


Learning Impact Leadership Institute 2016


The Future of EdTech Starts Here!

23 - 26 May 2016 - San Antonio, Texas


The Learning Impact Leadership Institute, established in 2007, is truly unlike any other education conference you have ever attended! It's not only a conference, but a vital community of education and technology leaders from around the world working together to advance progress towards putting in place an open architecture to support next generation digital learning.

2017 Conference Details

Sponsorship Packages

Call for Presentations - Closes November 1, 2017


Learning Impact Awards

Learn about the Winners of the 2016 Learning Impact Awards


2016 Conference Details


Institute Brochure


Past Events

2015 Learning Impact Leadership Institute


Next Generation Digital Learning Lightning Speakers and

Review Panel Participants

Vibrant plenary sessions will feature a series of 15-minute lightening talks by recognized industry leaders focused on defining the “next generation of digital learning” to help the education community realize the state of the art in learning platforms, tools, content, apps, assessment and analytics.
The talks will be followed by a response panel comprised of Higher Ed and K-12 Institution leaders.

View All Confirmed Presenters

Rob Abel Beatriz Arnallias John Baker Tim Beekman
Malcolm Brown Trina Davis Sean Demonner Martin Dougiamas
Dale Johnson

Rick Johnson

Tricia Kennedy

Mary-Ellen Kreher

Jon Mott Stephen Laster John O'Brien Jenn Stringer
Connie Yowell


K-12 and HED Summits: Creating the Open Ecosystem for Academic Digital Transformation 

Hosted by: The IMS K-12 & HED Institutional Executive Boards


K-12 Summit HED Summit

The IMS K-12 member community is driving towards establishing the K-12 Centers of Excellence to accelerate progress towards an integrated digital curriculum and next generation digital learning for the 21st century. The end goal of this important initiative is to create an easy-to-use ‘playbook’ to streamline the learning curve for K-12 curriculum leaders and districts who are working towards integrating digital curriculum, tools and data. This 1/2 day Summit for K-12 District leaders will provide an update on this exciting project, but more importantly Summit participants will collectively identitfy ideas and priorities to help accelerate progress in transitioning to fully integrated digital curriculum to enable personalized learning.  Learn more.

A resounding need is emerging across the Higher Education sector for resources to support the process of implementing IMS standards and practices to make it significantly easier to support next generation digital teaching and learning. To lead off the 2016 Learning Impact Leadership Institute, we will gather HED academic and IT leaders for a 1/2 day Summit to share the latest information and updates about the progress being achieved by the work of the education community to achieve "plug and play" interoperability, but more importantly to develop ideas to accelerate adoption and inform IMS priorities for the next 3-5 years. Your ideas and leadership are needed to help shape the future of educational technology. Learn more.


Dr. William H. Graves
William H. Graves

IMS Global William H. (Bill) Graves Leadership Award

First Ever Award Will be Given at Learning Impact Leadership Institute 2016


Interactive Breakout Sessions

Over 60 breakout sessions by industry leaders featuring practical strategies and effective practices to enable next generation digital learning across the following highly relevant program tracks:

  • ​Digital Credentialing, Badging & Competency-Based Education
  • Transitioning to K-12 Digital Curriculum & Interoperability
  • e-Assessment Transformation
  • Learning Data & Analytics
  • Higher Education Next Generation Digital Learning Leadership
  • Plug & Play Ecosystem of Platforms, Apps & Tools
  • Integrated & Effective Digital Curriculum



Learning Impact Leadership Institute 2016 Sponsors


Diamond Sponsor
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation logo
Diamond Sponsor
Safari Montage
Diamond Sponsor

McGraw Hill Education Logo
Diamond Sponsor


 Diamond Sponsor

ACT Logo

Platinum Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

D2L Logo 

Platinum Sponsor

HMH logo

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

SPi Global

Gold Sponsor

itsLearning logo
Gold Sponsor

Blackboard Logo

Gold Sponsor

TextHelp logo
Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Clever Logo

Bronze Sponsor

ETS logo

Bronze Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor



Instructure is deeply committed to the goals and initiatives of 1EdTech. The Learning Impact Leadership Institute helps raise awareness for the collaborative work being done to further open standards and innovation in education.

Melissa Loble

Melissa Loble

VP, Platform & Partnerships, Instructure

The Learning Impact Leadership Institute is a conduit for connecting Purdue with other institutions that have the same needs and issues providing better learning technology for instructors and students. Talking to technology leaders about shared challenges has enabled better decisions while reducing mistakes by learning from the experience of others.

Jason Fish

Jason Fish

Director, Teaching and Learning Technologies, Purdue University

I experienced my first Learning Impact Leadership Institute 2018 in Baltimore.  Every session, meal conversation, and hallway gathering illuminated new knowledge and awareness of our common goals in digital learning. This conference allowed me the opportunity to network with individuals in every space of education technology.

Emily Bell

Emily Bell

Director of Enterprise Applications, Fulton County Schools