
Learning Impact 2022 Elevate Impact Showcases


Elevate Impact Showcase


1EdTech conference sponsors and supplier members have an exclusive opportunity in this year's conference program to deliver a lightning talk on how you are meeting today's institutional challenges head-on to elevate digital teaching and learning impact.

A successful Elevate Impact lighting talk is not a product demo. We want to hear your customer and partner success stories and see the proof where your solution is making a difference for them! Institutional members participating in the conference will be your audience—looking for clear and convincing evidence that the work your organization is doing can help them problem-solve.

Who Can Participate

The Elevate Impact challenge sessions are open to all Learning Impact sponsors and 1EdTech Contributing and Affiliate supplier members.

  • Diamond, Platinum, Gold, and Silver sponsors are assigned a 15-minute lightning talk.
  • Bronze sponsors and non-sponsor members are assigned a 7-minute lightning talk.

How to Get Started

Choose your challenge. You can focus your lightning talk on one of the issues we've identified or suggest another that fits the challenge's theme. You are not limited to the issues below; they are meant as a jumping-off point.

Contact us for more information and to schedule your talk. For scheduling purposes, please specify the audience (K-12, HED, or K-20) for your talk when submitting your topic.


Showcase Categories

Digital Teaching Strategies and Curriculum Innovation: Improving Opportunities, Access and Success

  • How can we help institutional leaders address the full range of students’ needs, including social-emotional learning in today’s digital environment?
    • Meeting students’ mental health and social-emotional needs in a digital learning environment
    • Strategies and products for educating the whole child
    • Building support resources into student outreach
  • How do we help institutions identify and correct learning loss?
    • Rethinking assessments to improve insights and student success; persistent changes in digital assessment strategies
    • Getting a deeper understanding of the whole child
    • Improving ongoing formative assessments
    • Curriculum and assessment products that work for teaching in-person, remotely, or in a hybrid environment
  • How can we provide better resources to help institutions and educators address the ever-widening gaps in educational equity and access?
    • Broadening the range of curriculum resources that can engage all learners
    • Accelerating progress for all students across delivery options
    • Targeted intervention to prevent learning loss 
    • Inclusive access enabling better teaching and learning
    • Digital learning resource and platform accessibility
    • Parent access to online resources (grades and assignments, distance learning resources)
  • What defines a world-class online course or program?
    • Advancements in curriculum and course development
    • Inclusive access enabling better teaching and learning
    • Setting a higher bar for quality digital learning materials


The State of Digital Learning Platforms, Apps and Data: Now and the Future 

  • What can be done to ensure academic integrity in blended learning and assessment?
    • Empowering faculty to deliver assessments while recognizing the challenges of differences in course size, methodology, and content
    • Empower students to do their best, original work
    • Empowering institutions to scale assessment strategies
    • Respecting student privacy
  • What are ways and reasons to engage faculty in integrating video and collaboration tools to improve student engagement?
    • The role of education collaboration and video platforms in the future
    • Addressing storage, curation, cataloging, and interoperability
  • How can we help institutions accelerate progress for learners across delivery models while ensuring inclusive, safe, and equitable access?
    • Setting a higher bar for quality learning materials
    • Curriculum products that can engage all learners
    • Ensuring data security and privacy to protect students
    • Print and digital content ecosystems
    • Adhering to GDPR and other regulatory policies
    • Digital learning resource and platform accessibility
    • Advancements in curriculum and course construction
  • What's the next step in the evolution of the edtech teaching and learning hub—where does it go from here?
    • Advancements in platforms, apps, and data across K-12, higher education, and corporate learning
    • Advancements in learning experience systems and app ecosystems/integration
    • Advancements in productivity tools
    • State-level solutions for K-12
  • How can we help institutions and educators leverage data and analytics to inform and drive student success?
    • Comprehensive data in real-time
    • Foster student success across the entire learner  journey
    • Achieving continuous improvement and student success
    • Seamless, secure, and controlled exchange of data between applications
    • Real-time feedback to students and teacher



Optimizing the Student Journey and Maximizing Opportunity

  • How do we help reimagine the student experience to open up opportunities across the entire learning journey?
    • Enabling learners to capture a holistic view of their skills or competencies
    • Innovative solutions that foster student success across the entire learner journey (some on intra-institutional and some are inter-institutional)
    • Complementing traditional digital learning products to open up opportunities for advancing learner achievement
    • Support diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts by widening the evidence base for assessment of competency and removing barriers to achievement
  • What are ways to empower learners to transition to the workforce or to upskill for additional job opportunities?
    • Career and Technical Education (CTE): teaching specific skills to students in middle school, high school, and post-secondary institutions
    • Workforce training and development
    • Facilitating recognition and transferability of non-traditional or non-transcript credentials


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