
LTI Deep Linking with Outcomes Support

LTI Deep Linking with Outcomes Support

I am having difficulty in understanding the documentation.

For example under the column Mult does "1" mean the property is needed?

If so the "results" would be need? It appears under that -> LTI Launch Link with Outcomes Support
There is an example that does not have the "results". Any help on this would be appreciated.



"Mult" is short for multiplicity as in UML Multiplicity and a multiplicity of "1" does mean the property is required.

However the two links you referenced are from different standards. The second link points to an example of Content-Item Message which is used to add content to a platform. For example adding an assignment to a course in an LMS. The first link describes the data you send to the platform to report a grade.

BTW, since you posted LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage have been finalized and the examples are much improved: