
Evolution of the LIS Outcomes Service

Evolution of the LIS Outcomes Service

The Outcomes Service is to have a life of its own
ColinSmythe's picture

Evolution of the LIS Outcomes Service

Hi All,

While the LIS Project Group has been working on the Outcomes Management Service (OMS) the LTI Project Group has been working on a profile of the OMS. The LIS/LTI groups have already had one significant iteration of the development of the OMS.

The latest proposal by the LTI for OMS includes 'Assignment Administration'. This is realised as a new service that uses the LIS Outcomes data model and also adds new features.

Also, the IMS team has also been aware of the growing importance of exchanging analytics information.

In response to this work, IMS is to start a new 'Outcomes, Analytics, ...' activity that will adopt the current OMS and the proposed new features from LTI. The full scope has yet to be agreed for this new activity.

The first meeting on this new activity will be held at the IMS Quarterly meeting (to be hosted by Microsoft at Redmond, QWA, USA) on Monday August 8th at 3:30pm (local time).

We would like to hear from the community of any use-caes that they think should be included in this extension of the OMS and to be included in this new activity.

Colin S.
ColinSmythe's picture

Outcomes Service to Remain as Public Draft in LISv2.0 Final...

Hi All,

As a consequence of the decision to create a new 'Outcomes, Analytics...' activity, the LIS Project Group has decided to alter the forthcoming LIS 2.0 Final Release publication. The changes are:

1) The Outcomes Management Service (OMS) will be published as Public Draft 2.0 i.e. a revision from the current Public Draft 1.0;
2) The LIS Core Profiles will still be published as Final Release - this includes the Final Grades Addition Profile;
3) Any future development of the OMS as it becomes Final Release guarantees to be backwards compatible with the Final grades Addition Profile.

The first order of work 'Outcomes, Analytics...' activity will be to complete the LIS/LTI consistency revision of OMS and to publish it as a Final Release.

Colin S.