A Brief Primer on Caliper Analytics Conformance for End-User Institutions, Faculty, and Buyers of Third-Party Services and Tools
The 1EdTech Caliper Analytics® specification enables institutions to collect learning data from digital resources to better understand and visualize learning activity and product usage data, and present this information to students, instructors, and advisors in meaningful ways to help inform student recruitment and retention plans; program, curriculum, and course design; and student intervention measures. Caliper defines a number of metric profiles, each of which models a learning activity or a supporting activity that helps facilitate learning. Each profile provides a domain-specific set of terms and concepts that application designers and developers can draw upon to describe common user interactions in a consistent manner using a shared vocabulary. Annotating a reading, playing a video, taking a test, or grading an assignment submission represent a few examples of the many activities or events that Caliper's metric profiles capture. Learn more about
Caliper Analytics version 1.1 Profiles.
Basics: Tool Consumers, Tools Providers, and Caliper Analytics Version 1.1
Caliper defines an application programming interface (the Sensor API) for learning data producers to marshal and transmit data to a target endpoint. Adopting one or more metric profiles ensures adherence to the information model; implementing the Sensor provides instrumented platforms, applications and services with a transport interface for communicating with data consumers. Caliper consumers must be capable of receiving Caliper messages sent over HTTP. Connections must be secured with Transport Layer Security (TLS) with a valid TLS certificate provided.
Certified Caliper Analytics products demonstrate interoperability between the Sensor API and the Caliper Event Model profile protocol.
Caliper Analytics relies on specific elements in each metric profile. Some elements are required in certain profiles but not in others.
Support for Caliper Analytics Interoperability Features
Requiring Caliper Analytics Support in Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
When issuing an RFP for software that you wish to support Caliper, you designate the version of Caliper Analytics Interoperability that you wish to have supported, along with the features that you require.
New metric profiles with standard data model, events and entities, will be developed and added to the spec over time. 1EdTech members can submit proposals for new profiles for the Caliper workgroup to include in future releases.