
2017-May-25 OB Workgroup Minutes

2017-May-25 OB Workgroup Minutes

Open Badges Workgroup

25 May 2017



Workgroup forum (agendas, minutes, discussion)

Current published 1EdTech OB 2.0 standard

GitHub repository (2.0)

Project timeline

1EdTech Intellectual Property Statement

Workgroup Chairs

Tim Cook

Mark Mercury

1EdTech Staff

Jeff Bohrer

Markus Gylling



Streaming recording (available for 30 days)


Attendance: Alex Hripak (Credly), Alex Ries (D2L), Amin Qazi (Unizin), Bryan Smith (Learning Objects), Deb Everhart (Learning Objects), Nate Otto (CSky), Octavio Heredia, Phil Long (UT-Austin), Tim Cook (LRNG), Viktor Haag (D2L); 1EdTech: Markus Gylling, Mark Leuba


  1. Welcome and introductions

  2. Reflections from Learning Impact conference

    • What were your key takeaways from the conference?

      • Comment: Happy to see OB adoption by multiple organizations

      • Comment: Good to learn more about Extended Transcript and Learning Pathways data models and growing maturity in these related spaces

      • Markus stated that 1EdTech will be starting a new task force that would look at a future framework for sharing vocabulary or ontology for these related standards. The task force will not start now as both eT 1.0 and OB 2.0 are on the cusp of being approved and released as final. Plan is to have a dedicated meeting at the August quarterly meeting.

      • Nate mentioned that he and Anthony Whyte (U Mich, 1EdTech Caliper group) may be collaborating on drafts of badge-related Caliper messaging profiles.

    • Minutes from OB workgroup mtg are posted in the workgroup’s forum

  1. GitHub issues check

    • New issue #152 (linked data signatures) will be tagged in github for future consideration

    • New issue #153 (arrays for criteria) needs further exploration and user scenarios, will not be in 2.0, and will be tagged for future consideration.

  1. Certification Requirements document

    • Approach is to identify the obvious requirements so that certification process can be expedited.

    • Group discussed nomenclature of various service providers in the badge ecosystem (issuers, displayers, backpacks, etc.) and need for improved and more nuanced terminology.

    • Focus over next few weeks will be to finalize certification requirements so that the 1EdTech certification site and tests can be developed in mid-late summer.

  1. Recommended Practices document

    • Group agreed that this document will follow from the work on certification requirements which should be completed first.


Upcoming events

  • Next meeting: Thursdays, 12:00 ET

  • August Quarterly meeting, Aug. 14 - 17. Ann Arbor, MI

    • Includes Open Badges Community meeting and OB Workgroup Aug. 16-17. If agenda can be built, OB Community would meet all day on Aug 16 and the OB Workgroup would meet the morning of Aug 17. Need to strongly consider a virtual community meeting for broadest participation and due to travel limitations for schools in August.

    • Hackathon, Aug. 17 & 18

  • November Quarterly meeting, Nov. 7 - 10, 2017, Microsoft Headquarters, Seattle/Redmond, WA

  • February Quarterly meeting & Digital Credentials Summit, Feb. 26 - Mar. 1, 2018, ASU, Scottsdale, AZ