
2017-Sept-21 OB Workgroup Minutes

2017-Sept-21 OB Workgroup Minutes

Open Badges Workgroup

21 September 2017



Workgroup forum (agendas, minutes, discussion)

Current published 1EdTech OB 2.0 standard

GitHub repository (2.0)

Project timeline

1EdTech Intellectual Property Statement

Workgroup Chair

Tim Cook

Jarin Schmidt

1EdTech Staff

Jeff Bohrer

Markus Gylling



Streaming recording (available for 30 days)

Attendance: Alex Hripak (Credly), Andy Creighton (ADL), Brett Herzog (ProExam/ACT), Jarin Schmidt (Acclaim), Jeff Kahn (Cal State System), Justin Pitcher (Chalk and Wire), Kim Duffy (Learning Machine), Nate Otto (CSky), Phil Long (UT-Austin), Tim Cook (LRNG), Viktor Haag (D2L); 1EdTech: Jeff Bohrer, Mark Leuba, Markus Gylling


  1. Welcome / Introductions / Announcements

    • Jeff asked for feedback on changing scheduled meeting time at Nov. Quarterly from Tues Nov. 7 to Fri Nov. 10, 9am-12pm, in order to meet with eT workgroup members who are meeting at the same time Friday. Workgroup supported this change, so Jeff will make change to program schedule.


  1. Follow-ups from last meeting

    • Salesforce patent - Jeff reminded group of 1EdTech request for members to engage their legal counsel on the matter and provide feedback to 1EdTech. Phil reported on a conversation he had with a Salesforce vice president. Phil mentioned he is hosting a meeting at EDUCAUSE Nov. 2 on the patent issue and Open Badges and all are invited.


  1. Quick updates - current projects


  1. Workgroup priorities

    • Proposal for feedback:

      • September - December: Finish what is in process

        1. Finish certification suite and get products certified

        2. Review extensions and publish

        3. LMS-Badging integrations landscape

      • January - May

        1. New initiatives following input from Dig. Cred. Exec. Board

        2. Begin OB 2.0 backlog review

    • Markus discussed work on reviewing extensions including Blockcerts, Extended Transcript, and existing extensions published with OB 2.0. Rationale is that it provides more functionality for ecosystem. Intellectual Property is a key issue so 1EdTech will follow its usual spec development process which includes IP protection for members. Current implementations of existing extensions is somewhere between zero and negligible.

      • Discussion about licensing extensions. Suggestion from Nate to contact existing authors and get agreement to issue under 1EdTech license (Apache 2). Markus would like to get 1EdTech legal direction on this.

      • Nate has interest in exploring new extensions for CASE due to a client’s requirements, specifically adding rubric data to BadgeClasses based on CASE, possibly use existing Assessment extensions.

      • Validator in development could use more testing of badges with extensions and documentation of any found issues. Jeff offered to test any members’ badges and document issues.


  1. Agenda for Nov. 10 quarterly meeting


  1. Next OB workgroup meeting: Thurs. Oct. 5


Upcoming events

  • Next workgroup meetings: all meet at 12:00 ET

    • Oct. 5, 19

    • Nov. 2, 16, 30

    • Dec 14; Jan 4, 18;

  • 1EdTech Quarterly meeting, Nov. 7 - 10, 2017, Microsoft Headquarters, Seattle/Redmond, WA

  • 1EdTech Open Badges Community Meeting (online), November. Tentative: Nov 14, 12:00-1:30pm ET

  • 1EdTech Quarterly meeting & Digital Credentials Summit, Feb. 26 - Mar. 1, 2018, ASU, Scottsdale, AZ