set to 'true'. It has a real number in the range -1.0000 to 1.000 with a precision of at least four decimal places and has a default value of 1.0000.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or once on the <primaryObjective> and <objective> elements.

Attributes: None.

Elements: None.

3.8.4 <mapInfo> Element

Description: The container for the objective map description. This defines the mapping of an activity's local objective information to and from a shared global objective. Each activity may have an unlimited number of objective maps.

Note that the information model defines constraints on how objectives may be mapped to and from global objectives, to assure that there is never an indeterminate state on any objective. While the XSD document does not enforce these constraints, they are still normative on all binding instances.

<mapInfo> element


Figure 3.24 - <mapInfo> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero, once, or an unlimited number of times on the <primaryObjective> and <objective> elements.


  • targetObjectiveID (required). Corresponds to SM.7:2 Target Objective ID.
    Data type= anyURI.
  • readSatisfiedStatus (optonal. Default = 'true'). Corresponds to SM.7:3 Read Objective Satisfied Status.
    Data type= Boolean.
  • readNormalizedMeasure (optonal. Default = 'true'). Corresponds to SM.7:5 Read Objective Normalized Measure.
    Data type= Boolean.
  • writeSatisfiedStatus (optonal. Default = 'false'). Corresponds to SM.7:4 Write Objective Satisfied Status.
    Data type= Boolean.
  • writeNormalizedMeasure (optonal. Default = 'false'). Corresponds to SM.7:6 Write Objective Normalized Measure.
    Data type= Boolean.

Elements: None.

3.9 <randomizationControls> Element

Description: The container for the descriptions of how children of an activity should be ordered during the sequence process. Simple Sequencing processes may reference the randomization control data for any activity in the activity tree and when this is absent the default values should be used.

<randomizationControls> element


Figure 3.25 - <randomizationControls> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or once in the <sequencing> element.


  • randomizationTiming (optional. Non-enumerated vocabulary of: 'never', 'once', 'onEachNewAttempt'. Default = 'never'). Corresponds to SM.10:1 Randomization Timing.
    Data type= Token.
  • selectCount (optional). The presence or absence of this attribute corresponds to SM.9:2 Selection Count Status. If present, the value of this attribute corresponds to SM.9:3 Selection Count.
    Data type= nonNegativeInteger.
  • reorderChildren (optional. Default = 'false'). Corresponds to SM.10:2 Randomize Children.
    Data type= Boolean.
  • selectionTiming (optional. Non-enumerated vocabulary of: 'never', 'once', 'onEachNewAttempt'. Default = 'never'). Corresponds to SM.9:1 Selection Timing.
    Data type= Token.

Elements: None.

3.10 <deliveryControls> Element

Description: This contains the description of the actions and controls used when an activity is delivered. Simple Sequencing processes may reference the delivery control data for any activity in the activity tree. The delivery controls are optional and if these are absent then the default values must be used.

<deliveryControls> element


Figure 3.26 - <deliveryControls> element.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or once in the <sequencing> element.


  • tracked (optional. Default = 'true'). Corresponds to SM.11:1 Tracked.
    Data type= Boolean.
  • completionSetByContent (optional. Default = 'false'). Corresponds to SM.11:2 Completion Set by Content.
    Data type= Boolean.
  • objectiveSetByContent (optional. Default = 'false'). Corresponds to SM.11:3 Objective Set by Content.
    Data type= Boolean.

Elements: None.

3.11 #wildCard

Description: This is the Simple Sequencing Binding extension facility.

Multiplicity: Occurs zero or more times in the <sequencing> element.

Attributes: None.

Elements: None.

4. Sequencing Definition Element Mapping

This section contains several tables. Table 4.1 maps a Sequencing Definition element by its number and name as listed in the Simple Sequencing Information Model specification to the XML Schema entity used to represent it in the XML Schema binding. The Schema entity's name, kind of structure, and type are provided.

The Sequencing Definition and Tracking Definition Models identify data elements in a dot-delimited enumeration and by a name. The dot-delimited enumeration typifies the relationship of elements to each other, where elements with a numeral following a dot are subordinate to elements who share the same numeric value to the left of a dot. The enumeration within a table is separated from the enumeration of the table by a colon character; thus, element 2.1 in table SM.2 is identified as "SM.2:2.1". The enumeration typically does not imply a strict sequence or order of occurrence. It merely implies a group relationship.

In some cases, two Information Model elements map to the same XML Schema entity. Unless otherwise noted, the following rules apply:

  • If one of the IM elements is of type boolean, and the other is not, the boolean IM element maps to the presence or absence of the XML Schema entity, and the other IM element maps to the contents of the XML Schema entity. In such cases, the boolean type element will be marked with an asterisk.
  • If both of the IM elements are of type complexType, then the XML Schema entity represents the union of the two IM elements.

Table 4.1 also includes references to additional XML Schema structures used to properly express the relationships or controlled lists of Sequencing Definition element values. These additional XML Schema structures are inserted into Table 4.1 in proximity to the Sequencing Definition elements they describe.

XSD elements of type complexType and simpleType may be nested. Table 4.1 does not show this nesting. Separate tables in this section provide the further details for nested elements defined as complexType or simpleType. In those tables, the element number from the Sequencing Definition or Tracking Definition model and the XML Schema element name are used to associate a nested Schema structuring entity with the appropriate element from the Sequencing Definition model.


Table 4.1 - Sequencing Definition elements mapped to XML Schema (XSD) structures.

No. SD/TD Element Name XSD Entity Name XSD Structure XSD Type


sequencingCollection element complexType
SM.12 Sequencing Description sequencing element complexType
SM.12 Sequencing Description sequencingRef element complexType
SM.1 Sequencing Control Modes controlMode element complexType
:1 Sequencing Control Choice choice attribute boolean
:2 Sequencing Control Choice Exit choiceExit attribute boolean
:3 Sequencing Control Flow flow attribute boolean
:4 Sequencing Control Forward Only forwardOnly attribute boolean
:5 Use Current Attempt Objective Progress Information useCurrentAttemptObjectiveInfo attribute boolean
:6 Use Current Attempt Progress Information useCurrentAttemptProgressInfo attribute boolean


sequencingRules element complexType
SM.2 Sequencing Rule Description preConditionRule
element complexType
:1 Condition Combination conditionCombination element complexType
:2 Rule Conditions ruleConditions element complexType


ruleCondition element complexType
:2.1 Rule Condition condition attribute simpleType
:2.2 Rule Condition Referenced Objective referencedObjective attribute string
:2.3 Rule Condition Measure Threshold measureThreshold attribute simpleType
:2.4 Rule Condition Operator operator attribute simpleType


ruleAction element complexType
:3 Rule Action action attribute simpleType
SM.3 Limit Conditions Description limitConditions element complexType
:1 Limit Condition Attempt Control attemptLimit element boolean *
:2 Limit Condition Attempt Limit attemptLimit element nonNegativeInteger
:3 Limit Condition Attempt Absolute Duration Control attemptAbsoluteDurationLimit element boolean *
:4 Limit Condition Attempt Absolute Duration Limit attemptAbsoluteDurationLimit element duration
:5 Limit Condition Attempt Experienced Duration Control attemptExperiencedDurationLimit element boolean *
:6 Limit Condition Attempt Experienced Duration Limit attemptExperiencedDurationLimit element duration
:7 Limit Condition Activity Absolute Duration Control activityAbsoluteDurationLimit element boolean *
:8 Limit Condition Activity Absolute Duration Limit activityAbsoluteDurationLimit element duration
:9 Limit Condition Activity Experienced Duration Control activityExperiencedDurationLimit element boolean *
:10 Limit Condition Activity Experienced Duration Limit activityExperiencedDurationLimit element duration
:11 Limit Condition Begin Time Limit Control beginTimeLimit element boolean *
:12 Limit Condition Begin Time Limit beginTimeLimit element dateTime
:13 Limit Condition End Time Limit Control endTimeLimit element boolean *
:14 Limit Condition End Time Limit Limit endTimeLimit element dateTime


auxiliaryResources element complexType
SM.4 Auxiliary Resource Description auxiliaryResource element complexType
:1 Resource ID auxiliaryResourceID attribute string
:2 Purpose purpose attribute string


rollupRules element complexType
SM.5 Rollup Rule Description rollupRule element complexType
:1 Rollup Child Activity Set childActivitySet attribute simpleType
:1.1 Rollup Minimum Count minimumCount attribute integer
:1.2 Rollup Minimum Percent minimumPercent attribute decimal
:2 Condition Combination conditionCombination attribute simpleType
:3 Rollup Conditions rollupConditions element complexType


rollupCondition element complexType
:3.1 Rollup Condition condition attribute simpleType
:3.2 Rollup Condition Operator operator attribute simpleType


rollupAction element complexType
:4 Rollup Action action attribute simpleType


objectives element complexType
SM.6 Objective Description primaryObjective
element complexType
:1 Objective ID objectiveID attribute string
:2 Objective Satisfied By Measure satisfiedByMeasure attribute boolean
:3 Objective Minimum Satisfied Normalized Measure minNormalizedMeasure element simpleType
:4 Objective Contributes To Rollup primaryObjective element boolean *


objectives element complexType
SM.7 Objective Map mapInfo element complexType
:1 Activity Objective ID objectiveID attribute string
:2 Target Objective ID targetObjectiveID attribute string
:3 Read Objective Satisfied Status readSatisfiedStatus attribute boolean
:4 Write Objective Satisfied Status writeSatisfiedStatus attribute boolean
:5 Read Objective Normalized Measure readNormalizedMeasure attribute boolean
:6 Write Objective Normalized Measure writeNormalizedMeasure attribute boolean
SM.8 Rollup Controls rollupRules element complexType
:1 Rollup Objective Satisfied rollupObjectiveSatisfied attribute boolean
:2 Rollup Objective Measure Weight objectiveMeasureWeight attribute simpleType
:3 Rollup Progress Completion rollupProgressCompletion attribute boolean
SM.9 Selection Controls randomizationControls element complexType
:1 Selection Timing selectionTiming attribute simpleType
:2 Selection Count Status selectCount attribute boolean *
:3 Selection Count selectCount attribute nonNegativeInteger
SM.10 Randomization Controls randomizationControls element complexType
:1 Randomization Timing randomizationTiming attribute simpleType
:2 Randomize Children reorderChildren attribute boolean
SM.11 Delivery Controls deliveryControls element complexType
:1 Tracked tracked attribute boolean
:2 Completion Set By Content completionSetByContent attribute boolean
:3 Objective Set By Content objectiveSetByContent attribute boolean

4.1 Mapping Sequencing Definition Elements to XSD Entities of simpleType


Table 4.2 - Simple Types with Restricted Enumerations.

No. XSD Name XSD Enumeration Value XSD Data Type Sequencing Definition Model Values
SM.2:1 conditionCombination all token All


any token Any
SM.2:2.1 condition satisfied token Satisfied


objectiveStatusKnown token Objective Status Known


objectiveMeasureKnown token Objective Measure Known


objectiveMeasureGreaterThan token Objective Measure Greater Than


objectiveMeasureLessThan token Objective Measure Less Than


completed token Completed


activityProgressKnown token Activity Progress Known


attempted token Attempted


attemptLimitExceeded token Attempt Limit Exceeded


timeLimitExceeded token Time Limit Exceeded


outsideAvailableTimeRange token Outside Available Time Range


always token Always
SM.2:2.4 operator not token Not


noOp token NO-OP
SM.2:3 action skip token Skip


disabled token Disabled


hiddenFromChoice token Hidden from Choice


stopForwardTraversal token Stop Forward Traversal


exitParent token Exit Parent


exitAll token Exit All


retry token Retry


retryAll token Retry All


continue token Continue


previous token Previous


exit token Exit
SM.5:1 childActivitySet all token All


any token Any


none token None


atLeastCount token At Least Count


atLeastPercent token At Least Percent
SM.5:2 conditionCombination all token All


any token Any
SM.5:3.1 condition satisfied token Satisfied


objectiveStatusKnown token Objective Status Known


objectiveMeasureKnown token Objective Measure Known


completed token Completed


activityProgressKnown token Activity Progress Known


attempted token Attempted


attemptLimitExceeded token Attempt Limit Exceeded


timeLimitExceeded token Time Limit Exceeded


outsideAvailableTimeRange token Outside Available Time Range
SM.5:3.2 operator not token Not


noOp token NO-OP
SM.5:4 action satisfied token Satisfied


notSatisfied token Not Satisfied


completed token Completed


incomplete token Incomplete
SM.9:1 selectionTiming never token Never


once token Once


onEachNewAttempt token On Each New Attempt
SM.10:1 randomTiming never token Never


once token Once


onEachNewAttempt token On Each New Attempt


Table 4.3 - Simple Types with Restricted Numerical Types.

No. XSD Name XSD Base Type MinInclusive MaxInclusive
SM.2:2.3 measureThreshold decimal -1 1
SM.5:1.2 minimumPercent decimal 0 1
SM.6:3 minNormalizedMeasure decimal -1 1
SM.8:2 objectiveMeasureWeight decimal 0 1

5. Physical Realization of the XML Binding

The XML Binding has been released as a set of XSDs. The binding is implemented as a series of files which are linked using the XML XSD 'include' statement; the hierarchical relationship is shown in Figure 5.1. The XSD files created to realize the binding are:

  • The bindings that are defined for each of the core data structures are:
      • 'imsss_v1p0.xsd' - the SS root XML structure
      • 'imsss_v1p0auxresource.xsd' - the auxiliary resources core data structure
      • 'imsss_v1p0control.xsd' - the 'controlMode' core data structure
      • 'imsss_v1p0delivery.xsd' - the 'deliveryControls' core data structure
      • 'imsss_v1p0limit.xsd' - the 'limitConditions' core data structure
      • 'imsss_v1p0objective.xsd' - the 'objectives' core data structure
      • 'imsss_v1p0random.xsd' - the 'randomizationControls' core data structure
      • 'imsss_v1p0rollup.xsd' - the rollup rules core data structure
      • 'imsss_v1p0seqrule.xsd' - the sequencing rules core data structure
      • 'imsss_v1p0util.xsd' - the set of utility declarations used by other XSD files

The hierarchical relationship of the SS XSD files


Figure 5.1 - The hierarchical relationship of the SS XSD files.

6. Normative Points

6.1 XML Schema File Naming Convention

Conformant with 1EdTech file naming conventions, an 1EdTech Simple Sequencing XML Schema binding instance shall be named according to this syntactical model: imsss_vmpn[pr[ps]].xsd, where

  • "imsss_" signifies that the file pertains to the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing (1EdTech SS) Specification,
  • "vm" is a major version of the 1EdTech SS Specification defined by a binding instance, where "m" is the major version number, and is always followed by
  • "pn", which signifies a minor version of the 1EdTech SS Specification defined by a binding instance, where "n" is minor version number, and where
  • [pr[ps]] is an optional set of major release and minor release numbers (as indicated by the brackets which are not part of the file name), depending on changes to schema instances themselves that are not driven by a change to a normative instance of the 1EdTech SS Specification, with
  • "pr" representing a major release component without an additional minor release part, where "r" is the major release number, and with
  • "ps" representing a minor release component modifying an major release component, where "s" is the minor release number.

Non-normative examples of XML Schema file names for 1EdTech SS:

  • "imsss_v1p0.xsd" is a binding tied to 1EdTech Simple Sequencing v1.0;
  • "imsss_v1p0p1.xsd" is a 'major' revision of the imsss_v1p0.xsd binding instance;
  • "imsss_v1p0p1p1.xsd" is 'minor' revision of imsss_v1p0p1.xsd binding instance.

6.2 Namespace URI (Namespace Identifier)

The namespace URI for 1EdTech Simple Sequencing shall be: http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsss/

6.2.1 Location of Current 1EdTech Sequencing Binding Instance

The .xsd file found at http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsss/ shall be the current XML Schema binding instance of the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing Information Model normative elements and values. This file will change.

6.2.2 Location of Versioned 1EdTech Sequencing Binding Instances

Versioned instances of each binding for 1EdTech Simple Sequencing, including all major or minor release instances of that version's binding, can be found at http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsss/vmpn/, where "vmpn" is a folder named for a versioned instance of the specification. These instances will not change.

For example, the non-normative examples of XML Schema files named for various binding instances of 1EdTech Simple Sequencing v1.0 would be held at this location: http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsss/v1p0/ .

6.3 Namespace Name

The namespace Name used as the prefix of an XML Namespace Qualified Name instance of an 1EdTech Simple Sequencing binding instance used in other XML documents shall be imsss.

For example, when declaring the 1EdTech SS namespace URI in an 1EdTech manifest, this attribute representation would be used:


An element of the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing declared in an XML document where the imsss namespace is declared would appear like this:


6.4 Versioning a Binding Instance

A binding version of the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing Specification shall always reflect the current version number of the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing specification, whether or not binding structures change across specification instances. That is, the file name of the current binding instance shall share the same major and minor version number of the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing specification.

A change to binding structures without a related change to a specification version shall result in an increment of the major or minor revision level component of a binding's file name.

Changes to binding structures without a related change in a specification shall result in an increment of the major revision level.

Changes to structure names or values without changes in structures themselves or the meaning associated with a value shall result in an increment of the minor revision level.

All versioning and revisioning shall be reflected in a binding's file name and complete version information. This new binding shall become the current binding found at http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsss/. The obsolete binding shall be moved to its place within the imsss file path structure based on the value of its version level component, excluding the revision level component.

6.5 Localization

6.5.1 Localizing Binding Structure Names and Values

An 1EdTech Simple Sequencing binding's structure names and values shall be represented as depicted in the Tables within Section 3 of this document. This will ensure machine-level interoperability of sequencing information.

US English annotations and comment strings within an 1EdTech binding shall occur in all binding instances of an 1EdTech Simple Sequencing binding. Localized annotations and comments may be added to the US English annotations and comment strings within an 1EdTech binding as deemed necessary by 1EdTech stakeholders. Such localization activity in a binding shall promote a binding instance to the next increment in minor revision level.

6.5.2 Localizing this Document

This binding document may be rendered into different lingual representations except for the US English representations of:

  • Binding structure names;
  • Binding structure values;
  • File naming syntax and examples;
  • Binding namespace URI;
  • Binding file path representation;
  • Binding namespace name.

Localization of this document shall not cause any change in specification version numbering or binding revision instance numbering.

6.6 Extensibility

The 1EdTech Simple Sequencing Binding provides one and only one mechanism for extending binding instances: the "wildcard" element contained in the top level of the "sequencing" element. All other extensions to binding instances are prohibited. This means:

  • The 1EdTech Simple Sequencing XML Schema Definition File shall not be modified;
  • Elements within the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing namespace shall not be modified;
  • All elements in an instance document that are defined to be within the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing namespace shall conform exactly to the definition of that element provided in this binding description document;
  • Elements in another namespace shall not be substituted for elements in the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing namespace (via the XML Schema substitution group mechanism, for example, or via any other mechanism);
  • The vocabularies defined for elements and attributes within the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing namespace shall not be extended or restricted within the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing namespace.

The 1EdTech Simple Sequencing XML Schema Definition file enforces these restrictions by defining block="#all" on all elements in the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing namespace.

Further, extensions to the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing namespace are prohibited. This means:

  • All extensions shall be in a namespace other than the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing namespace.

The 1EdTech Simple Sequencing XML Schema Definition file enforces this restriction by defining namespace="##other" on the wildcard element defined within the sequencing element in the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing namespace.

As a potential aid to implementers, the types defined in the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing XML Schema Definition file may be imported into other namespaces and reused within those other namespaces. However, any such reuse shall be consistent with the restrictions defined in the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing Specification document.

About this Document

Title 1EdTech Simple Sequencing XML Binding
Editors Mark Norton (1EdTech), Brendon Towle (Thomson NETg), Colin Smythe (1EdTech)
Team Co-Leads Ron Ball (ADL), Brandt Dargue (Boeing)
Version 1.0
Version Date 03 March 2003
Status Final Specification
Summary This document describes the XML binding definition model for the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing Specification.
Purpose Defines the 1EdTech Simple Sequencing XML Binding.
Document Location http://www.imsglobal.org/simplesequencing/ssv1p0/imsss_bindv1p0.html

List of Contributors

The following individuals contributed to the development of this document:

Name Organization
Thor Anderson 1EdTech Consortium, Inc.
Bill Blackmon Carnegie Mellon University
Fabrizio Cardinali Giunti Interactive Labs
Travis Carlton Boeing
Thomas Dinger IBM
Philip Dodds Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL)
Leonard Greenberg Pathlore
Michael Korcuska DigitalThink
Jon McCarty Docent
Boyd Nielsen Thomson NETg
Land Ormiston Saba
Claude Ostyn Click2learn
Angelo Panar Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL)
Dan Rehak Carnegie Mellon University
GianLuca Rolandelli Giunti Interactive Labs
Brian Taliesin Microsoft
Schawn Thropp Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL)
Robert Todd DigitalThink
Ed Walker 1EdTech Consortium, Inc.
Michael Vax WebCT
Jonathan Zempel IBM

Revision History

Version No. Release Date Comments
0.7.5 Public Draft 12 April 2002 First Public Draft released to the public.
1.0 Public Draft 17 October 2002 Numerous editorial updates and additional clarifications. Updated pseudo code. Added introduction section and several diagrams.
1.0 Final 03 March 2003 Made many changes to resolve various technical issues. See the Issues List document for a detailed description of the changes.
Added Normative section.


Absolute Duration 1
Activity 1, 2, 3
Attempt 1, 2, 3, 4
Auxiliary Resource 1


action 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

childActivitySet 1, 2, 3

condition 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

ID 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

IDRef 1, 2, 3

minimumCount 1, 2

minimumPercent 1, 2, 3

objectiveID 1, 2, 3

objectiveMeasureWeight 1, 2, 3

operator 1, 2, 3

rollupObjectiveSatisfied 1, 2

rollupProgressCompletion 1, 2

satisfiedByMeasure 1, 2, 3      Elements

auxiliaryResource 1, 2

auxiliaryResources 1, 2, 3, 4

controlMode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

deliveryControls 1, 2, 3, 4

exitConditionRule 1, 2, 3

limitConditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

mapInfo 1, 2, 3

minNormalizedMeasure 1, 2, 3, 4

objective 1, 2, 3

objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

postConditionRule 1, 2, 3

preConditionRule 1, 2, 3

primaryObjective 1, 2

randomizationControls 1, 2, 3, 4

rollupAction 1, 2, 3

rollupCondition 1, 2

rollupRule 1, 2, 3

rollupRules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

ruleAction 1, 2, 3, 4

ruleCondition 1

ruleConditions 1, 2, 3, 4

sequencing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

sequencingCollection 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

sequencingRules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

conditionCombination 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Content Package 1, 2

Delivery Controls 1

Experienced Duration 1
Extensibility 1

1EdTech Specifications
     Content Packaging 1

Limit Conditions 1

Model 1, 2, 3, 4
     Sequencing Definition 1, 2

Objective 1, 2, 3, 4
Objective Map 1

Progress Information 1

Randomization Controls 1
Resource 1, 2
Rollup Controls 1
Rollup Rule 1

Selection Controls 1
Sequencing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Sequencing Control 1
Sequencing Definition Model 1, 2
Sequencing Rule 1

W3C 1, 2

     XSD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7




1EdTech Consortium, Inc. ("1EdTech") is publishing the information contained in this 1EdTech Simple Sequencing XML Binding ("Specification") for purposes of scientific, experimental, and scholarly collaboration only.

1EdTech makes no warranty or representation regarding the accuracy or completeness of the Specification.
This material is provided on an "As Is" and "As Available" basis.

The Specification is at all times subject to change and revision without notice.

It is your sole responsibility to evaluate the usefulness, accuracy, and completeness of the Specification as it relates to you.

1EdTech would appreciate receiving your comments and suggestions.

Please contact 1EdTech through our website at http://www.imsglobal.org

Please refer to Document Name:
1EdTech Simple Sequencing XML Binding Revision: 03 March 2003