1EdTech Quarterly Member Meeting
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
View the recorded sessions here. 1EdTech members only. Login required.
All times listed are in Eastern Standard Time
10:00 AM-Noon |
Technical Track Office Hours: Edu-API
1EdTech technical staff are available to help you begin prototyping your higher education rostering solutions. This set of office hours focus on using the initial set of implementation artifacts, i.e. the OpenAPI files for the Education Service. Join the open office hours or schedule an appointment in advance. To pre-book your 30-minute timeslot, register using the link below and email Joshua McGhee at jmcghee@imsglobal.org.
11:00—11:45 AM |
K-12 District Track Achieving Equity Through a Personalized Digital Learning Ecosystem
Discover how Broward is building its digital learning ecosystem while solving for digital equity at-scale. Learn about the core components of an effective digital learning ecosystem and the considerations that go into selection and implementation. Understand how educational data interoperability plays a critical role in scaling digital equity and how standards are essential in designing advanced ecosystems. |
Higher Education Track In It Together: Sharing the Accessibility Vetting Load
With all of the new tools on campus and existing tools being used in new ways, how do you ensure that they’re meeting the needs of students of all abilities? To alleviate some of that burden, the 1EdTech Accessibility Innovation Leadership Network has been working on a rubric that will help you assess and vet tools. Review the draft rubric, add your questions, and share your experiences!
Statewide Track State of the Statewide Program + CIO Panel
Over the past 12 months, the 1EdTech Statewide Program has grown from 8 to 26 members with 96% renewing. This didn’t happen by accident as our members come together to solve real-world challenges for their states and districts. Learn what 1EdTech plans for statewide in 2021 and hear from our state CIOs on how 1EdTech is helping them in their roles.
1:00—1:45 PM |
Higher Education Track Making the Transition to LTI Advantage
Find out how you can direct (or redirect) your efforts on optimizing your digital ecosystem so that faculty can focus on creating rich learning experiences for students. We'll cover "must-haves" like seamless integration of third-party tools and apps and "how-to's" like simplifying course building through deep linking to content, playlists, and tables of content. Bring your questions, concerns, and suggestions to this interactive work session and let the experts help.
1:00—2:30 PM |
K-12 District Track Data Dashboards and Personalized Learning: Supporting the Educational Journey
1EdTech member districts are designing data dashboards to inform instruction based on multiple demographics including student performance. See examples of data dashboards and learn how interoperability can facilitate this endeavor. Together we will explore how two 1EdTech Caliper profiles, Tool Launch and Tool Use can combine to address important questions about learner engagement while using online tools. |
2:00—2:30 PM |
Higher Education Track A Data-Driven Perspective: Increasing Outcomes by Increasing Engagement
In a rapidly shifting educational environment where online learning has been pushed to the forefront, it is critical to use digital tools designed to elicit effective learning for students. In this showcase, we will outline the research behind the Doer Effect, and the benefit that doing integrated practice has on learning. We will also discuss the importance of working to increase student engagement with that practice, and how that relates to learning outcomes. Finally, we will use data to illustrate how instructors can impact student engagement and provide guidance for utilizing learning analytics and helping students be successful in a digital environment. VitalSource is a Platinum Sponsor of the Learning Impact 2020 Virtual Series |
2:00—3:00 PM |
Statewide Track State of CASE Network
CASE Network celebrated its first birthday in May 2020! What a difference 18 months makes with over a dozen states signing up to publish their standards through CASE Network. Hear directly from state leaders about the importance of publishing standards in CASE and their vision for what comes next for CASE Network. |
2:00—4:00 PM |
Technical Track Office Hours: Digital Curriculum (Common Cartridge, LTI Resource Search, CASE)
1EdTech technical staff are available to help you get your product certification across the finish line. This set of office hours focus on certification for CASE 1.0, LTI Resource Search 1.0, and Common Cartridge/Thin Common Cartridge 1.4/1.3/1.2. Join the open office hours or schedule an appointment in advance. To pre-book your 30-minute timeslot, register using the link below and email Kathryn Green at kgreen@imsglobal.org. |
4:00–4:45 PM |
K-12 District Track Putting the Trust in Your Educational Apps Data Privacy
With the recent adoption of the Data Privacy specification, 1EdTech has rapidly expanded its TrustEd Apps program to include the vetting of non-member applications based on the Data Privacy Rubric. 1EdTech district/state and supplier members can now apply for and earn the 1EdTech Data Privacy Seal. Learn how to ensure that all of your applications are certified for Data Privacy. |
Statewide Track CASE Network Alliance
See how the growth and success of CASE Network are leading edtech suppliers and institutions to embrace CASE as the international standard for articulating competencies and academic standards in digital format to support aligned instruction. Hear about new preferred partnerships helping to drive adoption and learn about the new benefits of the CASE Network Alliance! |
4:00–4:45 PM |
Higher Education Track Making Data Work for You
What are the questions you wish your data could answer for you? How do you get from data to answers? Join an experienced crew to explore learning analytics, share the insights you’re trying to achieve, and even find out how the new Student Learning Data Model can help you understand how to leverage all the 1EdTech specifications to maximum effect. Bring your questions! |
Visit with Sponsors
Get resources from Learning Impact 2020 sponsors and 1EdTech Contributing Members to help you scale up your plug-and-play digital ecosystem. See the Virtual Sponsor Swag.