
1EdTech Enterprise Services Best Practice and Implementation Guide

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1EdTech Enterprise Services
Best Practice and Implementation Guide

Version 1.0 Final Specification

Copyright © 2004 1EdTech Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The 1EdTech Logo is a registered trademark of 1EdTech Consortium, Inc.
Document Name: 1EdTech Enterprise Services Best Practice and Implementation Guide
Revision: 11 June 2004

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction
     1.1 Enterprise Services Overview
     1.2 Scope and Context
     1.3 Structure of this Document
     1.4 Nomenclature
     1.5 References

2. Related Specifications and Activities
     2.1 1EdTech Enterprise v1.1 Specification
     2.2 Other 1EdTech Specifications
           2.2.1 1EdTech Learner Information Package v1.0 Specification
           2.2.2 1EdTech General Web Services Recommendations
     2.3 The Abstract Framework
     2.4 Related Activities
           2.4.1 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
           2.4.2 Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I)
           2.4.3 Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI)
     2.5 Related Specifications
           2.5.1 WSDL Specification
           2.5.2 WS-I Profile
           2.5.3 Internet vCard Specification
           2.5.4 Internet2 eduPerson
           2.5.5 LDAP Specification
           2.5.6 OKI Open Services Interface Definition (OSID)

3. Overall Services Model
     3.1 Overall Domain Model
     3.2 Class Summaries
           3.2.1 Person Management Service
           3.2.2 Group Management Service
           3.2.3 Membership Management Service
     3.3 WSDL Bindings
           3.3.1 Person Management Services
           3.3.2 Group Management Services
           3.3.3 Membership Management Services
           3.3.4 Namespacing

4. SOAP/HTTP Messages for Synchronous Services
     4.1 The SOAP/HTTP Message Structures
           4.1.1 Request Messages
           4.1.2 Response Messages
     4.2 Person Management Service Messages
     4.3 Group Management Service Messages
     4.4 Membership Management Service Messages

5. SOAP/HTTP Messages for Asynchronous Services

6. Mapping for Other Specifications
     6.1 1EdTech Enterprise Specification v1.1
           6.1.1 Person Management Service
           6.1.2 Group Management Service
           6.1.3 Membership Management Service
     6.2 1EdTech Learner Information Package (LIP)
     6.3 IETF vCard Support
     6.4 Internet2/Educause 'eduPerson' Support
     6.5 LDAP Attribute Mapping
     6.6 OKI Enterprise Service OSIDs

7. Best Practice
     7.1 Achieving Interoperability
           7.1.1 Human Resource Management System
           7.1.2 Corporate Training Management System
           7.1.3 Student Administration System
           7.1.4 Library Management System
     7.2 Implementing the Abstract API
           7.2.1 Single Transaction/Single Operation
           7.2.2 Multiple Transactions/Multiple Operations
           7.2.3 Multiple Transactions/Single Operation
           7.2.4 Single and Multiple Sessions
           7.2.5 Identifiers and SourcedIds
           7.2.6 Passing More Parameters
           7.2.7 Creating an Implementation API
     7.3 Status Codes and SOAP Fault Messages
           7.3.1 Status Codes
           7.3.2 SOAP Fault Codes
           7.3.3 Handling the Status Codes
     7.4 Architectural Considerations
           7.4.1 Information Synchronization
           7.4.2 Push and Pull Transactions
           7.4.3 'Snapshot' and Event Driven Transactions
           7.4.4 Common Services and Service Choreography
     7.5 Synchronous and Asynchronous Communications
     7.6 Using the Person Data Model
           7.6.1 Changes from Enterprise Specification v1.1
           7.6.2 Considerations for Each Operation
     7.7 Using the Group Data Model
           7.7.1 Changes from Enterprise Specification v1.1
           7.7.2 Groups and Sub-groups
           7.7.3 Cross-listed Course Sections
     7.8 Using the Membership Data Model
           7.8.1 Considerations for Each Operation
           7.8.2 Assigning Group Membership Role-type
     7.9 1EdTech Harmonization

8. Supporting the Use Cases
     8.1 Person Management Service Use Cases
     8.2 Group Management Service Use Cases
     8.3 Membership Management Service Use Cases

9. Extending the Services
     9.1 Proprietary Extensions to the Enterprise Services
           9.1.1 Extensions to the Data Models
           9.1.2 Extensions to the Behaviors
     9.2 Planned Extensions for the Enterprise Services
           9.2.1 Potential New Behaviors for Established Services
           9.2.2 Potential New Services

Appendix A - Glossary of Terms

Appendix B - OKI Enterprise Services OSIDs

About This Document
     List of Contributors

Revision History


1. Introduction

1.1 Enterprise Services Overview

The Enterprise Services specification [EntService, 04b] is the definition of how systems manage the exchange of information that describes people, group and memberships within the context of learning. The Enterprise Services specification is constructed following the recommendations documented in the 1EdTech Abstract Framework (IAF) [AbsGloss, 03], [AbsASC, 03], [AbsWhite, 03]. This means that this specification is based upon:

  • Interoperability - Enterprise Services focuses on the exchange of information between Enterprise systems. The specification makes no assumptions on how the data is managed within the Enterprise systems;
  • Service-oriented - Enterprise Services defines the exchange of information in terms of the services being supplied by the collaboration of the systems. This takes the form of Person Management Services, Group Management Services and Membership Management Services;
  • Component-based - the set of services will be supplied such that they can be combined to form a range of services. The Person Management Services, Group Management Services and Membership Management Services can be combined to provide other services and the Enterprise Service will have other services added to it in later releases;
  • Layering - the Enterprise Service and its constituent services (Person, Group and Membership) are part of the Application Services layer;
  • Behaviors and Data Models - the Enterprise Services are defined in terms of their behaviors and data models. The behaviors cause changes in the state of the data model and the state of the data model will only be altered as a result of a clearly defined behavior;
  • Multiple Bindings - the Enterprise Services information model is to be defined using the Unified Modelling Language (UML). This enables reliable mapping of the information model into a range of different bindings. The bindings of immediate importance are to the Web Services Description Language (WSDL);
  • Adoption - the Enterprise Services are based upon the original Enterprise specification data model. While there are significant changes the underlying data model has been maintained and the core Person, Group and Membership structures remain.

1.2 Scope and Context

This document is the 1EdTech Enterprise Services Best Practice and Implementation Guide v1.0 and as such it is used to support the following documents:

  1. 1EdTech Enterprise Services Core Use Cases v1.0 [EntService, 04a] - the set of use cases that are the basis for the definition of the information model;
  2. 1EdTech Enterprise Services Specification v1.0 [EntServices, 04b] - this presents the overall structure and capabilities of the Enterprise Services specification;
  3. 1EdTech Enterprise Services Conformance Specification v1.0 [EntServices, 04c] - the definition of the conformance criteria that must be followed by systems that wish to claim compliance to the Enterprise Services Information model;
  4. 1EdTech Person Management Services Information Model v1.0 [PersonServices, 04a] - the information model of the Person Management Services;
  5. 1EdTech Person Management Services WSDL Binding v1.0 [PersonServices, 04b] - the description of the WSDL binding of the Person Management Services information model;
  6. 1EdTech Group Management Services Information Model v1.0 [GroupServices, 04a] - the information model of the Group Management Services;
  7. 1EdTech Group Management Services WSDL Binding v1.0 [GroupServices, 04b] - the description of the WSDL binding of the Group Management Services information model;
  8. 1EdTech Membership Management Services Information Model v1.0 [MemberServices, 04a] - the information model of the Membership Management Services;
  9. 1EdTech Membership Management Services WSDL Binding v1.0 [MemberServices, 04b] - the description of the WSDL binding of the Membership Management Services information model.

As such the Enterprise Services specification supersedes the original Enterprise specifications:

  1. 1EdTech Enterprise Information Model Final Specification v1.1 [Enterprise, 02a].
  2. 1EdTech Enterprise XML Binding Final Specification v1.1 [Enterprise, 02b];
  3. 1EdTech Enterprise Services Best Practice and Implementation Guide Final Specification v1.0 [Enterprise, 02c].

This best practice and implementation guide describes some of the issues that need to be addressed during various stages of adoption. This is the first version of these services and so most of the best practice is derived from experience of proprietary implementations of similar functionality.

1.3 Structure of this Document

The structure of this document is:

2. Related Specifications and Activities The relationship of this specification activity to other 1EdTech and external specification activities;
3. Overall Services Model A brief summary of the 1EdTech Enterprise Services information model and WSDL binding;
4. Example SOAP/HTTP Messages for Synchronous Services Examples of the basic Synchronous Enterprise Services messages that are exchanged assuming SOAP/HTTP as the transport;
5. Example SOAP/HTTP Messages for Asynchronous Services Examples of the basic Asynchronous Enterprise Services messages that are exchanged assuming SOAP/HTTP as the transport;
6. Mapping for Other Specifications The ways in which the 1EdTech Enterprise Services functionality can be used to support other similar specifications;
7. Best Practice Implementation guidance on the best practices to be adopted when using the Enterprise Service specification;
8. Supporting the Use Cases A brief explanation of how the use cases defined in the Enterprise Services Core Uses-cases can be supported using the Enterprise Services specification;
9. Extending the Services A brief explanation of the ways in which the Enterprise Services can be extended without causing problems with backwards compatibility. This material will also give an indication of the ways in which the Enterprise Services are to be extended in later versions;
Appendix A - Glossary of Terms A glossary of the key terms and elements used within the specification.
Appendix B - OKI Enterprise Open Service Interface Definitions A brief description of the OKI Enterprise Services OSIDs that are used to support the explanation of the usage of the Enterprise Services as an implementation binding based upon the OKI.

1.4 Nomenclature

ADL Advanced Distributed Learning
AICC Aviation Industry CBT Committee
ANSI American National Standards Institute
API Application Programming Interface
CBT Computer Based Training
CEN Central European Normalization
DTD Document Type Definition
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
GWS General Web Services
HR Human Resources
HTTP HyperText Transfer Language
IAF 1EdTech Abstract Framework
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
I-GMS 1EdTech Group Management Service
I-MMS 1EdTech Membership Management Service
I-PMS 1EdTech Person Management Service
ISO International Standards Organization
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LIP Learner Information Package
OSID Open Service Interface Definition
PDI Personal Data Interchange
SCORM Sharable Content Object Reference Model
SIF Schools Interoperability Framework
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
SOAPwA Simple Object Access Protocol with Attachments
TEISS Telematics European Industry Standardisation Support
UML Unified Modelling Language
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
WSDL Web Services Description Language
XML Extensible Mark-up Language

1.5 References

[AbsASCs, 03] 1EdTech Abstract Framework: Applications, Services & Components v1.0, Ed. C.Smythe, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., July 2003.
[AbsGloss, 03] 1EdTech Abstract Framework: Glossary v1.0, Ed. C.Smythe, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., July 2003.
[AbsWhite, 03] 1EdTech Abstract Framework: White Paper v1.0, Ed. C.Smythe, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., July 2003.
[Enterprise, 02a] 1EdTech Enterprise Information Model Final Specification v1.1, G.Collier, C.Etesse, W.Veres and C.Smythe, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., July 2002.
[Enterprise, 02b] 1EdTech Enterprise XML Binding Final Specification v1.1, G.Collier, C.Etesse, W.Veres and C.Smythe, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., July 2002.
[Enterprise, 02c] 1EdTech Enterprise Best Practice & Implementation Guide Final Specification v1.1, G.Collier, C.Etesse, W.Veres and C.Smythe, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., July 2002.
[EntServices, 04a] 1EdTech Enterprise Services Core Use Cases v1.0, C.Smythe and C.Vento, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., June 2004.
[EntServices, 04b] 1EdTech Enterprise Services Specification v1.0, C.Smythe and C.Vento, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., June 2004.
[EntServices, 04c] 1EdTech Enterprise Services Conformance Specification v1.0, C.Smythe and C.Vento, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., Version 1.0, June 2004.
ESCommon, 04 1EdTech Enterprise Services Common Data Specification v1.0, C.Smythe and C.Vento, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., Version 1.0, June 2004.
[GroupServices, 04a] 1EdTech Group Management Services Information Model v1.0, C.Smythe and C.Vento, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., June 2004.
[GroupServices, 04b] 1EdTech Group Management Services WSDL Binding v1.0, C.Smythe and C.Vento, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., June 2004.
[GWS, 04a] 1EdTech General Web Services Base Profiles Public Draft v1.0, C.Schroeder, S.Raju, and C.Smythe, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., Version 1.0, May 2004.
[GWS, 04b] 1EdTech General Web Services Binding Methodology & Recipes Public Draft v1.0, C.Schroeder, S.Raju, and C.Smythe, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., Version 1.0, May 2004.
[LIP, 01a] 1EdTech Learner Information Package Information Model v1.0, R.Robson, C.Smythe, and F.Tansey, Version 1.0, 1EdTech Consortium Inc., March 2001.
[LIP, 01b] 1EdTech Learner Information Package XML Binding v1.0, R.Robson, C.Smythe, and F.Tansey, Version 1.0, 1EdTech Consortium Inc., March 2001.
[LIP, 01c] 1EdTech Learner Information Packaging Best Practices & Implementation Guide v1.0, R.Robson, C.Smythe, and F.Tansey, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., March 2001.
[MemberServices, 04a] 1EdTech Membership Management Services Information Model v1.0, C.Smythe and C.Vento, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., June 2004.
[MemberServices, 04b] 1EdTech Membership Management Services WSDL Binding v1.0, C.Smythe and C.Vento, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., June 2004.
[OKI, 03] OKI Course management Open Service Interface Definition, OKI, Doc Release v0.2, June 2003.
[PersonServices, 04a] 1EdTech Person Management Services Information Model v1.0, C.Smythe and C.Vento, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., June 2004.
[PersonServices, 04b] 1EdTech Person Management Services WSDL Binding v1.0, C.Smythe and C.Vento, 1EdTech Consortium, June 2004.
[SpecDev, 03] 1EdTech Specification Development Methods & Best Practices Draft 5.0, C.Smythe, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., August 2003.
[VDEX, 04] 1EdTech Vocabulary Definition Exchange Information Model v1.0, A.Cooper and M.Mckell, 1EdTech Consortium, Inc., April 2004.

2. Related Specifications and Activities

2.1 1EdTech Enterprise v1.1 Specification

The 1EdTech Enterprise Services specification supersedes the 1EdTech Enterprise v1.1 specification. The services specification adds behaviors to the data model defined in the Enterprise v1.1 specification. The Enterprise Service uses a similar data model to that of the Enterprise v1.1 specification. All of the data-oriented information model features of the Enterprise v1.1 Specification are supported by the new Enterprise Services. The only core feature of the Enterprise v1.1 specification that is not supported is the <property> element. This element was used to provide some behavior capabilities and as such it is not required and is replaced by the usage of the service definitions.

2.2 Other 1EdTech Specifications

2.2.1 1EdTech Learner Information Package v1.0 Specification

There is some overlap of functionality between the 1EdTech Enterprise Services and the 1EdTech Learner Information Package (LIP) specification [LIP, 01a], [LIP, 01b], [LIP, 01c]. The overlap is between the 1EdTech Person Management Service (I-PMS) and the 1EdTech LIP <identification> element. The I-PMS should be used for interactions that involve the 1EdTech Group Management and 1EdTech Membership Management services. The 1EdTech LIP functionality should be used when working with individual profiles e.g., ePortfolios, life-long learning logs, etc.

2.2.2 1EdTech General Web Services Recommendations

The web service binding of the Enterprise Services specification is based upon the 1EdTech General Web Services recommendations [GWS, 04a], [GWS, 04b]. The 1EdTech General Web Services Base Profiles [GWS, 04a] provide a basic structure for the definition of Web Services. They consist of a set of non-proprietary Web services specifications, along with clarifications and amendments to those specifications that promote interoperability. The General Web Services Base Profiles address the most common problems experienced when implementing web service specifications. The 1EdTech Enterprise Service is based upon the General Web Services Base Profile.

The 1EdTech General Web Services UML to WSDL Binding Transformation Rules [GWS, 04b] outlines a process for creating web service bindings using the Base Profiles, Abstract Framework and business domain knowledge intrinsic to the Information Model of a particular Specification. This includes guidelines that instruct project teams in how to use the Work Aids in gathering information, processing information, and specifying a Web Services protocols and binding as appropriate. The methodology includes information and graphics describing the role and relationship of the General Web Services methodology to the 1EdTech Specifications. The 1EdTech Enterprise Services bindings have been created using these transformation rules.

2.3 The Abstract Framework

The 1EdTech Abstract Framework is an approach to enable the 1EdTech to describe the context within which it develops its e-learning technology specifications. This framework is not an attempt to define the 1EdTech architecture, rather it is a mechanism to define the set of interfaces for which 1EdTech may or may not produce a set of interoperability specifications. It is the intention of 1EdTech that the Abstract Framework and the associated 1EdTech specifications produced to realize the exchange of information between the identified services will be adopted in a manner suitable for a particular system requirement. The core features of the framework are:

  • Application layer - the set of systems, tools and applications that are constructed from the suite of application and common services to provide a particular set of e-learning functionality;
  • Application services layer - the set of entities that provide the e-learning specific services e.g., course management. It is these services that constitute the primary focus for 1EdTech specification development;
  • Common services layer - the set of entities that provide the generic services to be used by the application services e.g., authentication;
  • Infrastructure layer - the underlying services that enable the exchange of the data structures in terms of physical communications, messaging and corresponding transaction needs;
  • Service access points - the access points, or interface, to the corresponding service. Each access point provides access to one service capability;
  • Entities - the processes that are used to represent a particular service. The realization of an entity with its service access points is termed a component and its abstract representation is called a Class.

The Enterprise Service and its component services (the Person Management Service, the Group Management Service and the Membership Management Service) are all entities within the Applications Services layer of the IAF. The binding of these services is based upon the usage of a web services infrastructure of SOAPv1.1/HTTPv1.1 defined using WSDLv1.1.

2.4 Related Activities

2.4.1 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential. The 1EdTech makes extensive usage of some of the W3C specifications, in particular:

  • XML and related technologies - this is used by 1EdTech as the basis for the data model bindings;
  • SOAP - this is used by 1EdTech as one of communication protocols for the service model bindings;
  • Web services and WSDL - this is used by 1EdTech as the basis for the service model bindings.

Further information is available at:

2.4.2 Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I)

WS-I is an open, industry organization chartered to promote Web services interoperability across platforms, operating systems, and programming languages. The organization works across the industry and standards organizations to respond to customer needs by providing guidance, best practices, and resources for developing Web services solutions. WS-I was formed specifically for the creation, promotion, or support of Generic Protocols for Interoperable exchange of messages between services. Generic Protocols are protocols that are independent of any specific action indicated by the message beyond actions necessary for the secure, reliable, or efficient delivery of messages; "Interoperable" means suitable for and capable of being implemented in a neutral manner on multiple operating systems and in multiple programming languages.

More details are available at:

2.4.3 Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI)

The core deliverable of the Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI) is an architectural specification in support of learning management and educational application development, the primary feature of which is a set of application programming interface (API) definitions. OKI are specifying the architecture by identifying a set of services, a framework, upon which learning tool developers can base their work. See Appendix B for more details.

2.5 Related Specifications

2.5.1 WSDL Specification

The 1EdTech service model bindings are expressed using WSDL v1.1. Version 1.1 is used in preference to version 2.0 due to the maturity of the earlier version and the availability of tools to support the development and adoption of the accompanying WSDL. A WSDL document defines services as collections of network endpoints, or ports. In WSDL, the abstract definition of endpoints and messages is separated from their concrete network deployment or data format bindings. This allows the reuse of abstract definitions: messages, which are abstract descriptions of the data being exchanged, and port types that are abstract collections of operations. The concrete protocol and data format specifications for a particular port type constitute a reusable binding. A port is defined by associating a network address with a reusable binding and a collection of ports defines a service.

The 1EdTech Enterprise Services bindings are expressed as WSDL files. The structure of these files is summarized in Section 3.3.

2.5.2 WS-I Profile

The WS-I Basic Profile is shown in Table 2.1.


Table 2.1 WS-I basic profile v1.0.

Core Specification Description
XML Schema V1.0 All data models will be defined in terms of XML Schema and will require the definition of the corresponding control documents (XSD).
HTTP V1.1 (RFC2616) HTTP is the mandated protocol binding for the SOAP messages.
SOAP V1.1 SOAP is the mandated messaging protocol.
WSDL V1.1 An instance of the service is defined using WSDL v1.1. WSDL is used to enable the description of services as sets of endpoints operating on messages.
UDDI V2.0 An instance of the service may be defined using a UDDI v2.0 binding template.

It is recognized that SOAP v1.2 and WSDL v1.2 are later versions of the SOAP and WSDL specifications respectively, however, there are no sufficiently robust tools that support these versions. The 1EdTech GWS Basic Profile uses the WS-I basic profile with the exception of the UDDI. See [GWS, 04a] and [GWS, 04b] for further details.

2.5.3 Internet vCard Specification

The vCard specification allows the open exchange of Personal Data Interchange (PDI) information typically found on traditional paper business cards. The specification defines a format for an electronic business card, or vCard. The vCard specification is suitable as an interchange format between applications or systems. The format is defined independent of the particular method used to transport it. The transport for this exchange might be a file system, point-to-point public switched telephone networks, wired-network transport, or some form of unwired transport. The vCard has direct application to the way users utilize the Internet network. The vCard can be used to forward personal data in an electronic mail message. The numerous forms a user of the WWW fills out on a homepage can also be automated using the vCard. The Internet Mail Consortium is working with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to complete work on an extension to the Internet MIME-based electronic mail standard to allow for this capability. An XML binding of the vCard specification has produced a DTD [vCard, 98] and this has been used to inform the development of the 1EdTech Enterprise Person structure.

The mapping between the 1EdTech Enterprise Service and vCard is shown in Section 6.3.

2.5.4 Internet2 eduPerson

In February 2001, the joint Internet2(R) and EDUCAUSE working group announced the release of the 'eduPerson' specification for services that provide seamless access to network-accessible information regardless of where or how the original information is stored. The eduPerson specification provides a set of standard higher-education attributes for an enterprise directory, which facilitate inter-institutional access to applications and resources across the higher education community. The EDUCAUSE/Internet2 eduPerson task force has the mission of defining a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) object class that includes widely-used person attributes in higher education.

The mapping between the 1EdTech Enterprise Service and eduPerson is shown in Section 6.4.

2.5.5 LDAP Specification

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an Internet protocol for accessing distributed directory services that act in accordance with X.500 data and service models. The terms "LDAP" and "LDAPv3" are commonly used to informally refer to the protocol specified by this technical specification. The LDAP suite, as defined here, should be formally identified in other documents by a normative reference to this document. LDAP is an extensible protocol. More detail is available from:

The mapping between the 1EdTech Enterprise Service and LDAP is shown in Section 6.5.

2.5.6 OKI Open Services Interface Definition (OSID)

Further detail on the OKI OSIDs is given in Appendix B. The mapping between the 1EdTech Enterprise Service and vCard is shown in Section 6.6.

3. Overall Services Model

3.1 Overall Domain Model

A schematic representation of the core objects exchanged using the 1EdTech Enterprise Services specification is given in Figure 3.1; this diagram is based upon the 1EdTech Abstract Framework.

The overall Enterprise Service domain model


Figure 3.1 Overall Enterprise Service domain model.

The core enterprise services are:

  • Person management service - the management of information about individuals who are undertaking some form of study and/or group related activity e.g., they are members of a particular course. The person record is designed to be a data model for all of the personal information to be exchanged about an individual;
  • Group management service - the management of information about a collection of objects related to learning activities or individuals. There is no restriction on how the Group and sub-group structures can be used with respect to containing other groups, persons, etc.;
  • Membership management service - the management of information about the membership structure is used to define the members of a Group. A member can be a Person or another Group. A Group or Person can be a member of any number of groups. The Group and the member are identified using their sourcedIds.

Two other Enterprise Services have been identified: Gradebook management service and Course catalog management service. They are not be defined as part of the V1.0 information model but may be included in later releases.

3.2 Class Summaries

It is important to note that the UML representation of the interfaces is used to help develop and document the corresponding service information models. It is not a requirement for an implementation to implement this interface as defined i.e., to use the same parameters, etc. Conformance against this specification will be confirmed by inspecting the appropriate binding of the information model and ensuring that the relevant information is present and that different sequences of activity result in the predicted and mandated behavior. It is essential that the behaviors described by each of the operations are fully supported and it is also essential that the behaviors described by different sequences are also maintained.

3.2.1 Person Management Service

The PersonManagementService class is used to model the service responsible for manipulating information about people. The PersonManagementService is split into two interface classes: PersonManager that supports the manipulation of a single Person object; PersonsManager that supports the manipulation of two or more Person objects bound in a single transaction [PMS, 04a]. The manipulation of multiple Person objects can also be supported by the iteration over the PersonManager however this will result in multiple independent transactions. The data-types used to support the PersonsManager class are derived as sets of the equivalent data-types used for the PersonManager class. The service operations are summarized in Table 3.1.


Table 3.1 Summary of PersonManagerService operations.

Operation Description
createPerson To request the creation of a populated 'person' record on the target system and the source is responsible for the allocation of the unique identifier.
createByProxyPerson To request the creation of a populated 'person' record on the target system and the target is responsible for the allocation of the unique identifier.
deletePerson To request the deletion of a 'person' record. The 'person' record is deleted and all of its associated relationships.
readPerson To read the full contents of the identified 'person' record. The target must return all of the data it has for the identified 'person' record.
updatePerson To write new content into the identified 'person' record. The target must write the new data into the 'person' record. This is an additive operation.
replacePerson To replace the content of the identified 'person' record. The target must write the new data into the 'person' record. This is a destructive write-over of all of the original information.
changePersonIdentifier To change the sourcedId of the 'person' record. The completion of this operation will result in later actions using the original sourcedId reporting an unknown identifier status.
createPersons To request the creation of a set of populated 'person' records on the target system The source is responsible for the allocation of the unique identifiers.
createByProxyPersons To request the creation of two or more populated 'person' records on the target system and the target is responsible for the allocation of each the unique identifiers.
deletePersons To request the deletion of a set of 'person' record. The 'person' records and all their associated relationships are deleted.
readPersons To read the full contents of the set of identified 'person' records. The target must return all of the data it has for each of the identified 'person' records.
readPersonsForGroup To retrieve the 'person' records for a particular Group. This returns the person record for every person that is a member of the Group i.e., for whom a membership record in the Group exists.
updatePersons To write new content into the set of identified 'person' records. The target must write the new data into each of the 'person' records. These are additive operations.
replacePersons To replace the content of a set of identified 'person' records. The target must write the new data into the 'person' records. These are destructive write-overs of all of the original information.
changePersonsIdentifier To change the sourcedId of the set of 'person' records. The completion of this operation will result in later actions using the original sourcedId reporting an unknown identifier status.

3.2.2 Group Management Service

The GroupManagementService class is used to model the service responsible for manipulating information about groups. The Group Management Service is split into two interface classes: GroupManager that supports the manipulation of a single Group object; GroupsManager that supports the manipulation of two or more Group objects bound in a single transaction [GMS, 04a]. The manipulation of multiple Group objects can also be supported by the iteration over the GroupManager however this will result in multiple independent transactions. The data-types used to support the GroupsManager class are derived as sets of the equivalent data-types used for the GroupManager class. The operations are summarized in Table 3.2.


Table 3.2 Summary of GroupManagerService operations.

Operation Description
createGroup To request the creation of a populated 'group' record on the target system and the source is responsible for the allocation of the unique identifier.
createByProxyGroup To request the creation of a populated 'group' record on the target system and the target is responsible for the allocation of the unique identifier.
deleteGroup To request the deletion of a 'group' record. The 'group' record is deleted and all of its associated relationships.
deleteGroupRelationship To request the deletion of a relationship within a 'group' record. This does not delete the associated 'group' records.
readGroup To read the full contents of the identified 'group' record. The target must return all of the data it has for the identified 'group' record.
updateGroup To write new content into the identified 'group' record. The target must write the new data into the 'group' record. This is an additive operation.
replaceGroup To replace the content of the identified 'group' record. The target must write the new data into the 'group' record. This is a destructive write-over of all of the original information.
changeGroupIdentifier To change the sourcedId of the 'group' record. The completion of this operation will result in later actions using the original sourcedId reporting an unknown identifier status.
createGroups To request the creation of a set of populated 'group' records on the target system and the source is responsible for the allocation of each of the unique identifiers.
createByProxyGroups To request the creation of two or more populated 'group' records on the target system and the target is responsible for the allocation of each the unique identifiers.
deleteGroups To request the deletion of a set of 'group' record. The 'group' records and all their associated relationships are deleted.
deleteGroupsRelationship To request the deletion of a set of relationships within the 'group' records. This does not delete the associated 'group' records.
readGroups To read the full contents of the set of identified 'group' records. The target must return all of the data it has for each of the identified 'group' records.
readGroupsForPerson To retrieve the 'group' records for a particular Person. This returns the set of group records of which the person i.e., for whom a membership record in the Group exists.
updateGroups To write new content into the set of identified 'group' records. The target must write the new data into each of the 'group' records. These are additive operations.
replaceGroups To replace the content of a set of identified 'group' records. The target must write the new data into the 'group' records. These are destructive write-overs of all of the original information.
changeGroupsIdentifier To change the sourcedId of the 'group' record. The completion of this operation will result in later actions using the original sourcedId reporting an unknown identifier status.

3.2.3 Membership Management Service

The MembershipManagementService class is used to model the service responsible for manipulating information about the membership of people or groups in groups. The Membership Management Service is split into two interface classes: MembershipManager that supports the manipulation of a single Membership object; MembershipsManager that supports the manipulation of two or more Membership objects bound in a single transaction [MMS, 04a]. The manipulation of multiple Membership objects can also be supported by the iteration over the Membership Manager however this will result in multiple independent transactions. The data-types used to support the MembershipsManager class are derived as sets of the equivalent data-types used for the Membership Manager class. The operations are summarized in Table 3.3.


Table 3.3 Summary of MembershipManagerService operations.

Operation Description
createMembership To request the creation of a populated 'membership' record on the target system and the source is responsible for the allocation of the unique identifier.
createByProxyMembership To request the creation of a populated 'membership' record on the target system and the target is responsible for the allocation of the unique identifier.
deleteMembership To request the deletion of a 'membership' record. The 'membership' record is deleted and all of its associated relationships.
readMembership To read the full contents of the identified 'membership' record. The target must return all of the data it has for the identified 'membership' record.
updateMembership To write new content into the identified 'membership' record. The target must write the new data into the 'person' record. This is an additive operation.
replaceMembership To replace the content of the identified 'membership' record. The target must write the new data into the 'person' record. This is a destructive write-over of all of the original information.
changeMembershipIdentifier To change the sourcedId of the 'membership' record. The completion of this operation will result in later actions using the original sourcedId reporting an unknown identifier status.
createMemberships To request the creation of two or more populated 'membership' records on the target system and the source is responsible for the allocation of each the unique identifiers.
createByProxyMemberships To request the creation of a set of populated 'membership' records on the target system and the target is responsible for the allocation of each of the unique identifiers.
deleteMemberships To request the deletion of a set of 'membership' record. The 'membership' records and all their associated relationships are deleted.
readMemberships To read the full contents of the set of identified 'membership' records. The target must return all of the data it has for each of the identified 'membership' records.
readMembershipsForPerson To retrieve all the 'membership' records for a particular Person. This returns every 'membership' record for the identified 'person' record.
readMembershipsForGroup To retrieve all the 'membership' records for a particular Group. This returns every 'membership' record for the identified 'group' record.
updateMemberships To write new content into the set of identified 'membership' records. The target must write the new data into each of the 'membership' records. These are additive operations.
replaceMemberships To replace the content of a set of identified 'membership' records. The target must write the new data into the 'membership' records. These are destructive write-overs of all of the original information.
changeMembershipsIdentifier To change the sourcedId of the set of 'membership' records. The completion of this operation will result in later actions using the original sourcedId reporting an unknown identifier status.

3.3 WSDL Bindings

The WSDL bindings have been generated using the methodology documented in [GWS 04a] and [GWS, 04b].

3.3.1 Person Management Services

The composition of the synchronous Person Management Services WSDL binding files is listed below [PMS, 04b]:

  • 'imsPersonManServiceSyncv1p0.wsdl' - the synchronous service specific WSDL binding file. For the Person Management Service this is based upon SOAP/http. This file imports the abstract definitions using the <wsdl:import> construct;
  • 'imsPersonManAbstractSyncv1p0.wsdl' - the synchronous abstract message definitions that represent the behavior of the Person Management Service operations. This file imports the message XSD using the <xsd:import> construct;
  • 'imsPersonManSyncv1p0.wsdl' - the synchronous WSDL binding file. This is the single file equivalent of the combination of the 'imsPersonManServiceSyncv1p0.wsdl' and 'imsPersonManAbstractSyncv1p0.wsdl' files;
  • 'imsPersonManMessSchemav1p0.xsd' - the XSD definitions for the synchronous and asynchronous messages. This file imports the Person data model XSD using the <xsd:import> construct;
  • 'imsPersonManDataSchemav1p0.xsd' - the definition of the Person data model. This is the file that was produced by the equivalent data model binding in Enterprise v1.1;
  • 'imsMessBindSchemav1p0.xsd' - the XSD binding of the message header parts. This includes the message headers for synchronous, polled and asynchronous message models;
  • 'imsEnterpriseCommonSchemav1p0.xsd' - the XSD binding of the 1EdTech Enterprise Services common data objects. This file is used by the Person message and data model XSDs as well as the 1EdTech message binding XSD;
  • 'wsiwsdlv1p1.xsd' - this is the reference XSD for the WSDL definition. This file is the WS-I amended version of the original file from W3C;
  • 'wsisoapv1p1.xsd' - this is the reference XSD for the SOAP extensions to WSDL. This file is from WS-I.

3.3.2 Group Management Services

The composition of the synchronous and asynchronous Group Management Services WSDL binding files is listed below [GMS, 04b]:

  • 'imsGroupManServiceSyncv1p0.wsdl' - the synchronous service specific WSDL binding file. For the Group Management Service this is based upon SOAP/http. This file imports the abstract definitions using the <wsdl:import> construct;
  • 'imsGroupManAbstractSyncv1p0.wsdl' - the synchronous abstract message definitions that represent the behavior of the Group Management Service operations. This file imports the message XSD using the <xsd:import> construct;
  • 'imsGroupManSyncv1p0.wsdl' - the synchronous WSDL binding file. This is the single file equivalent of the combination of the 'imsGroupManServiceSyncv1p0.wsdl' and 'imsGroupManAbstractSyncv1p0.wsdl' files;
  • 'imsGroupManMessSchemav1p0.xsd' - the XSD definitions for the synchronous and asynchronous messages. This file imports the Group data model XSD using the <xsd:import> construct;
  • 'imsGroupManDataSchemav1p0.xsd' - the definition of the Group data model. This is the file that was produced by the equivalent data model binding in Enterprise v1.1;
  • 'imsMessBindSchemav1p0.xsd' - the XSD binding of the message header parts. This includes the message headers for synchronous, polled and asynchronous message models;
  • 'imsCommonSchemav1p0.xsd' - the XSD binding of the 1EdTech common data objects. This file is used by the Group message and data model XSDs as well as the 1EdTech message binding XSD;
  • 'wsiwsdlv1p1.xsd' - this is the reference XSD for the WSDL definition. This file is the WS-I amended version of the original file from W3C;
  • 'wsisoapv1p1.xsd' - this is the reference XSD for the SOAP extensions to WSDL. This file is from WS-I.

3.3.3 Membership Management Services

The composition of the synchronous and asynchronous Person Management Services WSDL binding files is listed below [MMS, 04b]:

  • 'imsMemberManServiceSyncv1p0.wsdl' - the synchronous service specific WSDL binding file. For the Membership Management Service this is based upon SOAP/http. This file imports the abstract definitions using the <wsdl:import> construct;
  • 'imsMemberManAbstractSyncv1p0.wsdl' - the synchronous abstract message definitions that represent the behavior of the Membership Management Service operations. This file imports the message XSD using the <xsd:import> construct;
  • 'imsMemberManSyncv1p0.wsdl' - the synchronous WSDL binding file. This is the single file equivalent of the combination of the 'imsMemberManServiceSyncv1p0.wsdl' and 'imsMemberManAbstractSyncv1p0.wsdl' files;
  • 'imsMemberManMessSchemav1p0.xsd' - the XSD definitions for the synchronous and asynchronous messages. This file imports the Membership data model XSD using the <xsd:import> construct;
  • 'imsMemberManDataSchemav1p0.xsd' - the definition of the Membership data model. This is the file that was produced by the equivalent data model binding in Enterprise v1.1;
  • 'imsMessBindSchemav1p0.xsd' - the XSD binding of the message header parts. This includes the message headers for synchronous, polled and asynchronous message models;
  • 'imsCommonSchemav1p0.xsd' - the XSD binding of the 1EdTech common data objects. This file is used by the Membership message and data model XSDs as well as the 1EdTech message binding XSD;
  • 'wsiwsdlv1p1.xsd' - this is the reference XSD for the WSDL definition. This file is the WS-I amended version of the original file from W3C;
  • 'wsisoapv1p1.xsd' - this is the reference XSD for the SOAP extensions to WSDL. This file is from WS-I.

3.3.4 Namespacing

The name spaces used within the bindings are listed in Table 3.4.


Table 3.4 Namespaces and prefixes used in the binding files.

Namespace Prefix Usage
- "tns:" The target namespace identifier. "xsd:" The XML schema definition namespace.
/enterprise/xsd/imsCommonSchemav1p0 "iaf:" The 1EdTech Enterprise Service common data model definitions namespace.
/common/xsd/imsMessBindSchemav1p0 "isb:" The 1EdTech message header binding definitions namespace.
/pms/xsd/imsPersonManDataSchemav1p0 "per:" The data model namespace for the Person class.
/gms/xsd/imsGroupManDataSchemav1p0 "grp:" The data model namespace for the Group class.
/mms/xsd/imsMemberManDataSchemav1p0 "mem:" The data model namespace for the Membership class.
/pms/xsd/imsPersonManMessSchemav1p0 "imspms:" The 1EdTech Person Management Services message binding definitions namespace.
/gms/xsd/imsGroupManMessSchemav1p0 "imsgms:" The 1EdTech Group Management Services message binding definitions namespace.
/mms/xsd/imsMemberManMessSchemav1p0 "imsmms:" The 1EdTech Membership Management Services message binding definitions namespace.
/pms/wsdl/imsPersonManAbstractAsyncReqv1p0 "absp:" The Person Management Service asynchronous abstract definitions file references.
/pms/wsdl/imsPersonManAbstractAsyncResv1p0 "absp:" The Person Management Service asynchronous abstract definitions file references.
/gms/wsdl/imsGroupManAbstractAsyncReqv1p0 "absg:" The Group Management Service asynchronous abstract definitions file references.
/gms/wsdl/imsGroupManAbstractAsyncResv1p0 "absg:" The Group Management Service asynchronous abstract definitions file references.
/mms/wsdl/imsMemberManAbstractAsyncReqv1p0 "absp:" The Membership Management Service asynchronous abstract definitions file references.
/mms/wsdl/imsMemberManAbstractAsyncResv1p0 "absp:" The Membership Management Service asynchronous abstract definitions file references.
wsisoapv1p1 "soap:" The SOAP references used within the WSDL files.
wsiwsdlv1p1 "wsdl:" The default WSDL files namespace for WSDL v1.1.

4. SOAP/HTTP Messages for Synchronous Services

4.1 The SOAP/HTTP Message Structures

All of the messages described in the following examples have the same basic structure. The structure of these Request/Response messages is now described.

4.1.1 Request Messages

The basic SOAP/HTTP request message is shown below. The HTTP components are shown in lines (1-5). The invoking service name is shown in line (1) with the host server identified in line (2). The associated SOAP Action is given in line (5). The associated SOAP message structure is supplied in lines (7-9) i.e., enclosed in the element <SOAP-ENV:Envelope>. The usage of the namespace 'SOAP-ENV:' is defined in line (7).










POST /PersonManagementService HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

Content-Length: nnnn

SOAPAction: ""


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">



The detailed structure of the SOAP envelope is shown below. The contents of the SOAP envelope are listed in lines (7-15). The envelope consists of the SOAP header, lines (8-12) and the SOAP body, lines (13-15). The SOAP header is used to contain the message control information that is required for the synchronous end-to-end messaging to support the service behaviors. The header namespace is defined in line (9).

Every request message has a unique message identifier, i.e., line (10). The transmitting system is responsible for creating this unique identifier. The structure for this header is shown in the file 'imsMessBindSchemav1p0.xsd'.

















POST /PersonManagementService HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

Content-Length: nnnn

SOAPAction: ""


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">


      <h:syncRequestHeaderInfo xmlns:h="../imsMessBindSchemav1p0.xsd">








The SOAP body is shown below in lines (13-19). The namespace to be used in the body is defined in line (14). Line (14) also contains the associated XSD control document file.





















POST /PersonManagementService HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

Content-Length: nnnn

SOAPAction: ""


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">


      <h:syncRequestHeaderInfo xmlns:h="../imsMessBindSchemav1p0.xsd">





      <m:deletePersonRequest xmlns:m="../imsPersonManMessSchemav1p0.xsd">







4.1.2 Response Messages

The basic SOAP/HTTP response message is shown below. The associated SOAP message structure is supplied in lines (5-7) i.e., enclosed in the element <SOAP-ENV:Envelope>. The usage of the namespace 'SOAP-ENV:' is defined in line (5).








HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

Content-Length: nnnn


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">



The detailed structure of the SOAP envelope is shown below. The contents of the SOAP envelope are listed in lines (5-19). The envelope consists of the SOAP header, lines (6-15) and the SOAP body, lines (16-18). The SOAP header is used to contain the message control information that is required for the synchronous end-to-end messaging to support the service behaviors. The header namespace is defined in line (7).

Every response message has a unique message identifier, i.e., line (8). The transmitting system is responsible for creating this unique identifier. The structure for this header is shown in the file 'imsMessBindSchemav1p0.xsd'.

Every response message has a status field. The status field for a single transaction it is supplied as <h:statusInfo> whereas for multiple transactions it is supplied as <h:statusInfoSet>. The content of the status information is defined in the 1EdTech Common Data Model [ESCommon, 04].




















HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

Content-Length: nnnn


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">


      <h:syncResponseHeaderInfo xmlns:h="../imsMessBindSchemav1p0.xsd">













The SOAP body is shown below in lines (16-18). The namespace to be used in the body is defined in line (17). Line (17) also contains the associated XSD control document file.




















HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

Content-Length: nnnn


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">


      <h:syncResponseHeaderInfo xmlns:h="../imsMessBindSchemav1p0.xsd">










      <m:deletePersonResponse xmlns:m="../imsPersonManMessSchemav1p0.xsd"/>



4.2 Person Management Service Messages

The set of example Person Management Service SOAP/HTTP messages are described in Table 4.1. These files are stored in the directory '/examples/pms/sync/<operationname>/'. To access the example click on the corresponding filename listed in Table 4.1.


Table 4.1 PMS synchronous binding SOAP/HTTP message examples.

Activity Request Message Example File Response Message Example File
Creation of a Single Person Record createPersonRequest.txt createPersonResponse.txt
Proxy Creation of a Single Person Record createByProxyPersonRequest.txt createByProxyPersonResponse.txt
Deletion of a Single Person Record deletePersonRequest.txt deletePersonResponse.txt
Reading of a Single Person Record readPersonRequest.txt readPersonResponse.txt
Updating of a Single Person Record updatePersonRequest.txt updatePersonResponse.txt
Replacing of a Single Person Record replacePersonRequest.txt replacePersonResponse.txt
Changing the Identifier of a Single Person Record changePersonIdentifierRequest.txt changePersonIdentifierResponse.txt
Creation of Multiple Person Records createPersonsRequest.txt createPersonsResponse.txt
Proxy Creation of Multiple Person Records createByProxyPersonsRequest.txt createByProxyPersonsResponse.txt
Deletion of Multiple Person Records deletePersonsRequest.txt deletePersonsResponse.txt
Reading of Multiple Person Records readPersonsRequest.txt readPersonsResponse.txt
Reading of Persons that are a Member of a Group readPersonsForGroupRequest.txt readPersonsForGroupResponse.txt
Updating of Multiple Person Records updatePersonsRequest.txt updatePersonsResponse.txt
Replacing of Multiple Person Records replacePersonsRequest.txt replacePersonsResponse.txt
Changing the Identifier of Multiple Person Records changePersonsIdentifierRequest.txt changePersonsIdentifierResponse.txt

4.3 Group Management Service Messages

The set of example Group Management Service SOAP/HTTP messages are described in Table 4.2. These files are stored in the directory '/examples/gms/sync/<operationname>/'. To access the example click on the corresponding filename listed in Table 4.2.


Table 4.2 GMS synchronous binding SOAP/HTTP message examples.

Activity Request Message Example File Response Message Example File
Creation of a Single Group Record createGroupRequest.txt createGroupResponse.txt
Proxy Creation of a Single Group Record createByProxyGroupRequest.txt createByProxyGroupResponse.txt
Deletion of a Single Group Record deleteGroupRequest.txt deleteGroupResponse.txt
Deletion of Single Group Relationship deleteGroupRelationshipRequest.txt deleteGroupRelationshipResponse.txt
Reading of a Single Group Record readGroupRequest.txt readGroupResponse.txt
Updating of a Single Group Record updateGroupRequest.txt updateGroupResponse.txt
Replacing of a Single Group Record replaceGroupRequest.txt replaceGroupResponse.txt
Changing the Identifier of a Single Group Record changeGroupIdentifierRequest.txt changeGroupIdentifierResponse.txt
Creation of Multiple Group Records createGroupsRequest.txt createGroupsResponse.txt
Proxy Creation of Multiple Group Records createByProxyGroupsRequest.txt createByProxyGroupsResponse.txt
Deletion of Multiple Group Records deleteGroupsRequest.txt deleteGroupsResponse.txt
Deletion of Multiple Group Relationship deleteGroupsRelationshipRequest.txt deleteGroupsRelationshipResponse.txt
Reading of Multiple Group Records readGroupsRequest.txt readGroupsResponse.txt
Reading of Groups that have a particular Person as a Member. readGroupsForPersonRequest.txt readGroupsForPersonResponse.txt
Updating of Multiple Group Records updateGroupsRequest.txt updateGroupsResponse.txt
Replacing of Multiple Group Records replaceGroupsRequest.txt replaceGroupsResponse.txt
Changing the Identifier of Multiple Group Records changeGroupsIdentifierRequest.txt changeGroupsIdentifierResponse.txt

4.4 Membership Management Service Messages

The set of example Membership Management Service SOAP/HTTP messages are described in Table 4.3. These files are stored in the directory '/examples/mms/sync/<operationname>/'. To access the example click on the corresponding filename listed in Table 4.3.


Table 4.3 MMS synchronous binding SOAP/HTTP message examples.

Activity Request Message Example File Response Message Example File
Creation of a Single Membership Record createMembershipRequest.txt createMembershipResponse.txt
Proxy Creation of a Single Membership Record createByProxyMembershipRequest.txt createByProxyMembershipResponse.txt
Deletion of a Single Membership Record deleteMembershipRequest.txt deleteMembershipResponse.txt
Reading of a Single Membership Record readMembershipRequest.txt readMembershipResponse.txt
Updating of a Single Membership Record updateMembershipRequest.txt updateMembershipResponse.txt
Replacing of a Single Membership Record replaceMembershipRequest.txt replaceMembershipResponse.txt
Changing the Identifier of a Single Membership Record changeMembershipIdentifierRequest.txt changeMembershipIdentifierResponse.txt
Creation of Multiple Membership Records createMembershipsRequest.txt createMembershipsResponse.txt
Proxy Creation of Multiple Membership Records createByProxyMembershipsRequest.txt createByProxyMembershipsResponse.txt
Deletion of Multiple Membership Records deleteMembershipsRequest.txt deleteMembershipsResponse.txt
Reading of Multiple Membership Records readMembershipsRequest.txt readMembershipsResponse.txt
Reading of the Memberships for a Particular Person. readMembershipsForPersonRequest.txt readMembershipsForPersonResponse.txt
Reading of the Memberships for a Particular Group. readMembershipsForGroupRequest.txt readMembershipsForGroupResponse.txt
Updating of Multiple Membership Records updateMembershipsRequest.txt updateMembershipsResponse.txt
Replacing of Multiple Membership Records replaceMembershipsRequest.txt replaceMembershipsResponse.txt
Changing the Identifier of Multiple Membership Records changeMembershipsIdentifierRequest.txt changeMembershipsIdentifierResponse.txt

5. SOAP/HTTP Messages for Asynchronous Services

Note: At the time of publication the Asynchronous Binding had not been tested. The Asynchronous Binding example details will be issued in V2.0 of this document once testing has been completed.

6. Mapping for Other Specifications

6.1 1EdTech Enterprise Specification v1.1

6.1.1 Person Management Service

The Person Management Services is the service that is used to exchange the equivalent information contained within the Person data model as described in the 1EdTech Enterprise Information Model v1.1 [Enterprise, 03a]. The support of the v1.1 Person data model by the new Person Management Service is shown in Table 6.1.


Table 6.1 Support for the v1.1 Person data model by the PMS.

1EdTech Enterprise v1.1 Person Data Model 1EdTech Person Management Services Equivalent
attribute type mult attribute type mult
-recstatus integer1 O Unrequired. - -
-comments string2048 O <recordInfo> string2048 O
-lang string128 O Unsupported - -
M* Passed as a parameter in the service behavior. string4096
-sourcedidtype string16 O
-source string32 M
-id string256 M
-userid string256 O* <userId><userIdValue> string256 O
-useridtype string32 O <userId><userIdType> string32 O
-password string1024 O <userId><passWord> string1024 O
-pwencryptiontype string32 O <userId><pwEncryptionType> string32 O
-authenticationtype string32 O <userId><authenticationType> string32 O
M See below - -
-fn string256 M <formatName> string256 O
-sort string256 O <name>

-nickname string256 O <name>

O Unrequired - -
-family string256 O <name>

-given string256 O <name>

-other string256 O* <name>

-prefix string32 O <name>

-suffix string32 O <name>

-partname string256 O* <name>

-lang string128 O




O <demographics> - O
-gender string1 O <gender> enumerated O
-bday datetime O <bday> date O
-disability string64 O <disability> string32 O
-email string256 O <email> string2048 O
-url url O <url> string4096 O
-tel string32 O4 <tel><telValue> string32 M
-teltype string8 O <tel><telType> enumerated O

<address> - O
-pobox string32 O <pobox> string32 O
-extadd string128 O <extadd> string128 O
-street string128 O3 <street> string128 O3***
-locality string64 O <locality> string64 O
-region string64 O <region> string64 O
-pcode string32 O <postcode> string32 O
-country string64 O <country> string64 O

-extref string1024 M <extref> string1024 M
-imgtype string32 O <imgType> string32 O
O <systemRole> enumerated O
-systemroletype string32 M Unrequired - -
O* <institutionRole> - O*
-primaryrole string4 M <primaryRoleType> boolean M
-institutionroletype string32 M <institutionRoleType> enumerated M
-datasource string256 O <dataSource> string2048 O

6.1.2 Group Management Service

The Group Management Services is the service that is used to exchange the equivalent information contained within the Group data model as described in the 1EdTech Enterprise Information Model v1.1 [Enterprise, 03a]. The support of the v1.1 Group data model by the new Group Management Service is shown in Table 6.2.


Table 6.2 Support for the v1.1 Group data model by the GMS***.

1EdTech Enterprise v1.1 Group Data Model 1EdTech Group Management Services Equivalent
attribute type mult attribute type mult
-recstatus integer1 O Unrequired. - -
-comments string2048 O <recordInfo> string2048 O
-lang string128 O Unsupported - -
M* Passed as a parameter in the service behavior. string4096
-sourcedidtype string16 O
-source string32 M
-id string256 M
O* <groupType>
-scheme string256 O <scheme> string256 M
-typevalue string256 M* <typeValue>
string256 M*
-level string2 M <level> string2 M
M <description>
-short string60 M <descShort> string64 M
-long string256 O <descLong> string256 O
-full string2048 O <descFull> string2048 O
O <org>
-orgname string256 M <orgName> string256 O
-orgunit string256 O* <orgUnit> string256 O*
-type string32 O <orgType> string32 O
-id string256 O <id> string256 O
O <timeFrame>
-begin datetime O <begin>

-restrict integer1 M <restrict> boolean M
-end datetime O <end>

-restrict integer1 M <restrict> boolean M
-adminperiod string32 O <adminPeriod> string32 O
O <enrollControl>
-enrollaccept integer1 O <enrollAccept> boolean O
-enrollallowed integer1 O <enrollAllowed> boolean O
-email string256 O <email> string2048 O
-url url O <url> string4096 O
O <relationship>
-relation string8 O <relation> string8 M
M <sourcedId><identifier> string4096 M
-sourcedidtype string16 O


-source string32 M


-id string256 M


-label string32 M <label> string32 M
-datasource string256 O <dataSource> string2048 O

6.1.3 Membership Management Service

The Membership Management Services is the service that is used to exchange the equivalent information contained within the Membership data model as described in the 1EdTech Enterprise Information Model v1.1 [Enterprise, 03a]. The support of the v1.1 Membership data model by the new Membership Management Service is shown in Table 6.3.


Table 6.3 Support for the v1.1 Membership data model by the MMS.

1EdTech Enterprise v1.1 Membership Data Model 1EdTech Membership Management Services Equivalent
attribute type mult attribute type mult
-comments string2048 O <recordInfo> string2048 O
-lang string128 O Unsupported - -
M <groupSourcedId>
string4096 M
-sourcedidtype string16 O


-source string32 M


-id string256 M


M* <member>
-comments string2048 O <recordInfo> string2048 O
-lang String128 O Unsupported - -
M <memberSourcedId>
string4096 M
-sourcedidtype string16 O


-source string32 M


-id string256 M


-idtype integer1 M <idType> string O
M* <role>
-recstatus integer1 O Unrequired - -
-roletype string32 M <roleType> string32 M
-lang string128 O Unsupported - -
-subrole string32 O <subRole> string32 O
-status integer1 M <status> boolean O
-userid string256 O* <userId>
string256 O
-useridtype string32 O <userId>
string32 O
-password string1024 O <userId>
string1024 O
-pwencryptiontyp string32 O <userId>
string32 O
-authenticationty string32 O <userId>
string32 O
-comments string2048 O <recordInfo> string2048 O
-lang string128 O Unsupported - -
-datetime datetime O <dateTime> dateTime
O <timeFrame>
-begin datetime O <begin>

-restrict integer1 M <restrict> boolean M
-end datetime O <end>

-restrict integer1 M <restrict> boolean M
-adminperiod string32 O <adminPeriod> string32 O
O* <interimResult>
-resulttype string32 O <resultType> string32 O
-mode string32 O <mode> string32 O
O <values>
-valuetype integer1 M <valueType> string O
-list string32 O* <list> string32 O*
-min decimal8p4 O <min> decimal O
-max decimal8p4 O <max> decimal O
-result string32 O <result>

-comments string2048 O <recordInfo> string2048 O
-lang string128 O Unsupported - -
O* <finalResult>
-mode string32 O <resultType>*** string32 O
O <mode> string32 O
-valuetype integer1 M <values>
-list string32 O* <valueType> string O
-min decimal8p4 O <list> string32 O*
-max decimal8p4 O <min> decimal O
-result string32 O <max> decimal O
-comments string2048 O <recordInfo> string2048 O
-lang string128 O Unsupported - -
-email string256 O <email> string2048 O
-datasource string256 O <dataSource> string2048 O

6.2 1EdTech Learner Information Package (LIP)

The mapping between the 1EdTech Person Management Services <person> element and the 1EdTech LIP <identification> element is shown in Table 6.4.


Table 6.4 Mapping between PMS <person> and 1EdTech LIP <identification>.

Original <person> sub-elements Equivalent <identification> sub-elements
<sourcedId>SourceEntry1:IdEntry2 <contentype>
<formatName>Entry <formname>

<gender gender="M"/>
<gender gender="F"/>
<demographics><bday>Entry <demographics>
<demographics><disability>Entry <ext_identification>Entry
<email>Entry <contactinfo>
<url>Entry <contactinfo>
<address><pobox>Entry <contactinfo>
<address><extadd>Entry <contactinfo>
<address><street>Entry <contactinfo>
<address><locality>Entry <contactinfo>
<address><region>Entry <contactinfo>
<address><pcode>Entry <contactinfo>
<address><country>Entry <contactinfo>
<photo><extref>Entry <demographics>
<system_role>Entry <ext_identification>Entry
<ext_identification>Entry1, Entry2
<datasource>Entry <contentype>
<extension>Entry <ext_identification>Entry

6.3 IETF vCard Support

The 1EdTech Enterprise Service is compatible with the IETF vCard specification i.e., many of the vCard fields can be contained by an Enterprise-XML instance and the rest are supported through the use of the Person extension element. This relationship is shown in Table 6.5, namely:


Table 6.5 Usage of 1EdTech Person Management Service to support the IETF vCard specification.

vCard Element 1EdTech PMS Element(s) Notes
FN <person><formatName> The formatted name.
n <person><name>
The name.
family <person><name>
Family name component.
given <person><name>
Given name component.
other <person><name>
Other name components.
prefix <person><name>
Prefix name component.
suffix <person><name>
Suffix name component.
nickname <person><name>
photo <person><photo> A photograph of the Person.
bday <person><demographics><bday> The birth date of the Person.
addr <person><address> The address.
pobox <person><address><pobox> The PO Box address component.
extadd <person><address><extadd> The extended address.
street <person><address><street> The street address component.
locality <person><address><locality> The locality address component.
region <person><address><region> The region address component.
pcode <person><address><postcode> The post code/zip code address component.
country <person><address><country> The country address component.
label <person><extension> Requires the usage of the Person extension feature.
tel <person><tel> The telephone number.
email <person><email> The email address.
mailer <person><extension> Requires the usage of the Person extension feature.
tz <person><extension> Requires the usage of the Person extension feature.
geo <person><extension> Requires the usage of the Person extension feature.
lat <person><extension> Requires the usage of the Person extension feature.
lon <person><extension> Requires the usage of the Person extension feature.
title <person><extension> Requires the usage of the Person extension feature.
role <person><extension> Requires the usage of the Person extension feature.
logo <person><extension> Requires the usage of the Person extension feature.
agent <person><extension> Requires the usage of the Person extension feature.
org <person><extension> Requires the usage of the Person extension feature.
categories <person><extension> Requires the usage of the Person extension feature.
item <person><extension> Requires the usage of the Person extension feature.
note <person><extension> Requires the usage of the Person extension feature.
sort <person><name>
The sort form for the name.
sound <person><extension> Requires the usage of the Person extension feature.
url <person><url> The web URL.
key <person><userId> Security keys.

6.4 Internet2/Educause 'eduPerson' Support

The eduPerson specification is an object class for LDAP services whereas Enterprise is a set of data objects for the exchange of learner Enterprise information and not just directory-related information. The relationship between the eduPerson V1.0 specification and the 1EdTech Person management Services is summarized in Table 6.6.


Table 6.6 Usage of 1EdTech Enterprise Service to exchange the eduPerson information

EduPerson Object Definition 1EdTech PMS Data Structure Comments
<person><institutionRole> Specifies the person's relationship(s) to the institution in broad categories such as student, faculty, staff, alum, etc. This is to use a controlled vocabulary and 1EdTech will work with Internet2/Educause to achieve a common vocabulary base.
Person's nickname, or the informal name by which they are accustomed to be hailed.
<person><extension> The distinguished name (DN) of the directory entry representing the institution with which the person is associated. The Person extension structure must be used.
<person><extension> The distinguished name (DN) of the directory entries representing the person's Organizational Unit(s). With a distinguished name, the client can do an efficient lookup in the institution's directory for information about the person's organizational unit(s). The Person extension structure must be used.
<person><institutionRole> Specifies the person's PRIMARY relationship to the institution in broad categories such as student, faculty, staff, alum, etc. This is to use a controlled vocabulary and 1EdTech will work with Internet2/Educause to achieve a common vocabulary base.
<person><userId> The "NetID" of the person for the purposes of inter-institutional authentication. Should be stored in the form of, where is the name of the local security domain. This information can be contained within Person <userid> element.

6.5 LDAP Attribute Mapping

Most enterprise systems utilize a directory to store organizational and person information. Many directories use the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to store this data and make it accessible to other Enterprise applications. It is likely that Learning Management Systems will use some of the data in an LDAP directory to populate equivalent fields in the 1EdTech Enterprise XML binding. Table 6.7 represents a preliminary mapping between LDAP base schema items and 1EdTech Enterprise elements. This is provided only as an example. The reader who wishes to incorporate LDAP data into learning management applications is encouraged to consult authoritative sources regarding LDAP.


Table 6.7 Mapping of 1EdTech Enterprise Services to LDAP attributes.

1EdTech Data Object 1EdTech PMS Data Structure LDAP Attribute Name, Alias
Person <sourcedId> Uid
cn, commonName
sn, surName
<tel> telephoneNumber
<address> postalAddress
<address><pobox> postOfficeBox
<address><street> street
<address><locality> l, locality, localityName
<address><country> c, countryName
<photo> photo
Group <sourcedId> o, organization
<org><orgName> o, organization
<org><orgUnit> ou, organizationUnitName
<org><orgType> businessCategory
Membership <member><role><userId> Uid

6.6 OKI Enterprise Service OSIDs

The OKI definition of 'Group' is different to that by 1EdTech, but there are still ways to relate the concepts found in both. The idea of a 'Group' in OKI is a set of people, whose purpose is left undefined and who are undifferentiated. A 'Group' can have subgroups as well as members, but the membership in a group is undifferentiated i.e., you are either a member or not.

The concept of 'Membership' in 1EdTech is that a person has one or more roletypes within a group. In OKI this would be expressed using the Authorization SID, by mapping 1EdTech roletypes as functions and treating 1EdTech groups as qualifiers.

These are really two different uses of group. In one sense it is a just a set of people and in another it is just a placeholder for some other entity such as a course. In OKI a 'Group' represents a set of people and what this means is left to the application. Therefore, a group could be constructed to represent the set of students in a course, but it wouldn't represent the course itself. In an application you would associate the group to the course. In this case the Course would be represented as a Qualifier in (OKI Authorization OSID). The Qualifier Identifier in the Authorization Service would be set to the CourseIdentifier. You would use the Authorization OSID to maintain and query peoples roles associated with the course. Groups used for mailing lists etc. could be created using the OKI Shared OSID, if this is also needed.

The 1EdTech Membership structure also contains results information. Results information in OKI is associated with a Course and a Person, and the methods found in the CourseManagement OSID.

In OKI there are different levels of abstractions, some more general and some more specific. In the Enterprise domain, OKI has three constructs for relationships:

  • Groups - sets of people;
  • Authorizations - assertions about people and their functions (or roles) within some context;
  • CourseOfferings - represent courses and their information.

Therefore, depending on what your using 1EdTech Group and membership for, you may want to relate it to OKI in different ways.

Further detail on the relevant OKI OSIDs is given in Appendix B.

7. Best Practice

7.1 Achieving Interoperability

The following list describes some types of systems for which the 1EdTech Enterprise Services specification may support Learning Management interoperability. It includes a list of some interfaces that the current specification can support.

7.1.1 Human Resource Management System

Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) manage personnel records, payroll, benefits, competency management, and other functions for an enterprise. Interoperability that can be supported by this specification include:

From HRMS to LMS:

  • Person data maintained in the HRMS and passed to the LMS;
  • HR departments passed as groups, and employees of those departments passed as members;
  • Special groups of employees (new hires for example) passed to the LMS as training groups.

From LMS to HRMS:

  • After the completion of training courses, course information is returned to the HRMS as groups, and completion of training courses, or it could come back as membership in those groups, with result information included.

7.1.2 Corporate Training Management System

Corporate Training Administration systems keep track of employee training plans, schedule training courses (including instructors and resources), enroll people in training, record training completed, and update employee competencies in an HRMS. They are also used to manage training delivered to customers. Interoperability that can be supported by this specification include:

From Training to LMS:

  • Person data might be passed to the LMS from the training system;
  • Training groups (courses) and memberships could be passed from training to the LMS.

From LMS to Training:

  • After the completion of training courses, membership objects could be sent to the Training Administration system from the LMS with result (completion) information included.

7.1.3 Student Administration System

Student Administration Systems (SAS) keep track of student education plans, schedule courses (including instructors and resources), enroll people in courses, record course results, and update student academic progress. Interoperability that can be supported by this specification include:

From SAS to LMS:

  • Person data for people enrolled in groups that are managed by the LMS;
  • Group data could be passed from SAS to the LMS to create the groups;
  • Group membership (course enrollment) data may be passed from SAS to the LMS;
  • Final grade information may be passed to the LMS from the SAS in an updated Membership object if final grading occurs in the SAS, and the LMS needs the final grade for its records.

From LMS to SAS:

  • Final grades could be returned to SAS from the LMS by passing back Membership records with the Result data provided. This data could then be entered into a formal grade roster process on the SA side.

7.1.4 Library Management System

Library Management systems can be thought of as a particular class of Learning Management system, in that they provide a set of services for managing the interaction of learners with learning objects. Therefore, it is appropriate to use this specification to support interfaces from other enterprise systems to Library Management systems in much the same way that these interfaces are supported with Learning Management Systems.

From SAS or HRMS to Library:

  • People data;
  • Groups - course sections for access to specific material, HR departments for access to services, alumni for access to limited services, etc.;
  • Group membership.

7.2 Implementing the Abstract API

7.2.1 Single Transaction/Single Operation

The three services have operations that allow individual data objects to be manipulated. Each of these operations, contained within the 'PersonManager', 'GroupManager' and 'MembershipManager' interface classes, results in a single request/response message exchange. Each operation manipulates the state of one object (in some cases there may be ripple effects to ensure consistency across the full data set) and reports the result of that action. Therefore, these operations support a single transaction.

7.2.2 Multiple Transactions/Multiple Operations

If multiple transactions are required then this can be achieved by iterating across the single operations i.e., if five new person objects are to be created then five create operations can be issued sequentially. Each operation will carry a single transaction and so five operation calls results in five individual response/message exchanges. The advantage of this approach is that no new implementation features are required and there is an incremental change of state and it's reporting. The disadvantage is that for a large number of similar operations there is a significant communication overhead that could result in the communications network becoming overloaded. At the very least there will be a significant communications delay before all of the transactions are completed.

7.2.3 Multiple Transactions/Single Operation

An alternative approach for multiple transactions is to use the operations contained within the 'PersonsManager', 'GroupsManager' and 'MembershipsManager' interface classes. The corresponding operations enable many transactions on the same category of objects to be invoked in a single operation. In the above example of the creation of five new person objects, this would result in a single operation call containing the five bundled transactions. This results in a single request/response message. The advantage of this approach is that there is no extra communication overhead i.e., there is a single request/response message interaction. The disadvantage is that for a synchronous service there is no response until all of the transactions have been completed - this could be a long delay. The response reports on the status of each transaction and so the service requester must process the received message to pair the status information in the SOAP header with the corresponding data in the SOAP body. The SOAP messages contain all of the relevant linkage information.

7.2.4 Single and Multiple Sessions

The concept of a session is outside the scope of the specification. New operations can be defined to introduce the concept of a session but for asynchronous bindings this will need to address the implications of multiple sessions.

7.2.5 Identifiers and SourcedIds

In the 1EdTech Enterprise v1.1 specification the 'sourcedId' was a structured object i.e., it consisted of 'source' and 'id' sub-structures. In the 1EdTech Enterprise Services specification the 'sourcedId' is based upon the 'identifier' structure that is defined as a flat string. This flat string can be used to contain the sub-structured format from Enterprise v1.1 specification using the following algorithm:

1EdTech Enterprise Services 'sourcedId' = <source>&...&<id>


<source> is the value of the source element in the 1EdTech Enterprise v1.1 specification implementation;

<id> is the value of the id element in the 1EdTech Enterprise v1.1 specification implementation;

'&...&' is the delimiter between the 'source' and 'id' values. The number of '&' in the sequence must be one greater than the number of concatenated occurrences elsewhere i.e., in either the 'source' or the 'id' values.

In the case where the 'source' = 1EdTech and 'id' = wehu12kio then the new 'sourcedId' = 1EdTech&wehu12kio. In the case where the 'source' = IM&S and 'id' = wehu1&&2kio then the new 'sourcedId' = IM&S&&&wehu1&&2kio.

7.2.6 Passing More Parameters

The information models define what parameters are to be passed within the SOAP message body. At the current time there is no way to extend this set of parameters. If more parameters need to be passed then the following approaches can be considered:

  • New operations are defined with similar functionality to those who parameters must be extended. The new definitions will include the new parameters;
  • New operations are defined that establish an end-to-end session. The parameters passed in these session-establishing behaviors would then have meaning throughout the session.

1EdTech welcomes feedback on the issue of adding new parameters and how to best facilitate this in the specification.

7.2.7 Creating an Implementation API

The 1EdTech Enterprise Services specification defines an abstract API. This API is defined to enable the corresponding request/response to be created and represented in WSDL. There is no requirement to directly convert the abstract API to a language dependent implementation equivalent i.e., a Java API does not have to provide the 'createPerson' method, etc.

It is recommended that an appropriate implementation API be created to insulate the rest of the application from the communications handler responsible for Enterprise systems interoperability. This API should take the form most appropriate to the business process being supported by the Enterprise Services specification. This API will then provide the adaptation between those business processes and the creation and handling of the SOAP messages that are defined within the Enterprise Services binding.

The implementation API could also support other operations that have not been defined with the 1EdTech Enterprise Services specification. This is one way in which the 1EdTech specification can be extended. The only constraint is that the same message structure and choreography is followed. This ensures that any Service Provider can reject an unknown service request by returning the stats code 'unsupported' in the SOAP message header. Conversely, every implementation must be capable of rejecting unknown service requests. Any subsequent local error message logging etc. is implementation dependent.

7.3 Status Codes and SOAP Fault Messages

7.3.1 Status Codes

The 1EdTech Enterprise Services documentation and the 1EdTech Common Data Definitions documents give an extension description of the set of status codes that can be reported and the conditions under which the codes are to be reported. There are two further issues to be considered:

  • Request authority - if the Service Requester does not have the appropriate authority for the issued request then the Service Provider will reject the request issuing the appropriate status code. The default codeMinor value is: 'authorizationfail';
  • Conformance level mismatch - if there is a mismatch between the conformance levels of the two systems then there will be data exchange problems. In these cases the systems must exchange the maximum amount of data from their perspective. If the Service Provider cannot store all of the data it has been given then it returns a codeMajor/severity value of 'Success/Warning' with a codeMinor value of 'partialdatastorage'. If the Service Provider supplies too much information for the Service Requester then the invoking application receive the report of codeMajor/severity value of 'Success/Warning' with a codeMinor value of 'receivedataoverload'

7.3.2 SOAP Fault Codes

The SOAP faults are reported in the SOAP header. This means that when a SOAP request message is issued the response message may contain SOAP fault codes with no further useful information. It is the responsibility of the implementations of the Service Requester and Service Provider to convert the SOAP fault codes to the equivalent 1EdTech Enterprise Services status codes. The default codeMajor/severity values are 'Failure/Error' and the codeMinor value is 'soapfault'. More detailed codeMinor codes can be created if required.

7.3.3 Handling the Status Codes

The 1EdTech Enterprise Services specification does not describe how the status codes are to be passed from the Service Requester and Service Provider communications handlers i.e., the usage of the 'StatusInfo' and 'StatusInfoSet' objects is a part of the abstract API. An implementation API must describe how the status information is to be passed t the driving applications. There are several alternatives including being passed as a parameter in the API interface and requiring interrogation using a special status code API interface call. Clearly, the manner in which the status codes are handled in the Service Requester and Service Provider do not have to be the same. The only requirement is that all of the status information must be passed in the SOAP message header. It is also required that the SOAP fault codes will also be passed in the same manner as the 1EdTech Enterprise Services status code information.

7.4 Architectural Considerations

7.4.1 Information Synchronization

The 1EdTech Enterprise Service bindings provide mechanisms through which the synchronization of data transfers can be maintained. These mechanisms are:

  • Synchronous and asynchronous communications - two different message choreographies are available. The synchronous binding requires the Service Requester to wait for the response from the Service Provider whereas the asynchronous binding allows many service requests to be issued and outstanding;
  • Message identifiers - all of the SOAP messages have unique message identifiers. The status information in the response message includes the message identifier of the original request message;
  • Sourced identifiers - every data object is allocated a unique identifier. This identifier must be unique in the context of the two systems that access the object i.e., the identifiers do not have to be globally unique. The end systems are responsible for maintaining the integrity of these identifiers.

7.4.2 Push and Pull Transactions

The Enterprise Services are defined in such a way that any system can be either a Service Requester or Service provider or both. Data can be pushed or pulled depending on how the 1EdTech Enterprise Services are used. Pushed data requires the source to issue 'create', createByProxy', 'delete', 'write' and 'replace' operations. Pulled data requires the source to issue 'read' operations.

7.4.3 'Snapshot' and Event Driven Transactions

The 1EdTech Enterprise team's consensus is that the most robust and easily implemented interface would involve the passing of a complete 'snapshot' of the Person, Group, and Group Membership data. The target system would examine this snapshot to determine what changes had occurred. This very basic type of interface allows a receiving system to pick up an interface at any time and synchronize its data with the source system - regardless of how many interfaces had been passed in the interim. A purely event driven 'transactional' interface, on the other hand, cannot tolerate any loss or skipping of interface records. The snapshot approach requires the usage of the iterated operations in the three services.

This basic interface also allows the target system to implement many different strategies for dealing with the interface data. Taking a "snapshot" means that the full set of relevant data from the source system can be moved to the target system environment on any timing needed to support the business processes. This interface architecture has the advantage of being very tolerant of lost messages or missed data objects because the next transmittal will always get the target system back in synchronization with the source system. However, the major drawback is that the target system can never be sure that the data has not changed in the source system since the last snapshot was received. Also, this interface architecture does not effectively support two-way interfaces. In a two-way interface, data object maintenance occurs in both systems, and the data objects are passed in both directions.

In an event driven interface, the source system publishes data object messages when events occur. This changes the relevant data, and the target system receives and processes the event transactions. The existence of an event driven interface does not eliminate the usefulness of the "snapshot" interface. Because an event driven interface is not tolerant of missed transactions, the "snapshot" interface can be used at regular intervals to "re-synchronize" the data in the target system with that in the source system. This increases the fault tolerance of the overall interface architecture.

7.4.4 Common Services and Service Choreography

The interaction of the services with each other and with common services is outside the scope of this specification. However, there are recommendations on how these interactions should be managed in the context of the Enterprise Services:

  • Authorization, authentication and other similar information should be passed in the SOAP headers. The SOAP headers can be extended using the W3C recommendations;
  • The WS-I Basic Profile 1.0 defines the usage of UDDI 2.0 for service discovery etc. At the current time there is little experience in the usage of UDDI but this approach should be considered in any implementation.

7.5 Synchronous and Asynchronous Communications

The information models are created agnostic of the communications infrastructure choreography. Synchronous and asynchronous bindings of the 1EdTech Enterprise Services have been developed and the key differences from an implementation perspective are:

  • The synchronous binding has the simple request/response message choreography whereas the asynchronous binding has request/acknowledge and response/acknowledge message exchanges. The co-ordination between the two message sets is implementation dependent;
  • For the synchronous binding the service requester is blocked until the response message has been received. It is still important to verify that the response message is correctly matched to the request message (use the 'messageIdentifier' and 'messageRefIdentifier' structures in the SOAP message headers) because the underlying communications infrastructure may result in unexpected behavior. In the asynchronous binding the service requester is only blocked until the initial acknowledgement message is received from the service provider;
  • For the asynchronous binding the service requester must either poll the communications handler for data reception or the communications handler must announce the arrival of data for the service requester. The mechanism adopted is implementation dependent.

For both the synchronous and asynchronous bindings it is assumed that the end-to-end communications is error-free, there is no message re-ordering and no message duplication (the correct usage of the message identifiers in the SOAP headers will protect against some of these problems). In the binding there is no provision of reliable messaging but this will be investigated for adoption once the W3C has completed its work in this area.

7.6 Using the Person Data Model

7.6.1 Changes from Enterprise Specification v1.1

The changes from the <person> structure in the Enterprise Specification v1.1 are:

  • There are no XSD attributes used in the I-PMS. All of the attributes have been replaced by elements (this is to avoid the occurrence of attributes in SOAP messages) and when appropriate the content of the element has been constrained using an enumerated list;
  • In the I-PMS binding a 'camel case' naming convention has been adopted. In the Enterprise Specification v1.1 the naming convention was lower case;
  • In the I-PMS there are no mandatory children of the <person> element. This is because the 'Create/Read/Update/Delete' approach only needs the data required for the operation e.g., an update of the name does not need any other non-name data;
  • The 'recstatsus' attribute in Enterprise Specification v1.1 has been removed. This is now replaced by the service operation definitions;
  • The <comments> element, in the Enterprise Specification v1.1, has been replaced by the <recordInfo> element;
  • The <sourcedId> element in Enterprise Specification v1.1 has been removed. This information is now passed as a parameter in the request/response messages i.e., it is passed in the SOAP message but not as part of the <person> data model;
  • The <sort>, <nickname>, <family>, <given>, <other>, <prefix> and <suffix> elements in the in Enterprise Specification v1.1 have been removed from the <name> element. These have been redundant by the usage of the <partname> element;
  • Within the I-PMS some elements are name-spaced entries from a common definitions. These elements are <esx:dataSource>, <esx:email> and <esx:url>;
  • In the I-PMS the structure of the <extension> element has been changed. Within the data model, extensions must use the defined layout template. This change was made to ensure that the Service Provider will always be able to unmarshal the received SOAP message;
  • Whenever possible data-types in the I-PMS have been used. In some cases in the Enterprise Specification the string data-type was used to contain values that could have been defined as Boolean, etc. Whenever the string data-type has been used an effort has been made to constrain its length in the binding as defined in the information model. The Enterprise Specification v1.1. DTD binding did not constrain the lengths of the strings.

7.6.2 Considerations for Each Operation

Some useful notes to consider when implementing each operation as a Service Provider are:

  • CreatePerson - it is possible to create an object that is empty i.e., a 'sourcedId' has been allocated, the base record structure space is reserved but no content is added at the time of creation. The reception of an empty data structure from the Service Requester should not result in the reporting of an error status code;
  • CreateByProxyPerson - as per the 'CreatePerson' operation, it is possible to create an object that is empty i.e., a 'sourcedId' is allocated, and the base record structure space reserved but no content is added at the time of creation. The reception of an empty data structure from the Service Requester should not result in the reporting of an error status code;
  • DeletePerson - it is implementation dependent as to whether the object is actually destroyed or merely marked as deleted in the server database. It is recommended that no object is destroyed due to the delete request;
  • ReadPerson - if the data record is empty then it must still be returned and the success status code reported. The Service provider must return all of the data it stores for the object;
  • UpdatePerson - this is an additive operation but the actions on each data structure are determined by the multiplicity defined in the information model i.e., an update for a data structure that has multiplicity of '0' or '1' is equivalent to replacing that structure. The Service Provider should complete as much of the change as possible e.g., if some data is supplied that cannot be stored then this should not result in the complete rejection/failure of the request;
  • ReplacePerson - this results in the original data for the identified object being deleted and replaced by this new information. All of the established membership relationships are still maintained because the 'sourcedId' for the Person has not changed. The Service Provider should complete as much of the change as possible e.g., if some data is supplied that cannot be stored then this should not result in the complete rejection/failure of the request;
  • ChangePersonIdentifier - the successful completion of this request requires that all of the associated membership records must be changed to use the new 'sourcedId';
  • CreatePersons - look at the notes for the 'CreatePerson' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • CreateByProxyPersons - look at the notes for the 'CreateByProxyPerson' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • DeletePersons - look at the notes for the 'DeletePerson' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • ReadPersons - look at the notes for the 'ReadPerson' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • ReadPersonsForGroup - the Service Provider must return all of the Person records it locates that are members of the defined Group;
  • UpdatePersons - look at the notes for the 'UpdatePerson' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • ReplacePersons - look at the notes for the 'ReplacePerson' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • ChangePersonsIdentifier - look at the notes for the 'ChangePersonIdentifier' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction.

Some useful notes to consider when implementing each operation as a Service Requester are:

  • CreatePerson - the specification makes no recommendations as to what the Service Requester should do if the create request is rejected by the Service Provider. The nature of the rejection will determine the recovery approach e.g., if the new 'sourcedId' has already been allocated in the Service Provider then a change of sourcedId may result in success;
  • CreateByProxyPerson - the specification makes no recommendations as to what the Service Requester should do if the 'sourcedId' allocated by the Service Provider has already been allocated to another object in the Service Requester. Consistency suggests that the object in the Service Provider should either be deleted, and then perhaps recreated, or have its 'sourcedId' changed;
  • DeletePerson - it is recommended that the local version of the object not be deleted until confirmation has been received that the Service Provider has successfully completed the deletion request. This avoids the two systems becoming inconsistent;
  • ReadPerson - the Service Provider can return an empty data record (see the notes for CreatePerson from the perspective of the Service Provider). The Service Provider may return more information than can be handed by the Service Requester. The Service Requester should supply as much of this data as possible to the invoking application;
  • UpdatePerson - the specification makes no recommendations as to what the Service Requester should do if the request is rejected. Some remedial action is required otherwise the system will remain in an inconsistent state;
  • ReplacePerson - the specification makes no recommendations as to what the Service Requester should do if the request is rejected. Some remedial action is required otherwise the system will remain in an inconsistent state;
  • ChangePersonIdentifier - look at the notes for the 'CreateByProxyPerson' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the 'sourcedId's returned in the SOAP message body by the Service Provider and the original individual create requests. A status error code for a transaction will mean that there is no corresponding 'sourcedId' in the SOAP message body;
  • CreatePersons - look at the notes for the 'CreatePerson' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the individual create requests;
  • CreateByProxyPersons - look at the notes for the 'CreateByProxyPerson' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the 'sourced's returned in the SOAP message body by the Service Provider and the original individual create requests. A status error code for a transaction will mean that there is no corresponding 'sourcedId' in the SOAP message body;
  • DeletePersons - look at the notes for the 'DeletePerson' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the individual delete requests;
  • ReadPersons - look at the notes for the 'ReadPerson' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the data returned in the SOAP message body by the Service Provider and the original individual read requests. A status error code for a transaction will mean that there is no corresponding person record in the SOAP message body;
  • ReadPersonsForGroup - the Service Provider does not report the number of Person records supplied. Instead it just supplies the records themselves. There is a single status report for this operation;
  • UpdatePersons - look at the notes for the 'UpdatePerson' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the individual update requests;
  • ReplacePersons - look at the notes for the 'ReplacePerson' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the individual replace requests;
  • ChangePersonsIdentifier - look at the notes for the 'ChangePersonIdentifier' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the individual change requests.

7.7 Using the Group Data Model

7.7.1 Changes from Enterprise Specification v1.1

The changes from the <group> structure in the Enterprise Specification v1.1 are:

  • There are no XSD attributes used in the I-GMS. All of the attributes have been replaced by elements (this is to avoid the occurrence of attributes in SOAP messages) and when appropriate the content of the element has been constrained using an enumerated list;
  • In the I-GMS binding a 'camel case' naming convention has been adopted. In the Enterprise Specification v1.1 the naming convention was lower case;
  • In the I-GMS there are no mandatory children of the <person> element. This is because the 'Create/Read/Update/Delete' approach only needs the data required for the operation e.g., an update of the name does not need any other non-name data;
  • The 'recstatsus' attribute in Enterprise Specification v1.1 has been removed. This is now replaced by the service operation definitions;
  • The <comments> element, in the Enterprise Specification v1.1, has been replaced by the <recordInfo> element;
  • The <sourcedId > element in Enterprise Specification v1.1 has been removed as a direct child of the <group> element. This information is now passed as a parameter in the request/response messages i.e., it is passed in the SOAP message but not as part of the <person> data model;
  • Within the I-GMS some elements are name-spaced entries from a common definitions. These elements are <esx:dataSource>, <esx:email> and <esx:url>;
  • In the I-GMS the structure of the <extension> element has been changed. Within the data model, extensions must use the defined layout template. This change was made to ensure that the Service Provider will always be able to unmarshal the received SOAP message;
  • Whenever possible data-types in the I-GMS have been used. In some cases in the Enterprise Specification the string data-type was used to contain values that could have been defined as Boolean, etc. Whenever the string data-type has been used an effort has been made to constrain its length in the binding as defined in the information model. The Enterprise Specification v1.1. DTD binding did not constrain the lengths of the strings.

7.7.2 Considerations for Each Operation

Some useful notes to consider when implementing each operation as a Service Provider are:

  • CreateGroup - it is possible to create an object that is empty i.e., a 'sourcedId' has been allocated, the base record structure space is reserved but no content is added at the time of creation. The reception of an empty data structure from the Service Requester should not result in the reporting of an error status code;
  • CreateByProxyGroup - as per the 'CreateGroup' operation, it is possible to create an object that is empty i.e., a 'sourcedId' is allocated, and the base record structure space reserved but no content is added at the time of creation. The reception of an empty data structure from the Service Requester should not result in the reporting of an error status code;
  • DeleteGroup - it is implementation dependent as to whether the object is actually destroyed or merely marked as deleted in the server database. It is recommended that no object be destroyed due to the delete request. The deletion of a group requires that all of the child sub-groups are also deleted and the associated membership records of the Group are deleted;
  • ReadGroup - if the data record is empty then it must still be returned and the success status code reported. The Service provider must return all of the data it stores for the object. Only the record of the identified group is returned i.e., information about related groups requires further read requests using the appropriate 'sourcedId';
  • UpdateGroup - this is an additive operation but the actions on each data structure are determined by the multiplicity defined in the information model i.e., an update for a data structure that has multiplicity of '0' or '1' is equivalent to replacing that structure. The Service Provider should complete as much of the change as possible e.g., if some data is supplied that cannot be stored then this should not result in the complete rejection/failure of the request;
  • ReplaceGroup - this results in the original data for the identified object being deleted and replaced by this new information. All of the established membership relationships are still maintained because the 'sourcedId' for the Group has not changed. All of the child sub-groups are deleted. The Service Provider should complete as much of the change as possible e.g., if some data is supplied that cannot be stored then this should not result in the complete rejection/failure of the request;
  • ChangeGroupIdentifier - the successful completion of this request requires that all of the associated membership records must be changed to use the new 'sourcedId';
  • CreateGroups - look at the notes for the 'CreateGroup' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • CreateByProxyGroups - look at the notes for the 'CreateByProxyGroup' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • DeleteGroups - look at the notes for the 'DeleteGroup' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • ReadGroups - look at the notes for the 'ReadGroup' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • ReadGroupsForPerson - the Service Provider must return all of the Group records it locates that are members of the defined Person;
  • UpdateGroups - look at the notes for the 'UpdateGroup' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • ReplaceGroups - look at the notes for the 'ReplaceGroup' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • ChangeGroupsIdentifier - look at the notes for the 'ChangeGroupIdentifier' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction.

Some useful notes to consider when implementing each operation as a Service Requester are:

  • CreateGroup - the specification makes no recommendations as to what the Service Requester should do if the create request is rejected by the Service Provider. The nature of the rejection will determine the recovery approach e.g., if the new 'sourcedId' has already been allocated in the Service Provider then a change of sourcedId may result in success;
  • CreateByProxyGroup - the specification makes no recommendations as to what the Service Requester should do if the 'sourcedId' allocated by the Service Provider has already been allocated to another object in the Service Requester. Consistency suggests that the object in the Service Provider should either be deleted, and then perhaps recreated, or have its 'sourcedId' changed;
  • DeleteGroup - it is recommended that the local version of the object not be deleted until confirmation has been received that the Service Provider has successfully completed the deletion request. This avoids the two systems becoming inconsistent;
  • ReadGroup - the Service Provider can return an empty data record (see the notes for CreateGroup from the perspective of the Service Provider). The Service Provider may return more information than can be handed by the Service Requester. The Service Requester should supply as much of this data as possible to the invoking application;
  • UpdateGroup - the specification makes no recommendations as to what the Service Requester should do if the request is rejected. Some remedial action is required otherwise the system will remain in an inconsistent state;
  • ReplaceGroup - the specification makes no recommendations as to what the Service Requester should do if the request is rejected. Some remedial action is required otherwise the system will remain in an inconsistent state;
  • ChangeGroupIdentifier - the specification makes no recommendations as to what the Service Requester should do if the request is rejected because the new 'sourcedId' has already been allocated to another object in the Service Provider or if the original object cannot be identified in the Service Provider;
  • CreateGroups - look at the notes for the 'CreateGroup' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the individual create requests;
  • CreateByProxyGroups - look at the notes for the 'CreateByProxyGroup' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the 'sourcedId's returned in the SOAP message body by the Service Provider and the original individual create requests. A status error code for a transaction will mean that there is no corresponding 'sourcedId' in the SOAP message body;
  • DeleteGroups - look at the notes for the 'DeleteGroup' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the individual delete requests;
  • ReadGroups - look at the notes for the 'ReadGroup' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the data returned in the SOAP message body by the Service Provider and the original individual read requests. A status error code for a transaction will mean that there is no corresponding person record in the SOAP message body;
  • ReadGroupsForPerson - the Service Provider does not report the number of Group records supplied. Instead it just supplies the records themselves. There is a single status report for this operation;
  • UpdateGroups - look at the notes for the 'UpdateGroup' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the individual update requests;
  • ReplaceGroups - look at the notes for the 'ReplaceGroup' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the individual replace requests;
  • ChangeGroupsIdentifier - look at the notes for the 'ChangeGroupIdentifier' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the individual change requests.

7.7.2 Groups and Sub-groups

The Group structure is used as a generic collection structure for objects that have a similar functionality, responsibility, etc. It can be a Group of other Groups or a Group of Person records. Sub-groups are defined by creating a relationship between Group and another and by establishing the relationship as either 'Parent' or 'Child'.

The relationship between two Groups is defined using the <relationship> element. This allows the definition of uni-directional and bi-directional references depending on the desired implementation. The sub-group hierarchy is defined using the '1=Parent' and '2=Child' values in the <relation> attribute of the <relationship> element. This tree structure can be defined to have any number of roots and the equivalence of Groups can be defined using the '3-Cross Listing' value for <relation>.

7.7.3 Cross-listed Course Sections

Cross-Listed course sections are a fairly common scenario in higher education. A Cross-Listed course section refers to a situation where the same course is offered under more than one name. This is typically done because different groups of students will enroll in different sections based on the program they are studying. For example, Statistics 101 section 1 and Psychology 101 section 1 are really the same course section, offered by the same instructor, meeting at the same time and place (physical or virtual), using the same course materials. The only difference is that Math students enroll in Statistics 101, and Psychology students enroll in Psychology 101. A problem arises in this situation when the Enterprise system treats these sections as separate groups. In the Learning Management System, they need to be treated as a single group, or at least the LMS needs to know they are related.

One approach is to resolve this in the source system before passing Groups and Memberships over to the target system. In other words, a single group (perhaps called "Introductory Statistics", without the Math or Psychology designator) would be created in the Learning Management System and membership from both groups in the Enterprise system would be passed to this single group in the LMS. Another approach is to pass two separate groups to the target system, but relate them to each other through the use of the Relationship element. In this case, the two groups could be tagged as follows in the Relationship element:

  • Sourced ID - The ID of the cross-listed course section in the source system;
  • Label - Would contain something like 'Cross Listed Section';
  • Relation - Would contain "3" (also known as).

In general, the best practice would be to resolve the issue in the source system, before passing the group and membership data to the target system, but there may be cases where the second approach is required.

7.8 Using the Membership Data Model

The changes from the <membership> structure in the Enterprise Specification v1.1 are:

  • There are no XSD attributes used in the I-MMS. All of the attributes have been replaced by elements (this is to avoid the occurrence of attributes in SOAP messages) and when appropriate the content of the element has been constrained using an enumerated list;
  • In the I-MMS binding a 'camel case' naming convention has been adopted. In the Enterprise Specification v1.1 the naming convention was lower case;
  • In the I-MMS there are no mandatory children of the <person> element. This is because the 'Create/Read/Update/Delete' approach only needs the data required for the operation e.g., an update of the name does not need any other non-name data;
  • In the I-MMS the <membership> element can only contain one <member> record but this may contain more than one <role> record;
  • In the I-MMS each Membership record is allocated its own 'sourcedId'. All operations on the Membership record must use this 'sourcedId'. In the Enterprise Specification v1.1 a Membership record was referenced using the 'sourcedid's of the appropriate Member and Group;
  • The 'recstatsus' attribute in Enterprise Specification v1.1 has been removed. This is now replaced by the service operation definitions;
  • The <comments> element, in the Enterprise Specification v1.1, has been replaced by the <recordInfo> element;
  • The <sourcedId> element in Enterprise Specification v1.1 has been removed. This information is now passed as a parameter in the request/response messages i.e., it is passed in the SOAP message but not as part of the <person> data model;
  • Within the I-MMS some elements are name-spaced entries from a common definitions. These elements are <esx:dataSource> and <esx:email>;
  • In the I-MMS the structure of the <extension> element has been changed. Within the data model, extensions must use the defined layout template. This change was made to ensure that the Service Provider will always be able to unmarshal the received SOAP message;
  • Whenever possible data-types in the I-MMS have been used. In some cases in the Enterprise Specification the string data-type was used to contain values that could have been defined as Boolean, etc. Whenever the string data-type has been used an effort has been made to constrain its length in the binding as defined in the information model. The Enterprise Specification v1.1. DTD binding did not constrain the lengths of the strings.

7.8.1 Considerations for Each Operation

Some useful notes to consider when implementing each operation as a Service Provider are:

  • CreateMembership - it is possible to create an object that is empty i.e., a 'sourcedId' has been allocated, the base record structure space is reserved but no content is added at the time of creation. The reception of an empty data structure from the Service Requester should not result in the reporting of an error status code;
  • CreateByProxyMembership - as per the 'CreatePerson' operation, it is possible to create an object that is empty i.e., a 'sourcedId' is allocated, and the base record structure space reserved but no content is added at the time of creation. The reception of an empty data structure from the Service Requester should not result in the reporting of an error status code;
  • DeleteMembership - it is implementation dependent as to whether the object is actually destroyed or merely marked as deleted in the server database. It is recommended that no object is destroyed due to the delete request. Only the membership record is deleted;
  • ReadMembership - if the data record is empty then it must still be returned and the success status code reported. The Service provider must return all of the data it stores for the object. Only the Membership record is returned;
  • UpdateMembership - this is an additive operation but the actions on each data structure are determined by the multiplicity defined in the information model i.e., an update for a data structure that has multiplicity of '0' or '1' is equivalent to replacing that structure. The Service Provider should complete as much of the change as possible e.g., if some data is supplied that cannot be stored then this should not result in the complete rejection/failure of the request;
  • ReplaceMembership - this results in the original data for the identified object being deleted and replaced by this new information. All of the established membership relationships are still maintained because the 'sourcedId' for the Person has not changed. The Service Provider should complete as much of the change as possible e.g., if some data is supplied that cannot be stored then this should not result in the complete rejection/failure of the request;
  • ChangeMembershipIdentifier - the successful completion of this request requires that all of the associated membership records must be changed to use the new 'sourcedId';
  • CreateMemberships - look at the notes for the 'CreateMembership' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • CreateByProxyMemberships - look at the notes for the 'CreateByProxyMembership' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • DeleteMemberships - look at the notes for the 'DeleteMembership' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • ReadMemberships - look at the notes for the 'ReadMembership' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • ReadMembershipsForGroup - the Service Provider must return all of the Membership records it locates that are members of the defined Group;
  • ReadMembershipsForPerson - the Service Provider must return all of the Membership records it locates that are members of the defined Person;
  • UpdateMemberships - look at the notes for the 'UpdateMembership' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • ReplaceMemberships - look at the notes for the 'ReplaceMembership' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction;
  • ChangeMembershipsIdentifier - look at the notes for the 'ChangeMembershipIdentifier' operation. A status report must be supplied for every transaction in the request otherwise the Service Requester may not be able to accurately determine the status of any transaction.

Some useful notes to consider when implementing each operation as a Service Requester are:

  • CreateMembership - the specification makes no recommendations as to what the Service Requester should do if the create request is rejected by the Service Provider. The nature of the rejection will determine the recovery approach e.g., if the new 'sourcedId' has already been allocated in the Service Provider then a change of sourcedId may result in success;
  • CreateByProxyMembership - the specification makes no recommendations as to what the Service Requester should do if the 'sourcedId' allocated by the Service Provider has already been allocated to another object in the Service Requester. Consistency suggests that the object in the Service Provider should either be deleted, and then perhaps recreated, or have its 'sourcedId' changed;
  • DeleteMembership - it is recommended that the local version of the object not be deleted until confirmation has been received that the Service Provider has successfully completed the deletion request. This avoids the two systems becoming inconsistent;
  • ReadMembership - the Service Provider can return an empty data record (see the notes for CreateMembership from the perspective of the Service Provider). The Service Provider may return more information than can be handed by the Service Requester. The Service Requester should supply as much of this data as possible to the invoking application;
  • UpdateMembership - the specification makes no recommendations as to what the Service Requester should do if the request is rejected. Some remedial action is required otherwise the system will remain in an inconsistent state;
  • ReplaceMembership - the specification makes no recommendations as to what the Service Requester should do if the request is rejected. Some remedial action is required otherwise the system will remain in an inconsistent state;
  • ChangeMembershipIdentifier - the specification makes no recommendations as to what the Service Requester should do if the request is rejected because the new 'sourcedId' has already been allocated to another object in the Service Provider or if the original object cannot be identified in the Service Provider;
  • CreateMemberships - look at the notes for the 'CreateMembership' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the individual create requests;
  • CreateByProxyMemberships - look at the notes for the 'CreateByProxyMembership' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the 'sourcedId's returned in the SOAP message body by the Service Provider and the original individual create requests. A status error code for a transaction will mean that there is no corresponding 'sourcedId' in the SOAP message body;
  • DeleteMemberships - look at the notes for the 'DeleteMembership' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the individual delete requests;
  • ReadMemberships - look at the notes for the 'ReadMembership' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the data returned in the SOAP message body by the Service Provider and the original individual read requests. A status error code for a transaction will mean that there is no corresponding person record in the SOAP message body;
  • ReadMembershipsForGroup - the Service Provider does not report the number of Membership records supplied. Instead it just supplies the records themselves. There is a single status report for this operation;
  • ReadMembershipsForPerson - the Service Provider does not report the number of Membership records supplied. Instead it just supplies the records themselves. There is a single status report for this operation;
  • UpdateMemberships - look at the notes for the 'UpdateMembership' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the individual update requests;
  • ReplaceMemberships - look at the notes for the 'ReplaceMembership' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the individual replace requests;
  • ChangeMembershipsIdentifier - look at the notes for the 'ChangeMembershipIdentifier' operation. The set of status reports in the SOAP message header must be matched to the individual change requests.

7.8.2 Assigning Group Membership Role-type

Roletype is a data structure in the Group Membership object that has a defined set of domain values. This means that only those values defined in the domain can be used for this element. Recognizing that no defined list of roles can ever be absolutely complete; the optional element <subrole> can be used to further qualify a person's role in a group. It is essential to have a defined list of values for the mandatory <roletype> element so source systems can generate standard Group Membership data objects that target systems can process without having to first negotiate the meaning of role-types with the source system. To help developers understand what meaning is embedded in each of the role-type values, the Table 7.1 shows the LMS functions to which each <roletype> will typically have access. This is not intended to be a precise and exclusive list of all functions that these roles will have access to in all LMSs. Rather, it is provided as an interpretive guide intended to communicate the meaning the developers of the specification had in mind for each role. In addition, access to these functions will be less for some sub-roles. For example, a supervisor may be a sub-role for a manager, and a supervisor will likely not have access to results for the people they supervise.


Table 7.1 The LMS functions typically available to each roletype.

Content Developer
Teaching Assistant
  R M R M R M R M R M R M R M R M
Learning Content X
Learner Enrollment X T X X




Group Roles X


Learner Submission T T X






Unofficial Results T



Official Results T



Final Results T



Certification T




The key is: X=Available, R=Read, M=Main, S=Some, T=Theirs.

In any particular implementation or in any specific vendor's product, the Instructor role and the Administrator role will frequently have several sub-roles.

In later versions of the 1EdTech Enterprise Service we will be revisiting the ways in which the role-type is defined and referenced. The changes will look at using a vocabulary that will be supported using the 1EdTech VDEX specification [VDEX, 04]. The current method is maintained for compatibility as this was used in the 1EdTech Enterprise Specification v1.1.

7.9 1EdTech Harmonization

The 1EdTech Enterprise specification is complemented by the 1EdTech LIP specification [LIP, 01a], [LIP, 01b], [LIP, 01c]. There is some confusion about when and where the two specifications should be used and so the following recommendations are made:

  • Information that is limited to a small sub-set of the full personal details of an individual and to be used to populate an LMS for learning activities should be exchanged using the 1EdTech Person Management Service. The exception is personal information required to support computer-based accessibility that should be exchanged using the 1EdTech LIP <accessibility> data object;
  • Information about Group activities, groups of people and membership information should be exchanged using the 1EdTech Group Management Services and 1EdTech Membership Management Services specifications;
  • Information about a single individual, particularly when focused on their life-long learning log/profile, should be exchanged using the 1EdTech LIP specification e.g., their set of examination results.

There may be some confusion between the 1EdTech Enterprise, 1EdTech LIP and the 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability (QTI) Results Reporting specifications with respect to exchanging assessment results. The following recommendations are made:

  • Information from an Assessment Engine reporting the set of results for a single individual or group of people should be reported to another Assessment Engine or within the Assessment System using the 1EdTech QTI specification;
  • Personal results being reported from an Assessment System to a Profiles System should be exchanged using the 1EdTech LIP;
  • Personal and group results being reported from and LMS to an Enterprise System should be reported using the 1EdTech Membership Management Services.

8. Supporting the Use Cases

8.1 Person Management Service Use Cases

The manner in which the original ES Use Cases of the Person Management Service [EntServices, 04a] are supported is shown in Table 8.1.


Table 8.1 How the original Person use cases are supported by the specification.

Original PMS Use Case Manner of Support
Person01/01-Creating a Person If the 'Reference Agent' is responsible for allocating the unique identifier (SourcedId) then it issues the 'createPerson' request. The 'Sync Agent' replies with a 'createPerson' response. If the 'Sync Agent' is responsible for allocating the unique identifier (SourcedId) then the 'Reference Agent' issues the 'createByProxyPerson' request. The 'Sync Agent' replies with a 'createByProxyPerson' response.
Person01/02-Reading a Person The 'Reference Agent' issues the 'readPerson' request to the 'Sync Agent'. The 'Sync Agent' replies using the 'readPerson' response.
Person01/03-Updating a Person If the 'Reference Agent' requires the addition of new information to the equivalent record on the 'Sync Agent' then an 'updatePerson' request is issued. The 'Sync Agent' replies with the 'updatePerson' response. However, if the 'Reference Agent' requires the equivalent record on the 'Sync Agent' to be replaced by a new set of data then the 'replacePerson' request is issued. The 'Sync Agent' replies with the 'replacePerson' response'.
Person01/04-Deleting a Person The 'Reference Agent' issues the 'deletePerson' request to the 'Sync Agent'. The 'Sync Agent' replies using the 'deletePerson' response.
Person01/05-Changing a Person Source Identifier The 'Reference Agent' issues the 'changePersonIdentifier' request to the 'Sync Agent'. The 'Sync Agent' replies with the 'changePersonIdentifier' response.
Note that it is not possible to support the part of the use case that requires the change of identifiers since a specific time.
Person02/01-Querying a Person using Creation Date This use case is not supported in the Version 1.0 release of this specification.
Person02/02-Querying Updated Persons This use case is not supported in the Version 1.0 release of this specification.
Person02/03-Querying Deleted Persons This use case is not supported in the Version 1.0 release of this specification.

8.2 Group Management Service Use Cases

The manner in which the original ES Use Cases of the Group Management Service [EntServices, 04a] are supported is shown in Table 8.2.


Table 8.2 How the original Group use cases are supported by the specification.

Original GMS Use Case Manner of Support
Group01/01-Creating a Group If the 'Reference Agent' is responsible for allocating the unique identifier (SourcedId) then it issues the 'createGroup' request. The 'Sync Agent' replies with a 'createGroup' response. If the 'Sync Agent' is responsible for allocating the unique identifier (SourcedId) then the 'Reference Agent' issues the 'createByProxyGroup' request. The 'Sync Agent' replies with a 'createByProxyGroup' response.
Group01/02-Reading a Group The 'Reference Agent' issues the 'readGroup' request to the 'Sync Agent'. The 'Sync Agent' replies using the 'readGroup' response.
Group01/03-Updating a Group If the 'Reference Agent' requires the addition of new information to the equivalent record on the 'Sync Agent' then an 'updateGroup' request is issued. The 'Sync Agent' replies with the 'updateGroup' response. However, if the 'Reference Agent' requires the equivalent record on the 'Sync Agent' to be replaced by a new set of data then the 'replaceGroup' request is issued. The 'Sync Agent' replies with the 'replaceGroup' response'.
Group01/04-Deleting a Group The 'Reference Agent' issues the 'deleteGroup' request to the 'Sync Agent'. The 'Sync Agent' replies using the 'deleteGroup' response.
Group01/05-Deleting a Group Relationship The 'Reference Agent' issues the 'deleteGroupRelationship' request to the 'Sync Agent'. The 'Sync Agent' replies using the 'deleteGroupRelationship' response.
Note that it is not possible to support the part of the use case that requires the deletion of all relationships since a specific time.

8.3 Membership Management Service Use Cases

The manner in which the original ES Use Cases of the Membership Management Service [EntServices, 04a] are supported is shown in Table 8.3.


Table 8.3 How the original Membership use cases are supported by the specification.

Original MMS Use Case Manner of Support
Membership01/01-Creating a Membership If the 'Reference Agent' is responsible for allocating the unique identifier (SourcedId) then it issues the 'createMembership' request. The 'Sync Agent' replies with a 'createMembership' response. If the 'Sync Agent' is responsible for allocating the unique identifier (SourcedId) then the 'Reference Agent' issues the 'createByProxyMembership' request. The 'Sync Agent' replies with a 'createByProxyMembership' response.
Membership01/02-Reading a Membership The 'Sync Agent' issues the 'readMembership' request to the 'Reference Agent'. The 'Reference Agent' replies using the 'readMembership' response.
Membership01/03-Updating a Membership If the 'Reference Agent' requires the addition of new information to the equivalent record on the 'Sync Agent' then an 'updateMembership' request is issued. The 'Sync Agent' replies with the 'updateMembership' response. However, if the 'Reference Agent' requires the equivalent record on the 'Sync Agent' to be replaced by a new set of data then the 'replaceMembership' request is issued. The 'Sync Agent' replies with the 'replaceMembership' response'.
Membership01/04-Deleting a Membership The 'Reference Agent' issues the 'deleteMembership' request to the 'Sync Agent'. The 'Sync Agent' replies using the 'deleteMembership' response.
Membership01/05-Reading a Person's Membership The 'Sync Agent' issues the 'readPersonsForMembership' request and the 'Reference Agent' replies with the 'readPersonsForMembership' response.
Membership01/06-Reading a Group's Membership The 'Sync Agent' issues the 'readGroupsForMembership' request and the 'Reference Agent' replies with the 'readGroupsForMembership' response.

9. Extending the Services

9.1 Proprietary Extensions to the Enterprise Services

9.1.1 Extensions to the Data Models

Extensions in a data model must use the 1EdTech Extension class. As an example consider an extension to the Person model in which the color of the person's eyes and hair is to be stored:




































POST /PersonManagementService HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

Content-Length: nnnn

SOAPAction: ""

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">


      <h:syncRequestHeaderInfo xmlns:h="../imsMessBindSchemav1p0.xsd">





      <m:createPersonRequest xmlns:m="../imsPersonManMessSchemav1p0.xsd">





            <esx:email xmlns:esx = "http://...">hello</esx:email>

            <per:extension xmlns:per = "http://...">

               <esx:extensionField xmlns:esx = "http://...">





               <esx:extensionField xmlns:esx = "http://...">










The extensions are shown in lines 20-31. The points to note are:

  • There is no requirement to define any new XSD structures;
  • There is no hierarchical structure of the extensions. The extension structure must be expressed as a flat list;
  • Any conditional relationship between the sub-elements are not validated by the parser e.g., if the <fieldType> was an enumerated list then the parser will not ensure that the <fieldValue> is an entry from that list.

9.1.2 Extensions to the Behaviors

The addition of proprietary behaviors should still maintain the format of the established behaviors. An example is shown in Figure 9.1 in which two new behaviors are defined (these use the current set of data classes). When new proprietary behaviors are added it is recommended that:

  • A new interface type is declared and this has a unique name that indicates it is an extension;
  • Each new behavior should have a unique name. All of the behaviors must return a status object either in the form of 'StatusInfo' or 'StatusInfoSet';
  • Any new data classes should also be described. These new classes should be given their own namespace and linked, where appropriate, to the current XSDs;
  • The corresponding new WSDL files must be created (these will extend but replace the original WSDL files). Each new behavior requires the appropriate message choreography (depending on the nature of the binding) and must use the established SOAP message header structures. The established transformation rules should be used [GWS, 04a], [GWS, 04b].

Extending a service by adding proprietary behaviors


Figure 9.1 Extending a service by adding proprietary behaviors.

Note that a proprietary extension MUST NOT be defined to replace the behavior of an established operation. Instead it is permissible to add a new behavior that inherits its functionality form an established behavior.

9.2 Planned Extensions for the Enterprise Services

9.2.1 Potential New Behaviors for Established Services

There are three types of new behaviors that can be added to the current services, namely:

  • Query behaviors - this is the capability to query the 'Service Provider' for objects that fit a search criteria e.g., list all Person objects that were changed since yesterday, etc. The query capability is to be added to all three of the current component Enterprise Services. 1EdTech is to develop an independent Query Service that will then be profiled for usage in the Person, Group and Membership Management services. The Query Service will not be available until May 2005 and so any new behaviors in the Enterprise Service will not be supplied until October 2005 at the earliest;
  • Object management behaviors - this is the inclusion of more behaviors that support the low level management of the core objects. This could include the ability to delete all objects, read all objects, undelete an object, etc.;
  • Business specific behaviors - new behaviors could be created to handle specific types of Person or Group e.g., create new student, create new course, etc. These behaviors would be based upon refinement and combination of some of the other behaviors for a service.

9.2.2 Potential New Services

In the original evaluation of the 1EdTech Enterprise v1.1 specification two new services were investigated for potential inclusion in V1.0 of the 1EdTech Enterprise Services specification. The two new services considered were:

  • Grade-book Management Service - this is a considerable extension of the simple results reporting capability currently available in the membership Management Service. A separate service would enable the creation of a Grade-book Management capability that could be designed to be integrated with the 1EdTech Learner Information Package and the SIF Grade-book object;
  • Course Catalog Management service - this is a development of a service capability to manage course catalogs, which themselves could consist of sub-catalogs etc. It is possible to provide a simplified capability using the Group Management Service but as yet there is no agreed approach for interoperability.

Other new business services could be added that reflect specific business operations. These new services could be based upon the combination of behaviors from the other services.

Appendix A - Glossary of Terms

Throughout the Enterprise Services specification documents a variety of key terms, concepts and descriptions have been introduced. These terms, concepts and descriptions and defined below but where appropriate the normative definition from the IAF Glossary is referenced [AbsGloss, 03].

address The address element is a part of the person element. The address contains information such as the street, region, country, zip code, etc.
AddressDType The AddessDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for address structures. The address element is of type AddressDType.
adminPeriod The adminPeriod element is used within the timeFrame element to contain a short human readable description for the administrative or academic period for the duration of the Group. It is a character string [1-32].
authenticationType The authenticationType element is used on the userId element to identify the authentication mechanism to be applied to control the user's access to the learning environment. It is a character string [1-32].
bday The bday element is used within the demographics element to store the date of birth of the Person. This is a character string containing the date in the ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
begin The begin element is used within the timeFrame element to define when a Group is to be made available for participation. It is a character string [1-20] containing the date in the ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
changeGroupIdentifier This is the behavior to change the SourcedId assigned to a Group object in the Group Management Service. If the new SourcedId is already in use or the original Group object cannot be identified by the Service Provider then a failure status code is returned.
changeGroupsIdentifier This is the behavior to change the SourcedIds assigned to a set of Group objects in the Group Management Service. If the new SourcedId is already in use or the original Group object cannot be identified by the Service Provider then a failure status code is returned for that part of the request.
changeMembershipIdentifier This is the behavior to change the SourcedId assigned to a Membership object in the Membership Management Service. If the new SourcedId is already in use or the original Membership object cannot be identified by the Service Provider then a failure status code is returned.
changeMembershipsIdentifier This is the behavior to change the SourcedIds assigned for a set Membership objects in the Membership Management Service. If the new SourcedId is already in use or the original Membership object cannot be identified by the Service Provider then a failure status code is returned for that part of the request.
changePersonIdentifier This is the behavior to change the SourcedId assigned to a Person object in the Person Management Service. If the new SourcedId is already in use or the original Person object cannot be identified by the Service Provider then a failure status code is returned.
changePersonsIdentifier This is the behavior to change the SourcedIds assigned to a set of Person objects in the Person Management Service. If the new SourcedId is already in use or the original Person object cannot be identified by the Service Provider then a failure status code is returned for that part of the request.
codeMajor This is an attribute of the StatusInfo class and a child element of statusInfo. It is used to contain the primary status indicator and as such is an enumerated set of 'Success', 'Processing',v'Failure' and 'Unsupported' codes. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
codeMinor This is the element that contains the set of minor codes that are returned as part of the statusInfo. This element contains one or more codeMinorField elements. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
codeMinorField This class and element is use to contain the individual minor status codes that are returned in the statusInfo and statusInfoSet element and classes. This element contains the name and value of the code in the codeMinorName and codeMinorValue elements respectively. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
codeMinorName This element within the codeMinorField contains the name of the service that is responsible for generating the status code. This is a character string [1-32]. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
codeMinorValue This element within the codeMinorField contains the minor status code value being reported. This is a character string [1-32]. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
comments The comments element is used as the general element in which comments and/or statements are supplied. When used as a comment this information is parsed through the XML parser (unlike and XML comment). This is a character string [1-2048].
country The country element is used within the address element. It is used to store the country component of the address e.g., Brazil, China, etc. It is submitted as a string of up to 64 characters in length and the content is based upon the ISO3166 standard.
createByProxyGroup This is the create Group object behavior in the Group Management Service. The successful outcome is the creation of a single populated Group object on the Service Provider. The unique SourcedId is allocated by the Service Provider and returned to the Service Requester.
createByProxyGroups This is the behavior to create many Group objects in the Group Management Service. The successful outcome is the creation of a set of populated Group objects on the Service Provider. The unique SourcedIds are allocated by the Service Provider and returned to the Service Requester. An individual status code is returned for each transaction requested within the operation.
createByProxyMembership This is the create Membership object behavior in the Membership Management Service. The successful outcome is the creation of a single populated Membership object on the Service Provider. The unique SourcedId is allocated by the Service Provider and returned to the Service Requester. This behavior requires valid Group and Member SourcedIds to be supplied.
createByProxyMemberships This is the behavior to create many Membership objects in the Membership Management Service. The successful outcome is the creation of a set of populated Membership objects on the Service Provider. The unique SourcedIds are allocated by the Service Provider and returned to the Service Requester. An individual status code is returned for each transaction requested within the operation. This behavior also requires valid Group and Member SourcedIds to be supplied for each Membership object being created.
createByProxyPerson This is the create Person object behavior in the Person Management Service. The successful outcome is the creation of a single populated Person object on the Service Provider. The unique SourcedId is allocated by the Service Provider and returned to the Service Requester.
createByProxyPersons This is the behavior to create many Person objects in the Person Management Service. The successful outcome is the creation of a set of populated Person objects on the Service Provider. The unique SourcedIds are allocated by the Service Provider and returned to the Service Requester. An individual status code is returned for each transaction requested within the operation.
createGroup This is the create Group object behavior in the Group Management Service. The successful outcome is the creation of a single populated Group object on the Service Provider. The unique SourcedId is allocated by the Service Requester. If the allocated SourcedId is already in use in the Service Provider then a failure status is returned.
createGroups This is the create many Group objects behavior in the Group Management Service. The successful outcome is the creation of a set of populated Group objects on the Service Provider. The unique SourcedIds are allocated by the Service Requester. If an allocated SourcedId is already in use in the Service Provider then a failure status is returned for that part of the request.
createMembership This is the create Membership object behavior in the Membership Management Service. The successful outcome is the creation of a single populated Membership object on the Service Provider. The unique SourcedId is allocated by the Service Requester. If the allocated SourcedId is already in use in the Service Provider then a failure status is returned. This behavior also requires valid Group and Member SourcedIds to be supplied.
createMemberships This is the behavior to create many Membership objects in the Membership Management Service. The successful outcome is the creation of a set of populated Membership objects on the Service Provider. The unique SourcedIds are allocated by the Service Requester. If an allocated SourcedId is already in use in the Provider then a failure status is returned for that part of the request. This behavior also requires valid Group and Member SourcedIds to be supplied for each Membership object being created.
createPerson This is the create Person object behavior in the Person Management Service. The successful outcome is the creation of a single populated Person object on the Service Provider. The unique SourcedId is allocated by the Service Requester. If the allocated SourcedId is already in use in the Service Provider then a failure status is returned.
createPersons This is the behavior to create many Person objects in the Person Management Service. The successful outcome is the creation of a set of populated Person objects on the Service Provider. The unique SourcedIds are allocated by the Service Requester. If an allocated SourcedId is already in use in the Service Provider then a failure status is returned for that part of the request.
dataSource The dataSource element is used in the person, group and role elements to indicate the original source of the data i.e., this could be different from the system currently attempting to exchange the data. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
date The date element is used by several elements. It is used to contain the actual date information. The structure of the date should conform to the IS8601 standard and takes the form of: YYYY-MM-DD i.e., year, month and day.
dateTime The dateTime element is used by several elements. It is used to contain the actual date and/or time information. The structure of the dateTime should conform to the IS8601 standard and takes the form of: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS i.e., year, month, day, hour, minute and second.
deleteGroup This is the delete Group object behavior in the Group Management Service. The successful outcome is the deletion of the Group object on the Provider. If the supplied SourcedId cannot be located on the Provider then a failure status is returned.
deleteGroupRelationship This is the delete a relationship from the Group object behavior in the Group Management Service. The successful outcome is the deletion of the relationship between the identified Group objects on the Provider; neither Group object is deleted. If an allocated SourcedId or RelationId cannot be located on the Provider then a failure status is returned.
deleteGroups This is the delete many Group objects behavior in the Group Management Service. The successful outcome is the deletion of a set of populated Group objects on the Provider. If an allocated SourcedId cannot be located on the Provider then a failure status is returned for that part of the request.
deleteGroupsRelationship This is the delete many relationships from Group objects behavior in the Group Management Service. The successful outcome is the deletion of a set of relationships from the populated Group objects on the Provider; no Group object is deleted If an allocated SourcedId cannot be located on the Provider then a failure status is returned for that part of the request. If an allocated SourcedId or RelationId cannot be located on the Provider then a failure status is returned for that part of the request.
deleteMembership This is the delete Membership object behavior in the Membership Management Service. The successful outcome is the deletion of the Membership object on the Provider. If the supplied SourcedId cannot be located on the Provider then a failure status is returned.
deleteMemberships This is the delete many Membership objects behavior in the Membership Management Service. The successful outcome is the deletion of a set of populated Membership objects on the Service Provider. If an allocated SourcedId cannot be located on the Service Provider then a failure status is returned for that part of the request.
deletePerson This is the delete Person object behavior in the Person Management Service. The successful outcome is the deletion of the Person object on the Service Provider. If the supplied SourcedId cannot be located on the Service Provider then a failure status is returned.
deletePersons This is the delete many Person objects behavior in the Person Management Service. The successful outcome is the deletion of a set of populated Person objects on the Provider. If an allocated SourcedId cannot be located on the Service Provider then a failure status is returned for that part of the request.
demographics The demographics element is used to store the learner information for demographic information about the learner e.g., gender, place of birth, etc.
DemographicsDType The DemographicsDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for demographics structures. The demographics element is of type DemographicsDType.
descFull The descFull element is used within the description element. This element is used to contain a paragraph of text i.e., a string of characters (1-2048).
descLong The descLong element is used within the description element. This element contains a long character string (i.e., 1-256characters) that is used to characterize the associated description material. The long entry is used in conjunction with the optional descShort and descFull elements.
description The description element is used within the group element to describe the Group. The description element can include one or more of the descShort, descLong and descFull elements. The intention is for these three elements to contain related information about the same object i.e., to supply progressively increasing details.
DescriptionDType The DescriptionDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for description structures. The description element is of type DescriptionDType.
descShort The descShort element is used within the description element. This element is used to contain a short character string (i.e., less than 64 characters) that is used to characterize the associated description material. The short entry is used in conjunction with the optional descLong and descFull elements but every usage of the description element should have an associated descShort entry.
email The email element is used in the person and group elements to store the corresponding email address for the Person or Group respectively. This is a character string [1-256]. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
end The end element is used within the timeframe element to define when participation in a Group is to finish. It is a character string [1-20] containing the date in the ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
enrollAccept The enrollaccept element is used within the enrollcontrol element to indicate if enrolments to the Group are being accepted. The contents are enumerated as either '0=No' or '1=Yes' in the form of a single integer.
enrollAllowed The enrollallowed element is used within the enrollcontrol element to indicate if the target system is permitted to enrol into the Group. The contents are enumerated as either '0=No' or '1=Yes' in the form of a single integer.
enrollControl The enrollcontrol element is used within the group element to contain the enrolment conditions currently permitted for the Group. These enrolment conditions are defined using the enrollaccept and enrollallowed elements.
EnrollControlDType The EnrollControlDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for enrollControl structures. The enrollControl element is of type EnrollControlDType.
extadd The extadd element is used within the address element to provide extra address space. It is an optional field that can occur only once. It is used to contain any non-street components of the address e.g., suite number, company name, etc. It is a character string [1-128].
extension This is the element used to contain the extension structures in the Person, Group and Member structures. It contains one or more extensionField elements.
ExtensionField This element is the container for a single extension structure. It consists of the name of the extension field, fieldName, the data-type of the filed, fieldType and the content of the extension fieldValue. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
extRef The extRef element is used within the photo element to contain the external reference for the image file. This reference could be a URL. It is a character string [1-1024].
fieldName This is the UML attribute of the ExtensionField class that is used to hold the name of the extension field. It is a string of length 1-2048 characters. The equivalent element is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
fieldType This is the UML attribute of the ExtensionField class that is used to hold the type of the extension field. It is a string of length 1-2048 characters. The type will have values such as 'String', 'Boolean' plus any of the other XSD scalar concrete data types. The equivalent element is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
fieldValue This is the UML attribute of the ExtensionField class that is used to hold the value of the extension field. It is a string of length 1-2048 characters. The data must be handled as defined by the equivalent data type as described by the corresponding fieldType value. The equivalent element is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
finalResult The finalResult element is used within the role element to store the final results assigned to the Person or Group. Each instantiation of the finalResult element is used to contain a single score.
firstId This element is used to contain the first of two identifiers that are to be used as a couple. It is a character string [1-4096].
formatName The formatName element is used within the name element. It is used to contain the formatted name as a character string [1-256]. The format of the contained name is undefined.
gender The gender element is used within the demographics element to store the gender of the learner. It is an empty element and the information is entered through an attribute. The content is enumerated as 'Unknown', 'Female' and 'Male'.
group The group element is used to contain information about learning Groups. The Group construct is an abstract representation for any appropriate collection of learning activities/events e.g., classes, courses, etc. Group objects are manipulated using the Group Management Service.
Group Management Service This is the service that is responsible for the management of Group objects. The service supports the manipulation of a single Group object, defined under the GroupManager interface, and a set of Group objects, defined under the GroupsManager interface.
GroupDType The GroupDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for group structures. The group element is of type GroupDType.
groupIdPair The groupIdPair is a tuple of the sourcedId and Group object itself (the data model for the object does not include a sourcedId). This is also an element that is used as a parameter in some of the behaviors of the Group Management Service.
GroupIdPairDType The GroupIdPairDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for groupIdPair structures. The groupIdPair element is of type GroupIdPairDType.
groupIdPairSet The groupIdPairSet is a collection of groupIdPair objects. This enables a set of Group objects with their sourcedId to be exchanged. This is also an element that is used as a parameter in some of the behaviors of the Group Management Service.
GroupIdPairSetDType The GroupIdPairSetDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for groupIdPairSet structures. The groupIdPairSet element is of type GroupIdPairSetDType.
GroupManager This is the interface class within the Group Management Service that contains the definition of the operations that control the management of a single Group object. The basic 'CRUD' operations are supported plus those that provide specialist control capabilities.
groupSet The groupSet is a collection of Group objects. There is no identification of the contained Group objects i.e., there is no associated sourcedId for each object. This is also an element that is used as a parameter in some of the behaviors of the Group Management Service.
GroupSetDtype The GroupSetDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for groupSet structures. The groupSet element is of type GroupIdSetDType.
GroupsManager This is the interface class within the Group Management Service that contains the definition of the operations that control the management of a set of Group objects. The basic 'CRUD' operations are supported plus those that provide specialist control capabilities. There is an equivalent set operation for each of the individual Group object manipulation behaviors defined in the GroupManager interface.
groupSourcedId This is a type of sourcedId derived from the identifier class. It is used to contain the sourcedId of a Group.
groupType The groupType element is used within the group element to contain the information that allows the Group to be categorized into one or more coding schemes with any number of levels supported within each scheme.
GroupTypeDType The GroupTypeDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for groupType structures. The groupType element is of type GroupTypeDType.
id The id element is used within the org element to contain the identifier for that organization; this will not be a sourcedId. It is a character string [1-256].
identifier The identifier class is the container for any form of global unique or locally unique identifier. The identifier is a flat string of length 1-4096 characters. The equivalent element is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
IdentifierDType The IdentifierDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for identifier structures. The identifier element is of type IdentifierDType. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
identifierPair This is a collection of two identifiers. The equivalent element is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
IdentifierPairDType The IdentifierPairDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for identifierPair structures. The identifierPair element is of type IdentifierPairDType. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
identifierPairSet This is a set of identifierPairs. There is no significance in the order of the identifiers. The equivalent element is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
IdentifierPairSetDType The IdentifierPairSetDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for identifierPair structures. The identifierPairSet element is of type IdentifierPairSetDType. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
identifierSet This is a set of identifiers. There is no significance in the order of the identifiers. The equivalent element is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
IdentifierSetDType The IdentifierSetDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for identifierPair structures. The identifierSet element is of type IdentifierSetDType. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
idType The idType element is used within the member element to indicate if the Member is a Group or a Person. The content is enumerated as either '1=Person' or '2=Group'. It is an integer [1 or 2].
imgType The imgType element is used with the photo element to identify the type of image. It is recommended that MIME notation be used. This is a character string [1-32].
IMSextension This is the class that is defined to be the generic extension facility. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
IMSExtensionDType The IMSExtensionDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for extension structures. The extension element is of type IMSExtensiontDType. The equivalent element is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
institutionRole The institutionRole element is used within the person element to contain the roles of the individual within the institution. Each role is described using a separate instantiation of the element. This is an empty element with the data selected from the enumerated vocabulary contained within the institutionRoleType attribute. The primaryRole attribute is used to indicate if the corresponding role is the Person's primary role within the institution.
InstitutionRoleDType The InstitutionRoleDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for institution role structures. The institutionRole element is of type InstitutionDType.
institutionRoleType The institutionRoleType is a mandatory element for the institutionRole element. It is a character string [1-32] that has the enumerated content of: Student, Faculty, Member, Learner, Instructor, Mentor, Staff, Alumni, ProspectiveStudent, Guest, Other, Administrator and Observer.
interimResult The interimResult element is used within the role element to store the interim results assigned to the Person or Group. Each instantiation of the interimResult element is used to contain a single score. Multiple interim results can be returned and the resultType attribute is used to define the type of interim result e.g., Mid-term, etc.
label The label element is used within the relationship element to describe the nature of the relationship between the host Group and the Group being described. It is a short human-readable description. This is a character string [1-32].
LangString This class enables the enclosed text to have its associated language identified. It contains the language and text attributes. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
LangStringDType The LangStringDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for language structures. The langString element is of type LangStringDType. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
language This is the attribute that contains the type of language identifier in the LangString class. The value should be as defined in ISO603.
level The level element is used with the typevalue element to indicate the coding level assigned to the group. Level '1' is usually the highest level with level '2' a further refinement, etc. This is a character string [1-2].
list The list element(s) is used within the values element to contain the specific value that the associated result may take. This element is only used if the valueType element of the values element is equal to zero (0). If the list element is used then the value recorded in the associated results element must be contained within one of the instantiations of list. It is a character string [1-32].
locality The locality element is used within the address element to store the locality part of an address. The locality of an address refers to the immediate geographic area around the street or complex. This could be the parish, the county, etc. The data is entered as a string of up to 64 characters.
max The max element is used within the values element to define the maximum numerical value that can be assigned to the interim or final result. This element is only used if the valueType attribute of the values element is set to one (1). It is a decimal number in the range 0-9999.9999.
member The member element is used within the membership element to contain the details about the Group's or Person's role within the host membership Group. At least one set of member details must be defined within the membership element.
MemberDType The MemberDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for member structures. The member element is of type MemberDType.
membership The membership element is within the root element to contain information about the members of a Group. The members may be a Person or another Group.
Membership Management Service This is the service that is responsible for the management of Membership objects. The service supports the manipulation of a single Membership object, defined under the MembershipManager interface, and a set of Membership objects, defined under the MembershipsManager interface.
MembershipDType The MembershipDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for membership structures. The membership element is of type MembershipDType.
membershipIdPair The membershipIdPair is a tuple of the sourcedId and Membership object itself (the data model for the object does not include a sourcedId). This is also an element that is used as a parameter in some of the behaviors of the Membership Management Service.
MembershipIdPairDType The MembershipIdPairDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for membership/identifier pair structures. The membershipIdPair element is of type MembershipIdPairDType.
membershipIdPairSet The MembershipIdPairSet is a collection of MembershipIdpair objects. This enables a set of Membership objects with their sourcedId to be exchanged. This is also an element that is used as a parameter in some of the behaviors of the Membership Management Service.
MembershipIdPairSetDType The MembershipIdPairSetDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for a set of membership/identifier pair structures. The membershipIdPairSet element is of type MembershipIdPairSetDType.
MembershipManager This is the interface class within the Membership Management Service that contains the definition of the operations that control the management of a single Membership object. The basic 'CRUD' operations are supported plus those that provide specialist control capabilities.
membershipSet The membershipSet is a collection of Membership objects. There is no identification of the contained Membership objects i.e., there is no associated sourcedId for each object. This is also an element that is used as a parameter in some of the behaviors of the Membership Management Service.
MembershipSetDType The MembershipSetDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for a set of membership structures. The membershipSet element is of type MembershipSetDType.
MembershipsManager This is the interface class within the Membership Management Service that contains the definition of the operations that control the management of a set of Membership objects. The basic 'CRUD' operations are supported plus those that provide specialist control capabilities. There is an equivalent set operation for each of the individual Membership object manipulation behaviors defined in the MembershipManager interface.
memberSourcedId This is a type of sourcedId derived from the identifier class. It is used to contain the sourcedId of a Member.
messageRefIdentifier This element is used within the statusInfo element to contain the message identifier of the request message. This element should only be used in response messages to enable the Service Requester to link the response with the original request. This is character string [1-32].
messageIdentifier This element is used within the request and response messages to contain the unique message identifier allocated to the message. This element is contained within the syncRequestHeaderInfo and syncResponseHeaderInfo elements.
min The min element is used within the values element to define the minimum numerical value that can be assigned to the interim or final result. This element is only used if the valueType attribute of the values element is set to one (1). It is a decimal number in the range 0-9999.9999.
mode The mode element is an optional element within the finalResult and interimResult elements to provide a short descriptive name for the type of scoring supplied e.g., 'Letter Grade', 'Percentage', etc. It is a character string [1-32].
name The name element is used within the person element. It is used to store the appropriate name of the learner. Each name is exchanged using its own name element. The name is entered through its component parts i.e., using the partName element. The type of name is identified using the nameType element.
NameDType The NameDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for name structures. The name element is of type NameDType.
namePartType The namePartType element is used to contain the type of name part being supplied. This is an open vocabulary and will include string values such as 'First', 'Last', 'Surname', 'Other', etc. This is a character string of length 1-32.
namePartValue The namePartValue element is used to contain the name part being supplied. This is a character string of length 1-256.
nameType The nameType element is used to contain the type of name part being supplied. This is an open vocabulary and will include string values such as 'Full', 'Pseudonym', 'Other', etc. This is a character string of length 1-32.
operationRefIdentifier This element is used within the statusInfo to contain information that can be used by the System Provider to examine the information returned by the Service Requester. The manner in which this information is used is implementation dependent. This is a character string [1-32].
org The org element is used within the group element to identify the organization that is administering or sponsoring the Group.
OrgDType The OrgDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for organization structures. The org element is of type OrgDType.
orgName The orgName element is used within the org element to store the name of the sponsoring or administering organization. It is a character string [1-256].
orgUnit The orgUnit element is used within the org element to contain the name of the sponsoring or administering unit within the organization. It is a character string [1-256]. Multiple units within the organization can sponsor or administer the same Group.
pairSourcedId This element is used to contain a pair of sourcedIds. The nature of the relationship is undefined.
pairSourcedIdSet This is an unordered set of pairSourcedIds.
partName The partName element is used within the name element to contain a component of a name. The type of component is identified using the namePartType element and the assigned name part is contained in the element namePartValue.
passWord The password element is the part of the userid element is used to contain the password allocated to the user. It is a character string [1-1024]. This is the actual password for the user and so this should be encrypted using the algorithm identified in then associated pwEncryptionType element.
person The person data model is the root data structure for the Person Management Service. It is also defined as an element that is used in some of the behaviors in the Person Management Service.
Person Management Service This is the service that is responsible for the management of Person objects. The service supports the manipulation of a single Person object, defined under the PersonManager interface, and a set of Person objects, defined under the PersonsManager interface.
PersonDType The PersonDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for person structures. The person element is of type PersonDType.
personIdPair The personIdPair is a tuple of the sourcedId and Person object itself (the data model for the object does not include a sourcedId). This is also an element that is used as a parameter in some of the behaviors of the Person Management Service.
personIdPairSet The personIdPairSet is a collection of personIdpair objects. This enables a set of person objects with their sourcedId to be exchanged. This is also an element that is used as a parameter in some of the behaviors of the Person Management Service.
PersonManager This is the interface class within the Person Management Service that contains the definition of the operations that control the management of a set of Person objects. The basic 'CRUD' operations are supported plus those that provide specialist control capabilities. There is an equivalent set operation for each of the individual Person object manipulation behaviors defined in the PersonManager interface.
personSet The personSet is a collection of Person objects. There is no identification of the contained Person objects i.e., there is no associated sourcedId for each object. This is also an element that is used as a parameter in some of the behaviors of the Person Management Service.
PersonsManager This is the interface class within the Person Management Service that contains the definition of the operations that control the management of a set of Person objects. The basic 'CRUD' operations are supported plus those that provide specialist control capabilities. There is an equivalent set operation for each of the individual Person object manipulation behaviors defined in the PersonManager interface.
photo The photo element is used within the person element. It is used to contain the reference to an external location where the Person's photograph is stored. Each Person structure may contain one photo element.
PhotoDtype The PhotoDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for photograph structures. The photo element is of type PhotoDType.
pobox The pobox element is used within the address element within the person element. It is used to store the PO Box number component of the address - if available. It is a character string [1-32].
postcode The postcode element is used within the address element only. This element is used to contain the post-code component of the Person's address. It is a character string [1-32]. The format of the code will vary from country to country.
primaryRoleType The primaryRoleType attribute is used on the institutionRole element to indicate if the associated role is the primary role within the institution. This is a mandatory attribute and it content is enumerated as 'Yes' (it is the primary role) and 'No' it is not the primary role.
pwEncryptionType The pwEncryptionType attribute is used on the userid element to describe the type of encryption used on the password (as carried in the password attribute). Possible content includes 'PKC', 'MD5', etc. It is a character string [1-32].
readGroup This is the read Group object behavior in the Group Management Service. The successful outcome is that the Group object identified by the Service Requester is returned by the Service Provider. If the supplied SourcedId cannot be located on the Service Provider then a failure status is returned.
readGroups This is the read many Group objects behavior in the Group Management Service. The successful outcome is that the set of Group objects identified by the Service Requester are returned by the Service Provider. If an allocated SourcedId cannot be located on the Service Provider then a failure status is returned for that part of the request.
readGroupsForPerson This is the operation in the Group Management Service to request the set of Group objects associated with the defined Person. This operation is defined under the GroupsManager interface. If the SourcedId for the Person cannot be located on the Service Provider then an error code is returned. The status information is returned as a StatusInfoSet object. All of the group objects for which the person is a member are returned.
readMembership This is the read Membership object behavior in the Membership Management Service. The successful outcome is that the Membership object identified by the Service Requester is returned by the Service Provider. If the supplied SourcedId cannot be located on the Service Provider then a failure status is returned.
readMemberships This is the read many Membership objects behavior in the Person Management Service. The successful outcome is that the set of Membership objects identified by the Service Requester are returned by the Service Provider. If an allocated SourcedId cannot be located on the Service Provider then a failure status is returned for that part of the request.
readMembershipsForGroup This is the operation in the Membership Management Service to request the set of Membership objects associated with the defined Group. This operation is defined under the MembershipsManager interface. If the SourcedId for the Group cannot be located on the Service Provider then an error code is returned. The status information is returned as a StatusInfoSet object. All of the membership objects for the group are returned.
readMembershipsForPerson This is the operation in the Membership Management Service to request the set of Membership objects associated with the defined Person. This operation is defined under the MembershipsManager interface. If the SourcedId for the Person cannot be located on the Service Provider then an error code is returned. The status information is returned as a StatusInfoSet object. All of the membership objects for the person are returned.
readPerson This is the read Person object behavior in the Person Management Service. The successful outcome is that the Person object identified by the Service Requester is returned by the Service Provider. If the supplied SourcedId cannot be located on the Service Provider then a failure status is returned.
readPersons This is the read many Person objects behavior in the Person Management Service. The successful outcome is that the set of Person objects identified by the Service Requester are returned by the Service Provider. If an allocated SourcedId cannot be located on the Service Provider then a failure status is returned for that part of the request.
readPersonsForGroup This is the operation in the Person Management Service to request the set of Person objects associated with the defined Group. This operation is defined under the PersonsManager interface. If the SourcedId for the Group cannot be located on the Service Provider then an error code is returned. The status information is returned as a StatusInfoSet object. All of the person objects for that group are returned.
recordInfo This is the element that is sued within the Person, Group and Role data objects to contain the meta-data information about those objects. This is an object instance of the RecordMetaData class.
RecordMetaData This is the class that is the container for meta-data on the associated data structure. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
RecordMetaDataDType The RecordMetaDataDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for record meta-data/comment structures. The recordMetaData element is of type RcordMetaDataDType.
region The region element is used within the address element only. This element is used to contain the region parts of an address e.g., 'Europe', 'South America', etc. An address may or may not contain an associated region part. The information is entered as a string of up to 64 characters.
relation The relation element is used with the relationship element to define the nature of the relationship. The content is enumerated as '1=Parent', '2=Child' and '3=Also known as', 'Parent', 'Child' and 'KnownAs'.
relationId This is a parameter used in the deleteGroupRelationship behavior. It is used to identify the relationship being deleted. The identifier of the relationship was assigned by the sourcedId part of the relationship element as part of the Group data structure management.
relationship The relationship element is used within the group element to define the relationship of the host group and the group defined by the relationship. The type of relationship is identified using the relation attribute. The relationship is expressed as 'A' is the 'relation' of 'B' where 'A' is the Group identified within the relationship element (the contained sourcedid element) and 'B' is the Group containing the relationship element.
RelationshipDType The RelationshipDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for relationship structures. The relationship element is of type RelationshipDType.
restrict The restrict element is used by the begin and end elements to contain the nature of the restriction. The content is enumerated as '0=No' or '1=Yes'. It is a boolean.
RestrictDate The restrictDate is a class used for the begin and end attributes of the TimeFrame class to define if learner participation is permitted before the begin date or after the end data. Its two attributes are the date for the restriction and the restrict nature. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
RestrictDateDType The RestrictDateDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for restricted date structures. The restrictDate element is of type RestrictDateDType. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
result The result element is used within the interimResult and finalResult elements to contain the actual result being exchanged (only one value can be exchanged per instantiation of the interimResult and finalResult element). The type of the result being exchanged is defined by the values element also contained within the corresponding interimResult and finalResult element. It is a character string [1-32].
ResultDtype The ResultDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for result structures. The result element is of type ResultDType.
resultType The resultType is an optional element is used on the interimResult and finalResult elements to define the type of interim result being reported e.g., 'Mid-term', 'Part I', etc. There is no predefined vocabulary for this content.
role The role element is used within the member element to contain the description of the role that the Member has as a part of its membership. The member element must contain at least one role description and a Member can have more than one role. The type of role is defined using the roleType element.
RoleDType The RoleDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for role information structures. The role element is of type RoleDType.
roleType The roletype attribute is used with the role element to contain the role type definition. The content is enumerated as '01=Learner', '02=Instructor', '03=Content developer', '04=Member', '05=Manager', '06=Mentor', '07=Administrator', '08=Teaching Assistant', 'Learner', 'Instructor', 'Content developer', 'Member', 'Manager', 'Mentor', 'Administrator', 'Teaching Assistant'.
scheme The scheme element is used with the groupType element to contain the coding scheme. There is no agreed vocabulary for the coding scheme and so interoperability will require the agreement of an appropriate vocabulary as part of the business process mapping. It is a character string [1-256].
secondId This element is used to contain the second of two identifiers that are to be used as a couple. It is a character string [1-4096].
Service Provider The Service Provider is the system that responds to the requests made by a Service Requester. The Service Provider is the provider of the service being requested. The Service Provider creates and sends the response messages.
Service Requester The Service Requester is the system that makes a service request. The request is sent to a Service Provider using the appropriate implementation. The Service Requester creates and sends the request messages.
severity This is an attribute of the StatusInfo class and an element within the statusInfo element. It is used to contain the description of the severity of the status information being reported. It consists of an enumerated set of 'Status', 'Warning' and 'Error'. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
sourcedId The sourcedId is a unique identifier assigned to an object with the Enterprise Service. It is a type of identifier and as such it is a flat string. This new sourcedId can contain the sourcedId defined in the Enterprise Specification v1.1 by concatenating the original source and id elements and using an appropriate string delimiter.
sourcedIdSet This is a set of sourcedIds. The order within the set may be significant.
status The status element is used, mandatory, within the role element to indicate if the Member is active or inactive within the Group. The content is enumerated as '0=Inactive' or '1=Active'. This is a Boolean.
statusInfo This element is the container for all of the status information being reported. This information is passed as part of the response message header i.e., in the syncResponseHeaderInfo element. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
StatusInfoDType The StatusInfoDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for status information structures. The statusInfo element is of type StatusInfoDType. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
statusInfoSet This is the container for a set of statusInfo reports. This element is used if the message contains a report for a behavior that requested activity on two or more data objects. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
StatusInfoSetDType The StatusInfoSetDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for a set of status information structures. The statusInfoSet element is of type StatusInfoSetDType. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
street The street element is used within the adr element. It is used to contain the details of the street part of the full address. An address may or may not contain information about the street e.g., this may be unnecessary if a PO Box number has given. This is a three line character string each of length 1-128.
subRole The subRole element is used within the role element to provide further qualification on the member's role within the Group. There is no agreed vocabulary to describe the various possible subroles. It is a character string [1-32].
syncRequestHeaderInfo This element is the container of the header information for the request messages exchanged as part of a synchronous communications exchange. It contains the unique message identifier. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
syncResponseHeaderInfo This element is the container of the header information for the response messages exchanged as part of a synchronous communications exchange. It contains the unique message identifier, the status information for the request and the message identifier of the original request message. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
systemRole The systemRole element is used within the person element to contain the role of the individual with the computer system environment. The content is enumerated as 'SysAdmin', 'SysSupport', 'Creator', 'AccountAdmin', 'User', 'Administrator' or 'None'.
tel The tel element is used within the person element. This element is used to store the appropriate telephone number (including mobile telephone, pager and facsimile numbers). The telephone number can include the county code and extension number as well as the normal area code and actual number.
TelDType The telDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for telephone structures. The tel element is of type TelDType.
telType The telType attribute is used with the tel element to define the type of telephone number being stored. The content is enumerated as '1=Voice', '2=Fax', '3=Mobile', '4=Pager', 'Voice', 'Fax', Mobile' and 'Pager'.
telValue This is the container for the telephone number element tel. It is a character string [1-32].
text This is an attribute of the LangString class. It is used to contain the text string. This is a character string [1-2048].
timeFrame The timeFrame element is used within the group and role elements to define the period during which the Group or the Membership is active. The period is defined using the begin and end elements plus the adminPeriod element that is used to supply a short human-readable description of the period. The equivalent class is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
TimeFrameDType The TimeFrameDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for time-frame structures. The timeFrame element is of type TimeFrameDType. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
type This element is used within the groupType element to contain the actual type of Group. There is no agreed vocabulary. It is a character string [1-256].
typeValue The typeValue element is used within the groupType element to contain the classification assigned to the associated Group. Each Group must have at least one typeValue classification if its group type has been defined. It is a character string [1-256].
TypeValueDType The TypeValueDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for typeValue structures. The typeValue element is of type TypeValueDType.
updateGroup This is the update a single Group object behavior in the Group Management Service. The update behavior is additive. In the case of a multiple occurring field a new field is added otherwise the current content is replaced.
updateGroups This is the update a set of Group objects behavior in the Group Management Service. The update behavior is additive. In the case of a multiple occurring field a new field is added otherwise the current content is replaced. A Provider will complete as many of the update request as possible and will provide a status report on each attempted update.
updateMembership This is the update a single Membership object behavior in the Membership Management Service. The update behavior is additive. In the case of a multiple occurring field a new field is added otherwise the current content is replaced.
updateMemberships This is the update a set of Membership objects behavior in the Membership Management Service. The update behavior is additive. In the case of a multiple occurring field a new field is added otherwise the current content is replaced. A Provider will complete as many of the update request as possible and will provide a status report on each attempted update.
updatePerson This is the update a single Person object behavior in the Person Management Service. The update behavior is additive. In the case of a multiple occurring field a new field is added otherwise the current content is replaced.
updatePersons This is the update a set of Person objects behavior in the Person Management Service. The update behavior is additive. In the case of a multiple occurring field a new field is added otherwise the current content is replaced. A Provider will complete as many of the update request as possible and will provide a status report on each attempted update.
url The url element is used to contain the URL for the Person or Group. This is a character string [1-4096] that contains the absolute form of the URL. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
userId The userId element is used within the person and role elements to contain the user's identification information. It uses the password, pwEncryptionType and authenticationType attributes to contain information that supports the storage of the user's identification information. The type of user identifier is contained in the element userIdType and the value in the element userIdValue.
UserIdDType The UserIdDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for user identification structures. The userId element is of type UserIdDType. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
userIdType The userIdType attribute is used on the userId element to identify the type of user identification. Some examples of this are 'NationalId' or 'InstitutionId'. There is no defined vocabulary for the range of possible identification entries. It is a character string [1-32]. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
userIdValue This element is the container of the user identification defined as userId. It is a character string [1-256]. This is defined as part of the Common Data Definitions.
values The values element is used within the finalResult and interimResult elements to contain the description of the values that the result element may contain e.g., a grade from a list of possible grades or a numeric value between some minimum and maximum.
ValuesDType The ValuesDType is an XSD complexType that is defined to act as the data type for values structures. The values element is of type ValuesDType.
valueType The valueType element is used, mandatory, on the values element to indicate the type of values being described. The content is enumerated as '0=List' and '1=Range'. The range is defined by a numeric minimum and maximum and the list is defined through a list of the possible grades.

Appendix B - OKI Enterprise Services OSIDs

The core deliverable of the Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI) is an architectural specification in support of learning management and educational application development, the primary feature of which is a set of application programming interface (API) definitions. OKI are specifying the architecture by identifying a set of services, a framework, upon which learning tool developers can base their work. One of the Educational Services defined under OKI is the Course Management Open Service Interface Definition [OKI, 03].

The CourseManagement Open Service Interface Definition (OSID) primarily supports creating and managing a CourseCatalog. The catalog is organized into:

  • CanonicalCourses, which are general and exist across terms;
  • CourseOfferings for CanonicalCourses, which occur in a specific term, have a GradeType, a StatusType, etc.;
  • CourseSections for CourseOfferings, which have a meeting location, schedule, student roster, etc.

When used in concert, the OSIDs comprise a complete system with each Service focused exclusively on a particular area. For example, the roles related to a CourseOffering and CourseSection are defined through the Authorization OSID; coursework and course material can be defined in the Assessment and DigitalRepository OSIDs; course grades are assigned through the Grading OSID, and so on.

An examination of an Open Service Interface Definition usually begins with the Manager. All Managers provide the way to create the objects that implement the principal interfaces in the Service. Before discussing the Manager in detail, we will review the intended function of the CourseManagement Service overall. The top-tier organizing structure for CourseManagement is the CanonicalCourse. A CanonicalCourse includes several properties: a title, a description, a number, a unique Id, a type, and number of credits. The purpose of these properties is to provide enough structure and flexibility to map a CanonicalCourse to the various institutions' systems for describing academic courses. CanonicalCourse also include:

  • A list of any equivalent CanonicalCourses (for cross-listing);
  • A list of any prerequisites;
  • A list of any CanonicalCourses (hierarchical children);
  • A list of any CourseOfferings.

CanonicalCourses are designed for use across many Terms and might be archived, even after there are no longer CourseOfferings for it. CanonicalCourses are not intended to capture information about the Course for a specific Term. That is the role of the CourseOffering.

The CourseOffering contains the same title, Id, number, and description properties as a CanonicalCourse. These properties' values can be the same as those for the CanonicalCourse or overridden for this particular CourseOffering. In place of the CanonicalCourse's CourseType there is an OfferingType. The CourseOffering does not include a credits property but it does include a GradeType. The CourseManagementManager supports creating, deleting, and getting grades of this Type for any Agent and CourseOffering. The CourseOffering is specific to a Term.

CourseOfferings include an AssetId property. This is a place to put a reference to some DigitalRepository or other Asset associated with the CourseOffering. CourseOfferings also include a StatusType. This could be used to indicate open, closed, discontinued, etc. but as with all Types, there are no restrictions on the meaning of the Type. The CourseOffering includes both a list of the parent CanonicalCourses (there must be at least one) as well as any created CourseSections.

The CourseSection again contains title, description, number and Id properties which can be those of the parent CourseOffering or overridden. The CourseSection is in what Students actually enroll and it has a Schedule, a location, and manages a roster. As with the CourseOffering, there is a property for a Asset reference.

The UML visualization of the OKI CourseManagement OSID is shown in Figure B.1.

The OKI equivalent Enterprise Services OSIDs


Figure B.1 The OKI equivalent Enterprise Services OSIDs.

About This Document

Title 1EdTech Enterprise Services Best Practice and Implementation Guide
Editor Colin Smythe (1EdTech)
Team Co-Lead Chris Vento (WebCT Inc.)
Version 1.0
Version Date 11 June 2004
Status Final Specification
Summary This document presents the 1EdTech Enterprise Services Best Practice and Implementation. The original Enterprise specification was based upon the description of the data model for the information to be exchanged between communicating enterprise systems. The Enterprise Services specification extends this work by adding a series of behavioral models that define how the data models are to be manipulated. The material in this document describes the best practices to be adopted when implementing the Enterprise Services. This version supersedes the 1EdTech Enterprise v1.1 specifications.
Revision Information 11 June 2004
Purpose This document has been approved by the 1EdTech Technical Board is made available for adoption.
Document Location

To register any comments or questions about this specification please visit:

List of Contributors

The following individuals contributed to the development of this document:

Name Organization Name Organization
Scott Baker Oracle Inc. Les Smith SCT Inc.
Fred Beshears UC Berkeley, USA Colin Smythe Dunelm Services Ltd.
Kerry Blinco 1EdTech Australia Chris Vento WebCT Inc.
Chris Etesse Blackboard Inc. Kimberley Voltero WebCT Inc.
John Hallet WebCT Inc. Scott Wilson JISC (CETIS), UK
Cathy Schroeder Microsoft Inc. Nathaniel Zinn Blackboard Inc.

Revision History

Version No. Release Date Comments
Base Document 1.0 21 July 2003 The final form of the Best Practice and Implementation Guide Base Document. This outline document is submitted to the 1EdTech TB for voting approval and as such is used to show the indicative content of the proposed final document.
Public Draft 1.0 12 January 2004 The final approved Public Draft Document for the 1EdTech Group Management Services Specification.
Final Specification 1.0 11 June 2004 This is the formal Final version of the 1EdTech Enterprise Services Best Practice and Implementation Guide.


Abstract Framework 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
API 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

country 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

extadd 1, 2, 3, 4

locality 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

pobox 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

postcode 1, 2, 3, 4

region 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

street 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7      Common

dataSource 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

email 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

extension 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

recordInfo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

sourcedId 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

timeFrame 1, 2, 3, 4

url 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

userId 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8      Demographics bday 1, 2, 3, 4
     Demographics disability 1, 2
     Demographics gender 1, 2, 3, 4

enrollAccept 1, 2

enrollAllowed 1, 2      ExtensionField

fieldName 1, 2

fieldValue 1, 2      GroupType

scheme 1, 2, 3      Identifier

firstId 1

secondId 1      InstitutionRole

institutionRoleType 1, 2, 3

primaryRole 1      LangString

language 1, 2

text 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8      Member

idType 1, 2      Membership

membership 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

memberSourcedId 1, 2      Memebrship

groupSourcedId 1, 2      Name

nameType 1, 2      Org

id 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

orgName 1, 2, 3

orgUnit 1, 2, 3

type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22      PartName

namePartType 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7      Person

dataSource 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

email 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

formatName 1, 2, 3, 4

systemRole 1, 2

url 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7      Photo

extRef 1

imgType 1, 2      RecordMetaData

comments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5      Relationship

label 1, 2, 3

relation 1, 2, 3      Result

mode 1, 2

result 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

resultType 1, 2, 3      Role

dateTime 1, 2

roleType 1, 2

status 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31

subRole 1, 2      StatusInfo

codeMajor 1, 2, 3

codeMinor 1, 2, 3

description 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

messageRefIdentifier 1, 2

operationRefIdentifier 1

severity 1, 2, 3      Tel

telType 1, 2, 3

telValue 1, 2, 3      TimeFrame

adminPeriod 1, 2, 3, 4

begin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

end 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6      TypeValue

level 1, 2, 3, 4

type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22      UserId

authentication 1, 2, 3, 4

passWord 1, 2, 3, 4

userIdType 1, 2, 3, 4

userIdValue 1, 2, 3, 4      Values

list 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

max 1, 2, 3

min 1, 2, 3

valueType 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Binding technologies
     SOAP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
     SOAP with Attachments 1
     WSDL 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
     XSD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24


ExtensionField 1

Identifier 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

IMSextension 1

LangString 1, 2

RecordMetaData 1

RestrictDate 1

StatusInfo 1, 2, 3, 4

StatusInfoSet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

TimeFrame 1      Group 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50

Description 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Relationship 1, 2, 3, 4      Member 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Role 1      Membership 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
     MembershipIdPairSet 1
     Person 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50

Name 1

Photo 1      Role

Result 1 Common Services 1
Conformance 1, 2, 3, 4

Enterprise Service 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

Group Management Service 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Interface Class
     GroupManager 1, 2, 3
     GroupsManager 1, 2, 3, 4
     MembershipManager 1, 2, 3, 4
     MembershipsManager 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
     PersonManager 1, 2, 3, 4
     PersonsManager 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Internet2 1, 2, 3

LDAP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Membership Management Service 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

changeGroupIdentifierRequest 1

changeGroupIdentifierResponse 1

changeGroupsIdentifierRequest 1

changeGroupsIdentifierResponse 1

createByProxyGroupRequest 1

createByProxyGroupResponse 1

createByProxyGroupsRequest 1

createByProxyGroupsResponse 1

createGroupRequest 1

createGroupResponse 1

createGroupsRequest 1

createGroupsResponse 1

deleteGroupRelationshipRequest 1

deleteGroupRelationshipResponse 1

deleteGroupRequest 1

deleteGroupResponse 1

deleteGroupsRelationshipRequest 1

deleteGroupsRelationshipResponse 1

deleteGroupsRequest 1

deleteGroupsResponse 1

readGroupRequest 1

readGroupResponse 1

readGroupsForPersonRequest 1

readGroupsForPersonResponse 1

readGroupsRequest 1

readGroupsResponse 1

replaceGroupRequest 1

replaceGroupResponse 1

replaceGroupsRequest 1

replaceGroupsResponse 1

updateGroupRequest 1

updateGroupResponse 1

updateGroupsRequest 1

updateGroupsResponse 1      Headers

syncRequestHeaderInfo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

syncResponseHeaderInfo 1, 2, 3      Membership

changeMembershipIdentifierRequest 1

changeMembershipIdentifierResponse 1

changeMembershipsIdentifierRequest 1

changeMembershipsIdentifierResponse 1

createByProxyMembershipRequest 1

createByProxyMembershipResponse 1

createByProxyMembershipsRequest 1

createByProxyMembershipsResponse 1

createMembershipRequest 1

createMembershipResponse 1

createMembershipsRequest 1

createMembershipsResponse 1

deleteMembershipRequest 1

deleteMembershipResponse 1

deleteMembershipsRequest 1

deleteMembershipsResponse 1

readMembershipRequest 1

readMembershipResponse 1

readMembershipsForGroupRequest 1

readMembershipsForGroupResponse 1

readMembershipsForPersonRequest 1

readMembershipsForPersonResponse 1

readMembershipsRequest 1

readMembershipsResponse 1

replaceMembershipRequest 1

replaceMembershipResponse 1

replaceMembershipsRequest 1

replaceMembershipsResponse 1

updateMembershipRequest 1

updateMembershipResponse 1

updateMembershipsRequest 1

updateMembershipsResponse 1      Person

changePersonIdentifierRequest 1

changePersonIdentifierResponse 1

changePersonsIdentifierRequest 1

changePersonsIdentifierResponse 1

createByProxyPersonRequest 1

createByProxyPersonResponse 1

createByProxyPersonsRequest 1

createByProxyPersonsResponse 1

createPersonRequest 1, 2

createPersonResponse 1

createPersonsRequest 1

createPersonsResponse 1

deletePersonRequest 1, 2

deletePersonResponse 1

deletePersonsRequest 1

deletePersonsResponse 1

readPersonRequest 1

readPersonResponse 1

readPersonsForGroupRequest 1

readPersonsForGroupResponse 1

readPersonsRequest 1

readPersonsResponse 1

replacePersonRequest 1

replacePersonResponse 1

replacePersonsRequest 1

replacePersonsResponse 1

updatePersonRequest 1

updatePersonResponse 1

updatePersonsRequest 1

updatePersonsResponse 1

Namespace prefix
     absp 1
     esx 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
     grp 1
     imsgms 1
     imsmms 1
     imspms 1
     isb 1
     mem 1
     per 1, 2
     soap 1
     tns 1
     wsdl 1, 2, 3
     xsd 1, 2

OKI 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

changeGroupIdentifier 1, 2

changeGroupsIdentifier 1, 2

createByProxyGroup 1, 2, 3

createByProxyGroups 1, 2

createGroup 1, 2, 3

createGroups 1, 2

deleteGroup 1, 2, 3

deleteGroupRelationship 1, 2, 3, 4

deleteGroups 1, 2

deleteGroupsRelationship 1, 2

readGroup 1, 2, 3

readGroups 1, 2, 3

readGroupsForPerson 1, 2

replaceGroup 1, 2

replaceGroups 1

updateGroup 1, 2, 3

updateGroups 1, 2      Membership

changeMembershipIdentifier 1, 2

changeMembershipsIdentifier 1, 2

createByProxyMembership 1, 2, 3

createByProxyMemberships 1, 2

createMembership 1, 2, 3

createMemberships 1, 2

deleteMembership 1, 2, 3

deleteMemberships 1, 2

readMembership 1, 2, 3

readMemberships 1, 2

readMembershipsForGroup 1, 2

readMembershipsForPerson 1, 2

replaceMembership 1, 2, 3

replaceMemberships 1

updateMembership 1, 2, 3

updateMemberships 1, 2      Person

changePersonIdentifier 1, 2, 3

changePersonsIdentifier 1, 2

createByProxyPerson 1, 2, 3

createByProxyPersons 1, 2

createPerson 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

createPersons 1, 2

deletePerson 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

deletePersons 1, 2

readPerson 1, 2, 3

readPersons 1, 2

readPersonsForGroup 1, 2

replacePerson 1, 2

replacePersons 1

updatePerson 1, 2, 3

updatePersons 1, 2

Person Management Service 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

Schools Interoperability Framework 1, 2
     Group Management 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
     Membership Management 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
     Person Management 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
SOAP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24


Internet2 1, 2, 3

LDAP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

OKI 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Schools Interoperability Framework 1, 2

vCard 1, 2, 3 Status Codes 1, 2
     partialdatastorage 1
     unsupported 1

UDDI 1, 2

vCard 1, 2, 3

WDSL 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

XSD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24




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1EdTech Enterprise Services Best Practice and Implementation Guide Revision: 11 June 2004