
2017-Mar-09 OB Workgroup Minutes

2017-Mar-09 OB Workgroup Minutes

Open Badges Workgroup

09 March 2017



Meeting URL:

Password: badges

Phone access: 1-650-479-3207

Access code: 732 632 014



Workgroup forum (agendas, minutes, discussion)

Current published 1.1 spec & documentation (Badge All.)

GitHub repository (2.0)

1EdTech specification milestone tracker

1EdTech Intellectual Property Statement

Workgroup Chairs

Tim Cook

Mark Mercury

1EdTech Staff

Jeff Bohrer

Markus Gylling




Streaming archive:


Attendance: Amin Qazi (Unizin), Andy Johnson (ADL), Charles Touron (Dept. of Army), David Leaser (IBM), Jason Haag (ADL), Jono Poltrack (ADL), Lauri Ross (IBM), Mark Leuba (1EdTech), Mark Mercury (Acclaim Pearson), Markus Gylling (1EdTech), Nate Otto (Concentric Sky), Viktor Haag (D2L), Jeff Bohrer (1EdTech)


  1. Welcome/introductions/announcements

    • Note the next in-person meeting will be held Fri May 19, 9am-12pm at the 1EdTech LILI conference


  1. Update from 1EdTech Quarterly meeting last week [Jeff B]

    • Digital Credentials & Badges Exec Board reviewed the OB 2.0 specification and approved it unanimously as a “Candidate Final / Public Draft” document

      1. Supportive of keeping spec simple and flexible and not expand complexity at this time

      2. Strong support for portability of badges; supported requiring baked badges for conformance certification

      3. 5-6 vendors expressed interest in implementing OB 2.0 by June

        1. Suggestion made for this workgroup to create and maintain a progress tracker of vendor implementations

    • OB Workgroup (see 3/1 agenda with links to presentations)

      1. Reviewed user stories for validator service; recommendation to use BadgeCheck as validator engine

      2. Presentation by Bryan Smith (Learning Objects) from 1EdTech CBE workgroup on the extended transcript (eT) project and data model. Discussion of need to align on a few data elements. Opportunity for 1EdTech to establish common shared vocabularies. Discussion of relationship between eT, Open Badges, and a learner’s “pathway”, e.g. in-progress academic program or informal learning path.

      3. Emerging topics discussion. Focused on identifying high-level topics, articulating the current state of each, and identifying potential actions (though many would be out of scope of current OB workgroup). OB Workgroup can review to inform future roadmap.


  1. Standing topic: Specification update - Review of any new issues and recent work [Markus G]


  1. 2.0 validator project update [Markus G / Nate O]

    • Located at

    • This is the current highest priority so as to support implementers

    • 2 week sprints planned; see Milestones in repo; will give progress updates at workgroup meetings

    • Workgroup members can participate either now if experienced with python modules or provide feedback as developers request


  1. Other

    • Suggestion made to plan a variety of presentations by members on their projects related to badges. One example is interest in learning more about military-to-workforce transition needs.





Upcoming Events

  1. 1EdTech Learning Impact annual conference

    • May 16-19, Denver


    • Workgroup f2f meeting: Friday May 19, 9am-12pm (remote participation likely)


Next Meeting

  • Weekly, Thursdays, 12:00pm EST; details