
eMadrid Seminar Microcredentials to Facilitate Lifelong Learning

Madrid, Spain


May 13, 2022 | 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (CEST, UTC +2)

The role of constant training in a job context based on skills

  • Maria Eugenia Renaldi, LinkedIn Learning

Evolution of Digital Credentials: The Potential of Open Micro/Nano Credentials at Micro, Meso and Macro Levels of Education

  • Richard West, Bringham Young University

Documenting Continuous Change

Until recently, the expectations were of a career for life. Today, reinvention is the norm. How do document knowledge, certificates, skills, and attitudes learned in various positions and careers? Open Standards are a must for the detailed and proven exchange of lifelong learning and professional experiences. In my presentation, I will explain the digital standards of the 1EdTech Educational Consortium (1EdTech) and the role they play in lifelong learning.

  • Beatriz Arnillas, Director of Digital Curriculum Innovation, 1EdTech