
Table A.2 JSON Representation

Table A.2 JSON Representation

On the Portable Custom Interaction page it looks like the JSON representation for Point, Pair, and Directed Pair are in error.


Point has:

{ “list” : {“point” : 123, 456, 45], [640, 480 } }

but should likely be:

{ “list” : {“point” : [123, 456, 45], [640, 480] } }


Pair has:

{ “list” : {“pair” : “A”, ”B”], [“D”, ”C” } }

but should likely be:

{ “list” : {“pair” : [“A”, ”B”], [“D”, ”C”] } }


Directed Pair starts with:

{ “list” : {“directedPair” : *$"
       "point": {
I don't think the *$" is correct but I'm not sure what is meant to be in its place.  The example looks quite a bit longer than it needs to be so I think something more is incorrect with this JSON Representation.

Hi Chris,

Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I think you are correct that there are errors here. The first two are as in Mike Aumock's original Candidate Final version of PCI 1.0, so we may want to double check with Mike on the correct values.

    As point should contain tuples I believe the first example should be more like
{ “list” : {“point” : [[123, 456], [640, 480]] } }
    I think you suggestion for pair is correct, except the entire list should be an array, i.e.

{ “list” : {“pair” : [[“A”, ”B”], [“D”, ”C”]] } }

    On the last example with directedPair I think that was a cut and paste error I made when copying from a Google Docs version of the PCI docs to the IMS rich text editor. I think this extra detail may have come from the JSON schema. It's odd as when I go to edit the doc the text is correct, but when I save this big chunk of text appears again.

    The example in the PCI 1.0 Candidate Final is I think correct:
{ “list” : {“directedPair” : [[”A”, ”B”], [”C”, ”D”] ] }

   I'll try to update the doc to fix these issues,

        All the best,


Hi all,

Hi all,

    Putting two left square brackets together seems to trigger some special behaviour in the RTE. To get the examples to display correctly I found I had to add a space between them, e.g. [ [ 

    It seems to be the same with two right square brackets.

         All the best,
