
What's New in QTI v2.2?

Here's a list summarizing the major changes and additions made to QTI between v2.1 and v2.2.

  • Support for Non-Manifest-Embedded Resource-specific Metadata
  • Support for the Exchange of Shared Stimulus Content
  • Support for W3C Speech Standards - Speech Synthesis Mark-up Language (SSML) v1.0 and v1.1
  • Support for W3C Speech Standards - Pronunciation Lexicon Standard (PLS)
  • Support for W3C Speech Standards - CSS
  • Support for <textEntryInteraction> Response Format control
  • Support for <gapImg> using the ‘top’ and ‘left’ attributes
  • Support for 'inlineChoice'
  • Added a 'Label' Element to the 'inlineChoiceInteraction'
  • Support for <gapText>
  • Support for Mixed Source Scoring in Response Processing
  • Support for Graphic Gap Match Support for 'gapText'
  • Support for MathML v3
  • Support for BIDI (R-L writing)
  • Support for 'figure' and 'fig caption' elements from HTML5
  • Support for specific ARIA elements
  • Support for HTML5 Data Attributes
  • Support for coords attribute on mediaInteraction
  • Support for HTML5 Audio/Video
  • Added HTML5 Elements supporting accessibility needs
  • Support for Ruby Markup and Styling
  • Added ‘minAssociation’ and ‘maxAssociation’ to Gap Match and Graphic Gap Match


For more detals and examples, see the QTI v2.2 specification documents.