
CC v1.2 failing validation due to metadata issues

CC v1.2 failing validation due to metadata issues

I'm currently writing a cc export tool and am running into issues with the 1EdTech Validator. We have been running cc packages through the validator before importing them. They would usually validate until about a year ago when everything began failing validation. It seems the validator has been updated to be more strict. For the export tool, everything passes except resource level metadata. It will only allow a certain structure: . If I try to add other tags under or , validation fails. It seems to only allow data in resource metadata. Is this correct? The Version 1.2 Final Specification ( states 'The usage of metadata at other places in the common cartridge is not restricted. This may change in future versions of the specification.' So, is metadata restricted now? Is there an example of a valid cc v1.2 package with resource level metadata somewhere?