Learning Tools Interoperability® 1.2


The LTI® v1.2 Final specification is an update to the LTI v1.1 specification and introduces changes to enhance the interoperability between applications and to facilitate a transition to LTI v2. In particular:

  • the lis_person_sourcedid, lis_course_offering_sourcedid and lis_course_section_sourcedid parameters have been given recommended status;
  • new custom parameter substitution variables of $User.username, $User.org and $Context.org have been added;
  • additional values for launch_presentation_document_target parameter are now permitted to allow consistency with the new Content-Item message;
  • a tool consumer may offer a profile (using the same format as LTI 2.0) which will enable it to advertise its capabilities and services offered to tool providers.

The Basic Outcomes service is now being documented separately and will be certified independently of the LTI core, thereby allowing tool consumers to achieve LTI 1.2 certification without the need to support Outcomes. The changes in LTI 1.2 do not introduce any new certification requirements for tool providers, but they will benefit from the changes being made in certified tool consumers, especially the ability to discover the services available.


  • Implementation Guide - provides implementation guidance for those implementing the v1.2 specification.