
2017 K-12 Webinar 6

Accelerating Adoption of Digital Curriculum for Student-Centered Learning 

Event Date: Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Creating a portal with one user name and password that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, on any device allows students to access all interactive content for consumption and rich media tools for contribution, creativity, and problem-solving. The ideal ecosystem is an environment where students have a voice in their own learning through online collaboration, technology focus groups, and real-time digital feedback through blogs and virtual classrooms. Listen as suppliers and districts share the best way to accelerate adoption of digital curriculum.

Presenters: Dr. Barbara Nesbitt - School District of Pickens County (SC), Joe Griffin and Jeff Bradley - Keller ISD (TX), and Tom Ingram - Escambia County Schools (FL)

Moderator: Jill Hobson, 1EdTech Institutional Program Manager

This is the sixth webinar in the Leading the Evolution to Student-Centered Learning series for K-12 school district curriculum and technology leaders.

(53 minutes)