
Learning Impact Blog

1EdTech CEO Rob AbelRob Abel, Ed.D. | April 2020

Effective Digital Teaching and Learning in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond

"1EdTech will be capturing and synthesizing the learnings from our members as they deliver digital learning at unprecedented levels and prepare for more to come." —Dr. Rob Abel

We are learning so much right now as more and more are involved in the practice of using digital technology to support an unprecedented move to virtual learning in both K-12 and higher education. We are learning about the limitations and advantages of a wide array of technologies—some relatively new and some that have been with us for a couple of decades. We are learning what is needed to support at scale.  

Yes, it is true that the radical nature of the shift may not be giving us much time to be thoughtful. But as an old Chinese proverb said, loosely translated: "The best time to plant a tree would have been long ago, but the next best time is now." We are all making changes based on necessity, so the goals are to make improvements for the future and for today if we can.

It is in this spirit that 1EdTech launches our on-demand virtual series on "Solutions for Highly Effective Digital Teaching and Learning." 1EdTech will be capturing and synthesizing the learnings from our members as they deliver digital learning at unprecedented levels and prepare for more to come.

My expectations for this series are high. 1EdTech members are the leaders on the planet when it comes to digital learning, technology agility, and scale. I will be involved in facilitating these conversations along with others on the 1EdTech team. What we are most interested in is what we have learned so far, and how can we all be more effective going into the summer, fall and beyond?

I will be providing synthesis and analysis right here in the monthly newsletter and Learning Impact blog. All of the recordings from this series will be made available as a public service.

Let's keep the learning going!
