
Account creation via OneRoster

Account creation via OneRoster

In looking at the OneRoster CSV tables, I see that username and password are two fields that are included (though password is not required) in the users.csv file. Assuming we can consume OneRoster data, we would want to create accounts in our application database for all of the users that were uploaded. Some questions that I have:

  1. If we do create accounts in our system using the OneRoster username and passwords, how should we indicate to the user (teacher/student) which username / password that they should use to log into our site? Eg. "Log in with your OneRoster username and password"? Or "Log in with your <insert SIS vendor> username and password"? Is the SIS vendor data available?
  2. If the OneRoster file does not include password data, is the recommended approach to ask the user to set one after they identify themselves using their username provided via OneRoster? What is to prevent one user from falsely setting another user's account password?
  3. Since we require unique usernames in our system, it is quite possible for a username to already be taken when trying to import via OneRoster. Is there a recommended approach to this problem?

Hoping someone can help with these questions above. Thank you!

ColinSmythe's picture


Q1 This is an implementation decision and you would expect this to be controlled via the system administrator.

Q2 This is an implementation decision and you would expect this to be controlled via the system administrator.

Q3 This is a system administrator.  At CSV import the system should prompt the administrator of any potential data over-writes before altering the database.

All of you questions are beyond the scope of the OR spec.  You need to work out how the CSV import will be used within the workflows your system/users expect.