
Wellspring Initiative Reports and Resources

Wellspring Initiative Resources

The Wellspring Initiative aims to accelerate the adoption of an education-to-work ecosystem based on open technology standards. Wellspring envisions an environment where educators and employers collaborate on education curricula focused on skills, learners control their skills-based achievements through secure and verifiable digital credentials, and employers find highly qualified talent based on their verifiable credentials.


Wellspring Phase II (2021)

Overview of Phase II Projects and Results

Wellspring Initiative Project Results cover slide


Project 1: Collaborating on Competency Frameworks

See the organizations selected to participate in this Wellspring Phase II project.

 → Project Report

Wellspring Phase II Report

 → Case Studies

Mapping the Liberal Arts to Real World JobsMicrocredentials for Professional PathwaysSkills on the Horizon: Scaling the Communication of Skills

Competency-Based Education as a Catalyst for Closing Equity and Skills GapsMaking Skills Visible for Learners and EmployersClosing Gaps to Implement Skills-Based Hiring


Project 2: Exploring Employer Readiness and Use in Talent Management

 → Research Report

Wellspring Phase II Employer Readiness Research Report


Wellspring Demonstration Software

 → Short Videos

Wellspring Overview

         Achievement Portal and Talent Acquisition System

CLR and CASE Network

Participating Organizations Collaborating on Competency Frameworks

  • Association of Massachusetts Wetland Scientists*
  • Bismarck State College
  • Cape Cod Community College*
  • College Unbound
  • Con-Real, LP
  • Energy Providers Coalition for Education*
  • Integrity Web Consulting
  • Keeley Companies
  • Massachusetts Assoc. of Community Health Workers
  • Maryville University
  • Ohio Alliance of Direct Support Professionals
  • Providence Community Health Center
  • ResCare Central Kansas
  • Rung for Women
  • Sedgwick County Developmental Disability Organization / InterHab, Inc.
  • TDAmeritrade
  • United Way of Rhode Island
  • University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
  • University of North Texas
  • Wichita State University
  • Xcel Energy

These organizations worked in education-industry cohorts to collaboratively develop competency frameworks that align educational program outcomes with competencies related to specific job roles. The resulting competency frameworks are published and machine-readable using the 1EdTech CASE open standard. *These organizations participated but did not complete the program.  We thank all of the participants for their valuable contributions to the body of knowledge in the field of learning outcomes, competency, and skills frameworks.


Wellspring Phase I (2020)

Connecting Education and Industry with Open Standards