
Learning Impact 2021 Program Topics


Learning Impact 2021 Program Topic Themes


Digital Teaching Strategies and Curriculum Innovation: What Have We Learned from COVID?

Topic areas of emphasis:

  • What is your focus post-COVID?
  • Defining digital curriculum/instruction innovation in a post-COVID world
  • Showcasing digital learning that works and scales
  • Achieving curriculum equity with digital learning: Coverage, flexible delivery, discovery, and more
  • From HyFlex to what’s next: HED delivery and support models to emulate going forward
  • Digital approaches that improve pedagogy
  • Adding library resources to enhance the curriculum
  • Achieving student-centered or personalized learning


The State of Digital Learning Platforms and Apps: Now and What’s Next

Topic areas of emphasis:

  • What are the mission-critical platforms in a post-COVID world?
  • The top learning platform, mobile, portal, tools, app launcher, and environment trends
  • What does more hybrid learning mean for learning platforms?
  • Leveraging video and collaboration platforms
  • Detailing the rise of the LMS in K-12: What is the focus and what does the evolution from here look like?
  • How to compare app launchers and integration platforms?
  • What does the next-generation learning environment in HED look like now?
  • Learning analytics and app dashboard products: How do they fit?
  • How do learning platforms from curriculum providers fit with an LMS or app launcher?


Reinventing High Stakes, Formative, and Authentic Assessment

Topic areas of emphasis:

  • Assessment innovation in a post-COVID world
  • Innovative assessment and curriculum products to close learning gaps
  • Will high-stakes assessment make a comeback? When and where?
  • How will digital curriculum products approve assessment?
  • Actionable data from curriculum and assessment products
  • Assessment data dashboards: What is the current state and what improvements are ahead?
  • How can integration among assessment and curriculum products improve instruction and learning?
  • What is statewide assessment evolving toward?


Key Strategies for Joining the Digital Credentials Movement

Topic areas of emphasis:

  • Educating the whole student for career and life success in K-12 or HED with learning and employment based on open standards
  • Recognizing curricular, co-curricular, and skills-based achievements in HED through digital credentials
  • Regional collaborations for prior learning assessment, credit recognition, and employment
  • Incorporating verifiable digital credentials and skills frameworks in workforce/corporate learning and hiring
  • Digital credentials enabling student progress and college readiness assessment
  • Digital credentials promoting student success and flexible pathways
  • Designing the next generation transcript and resume


Learning Data and Analytics: What Works and How to Accelerate Progress from Here

Topic areas of emphasis:

  • Data analytics products to identify and close learning gaps
  • Today and tomorrow’s edtech data architecture in higher education
  • Today and tomorrow’s edtech data architecture in K-12
  • Problems solved with data or learning analytics
  • Problems to be solved with data or learning analytics
  • What data from what system, combined how, results in actionable information for faculty, students, or administrators?
  • How might we define a “data ready” app in edtech?


Getting a Jump on Student Data Privacy: TrustEd Apps in K-12 and Higher Ed

Topic areas of emphasis:

  • Institutional data privacy strategies
  • Supplier and institutional cooperation on data privacy
  • Cooperation on app vetting
  • Where is the best place for teachers and parents to see data privacy information?
  • Ideas to improve app vetting to include rubrics for accessibility, equity, and inclusion
  • What is the right level of security vetting?
  • What are workable processes for the influx of new apps and tools?


Collaborating to Converge the Interoperable Ecosystem

Topic areas of emphasis:

  • What does Standards First mean from the institutional perspective?
  • How suppliers exemplify a Standards First approach to integration
  • How to measure the impact of an open-standards edtech ecosystem
  • Taking stock of how open standards have enabled successful product ecosystems in edtech
  • Institutional challenges in managing the digital edtech ecosystem