1EdTech AccessForAll® (AfA) Digital Resource Description (DRD) Version 3.0 Specification Public Draft 1.0 |
Date Issued: 13 September 2012
Latest version: http://www.imsglobal.org/accessibility/
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Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Platform Specific Model of the Binding
- Application of the Binding Guidelines
- XSD File Documentation
- Vocabularies
- Appendix A - Listing of the XSDs
- About This Document
- List of Contributors
- Revision History
1. Introduction
This document is a part of the 1EdTech AccessForAll Digital Resource Description (AfA DRD) v3.0 specification. The binding details how the AfA DRD Information Model is realised as an XML binding: using and XSD description. The AfA DRD binding is contained in two XSD files: for the full and core profile versions. The 1EdTech AfA Best Practice and Implementation Guide [AfA, 12b] provides non-normative guidance on how to use the Binding and Information Model. For a conceptual overview of the AfA Specification, please see the overview description [AfA, 12a]. For a discussion of potential applications, see the Best Practice & Implementation Guide.
1.1 Scope and Context
The 1EdTech AfA DRD v3.0 XSD Binding v1.0 is used in conjunction with the following documents:
- 1EdTech AccessForAll Digital Resource Description Information Model v3.0 [AfADRD, 12] – the data model definition of the AfA DRD;
- 1EdTech AccessForAll Data Element Specification v3.0 [AfADES, 12] – the set of data elements used for the AfA DRD;
- 1EdTech AccessForAll Personal Needs & Preferences Information Model v3.0 [AfAPNP, 12] – the data model definition of the AfA PNP;
- 1EdTech AccessForAll Best Practice and Implementation Guide v1.0 – key information on how to adopt and implement the specification.[AfA, 12b]
As such the AccessForAll Digital Resource Description specification supersedes the specifications:
- 1EdTech AccessForAll Digital Resource Description Information Model Final Specification v2.0 [AfADRD, 10].
This XSD binding takes the AccessForAll Digital Resource Description Information Model and produces an encoding of that description in XSD. The XSD is created using the 1EdTech Binding Auto-generation Tool-kit (I-BAT) [I-BAT, 06].
1.2 Structure of this Document
The structure of this document is:
2. Platform Specific Model of the Binding | The description of the platform specific models in the form of the 1EdTech UML-Profile data model representation of the 1EdTech AfA DRD specification information model. This representation is used by the 1EdTech I-BAT tool to auto-generate the corresponding XSDs; |
3. Application of the Binding Guidelines | Explanation of how the platform specific model is realised as the XSD binding. This addresses how the information model is realised as the binding; |
4. XSD File Documentation | The description of the elements used within the data model components of the full AfA DRD and core profile bindings. This part of the binding document was created using the schema documentation tool provided as part of the Oxygen 14.0 product; |
Appendix A - Listing of the XSD Files | This is the full listing of the AfA DRD full and core profile XSD files; |
1.3 Nomenclature
AfA DES | AccessForAll Data Element Specification |
AfA DRD | AccessForAll Digital Resource Description |
AfA PNP | AccessForAll Personal Needs & Preferences |
I-BAT | 1EdTech Binding Auto-generation Tool-kit |
1EdTech | 1EdTech Consortium |
PIM | Platform Independent Model |
PSM | Platform Specific Model |
UML | Unified Modelling Language |
W3C | World Wide Web Consortium |
XMI | XML Meta-data Interchange |
XML | Extensible Mark-up Language |
XSD | XML Schema Definition |
XSL | Extensible Stylesheet Language |
XSLT | XSL Transformations |
1.4 References
[AfA, 12a] | IAccessForAll Specification Overview v1.0, R.Schwerdtfeger, M.Rothberg and C.Smythe, Public Draft, 1EdTech Consortium, September 2012. |
[AfA, 12b] | AccessForAll Best Practices & Implementation Guide v1.0, R.Schwerdtfeger, M.Rothberg and C.Smythe, Public Draft, 1EdTech Consortium, September 2012. |
[AfADES, 12] | AccessForAll v3.0 Data Element Specification v1.0, R.Schwerdtfeger, M.Rothberg and C.Smythe, Public Draft, 1EdTech Consortium, September 2012. |
[AfADRD, 10] | AccessForAll Digital Resource Description (DRD) v2.0 Information Model v1.0, R.Schwerdtfeger, M.Rothberg and C.Smythe, Final Release, 1EdTech Consortium, April 2010. |
[AfADRD, 12] | IAccessForAll Digital Resource Description (DRD) v3.0 Information Model v1.0, R.Schwerdtfeger, M.Rothberg and C.Smythe, Public Draft, 1EdTech Consortium, September 2012. |
[AfAPNP, 12] | AccessForAll Personal Needs & Preferences (PNP) v3.0 Information Model v1.0, R.Schwerdtfeger, M.Rothberg and C.Smythe, Public Draft, 1EdTech Consortium, September 2012. |
[I-BAT, 06] | 1EdTech Binding Auto-generation Toolkit Manual v1.0, C.Smythe, 1EdTech Consortium, July 2006. |
[SDN11, 06] | 1EdTech Specification Note 11: Vocabulary Definition, Registration & Maintenance Procedures, C.Smythe, 1EdTech Consortium, October 2006. |
2. Platform Specific Model of the Binding
2.1 Full Data Model Description
The data model for the AfA DRD is shown in Figures 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6.
2.2 Core Profile Data Model Description
The data model for the AfA DRD Core Profile is shown in Figure 2.7.
3. Application of the Binding Guidelines
The Key for Tables 3.1 and 3.2 is:
- The 'PSM Reference' field refers to information in the PSM description (Section 2 in this document). The sub-fields are:
- Name – the name of the data structure in the PSM and PIM
- UML Type – the type of UML construct i.e. either Class or Attribute
- Figure – the reference Figure number in this document;
- The 'PIM Reference' field refers to infomation in the AfA DRD Information Model [AfADRD, 12]. The sub-fields are:
- Type – the type of the data structure in the Information Model
- Table – the reference number of Tabular description in the corresponding Information Model document;
- The 'XSD Reference' field refers to infrmation in the XSD descriptions (Section 4 in this document). The sub-fields are:
- Name – the name of the field in the XSD(s)
- Type – the type of XSD construct i.e. either a ComplexType or Element.
3.1 Full Specification
The mapping between the PIM and PSM descriptions is detailed in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 Mapping between the PIM, PSM and XSD descriptions for the full specification data model.
PSM Reference | PIM Reference | XSD Reference | ||||
Name | UML Type | Figure | Type | Table | Name | Type |
AccessForAllResource |
Class | 2.1 |
3.2 | AccessForAllResource.Type | ComplexType |
Attribute | 2.1 | AccessModeValue* | 3.3 | accessMode | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | AccessModeValue* | 3.4 | accessMode | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | AdaptationTypeValue* | 3.8 | adaptationType | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | Boolean | 3.10 | atInteroperable | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | ControlFlexibilityValue* | 3.11 | controlFlexibility | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | DisplayTransformabilityValue* | 3.12 | displayTransformability | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | EducationalComplexityValue* | 3.13 | educationalComplexityOfAdaptation | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | URI | 3.15 | hasAdaptation | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | HazardValue | 3.16 | hazard | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | URI | 3.17 | isAdaptationOf | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | NormalizedString | 3.20 | languageOfAdaptation | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | AdaptationDetailValue* | 3.6 | adaptationDetail | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | AdaptationMediaTypeValue* | 3.7 | adaptationMediaType | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | APIInteroperableValue* | 3.9 | apiInteroperable | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | NormalizedString | 3.14 | educationalLevelOfAdaptation | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | URI | 3.18 | isFullAdaptationOf | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | URI | 3.19 | isPartialAdaptationOf | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 | Namespace Extension | 3.21 | extension | Element |
* denotes that the associated vocabulary is defined in the AfA DES document [AfADES, 12].
3.2 Core Profile
The mapping between the PIM and PSM descriptions is detailed in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2 Mapping between the PIM, PSM and XSD descriptions for the core profile data model.
PSM Reference | PIM Reference | XSD Reference | ||||
Name | UML Type | Figure | Type | Table | Name | Type |
AccessForAllResource |
Class | 2.1 and 2.7 |
3.2 | AccessForAllResource.Type | ComplexType |
Attribute | 2.1 and 2.7 | AccessModeValue* | 3.3 | accessMode | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 and 2.7 | AccessModeValue* | 3.4 | accessMode | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 and 2.7 | AdaptationTypeValue* | 3.8 | adaptationType | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 and 2.7 | Boolean | 3.10 | atInteroperable | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 and 2.7 | ControlFlexibilityValue* | 3.11 | controlFlexibility | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 and 2.7 | DisplayTransformabilityValue* | 3.12 | displayTransformability | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 and 2.7 | EducationalComplexityValue* | 3.13 | educationalComplexityOfAdaptation | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 and 2.7 | URI | 3.15 | hasAdaptation | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 and 2.7 | HazardValue* | 3.16 | hazard | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 and 2.7 | URI | 3.17 | isAdaptationOf | Element |
Attribute | 2.1 and 2.7 | NormalizedString | 3.20 | languageOfAdaptation | Element |
* denotes that the associated vocabulary is defined in the AfA DES document [AfADES, 12].
4. XSD File Documentation
The XSD file documentation has been produced by the Oxygen XML Editing tool.
4.1 Full Data Model XSD Documentation
Click on the Section header to access this documentation for the Full data model description.
4.2 Core Profile Data Model XSD Documentation
Click on the Section header to access this documentation for the Core Profile data model description.
5. Vocabularies
The vocabulary terms in the XSD binding are as defined in the information model [AfADES, 12]. When proprietary vocabulary terms are required, these must have the prefix 'ext:'. For example a new vocabualry term 'myAudio' would have the value 'ext:myAudio'. The use of the 'ext:' prefix is required by the full model XSD.
Appendix A - Listing of the XSDs
The XSD files are:
- The full XSD – imsafav3p0drd_v1p0.xsd
- The core XSD – imsafav3p0drd_corev1p0.xsd
This file was generated by the I-BATv1.0 tool using the PSM representation described in Section 2. Documentation of the XSDs is supplied in Section 4.
About This Document
Title | 1EdTech AccessForAll (AfA) Digital Resource Description (DRD) XSD Binding |
Editor | Colin Smythe (1EdTech) |
Co-Chairs | Madeleine Rothberg (WGBH), Richard Schwerdtfeger (IBM) |
Version | 3.0 |
Version Date | 13 September 2012 |
Release | Final 1.0 |
Status | Public Draft |
Summary | This document contains the 1EdTech AccessForAll Digital Resource Description Specification XML Schema Definition (XSD) Binding v3.0. This part of the AccessForAll specification provides a common language to describe digital learning resources to facilitate matching of those resources to learners’ accessibility needs and preferences. |
Revision Information | This version supersedes the 1EdTech AccessForAll (AfA) Digital Resource Description v2.0 specification. |
Purpose | This document is made available for adoption by the public community at large. |
Document Location | http://www.imsglobal.org/accessibility/afav3p0pd/afav3p0_drdBinding_v1p0pd/afav3p0_drdBinding_v1p0pd.html |
List of Contributors
The following individuals contributed to the development of this document:
Name | Organization |
Anastasia Cheetham | OCAD University (Canada) |
Andy Heath | Axelrod Access for All (UK) |
JoAnna Hunt | Blackboard (USA) |
Madeleine Rothberg | WGBH (USA) |
Richard Schwerdtfeger | IBM (USA) |
Colin Smythe | 1EdTech Consortium, Inc. |
Revision History
Version No. | Release Date | Comments |
Pubic Draft 1.0 | 13 September 2012 | The first formal release of the Public Draft version of this document. |
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Please refer to Document Name: 1EdTech AfA DRD v3.0 XSD Binding Public Draft v1.0
Date: 13 September 2012.