CBE and Today’s Higher Education Landscape
Thursday, September 21
8:30 AM – 9:15 AM
In order for the competency-based movement to thrive, the field-at-large must collectively work together to create the future learning system and to systematically remove the barriers inhibiting CBE's ability to flourish. This panel, comprised of dedicated professionals who passionately offer their own expertise to solve various challenges, will feature a number of barrier-busting and movement-building efforts that participants can leverage as they build and scale high-quality CBE programs.
Moderator: Amber Garrison Duncan, Lumina Foundation
Panelists: Mark Leuba, Vice President Product Management, 1EdTech Consortium
Achieving Interoperability with 1EdTech Competency and Extended Transcript
Thursday, September 21
4:00 PM – 4:50 PM
Speakers: Jeff Grann, Academic Director, Assessment and Learning Analytics, Capella University; Deb Everhart, VP, Design and Innovation Learning Objects; Joellen Shendy, Associate Vice Provost & Registrar, University of Maryland University College; Andrea Deau, Information Technology Director, University of Wisconsin