
Public Release of the OneRoster 1.1 Specification

Public Release of the OneRoster 1.1 Specification

Our organization's understanding is that the OneRoster 1.1 specification would be released publicly soon after the beginning of this school year. Is there an expected timeframe for its release?


Stephen Applebaum, PhD
Learning Technology Operations Director
Center for the Collaborative Classroom

OneRoster v1.1

Hello Stephen-

We anticipate releasing version 1.1 of OneRoster to the public later this year.




ColinSmythe's picture


Conformance Testing by IMS Members for OneRoster 1.1 has just begun.

Therefore, we now expect Final Release of the specifictaion to the public in Feb 2017.

ColinSmythe's picture

OR 1.1 Release Date Set

The IMS OneRister 1.1 speifictuon has now passed final vote.  The specification release date is set for the week starting 17th April, 2017.

Stephen Applebaum's picture

What comes around goes around .. years later

Wow! I forgot that IMS had forums until the OneRoster bootcamp, and now just realized I had posed a question!