Standards First - Compatibility Check Certification
Compatibility Check Certification is a new certification that designates suppliers that 1EdTech has verified are doing their utmost to accelerate the use of open standards in the marketplace as part of the Standards First Program. Standards First suppliers are highlighted in the 1EdTech community. As leaders in the promotion and adoption of standards these suppliers receive additional benefits, such as the ability to integrate the 1EdTech Compatibility Check tools into their software using an LTI launch, providing a value-add to their customers.
Level 1: Product Certification (today’s certification): Supplier members successfully completes the standalone online test for the OneRoster Standard and is listed in the Product Directory
Level 2: Compatibility Certification:
After completing Level 1 certification, Supplier onboards into Compatibility Check and completes Modeling and Characterization which specifies what their product needs and uses in the OneRoster® Specification. Supplier Product is listed in the Compatibility Check Product Directory which allows institutions to compare their OneRoster implementation with the needs of Supplier. Any discrepancies are displayed to the district and can be shared with the supplier. Compatibility Certifications are also listed in the 1EdTech website Product Directory.
Requirements for Compatibility Check Certification
- Be an Affiliate Member or Contributing Member of 1EdTech.
Pass Certification for OneRoster v1.1 REST and/or CSV for either Provider or Consumer or both Onboard into OneRoster Check -
- Consumers: Must Model their product completely and make it public for comparison
- Providers: Must onboard by running their system through characterization using district data and sufficiently pass by achieving all amber or green notifications Suppliers must keep their OneRoster certifications up to date, as well as, keep their model and/or characterization up to date within CCx and keep it public and viewable within the system.
- Suppliers must agree to solve any integration issues and/or support issues in their software in a timely manner .
- Providers must complete a successful characterization:
- A minimum of once per year of certification
- When a new version of their application is released to prove the latest version certifies
- Be an Affiliate Member or Contributing Member of 1EdTech.
- Utilize OneRoster v1.1 REST and/or CSV in their district Onboard into OneRoster Check -
- Characterize their OneRoster data utilizing CCX and achieve amber or green notifications
- Share their comparison data with suppliers.
- Must complete Compatibility/ Interoperability training (online by K-12 team)
- Districts must work with 1EdTech to help identify any integration and/or support issues that have been identified with OneRoster implementations within their district.