
LIS 2.0 Finalisation Date

LIS 2.0 Finalisation Date

When will the LIS specification be in a finalized state and released?
ColinSmythe's picture

LIS 2.0 Finalisation Date


We are a little behind. The Final Release draft docs are currently being reviewed by the Project Group.
It looks more like the end of May before all the docs have been reviewed and completed.
The TAB then has to do a final review so mid June looks like a more reasonable release date.

Colin S.

LIS 2.0 Finalisation Date

Hi Colin,
Can you advise where the first wave docs that passed TAB vote are available?
ColinSmythe's picture

LIS 2.0 Finalisation Date


They will be under this web page when published:
Just waiting for the IMS team to have the bandwidth to get the docs onto the web-site.

Colin S.

LIS 2.0 Finalisation Date

Hi Colin,

While were waiting for the team to get bandwidth, can you email a copy of the docs?


LIS 2.0 Finalisation Date

Thanks Colin.

i also had a questions about Conformance with LIS 2.0. We were wondering if this is being made available and how we would go about getting tested and issued a conformance certificate?

ColinSmythe's picture

LIS 2.0 Finalisation Date


The Conformance Test framework is being developed and a first version will be released to IMS Members in the next week. This will then be made available to LIS Alliance Members at the end of March.

We will start formal Conf Testing in May 2011. IMS Members/LIS Alliance Members will be able to undergo Conf testing as soon as we have an agreed set of tests/process.

Conformance certification is only available to LIS Alliance Members (all IMS Contributing Members are automatically members of all IMS Alliances).

Colin S.
ColinSmythe's picture

LIS 2.0 Finalisation Date

Hi All,

Given the number of LIS docs (17 in total), I think having the TAB complete the review by mid June is unrealistic. As per the Public Draft release we will have the TAB review in three waves. The first wave will be LIS Spec and Primer, PMS, GMS and MMS (8 docs in total). Some of these will be submitted for IMS production next week (after which they are ready for TAB review).

The second wave will be the CMS, OMS and BDEMS (6 docs in total). The third wave will be the BPIG and the Core Profiles and Profile Overview (3 docs in total). Given two weeks per wave would make the final set finished at the end of July with the first wave published end of June.

Colin S.
ColinSmythe's picture

LIS 2.0 Finalisation Date Progress

Hi All,

The first set of docs are nearly ready for submission to the TAB to start the review process. Only the LIS Specification doc has not be sent to production (the final process before release to the TAB) i.e. the PMS, GMS, MMS Info Models and WSDL Binding docs and the LIS Spec Overview have finished production.

The LIS Spec doc is under review and should go to production the end of this week.

For wave two the CMS and OMS Info Models are in production. The CMS and OMS WSDL Bindings are under review. The BDEMS Info Model has been reviewed and is being amended whereas the BDEMS doc is still under development.

Colin S.
ColinSmythe's picture

LIS 2.0 Final Release

Hi All,

The final LIS v2.0 doc for Wave 1 TAB review/vote was submitted to IMS production earlier today. The Wave 1 doc set is:

(1) LIS v2.0 Specification Overview Final Release v1.0;
(2) LIS v2.0 Specification Final Release v1.0;
(3) PMS v2.0 Information Model Specification Final Release v1.0;
(4) PMS v2.0 WSDL/XSD Binding Specification Final Release v1.0;
(5) GMS v2.0 Information Model Specification Final Release v1.0;
(6) GMS v2.0 WSDL/XSD Binding Specification Final Release v1.0;
(7) MMS v2.0 Information Model Specification Final Release v1.0;
(8) MMS v2.0 WSDL/XSD Binding Specification Final Release v1.0.

The call to the IMS TAB for LIS Review/Vote participation will be issued on 25th July 2011. The actual vote/review will start no later than 8th August, 2011.

The end is now in sight.

Colin S.
ColinSmythe's picture

LIS 2.0 Final Release Update

Hi All,

The call for LIS review/vote participation has been issued to the IMS TAB: notification of participation must be received by the 10th August, 2011.

The first wave review/vote itself will open on the 15th August 2011 and will close on the 29th August, 2011.

Colin S.

LIS 2.0 Final Release Update

Hi Colin

Did the first wave review/vote complete on time, and is there now further certainty of timelines associated with when we will be able to get copies of the document contained in the first wave?

Have second and third wave TAB reviews been planned? Are there any preliminary dates for this and when we may be able to get the documents?

ColinSmythe's picture

LIS 2.0 Final Release Update


The first wave docs passed TAB vote on 29th August. The 8 Final Release docs approved will become public on or before the 12th September, 2011.

The second wave docs will go up for vote on 12th September with the vote closing on the 26th September.

We are still completing the third wave docs.

Colin S.

LIS 2.0 Finalisation Date

We're currently working with the LIS 2.0 draft specifications and had been advised they would be finalized late 2010, then March 2011. We have now heard rumor we can expect this sometime in April 2011.

Can some one please confirm the date the LIS specification will be finalized and released.

ColinSmythe's picture

LIS 2.0 Finalisation Date


We are working through the interoperability testing at present.
Our aim is to release the Final LIS at the LI2011 event in early May 2011 but this depends on the completion of the testing currently underway.

The only significant technical changes are in the composition of the Core Profiles to considerably simplify it. Otherwise the current Public Draft is an accurate version of what will be released (but there are some bugs that we are fixing in the WSDL/XSD files).

Colin S.