Recommendation for Line item service
Recommendation for Line item service
I have noticed a few differences in the way in which the Line item service is implemented by different certified platforms. In particular, I have found one which does not display all the line items which are created by a tool within its gradebook. This makes it impossible for users to see all the scores assigned or include them in a final grade calculation, for example. Whilst the vendor concerned informed me that this does not contravene the Assignment and Grade services spec, I would like suggest that the spec be updated so that it does. If all of a tool's outcomes cannot be viewed within a platform, it means that tools must seek to provide an interface for displaying them, and the associated Gradebook Message spec could not be fully implemented. Does anyone else agree with this suggestion?
while this remains open
Hi Stephen - I'm going to also bring this to the project group next week and see what their thoughts are on it.